Image of bambarra groundnut
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Bambarra Groundnut

Vigna subterranea (L.) Verdc.

Vigna subterranea ( Catalan; Valencian )

provided by wikipedia CA

Vigna subterranea (en anglès també coneguda amb els noms comuns de Bambara groundnut, Bambara-bean,[2] Congo goober,[2] earth pea,[3] ground-bean,[2] o hog-peanut)[2] és una espècie da planta fabàcia similar al cacauet. És una planta nativa d'Àfrica Occidental. Vigna subterranea, com també ho fa el cacauet, madura les seves tavelles sota terra. Es cultiva a l'Àfrica i es poden menjar crus o bullits despés d'assecats.

El nom comú de Bambara prové de l'idioma Bamanankan de Mali.

Aspectes agronòmics

Llavors de Bambara recent collides
Plantes de Bambara
Vigna subterranea

Les llavors de bamabara representen la tercera[4] llavor de lleguminosa més important en l'Àfrica semiàrida. “Resisteix les altes temperatures i és adequada per als sòls marginals on altres lleguminoses no podrien créixer”.[5] A més no són exigents en la fertilitat del sòl[6] i tenen un lat valor nutritiu amb un 65% de carbohidrats[7] i un 18% de proteïna[7] content.[6][8]

A l'Àfrica Occidental, les seves llavors es mengen com aperitiu torrades o saltades o Ibé bullides de forma similar a les altres lleguminoses.

Els sòls òptims han de tenir entre 50 i 100 cm de fondària,[9] amb una textura lleugera que faciliti l'autoenterrament de les tavelles.[9] la fertilitat del sòl pot ser baixa[9] i el pH més adequat lleugerament àcid entre 5 i 6,5[9] però no pot ser més baix de 4,3[9] ni més alt de 7.[9]

Respecte al clima ha de ser el tropical humit o sec,[9] i el subtropical d'estiu sec. La seva temperatura òptima està entre els 19 i els 30 °C.[9] Temperatures per sota dels 16 °C[9] i per sobre dels 38°C[9] no li són adequades. És una planta molt resistent a la secada.[10] La pluviometria mínima anual és de 300 mm[9] i la pluviometria òptima entre 750 mm[9] i 1400 mm[9] i no ha d'excedir dels 3000 mm.[9]

Com que Vigna subterranea normalment es cultiva com conreu associat, normalment no rep fertilitzant addicional. Una collita de 1000 kg de llavors i de 925 kg de fulles extreu del sòl i de l'aire 55,7 kg de nitrogen,[11] 26,2 kg de potassi,[11] 25,1 kg de carboni,[11] 7.8 kg P[11] i 6,6 kg de magnesi.[11] Com que és una lleguminosa el fòsfor és l'element nutrient més important amb una aplicació de 60 kg/ha[12] de P2O5 recomanadaa Yola, Adamawa State, Nigèria.

La producció mundial de Vigna subterranea va ser de [13] 79.155 tones l'any 2005[13]


El cicle de conreu es troba entre 90–170 dies[9] les flors apareixen als 40–60 dies[10] després de sembrar. 30 dies[10] després de la pol·linització, la tavella arriba a la maduresa als 55 dies[10] les llavors estan completament desenvolupades als 30 dies posteriors.

És una planta autògama[10] (autofertilitzada i cleistògama[10]


 src= A Wikimedia Commons hi ha contingut multimèdia relatiu a: Vigna subterranea Modifica l'enllaç a Wikidata
  1. «The Plant List: A Working List of All Plant Species».
  2. 2,0 2,1 2,2 2,3 «USDA GRIN Taxonomy».
  3. «Definition And Classification Of Commodities (Draft): 4. Pulses And Derived Products». Food and Agriculture Organization, 1994. [Consulta: 21 juny 2013].
  4. Ocran, V. K,. Seed Management Manual for Ghana. Accra Ghana: MOFA, 1998.
  5. Yamaguchi, M. World Vegetables. New York: Van Nostrand Reinhold, 1983.
  6. 6,0 6,1 Baryeh, E.A. «Physical properties of bambara groundnuts». Journal of food engineering, vol. 47, 2001, pàg. 321–326. DOI: 10.1016/s0260-8774(00)00136-9 [Consulta: 3 maig 2011].
  7. 7,0 7,1 Doku, E.V.. Proceedings of the Workshop on Conservation and Improvement of Bambara groundnut (Vigna subterranean (L.). Harare Zimbabwe: University of Ghana, 1995.
  8. Dance, A. «Diversity of the Neglected and Underutilized Crop Species of Importance in Benin». The Scientific World Journal, vol. 2012, 19-04-2012, pàg. 932947. DOI: 10.1100/2012/932947. PMC: 3349165. PMID: 22593712.
  9. 9,00 9,01 9,02 9,03 9,04 9,05 9,06 9,07 9,08 9,09 9,10 9,11 9,12 9,13 9,14 «Data sheet Vigna subterranea». Ecocrop. FAO. [Consulta: 16 març 2011].
  10. 10,0 10,1 10,2 10,3 10,4 10,5 Nichterlein, Karin. «Vigna subterranea». Ecoport. [Consulta: 16 març 2011].
  11. 11,0 11,1 11,2 11,3 11,4 Mkandawire, Ceasar H «Review of Bambara Groundnut (Vigna subterranea (L.) Verdc.) Production in Sub-Sahara Africa». Agricultural Journal, vol. 2, 4, 2007, pàg. 464–470. DOI: 10.3923/aj.2007.464.470 [Consulta: 16 març 2011].
  12. Toungos, M.D. «Recommended Fertilizer Levels on Bambara Groundnut (Vigna subterranea (L) Verde) in Yola Adamawa State, Nigeria». Agricultural Journal, vol. 4, 1, 2009, pàg. 14–21. DOI: 10.3923/aj.2009.14.21 [Consulta: 16 març 2011].
  13. 13,0 13,1 «FAOSTAT». FAO. [Consulta: 2 febrer 2015].

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Vigna subterranea: Brief Summary ( Catalan; Valencian )

provided by wikipedia CA

Vigna subterranea (en anglès també coneguda amb els noms comuns de Bambara groundnut, Bambara-bean, Congo goober, earth pea, ground-bean, o hog-peanut) és una espècie da planta fabàcia similar al cacauet. És una planta nativa d'Àfrica Occidental. Vigna subterranea, com també ho fa el cacauet, madura les seves tavelles sota terra. Es cultiva a l'Àfrica i es poden menjar crus o bullits despés d'assecats.

El nom comú de Bambara prové de l'idioma Bamanankan de Mali.

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Bambara-Erdnuss ( German )

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Die Bambara-Erdnuss (Vigna subterranea), im deutschen Sprachraum auch Erderbse oder Angola-Erbse, sowie früher auch Kriechender Erdbohrer genannt, ist eine Pflanzenart, die zur Unterfamilie der Schmetterlingsblütler (Faboideae) innerhalb der Familie der Hülsenfrüchtler (Fabaceae oder Leguminosae) gehört. Diese Nutzpflanze ist nahe verwandt mit einer Reihe anderer „Bohnen“ genannter Feldfrüchte.

Sie stammt aus Westafrika und wird heute in ganz Afrika, Asien, Australien und Mittel- und Südamerika kultiviert. Ihr deutscher Name leitet sich der ethnischen Gruppe der Bambara her. Hauptanbauländer sind Burkina Faso, Mali, Kamerun und Niger, sowie Nigeria, Tschad und Ghana. Sie ist eine ausgesprochen trockenheitsresistente Pflanze, die auch nährstoffarme Böden verträgt. Ähnlich sind die häufig genutzten Samen der Augenbohne oder der Erdbohne. Die wichtigste umgangssprachliche Bezeichnung im Anbaugebiet (frankophones Westafrika) lautet "Voandzou".[1]

Beschreibung und Ökologie

Feld mit der Bambara-Erdnuss (Vigna subterranea)
Früchte und Samen
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Vegetative Merkmale

Die Bambara-Erdnuss ist eine einjährige, ursprünglich flach kriechende, domestiziert aufrechte, bis etwa 30 Zentimeter hohe krautige Pflanze mit einer Pfahlwurzel. Die dreizähligen Blätter sind wechselständig, mit bis 30 Zentimeter langen Stielen. Die kurz gestielten, bis 10 Zentimeter langen Blättchen sind elliptisch bis eiförmig mit abgerundeter bis eingebuchteter Spitze. Die Nebenblätter (Stipeln) der Fiederblättchen sind sehr klein. Die ein- bis dreiblütigen, haarig gestielten Blütenstände sind nahe dem Boden. Die kurz gestielten, weißlich-gelben und zwittrigen Schmetterlingsblüten haben einen fünflappigen kurzen Kelch und zehn Staubblätter, wovon nur eins frei ist. Der einkammerige Fruchtknoten ist oberständig, mit einem langen, gebogenen, im oberen Teil bärtigen Griffel mit zweiteiliger Narbe. Es sind extraflorale Nektarien vorhanden, oft an einer abortiven Blütenknospen.

Generative Merkmale

Die meist rundliche oder selten längliche, bis etwa 2,5–4 Zentimeter lange und hellbräunliche, leicht runzlige Hülsenfrucht enthält meist nur einen oder selten zwei glatte Samen. Die etwa 1 Zentimeter großen, rundlich bis ellipsoiden, teils abgeflachten und harten Samen sind von unterschiedlicher Farbe (hell, rot, orange, schwarz, auch gefleckt). Um das weiße Hilum ist manchmal ein farbiges „Auge“ ausgebildet. Die Hülsen wachsen wie bei der Erdnuss an einem langen Karpophor unter der Erde, sie sind aber härter. Dies ist eine Anpassung an Buschfeuer, die das Verbrennen der Samen verhindert. Es ist also eine geokarpe (boden-, erdfrüchtige) Pflanze.

Die Chromosomenzahl beträgt 2n = 22.[2]


Man kann die jungen Hülsenfrüchte oder die getrockneten Samen verwenden. Letztere werden entweder eingeweicht und gekocht, oder zu Mehl gemahlen.


Vigna subterranea gehört zur Sektion Vigna in der Untergattung Vigna innerhalb der Gattung Vigna.[3]

1648 beschrieb sie erstmals Marcgrave de Liebstad als „Mandubi d'Angola“. Die Erstveröffentlichung erfolgte 1763 unter dem Namen (Basionym) Glycine subterranea durch Carl von Linné. Die Neukombination zu Vigna subterranea (L.) Verdc. wurde 1980 durch Bernard Verdcourt in Kew Bulletin, Volume 35, S. 474 veröffentlicht. Synonyme für Vigna subterranea (L.) Verdc. sind: Voandzeia subterranea (L.) Thouars ex DC.[3] Weiter Synonyme waren Arachis africana Burm. und Cryptolobus subterraneus Spreng.

Siehe auch


  1. Touré, Yaya et al. (2013): Prospection, collecte et caractérisation agromorphologique des morphotypes de Voandzou [Vigna subterranea (L.) Verdc.(Fabaceae)] de la Zone savanicole en Cote d'Ivoire. In: European Scientific Journal, 9:308-325. Hier insbesondere S. 309.
  2. Voandzeia subterranea bei Tropicos.org. In: IPCN Chromosome Reports. Missouri Botanical Garden, St. Louis.
  3. a b Vigna subterranea im Germplasm Resources Information Network (GRIN), USDA, ARS, National Genetic Resources Program. National Germplasm Resources Laboratory, Beltsville, Maryland.
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Bambara-Erdnuss: Brief Summary ( German )

provided by wikipedia DE

Die Bambara-Erdnuss (Vigna subterranea), im deutschen Sprachraum auch Erderbse oder Angola-Erbse, sowie früher auch Kriechender Erdbohrer genannt, ist eine Pflanzenart, die zur Unterfamilie der Schmetterlingsblütler (Faboideae) innerhalb der Familie der Hülsenfrüchtler (Fabaceae oder Leguminosae) gehört. Diese Nutzpflanze ist nahe verwandt mit einer Reihe anderer „Bohnen“ genannter Feldfrüchte.

Sie stammt aus Westafrika und wird heute in ganz Afrika, Asien, Australien und Mittel- und Südamerika kultiviert. Ihr deutscher Name leitet sich der ethnischen Gruppe der Bambara her. Hauptanbauländer sind Burkina Faso, Mali, Kamerun und Niger, sowie Nigeria, Tschad und Ghana. Sie ist eine ausgesprochen trockenheitsresistente Pflanze, die auch nährstoffarme Böden verträgt. Ähnlich sind die häufig genutzten Samen der Augenbohne oder der Erdbohne. Die wichtigste umgangssprachliche Bezeichnung im Anbaugebiet (frankophones Westafrika) lautet "Voandzou".

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Kacang bogor ( Sundanese )

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Kacang Bogor (Voandzeia subterranea L.) nyaéta kacang nu asalna ti Afrika beulah kulon.[2] Kacang ieu asup ka Indonésia nalika mangsa abad ka-20.[2] Kacang ieu boga ngaran rupa-rupa saperti kacang bogor, kacang bogo, kacang manila, kacang banten (bs. Indonésia), kacang banten atawa kara pendem (bs. Jawa), kacang bogor, kacang bandung, kacang génggé, kacang jogo, kacang gondolo jeung kacang manila (bs. Sunda).[3] Kaonjoyan tangkal ieu nyaéta bisa hirup di taneuh nu unsur harana saeutik.[2] Kacang ieu geus sumebar ka wewengkon Madagaskar, Mauritus, India, Ceylon, Malaysia, Philipina, Iowa, New Caledonia, Australia, Amérika Tengah tropis, Suriname jeung Brazilia.[4]

Ciri, Rupa jeung Gizi Kacang Bogor


Tangkal kacang bogor ieu mangrupa hérba sausum kalawan cabang-cabang lateral nu sulurna ka luhur taneuh.[4] Tangkal ieu boga daun majemuk kalawan tilu daun leutik nu ngawangun rupa ellips.[4] Tangkéy daunna panjang jeung buluan.[4]

Kembang kacang bogor kaasup tipe kembang kupu-kupu. Kembang mucunghul ti kélél daun tur sumebar tumuwuhna.[4] Mahkuta kembang warnana konéng ngora, konéng kolot kabeureum-beureuman jeung aya ogé nu warnana beureum kolot.[4] Panjang tangkéy kembang teu leuwih ti 1,5 cm.[4] Sanggeus sistem penyerbukan, tangkéy kembang manjang tuluy asup ka jero taneuh jadi ginofora.[4]


Numutkeun wujudna, kacang bogor dibagi jadi dua bagéan nyaéta:[5]

  1. Kacang bogor polong hiji, nyaéta kacang nu rumpunna ngahasilkeun polong nu dominan sikina hiji.[5]
  2. Kacang bogor polong ganda, nyaéta kacang nu unggal rumpunna ngahasilkeun polong nu dominan sikina dua.[5]

Dumasar kana ukurana, dibagi ku dua bagéan ogé nyaéta polong nu ukurana gedé jeung leutik gumantung kana tingkat kasuburan taneuh jeung kumaha cara miarana di kebon.[5] Kacang bogor kaasup kana 18 rupa tatangkalan Leguminosae pangan nu bisa dijadikeun prospék nu alus pikeun komersial.[6]


Gizi nu aya di kacang bogor nyaéta karbohidrat, protéin jeung lemak.[2] Masing-masing lobana 65g, 16g jeung 6g per 100g.[2] Total énergi nu dihasilkeun ku tilu zat gizi éta nyaéta 370 kkal/100g.[2] Di jero protéina ngawengku asam-amino ésénsial nu penting pisan pikeun kaséhatan.[2] Asam amino nu pangdominanna nyaéta metionin jeung lisin.[2]

Budidaya Kacang Bogor


Tangkal kacang bogor bisa dipelak kalawan subur di wewengkon nu rata-rata suhu taunana 19 - 27 darajat celcius ogé ku panonpoe nu cukup.[4] Hujan nu idéalna nyaéta 500 mm - 3.500 mm/taun.[4] Kacang bogor minangka tangkal nu umurna pondok.[4] Tangkal ieu bisa tumuwuh kalawan gadé di daratan nu luhurna nepi ka 1.520 mdpl.[4] Kalawan asam taneuh (pH) nyaéta 5,0 - 6,5.[4]

Cara Ngolah Taneuh

Ngolah taneuh pikeun kacang bogor nyaéta saminggu saméméh dipelak kalawan dipacul.[4] Nalika taneuh diwuluku, dibéré pupuk kandang lobana 3 ton/ha.[4]


Jarak pelak nu dipaké nyaéta 60 cm x 25 cm.[4] Melakna ku cara ngaliangan taneuh.[4] Unggal liang diasupkeun dua siki binih.[4] Saméméh dipelak, binih dikeueum sapeuting di cai tiis sangkan ngagancangkeun mucunghulna tunas.[4] Sangkan binih teu ruksak, di jero liang dibéré Furadan 3G saloba 30 kg/ha.[4]


Iwal ti pupuk kandang, bisa ogé maké pupuk buatan nyaéta Uréa 100 kg/ha, TSP 50 kg/ha jeung KCl 50 kg/ha.[4] Pupuk TSP jeung KCl dibéré babarengan dina sakali pelak.[4] Pupuk uréa dibéré tilu kali nyaéta ⅓ dosis dina nalika dipelak, ⅓ dosis nalika umur tangkal 21 HST (hari setelah tanam) jeung ⅓ nalika rék kembangan nyaéta 35 HST.[4]


Dilakukeun dua kali nalika tangkal umurna 4 MST (minggu sanggeus tanam) jeung 10 MST.[4] Nyiangan dilakukeun kalawan maké sistem koréd.[4]


Tangkal kacang bisa dipanén nalika 140 - 170 HST.[4] Tanda tangkal siap panén nyaéta daunna konéng.[4] Panén dulakukeun ku cara nyabut sakabéh bagéan tangkal kalawan tarapti ku bantuan garpuh taneuh.[4]


  1. "The Plant List: A Working List of All Plant Species".
  2. a b c d e f g h Astawan, Made. 2009. Sehat Dengan Hidangan Kacang & Biji-bijian. Depok: Penebar Swadaya
  3. Kays, Stanley J. 2011. Cultivated Vegetables of the World: a Multilingual Onomasticon. Netherlands: Wageningen Academic Publishers
  4. a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z aa ab Fachruddin, Lisdiana. 2000. Budidaya Kacang-kacangan. Yogyakarta: Kanisius
  5. a b c d Rukmana, Rahmat. 2000. Kacang Bogor Budi Daya dan Prospek Usaha Tani. Yogyakarta: Kanisius
  6. Aykroyd,W.R. 1982. Legumes in Human Nutrition. Rome: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
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Kacang bogor ( Javanese )

provided by wikipedia emerging languages
Vigna subterranea

Kacang bogor (Vigna subterranea (L.) Verdc. syn. Voandzeia subterranea (L.) Thouars) punika kalebet jinis kacang- kacangan ingkang misuwur ing Indonésia. Dipunsebat kacang bogor amargi kacang punika dipunsadé ing laladan Bogor, Jawa Kulon.


Tuwuhan punika dipunbeto ing Indonésia ing wiwitanipun abad ka-20 minangka salah satunggaling tuwuhan ingkang ngewrat protéin ingkang énggal,[1] nanging tuwuhan punika boten patos dipunmangertosi tiyang kathah amargi prodhkusinipun ingkang namung sekedhik lan ngantos sak punika dipunanggep dharanan selingan kemawon. Laladan asal saking tuwuhan kacang bogor punika dèrèng dipunmangertosi kanthi nyata, nanging dipunkinten, tuwuhan punika asalipun saking laladan Afrika, mliginipun ing Afrika Kulon ingkang gadhah iklim tropis ugi.[2] Lan laladan tuwuhipun kacang kathah- kathahipun ing laladan sub- Sahara Afrika ingkang gadhah iklim tropis.[3] Sapunika, kacang bogor sampun ngrembaka lan nyebar ngantos ing Madagaskar, Mauritus, India, Ceylon, Indonesia, Filipina, Malaysia, Iowa, New Caledonia, Australia, Amérika Tengah (ingkang laladan tropis]], lan Brazil.


TAnduran kacang bogor punika kalebet tuwuhan legum utawi ingkang misuwur dados taduran ingkang saged tahan saking kawatesaning unsur hara. Wohipun asipat kados kacang brol amargi wohipun mlebet ing sak njeroning siti..[4] In addition, it makes very little demand on the soil[5] Polongipun wujudipun bunder wonten kerutanipun kanthi dawanipun udakawis 1 - 1,5 cm. etunggal polong padatanipun ngewrat satunggal wiji, nanging wonten ugi ingkang wosipun wonten kalih. Wijinipun kacang bogor inggih wujudipun bunder, alus teksturipun, lan atos badhé sampun dipunmangsak lan sampun garing. Wernanipun wiji kacang brol inggih punika krem, coklat, abrit, lan wonten totol- totolipun. Kados ta jinising legum ingkang sanèsipun, tuwuhan punika ugi gadhah simbiosis kaliyan bakteri oangiket Nitrogen bébas, kanthi mbentuk bintil- bintil akar ingkang wonten bakterinipun. Tuwuhan kacang bogor punika inggih kabet tuwuhan herba satunggal mangsa kanthi wontenipun cawang- cawang lateral ingkang njalar wonten ing sak nginggiling siti. Tuwuhan punika gadhah ron majemuk kanthi tigang ronipun kanthi wujud radi elips. Pangipun ron dawa, saged tuwuh jejeg lan wonten wulunipun sekedhik.

Cathetan suku

  1. "Data sheet Vigna subterranea". Ecocrop. FAO. Dijupuk 16 March 2011.
  2. Hepper, FN (1963). "Plants of the 1957-58 West Africa Expedition II: The bambara groundnut (Voandzeia subterranea) and Kersting’s groundnut (Kerstingiella geocarpa) wild in West Africa". Kew Bulletin 16 (3): 395–407. JSTOR 4114681.
  3. Nichterlein, Karin. "Vigna subterranea". Ecoport. Dijupuk 16 March 2011.
  4. Yamaguchi, M (1983). World Vegetables. New York: Van Nostrand Reinhold.
  5. Baryeh, E.A. (2001). "Physical properties of bambara groundnuts" (PDF). Journal of food engineering 47: 321–326. Dijupuk 03.05.2011. Priksa gandra date ing: |access-date= (pitulung)
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Kacang bogor: Brief Summary ( Javanese )

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 src= Vigna subterranea

Kacang bogor (Vigna subterranea (L.) Verdc. syn. Voandzeia subterranea (L.) Thouars) punika kalebet jinis kacang- kacangan ingkang misuwur ing Indonésia. Dipunsebat kacang bogor amargi kacang punika dipunsadé ing laladan Bogor, Jawa Kulon.

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Kacang bogor: Brief Summary ( Sundanese )

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Kacang Bogor (Voandzeia subterranea L.) nyaéta kacang nu asalna ti Afrika beulah kulon. Kacang ieu asup ka Indonésia nalika mangsa abad ka-20. Kacang ieu boga ngaran rupa-rupa saperti kacang bogor, kacang bogo, kacang manila, kacang banten (bs. Indonésia), kacang banten atawa kara pendem (bs. Jawa), kacang bogor, kacang bandung, kacang génggé, kacang jogo, kacang gondolo jeung kacang manila (bs. Sunda). Kaonjoyan tangkal ieu nyaéta bisa hirup di taneuh nu unsur harana saeutik. Kacang ieu geus sumebar ka wewengkon Madagaskar, Mauritus, India, Ceylon, Malaysia, Philipina, Iowa, New Caledonia, Australia, Amérika Tengah tropis, Suriname jeung Brazilia.

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Mnjugu-mawe ( Swahili )

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Mnjugu-mawe (Vigna subterranea) ni mmea wa mazao wa nusufamilia Faboideae katika familia Fabaceae unaozaa njugu-mawe, mbegu zake ambazo zipo moja moja au mbili mbili ndani ya makaka. Tofauti na makaka ya kawaida vikonyo vya yale ya mnjugu-mawe huingia ardhini na makaka yanaendelea chini.


Greentree.jpg Makala hii kuhusu mmea fulani bado ni mbegu.
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Mnjugu-mawe: Brief Summary ( Swahili )

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Mnjugu-mawe (Vigna subterranea) ni mmea wa mazao wa nusufamilia Faboideae katika familia Fabaceae unaozaa njugu-mawe, mbegu zake ambazo zipo moja moja au mbili mbili ndani ya makaka. Tofauti na makaka ya kawaida vikonyo vya yale ya mnjugu-mawe huingia ardhini na makaka yanaendelea chini.

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Nyimo ( Shona )

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Nyimo dzichangobva kudzurwa
Nyimo dziri mumunda

Nyimo (bambara groundnut) idzinde rinobereka michero pasi pevhu rinokura kuyenzana nedzinde renzungu. Nyimo dzinonzi dzakabva kumatundu eAfrica ari kumadokero.

Mufote (Bambara groundnuts prepared as food for a journey by being mixed with salt and water and placed on fire till the water has evaporated) - apa kureva nyimo dzakabikwa nokufashaidzwa mumvura kudzamara mvura yapwa, dzinowanobikwa sembuva yeparwendo.

Marudzi eNyimo

Wikipedia vanyori nevagadziri

Nyimo: Brief Summary ( Shona )

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 src= Nyimo dzichangobva kudzurwa  src= Nyimo dziri mumunda

Nyimo (bambara groundnut) idzinde rinobereka michero pasi pevhu rinokura kuyenzana nedzinde renzungu. Nyimo dzinonzi dzakabva kumatundu eAfrica ari kumadokero.

Mufote (Bambara groundnuts prepared as food for a journey by being mixed with salt and water and placed on fire till the water has evaporated) - apa kureva nyimo dzakabikwa nokufashaidzwa mumvura kudzamara mvura yapwa, dzinowanobikwa sembuva yeparwendo.

Wikipedia vanyori nevagadziri

Vigna subterranea

provided by wikipedia EN

Vigna subterranea (common names: Bambara groundnut, Bambara nut,[2] Bambara bean,[3] Congo goober,[2] earth pea,[4] ground-bean,[2] or hog-peanut[2]) is a member of the family Fabaceae. Its name is derived from the Bambara tribe.[5] The plant originated in West Africa. As a food and source of income, the Bambara groundnut is considered to be the third most important leguminous crop in those African countries where it is grown, after peanut and cowpea. The crop is mainly cultivated, sold and processed by women, and is, thus, particularly valuable for female subsistence farmers.[3][6]

Bambara groundnut represents the third most important grain legume in semi-arid Africa.[7] It is resistant to high temperatures and is suitable for marginal soils where other leguminous crops cannot be grown.[8] It is a low-impact crop.[9] The entire plant is known for soil improvement[10] because of nitrogen fixation.

Vigna subterranea ripens its pods underground, much like the peanut (also called a groundnut). They can be eaten fresh or boiled after drying, and can be ground either fresh or dry to make puddings.

Origins and regions of cultivation

Freshly harvested Bambara nuts
Bambara plants in the field
Vigna subterranea - MHNT

The origin of the Bambara groundnut is West Africa[11] and the region of cultivation is Sub-Saharan Africa's warm tropics.[12] Bambara nut grows well anywhere groundnut (peanut) grows, and so is vastly present from Kwara state, throughout the northern parts of Nigeria and Northern Ghana.


Growth, development, physiology

Bambara groundnut is a herbaceous, intermediate, annual plant, with creeping stems at ground level. It is a small legume plant that grows to a height of 0.25–0.37m with compound leaves of three leaflets having stipules about 3 mm long.[13] The flowers have a tube calyx about 1 mm long and 5 lobes about 1 mm long as well as a whitish yellow corolla, 4–7 mm long.[14] The fruit is an indehiscent pod almost globose about 2.5 cm in diameter.[14] The plant generally looks like bunched leaves arising from branched stems, which form a crown on the soil surface.

Bambara is considered as a fast-growing crop. The growth cycle is between (min-max) 90–170 days[10] and under optimal conditions the cycle is about 120–150 days[12] to pod maturity. Flowers appear 40–60 days[12] after planting. 30 days[12] after pollination the pod reaches maturity and during another 55 days[12] the seeds fully develop. Every 30 days they are produced again.

Generative reproduction is for the Bambara groundnut autogamous[12] (self-fertilization) and cleistogamous[12] (self-pollinating). After self-fertilization, pale yellow flowers are borne on the freely growing branching stems; these stems then grow downwards into the soil, taking the developing seed within the pods, which makes breeding and development of new cultivars for the traits of interest difficult.[15] The seeds will form pods encasing seeds just below the soil. The pods are round, wrinkled and each contains one or two seeds that are round, smooth and very hard when dried.The seeds may be cream colored, brown, red, mottled or black eyed and their size is about 8.5–15 mm × 6.5–10 mm × 5.5–9 mm.[13]

Several factors are essential for promoting cross-pollination in Bambara and these include a proper nursery habitat, short day lengths (<12h), an average temperature of 26 °C, which is necessary for optimum flowering and pod formation and a relative humidity of 90%.[13] The strict photoperiod requirement of Bambara also limits its productivity in countries further away from the equator. In some accessions, long days (>12h) negatively affect pod-setting, resulting in crop failure.[13]

The genus Vigna, which includes about 80 species, is found throughout the tropics.[14] There are considerable morphological differences between wild and domesticated types of Bambara groundnuts. Long runners are produced by wild Bambara groundnut, and the seeds are smaller (9–11 mm long) and more uniform in size. The pods are thin and do not wrinkle when drying. Domesticated versions are more compact, have fleshy pods that wrinkle as they dry, with longer, less slender, and more erect petioles, and larger seeds (11–15 mm long). Wild and domesticated types are sometimes distinguished as var. spontanea (Harms) Hepper (wild) and var. subterranea (cultivated).[14]

Biological nitrogen fixation

Like many other legumes, Bambara groundnut fixes atmospheric nitrogen through the process of biological nitrogen fixation. Its potential to be used as an alternative to chemical fertilizer in agriculture has been investigated for many years.[13] The process is also very important to improve soil fertility and to supply other non-leguminous crops with the nitrogen left in the soil after the legume is harvested.


Soil requirements

Optimal soils for Bambara groundnut production are sandy soils to prevent waterlogging. Well-drained soils make the harvest easier[13] and prevent rotting of the pods.[13] Stony areas should however be avoided to prevent damage of the pods.[13]

Optimal soil depth is between 50 and 100 cm,[10] with a light soil texture.[10] Soil fertility should be low[10] and soil pH is best suited between 5 and 6.5[10] and should not be lower than 4.3[10] or higher than 7.[10] Bambara groundnut is tolerant to salinity, but high sodium chloride concentration in the soil will result in yield losses.

Climate requirements

The production is best suited between a latitude of 20°- 30°,[10] i.e. the tropical wet and dry (Aw)[10] and the subtropical dry summer (Cs)[10] climate zones. Optimal temperature is between 19 °C[10] and 30 °C.[10] Temperatures below 16 °C[10] and above 38 °C[10] are not suited for the production of Bambara groundnut.

The Bambara groundnut is very drought-resistant.[12] The minimal annual rainfall requirement is about 300 mm[10] and optimal annual rainfall is between 750 mm[10] and 1400 mm[10] and should not exceed 3000 mm.[10] Bambara groundnut can tolerate heavy rainfall, but it will result in yield losses if they happen at harvest.[13]

Seedbed requirements and sowing

Before sowing, the seeds can be treated with pesticides to prevent insect and fungal attack, and being eaten by bush fowl (Numida meleagris). Priming the seeds with water by soaking them overnight and then drying them before sowing improves seedling emergence, vigour and yield.[13]

Sowing is usually performed manually by peasant farmers in tropical Africa, but it can also be done mechanically on industrial farms using modified soya bean planters. Manual sowing is generally done using a hoe or a cutlass to open the soil. One seed is placed in each hole which are then closed.[13]

Seedbed type doesn’t seem to affect yield or biomass production of Bambara groundnut.[16] The crop can thus be planted on flat terrain, although it is also planted in ridges.[17] Studies show that increased sowing density has a positive effect on production calculated on a per-area basis, but has a negative effect on per-plant yield. It is assumed that at higher sowing densities, increased competition between plants is the cause of lower pod and seed number per plant.[16]

Cropping system and fertilization

The cropping system is semi-permanent and the Bambara groundnut can be cultivated as single crop or as intercrop.[10] Best suited intercrops are sorghum, millet, maize, peanut, yams and cassava.[10] Bambara groundnut is mainly cultivated as intercrop, however the planting density varies between 6 and 29 plants per square meter.[18] For woodland savannas of Côte d'Ivoire, the highest yield is attainable with a plant density of 25[16] plants per square meter. Despite its suitability for intercropping systems due to its ability to fix atmospheric nitrogen,[19] a non-negligible proportion of farmers grow the Bambara groundnut in monoculture and report that its performance is better as a single crop.[17] Cultivation is mainly performed manually and is comparable to the production of peanut.[3]

The Bambara groundnut can grow on soils with low fertility and is even reported to do better on these soils than on fertile ones.[3] Nevertheless, phosphate fertilization can have a beneficial effect. For example, the application of superphosphate can improve the yield of the Bambara groundnut.[20] Moreover, fertilization with phosphorus enhances the crop’s nitrogen fixation and increases its nitrogen content.[21]

Harvest and postharvest treatment

The Bambara bean typically takes about 130–150 days to mature, but early or late harvests only marginally reduce the yield.[3] The pods, which grow belowground, are harvested manually by pulling out the whole crop and picking the pods by hand.[17] Then, they are usually dried in the sun for some days.[3] Post-harvest losses are reported to be on a low level.[17] However, insect pests can cause damage to stored grains, most importantly Bruchids.[20]

Interactions: Pests, diseases, symbionts

It is widely regarded as a pest and disease resistant crop. However, there is a lack of evidence to support this claim, with reports of fungal attacks by Rhizoctonia solani in Southern Thailand, and Cercospora canescens and Colletotrichum capsici in Nigeria, causing brown blotch disease. The crop is also susceptible to attack by cowpea weevil (Callosobruchus maculatus).[6]



The annual production of Bambara groundnut is estimated to be 0.2 million tonnes from an area of 0.25 million hectares worldwide. Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) is the largest producer of Bambara groundnut, while a small quantity is produced in Southeast Asia (e.g., Thailand and Indonesia), the United States, and Australia. Additionally, the crop is cultivated in Brazil, where it was putatively introduced in the 1600s with the slave trade.[3] West Africa is the main Bambara groundnut production region in SSA, where Burkina Faso, Niger, and Cameroon are the leading producers, contributing to 74% of global production.[20] However, it was reported by Ghanaian farmers to contribute neither to a large part of the subsistence food nor of the income.[17]

Worldwide production and yield

World production of Vigna subterranea increased from 29,800 tonnes in 1972[22] to 79,155 tonnes[22] in 2015.

The top six Bambara groundnut producing countries in Africa in 2018 include Burkina Faso, Niger, Cameroon, Mali, Togo and the Democratic Republic of the Congo with a total production of 0.06, 0.05, 0.04, 0.03, 0.02, and 0.01 million tonnes, respectively.[20][23]

The yield level of Bambara groundnut in Africa varies from 0.6−1 t ha−1 , depending on variety and production conditions. However, unshelled mean yields of up to 3 t ha−1 were reported when cultivating some landraces in the transition agro-ecological zone in Nigeria . A low mean yield of 0.85 t ha−1 was reported in Ghana under good management practices close to yield levels of other legumes such as cowpeas (0.80 t ha−1) and pigeon peas (0.78 t ha−1).[20]


This nutrient-dense legume is sometimes termed a “complete food” due to its balanced macronutrient composition.[24] It is considered to be a neglected and underutilized food source in Benin.[25] The brown hull showed the highest concentrations of rutin and myricetin among flavonoids, while the red hull resulted in having with the highest concentrations of chlorogenic and ellagic acid among tannin compounds.[26]

Macronutrient content

Bambara groundnut has nutritive value ranging between 57.9% to 64% carbohydrate and 24.0% to 25.5% protein content.[27] In comparison, soybean (Glycine max) and chickpea (Cicer ariteneum) have 27% and 61% of carbohydrates.[6]

Micronutrient content

Anti-nutritional factors

The presence of anti-nutritional factors (ANFs) in the Vigna subterranea can reduce protein digestibility, affecting bioavailability of amino acids by up to 50%, as well as lowering digestibility and bioavailability of other nutrients. ANFs include enzyme inhibitors, flatulence factors, tannins, phytic acid and saponins.[6] ANFs can be removed or lowered by a variety of treatments:

  1. Cooking and thermal treatment of pulse seeds.[28]
  2. Applications of pressure, heat, infrared radiation, dry extrusion and chemicals such as cysteine have been shown to reduce trypsin inhibitor activity in whole soybean.[29]

Culinary use

The seeds are used for food, beverages because of their high protein content[10] and for digestive system applications.[10] In West Africa, the nuts are eaten as a snack, roasted and salted, processed into cake, or as a meal, boiled similar to other beans.

The Bambara groundnut needs to be cooked for a relatively long time, which means that more fuel is needed than for cooking other legumes. The cooking time of fresh beans is 45–60 minutes, dry beans may even take 3–4 hours.[30] This presents an obstacle to a more widespread use of this crop. Moreover, if the bean is not cooked enough, it can cause bloating of the stomach, constipation and flatulence.[17]

Traditional culinary use of Bambara groundnut in Nigeria

In South Eastern Nigeria, particularly in Enugu, the dried Bambara beans are ground into a fine powder, then mixed with palm oil, water and pumpkin leaves and then poured into banana leaf wraps or one-liter cellophane bags before being boiled into a pudding to make Okpa, a common breakfast food. During the rainy season in many parts of central Nigeria, the fresh Bambara beans are cooked with their shells still on them, then eaten as a snack.

Potential use in probiotic beverage

Bambara groundnut milk can be fermented with lactic acid bacteria to make a probiotic beverage that not only increase the economic value of the nutritious legume but also help in addressing malnutrition.[31]

Use as livestock feed

The Bambara groundnut plays an important role in the diet and culture of populations. The leaves, rich in phosphorus, are used for livestock feed. Seeds are given to pigs and poultry while leafy stems are used as livestock fodder.[20]

Traditional African medicine

The Bambara groundnut is used in some traditional African medicine.[32]

Crop development

There are genetic resources available for breeding since around 6145 germplasms of the Bambara groundnut have been collected and are stored ex situ.[33]

The primary goal of Bambara improvement programs is to focus on seed yield and nutritional quality traits. There is a notable gap between the potential yield of 4 t/ha and the average yield of 0.85 t/ha reported for African countries. Thus, breeding should aim at improving the yield. Results of studies exhibited high protein content among the test genotypes. Similarly, high levels of essential fatty acids, thiamine, ribovin, and vitamin K were recorded. Moreover, scientists examined the chemical properties of starches in Bambara groundnut. The results revealed that seed source and crop management practices affected chemical composition.[6] Food fortification, the use of artificial supplements, and food imports are among the strategies used to overcome the problem of malnutrition in Africa. The adoption of traditional plant breeding methods to enhance nutritional benefits of orphan food crops such as Bambara groundnut is an economic and affordable strategy to decrease malnutrition in Africa.[20]

The form and colour of Bambara groundnut were all important factors to optimize the best extraction yield of phytochemicals. Overall, the hulls of the crop were the optimum source of flavonoids and tannins: the brown and red hulls had the highest concentration of flavonoids compared to whole and dehulled, with the highest flavonoid concentration being rutin at 24.46 mg g−1 found in brown hulls and myricetin at 1.80 mg g−1 found in red hulls. Lastly, formulating products with higher concentration of Bambara groundnut hulls could potentially result in a product with higher phytochemical content.[26]


  1. ^ "Vigna subterranea (L.) Verdc". The Plant List: A Working List of All Plant Species.
  2. ^ a b c d "Vigna subterranea". Germplasm Resources Information Network (GRIN). Agricultural Research Service (ARS), United States Department of Agriculture (USDA). Retrieved 15 December 2017.
  3. ^ a b c d e f g Lost Crops of Africa. Vol. II: Vegetables. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. 2006. p. 53. doi:10.17226/11763. ISBN 978-0-309-10333-6.
  4. ^ "Definition And Classification Of Commodities (Draft): 4. Pulses And Derived Products". Food and Agriculture Organization. 1994. Retrieved 21 June 2013.
  5. ^ Mubaiwa, Juliet; Fogliano, Vincenzo; Chidewe, Cathrine; Linnemann, Anita R. (2017-03-04). "Hard-to-cook phenomenon in bambara groundnut (Vigna subterranea (L.) Verdc.) processing: Options to improve its role in providing food security". Food Reviews International. 33 (2): 167–194. doi:10.1080/87559129.2016.1149864. ISSN 8755-9129. S2CID 87980894.
  6. ^ a b c d e f Azman Halimi, Razlin; Barkla, Bronwyn J.; Mayes, Sean; King, Graham J. (2019-04-01). "The potential of the underutilized pulse bambara groundnut (Vigna subterranea (L.) Verdc.) for nutritional food security". Journal of Food Composition and Analysis. 77: 47–59. doi:10.1016/j.jfca.2018.12.008. ISSN 0889-1575. S2CID 104447516.
  7. ^ Ocran, V. K (1998). Seed Management Manual for Ghana. Accra Ghana: MOFA.
  8. ^ Yamaguchi, M (1983). World Vegetables. New York: Van Nostrand Reinhold.
  9. ^ Baryeh, E.A. (2001). "Physical properties of bambara groundnuts". Journal of Food Engineering. 47 (4): 321–326. doi:10.1016/s0260-8774(00)00136-9.
  10. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w "Data sheet Vigna subterranea". Ecocrop. FAO. Retrieved 16 March 2011.
  11. ^ Hepper, FN (1963). "Plants of the 1957-58 West Africa Expedition II: The bambara groundnut (Voandzeia subterranea) and Kersting's groundnut (Kerstingiella geocarpa) wild in West Africa". Kew Bulletin. 16 (3): 395–407. doi:10.2307/4114681. JSTOR 4114681.
  12. ^ a b c d e f g h Nichterlein, Karin. "Vigna subterranea". Ecoport. Retrieved 16 March 2011.
  13. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k Oyeyinka, Samson A.; Ade-Omowaye, Beatrice I.O., eds. (2021). Food and Potential Industrial Applications of Bambara Groundnut. Cham: Springer. ISBN 978-3-030-73919-5.
  14. ^ a b c d "Vigna subterranea (PROTA) — PlantUse Français". uses.plantnet-project.org. Retrieved 2022-11-13.
  15. ^ Collinson, S. T.; Azam-Ali, S. N.; Chavula, K. M.; Hodson, D. A. (May 1996). "Growth, development and yield of bambara groundnut ( Vigna subterranea ) in response to soil moisture". The Journal of Agricultural Science. 126 (3): 307–318. doi:10.1017/S0021859600074864. ISSN 0021-8596. S2CID 85621987.
  16. ^ a b c Kouassi, N’. J; I. A. Zoro Bi (2010). "Effect Of Sowing Density And Seedbed Type On Yield And Yield Components In Bambara Groundnut (Vigna subterranea) In Woodland Savannas Of Cote D'ivoire". Experimental Agriculture. 46: 99–110. doi:10.1017/S0014479709990494. S2CID 86318620.
  17. ^ a b c d e f Adzawla, W; Donkoh, SA; Nyarko, G; O'Reilly, P; Mayes, S (2016). "Use patterns and perceptions about the attributes of Bambara groundnut (Vigna subterranea (L.) Verdc.) in Northern Ghana". Ghana Journal of Science, Technology and Development. 4 (2).
  18. ^ Rassel, A (1960). "Voandzou, Voandzeia subterranea Thouars, and its cultivation in Kwango". Bull. Agric. Congo Belge. 51: 1–26. Retrieved 16 March 2011.
  19. ^ FAO. "Bambara groundnut". Retrieved 2022-11-10.
  20. ^ a b c d e f g Majola, Nomathemba Gloria; Gerrano, Abe Shegro; Shimelis, Hussein (July 2021). "Bambara Groundnut (Vigna subterranea [L.] Verdc.) Production, Utilisation and Genetic Improvement in Sub-Saharan Africa". Agronomy. 11 (7): 1345. doi:10.3390/agronomy11071345. ISSN 2073-4395.
  21. ^ Yakubu, H.; Kwari, J.D.; Sandabe, M.K. (2010). "Effect of Phosphorus Fertilizer on Nitrogen Fixation by Some Grain Legume Varieties in Sudano – Sahelian Zone of North Eastern Nigeria". Nigerian Journal of Basic and Applied Science. 18 (1): 19–26. doi:10.4314/njbas.v18i1.56837. ISSN 0794-5698.
  22. ^ a b c "FAOSTAT". FAO. Archived from the original on September 6, 2015. Retrieved 2 February 2015.
  23. ^ FAO | Organisation des Nations Unies pour l'alimentation et l'agriculture. www.fao.org (in French). 2021. doi:10.4060/cb4831fr. ISBN 978-92-5-134633-4. S2CID 241249323. Retrieved 2022-11-13.
  24. ^ Tan, Xin Lin; Azam-Ali, Susan; Goh, Ee Von; Mustafa, Maysoun; Chai, Hui Hui; Ho, Wai Kuan; Mayes, Sean; Mabhaudhi, Tafadzwanashe; Azam-Ali, Sayed; Massawe, Festo (2020). "Bambara Groundnut: An Underutilized Leguminous Crop for Global Food Security and Nutrition". Frontiers in Nutrition. 7: 601496. doi:10.3389/fnut.2020.601496. ISSN 2296-861X. PMC 7758284. PMID 33363196.
  25. ^ Dansi, A.; R. Vodouhe; P. Azokpota; et al. (19 April 2012). "Diversity of the Neglected and Underutilized Crop Species of Importance in Benin". The Scientific World Journal. 2012: 932947. doi:10.1100/2012/932947. PMC 3349165. PMID 22593712.
  26. ^ a b Taahir Harris; Victoria Jideani; MarilizeLe Roes-Hill (September 1, 2018). "Flavonoids and tannin composition of Bambara groundnut (Vigna subterranea) of Mpumalanga, South Africa". Heliyon. 4 (9): e00833. doi:10.1016/j.heliyon.2018.e00833. PMC 6168962. PMID 30294697.
  27. ^ Kaptso, Kuaté Giscard; Njintang, Yanou Nicolas; Nguemtchouin, Mbouga Marie Goletti; Scher, Joël; Hounhouigan, Joseph; Mbofung, Carl Moses (2014). "Physicochemical and micro-structural properties of flours, starch and proteins from two varieties of legumes: bambara groundnut (Vigna subterranea)". Journal of Food Science and Technology. 52 (8): 4915–4924. doi:10.1007/s13197-014-1580-7. ISSN 0022-1155. PMC 4519478. PMID 26243911.
  28. ^ Melini, Valentina; Melini, Francesca (2021-02-07). "Functional Components and Anti-Nutritional Factors in Gluten-Free Grains: A Focus on Quinoa Seeds". Foods. 10 (2): 351. doi:10.3390/foods10020351. ISSN 2304-8158. PMC 7915320. PMID 33562277.
  29. ^ Vagadia, Brinda Harish; Vanga, Sai Kranthi; Raghavan, Vijaya (2017-06-01). "Inactivation methods of soybean trypsin inhibitor – A review". Trends in Food Science & Technology. 64: 115–125. doi:10.1016/j.tifs.2017.02.003. ISSN 0924-2244.
  30. ^ Hillocks, R.J.; Bennett, C.; Mponda, O.M. (2012). "Bambara Nut: A Review of Utilisation, Market Potential and Crop Improvement". African Crop Science Journal. 20 (1): 1–16. ISSN 1021-9730.
  31. ^ Murevanhema, Yvonne Y.; Jideani, Victoria A. (2013-01-01). "Potential of Bambara Groundnut (Vigna subterranea (L.) Verdc) Milk as a Probiotic Beverage—A Review". Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition. 53 (9): 954–967. doi:10.1080/10408398.2011.574803. ISSN 1040-8398. PMID 23768187. S2CID 3143187.
  32. ^ Koné, M.; Paice, A. G.; Touré, Y. (2011). Preedy, V. R.; Watson, R. R.; Patel, V. B. (eds.). Chapter 22 - Bambara Groundnut [Vigna subterranea (L.) Verdc. (Fabaceae)] Usage in Human Health. Academic Press. pp. 189–196. doi:10.1016/B978-0-12-375688-6.10022-2. ISBN 9780123756886.
  33. ^ Khan, M. M. H.; Rafii, M. Y.; Ramlee, S. I.; Jusoh, M.; Al-Mamun, M. (2021). "Bambara Groundnut (Vigna subterranea L. Verdc): A Crop for the New Millennium, Its Genetic Diversity, and Improvements to Mitigate Future Food and Nutritional Challenges". Sustainability. 13 (10): 5530. doi:10.3390/su13105530.

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Vigna subterranea: Brief Summary

provided by wikipedia EN

Vigna subterranea (common names: Bambara groundnut, Bambara nut, Bambara bean, Congo goober, earth pea, ground-bean, or hog-peanut) is a member of the family Fabaceae. Its name is derived from the Bambara tribe. The plant originated in West Africa. As a food and source of income, the Bambara groundnut is considered to be the third most important leguminous crop in those African countries where it is grown, after peanut and cowpea. The crop is mainly cultivated, sold and processed by women, and is, thus, particularly valuable for female subsistence farmers.

Bambara groundnut represents the third most important grain legume in semi-arid Africa. It is resistant to high temperatures and is suitable for marginal soils where other leguminous crops cannot be grown. It is a low-impact crop. The entire plant is known for soil improvement because of nitrogen fixation.

Vigna subterranea ripens its pods underground, much like the peanut (also called a groundnut). They can be eaten fresh or boiled after drying, and can be ground either fresh or dry to make puddings.

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Voandzeo ( Esperanto )

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Voandzeo (Vigna subterranea) aŭ terpizo estas laŭ NPIV „specio de vigno. Ĝi estas tropika plujara herbo, kies globforma, unusema guŝo enteriĝas same kiel arakido, jejma en orienta Afriko, kultivata en la tropikaj regionoj (precipe Afriko) por la nutraj semoj, kiujn oni diversmaniere preparas por manĝaĵo. Sinonimo: ternukso“. La genro apartenas al la subfamilio de la Faboideae ene de la familio de la Fabacoj (Fabaceae aŭ leguminosae) .

Ĝi estas tipa „sekplanto“, kiu ŝatas aridajn grundojn kaj klimaton.


La terpizo estas malalte rampanta herba planto.

Ĝi formas ĉ. 4 cm longajn guŝojn kun ĉ. 1 cm grandaj semoj de diversaj koloroj (hela, ruĝa, nira, makulita). La guŝoj kreskas, same kiel ĉe la arakido, sub la grundo. Tio evitu, ke dum savana incendio la semoj forbrulas.


La junaj guŝoj kaj la sekigitaj semoj estas uzataj. La semoj povas esti kuiritaj mole aŭ eblas fari el ili farunon.


Vigna subterranea apartenas la la sekcio Vigna en la subgenro Vigna ene de la genro Vigna. Sinonimoj por Vigna subterranea (L.) VERDC. estas: Glycine subterranea L. (BASIONYM), Voandzeia subterranea (L.) THOUARS EX DC. [1]

Vidu ankaŭ


  1. Voandzeo en Germplasm Resources Information Network (GRIN), USDA, ARS, National Genetic Resources Program. National Germplasm Resources Laboratory, Beltsville, Maryland.

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Voandzeo: Brief Summary ( Esperanto )

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Voandzeo (Vigna subterranea) aŭ terpizo estas laŭ NPIV „specio de vigno. Ĝi estas tropika plujara herbo, kies globforma, unusema guŝo enteriĝas same kiel arakido, jejma en orienta Afriko, kultivata en la tropikaj regionoj (precipe Afriko) por la nutraj semoj, kiujn oni diversmaniere preparas por manĝaĵo. Sinonimo: ternukso“. La genro apartenas al la subfamilio de la Faboideae ene de la familio de la Fabacoj (Fabaceae aŭ leguminosae) .

Ĝi estas tipa „sekplanto“, kiu ŝatas aridajn grundojn kaj klimaton.

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Pois bambara ( French )

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Vigna subterranea

Vigna subterranea - Muséum de Toulouse

Le pois bambara ou pois de terre (Vigna subterranea) est une plante herbacée de la famille des légumineuses (Fabaceae), originaire d'Afrique occidentale[1], largement cultivée pour ses graines qui se récoltent sous terre à l'instar des arachides.

Les pois de terre peuvent se consommer à l'état frais ou sec, après cuisson.

Au Bénin, on l'appelle voandzou[2]en français courant ou encore azingokouin en fongbé[3]. À Madagascar voanjobory.


  • Glycine subterranea L.
  • Voandzeia subterranea (L.) Thouars ex DC.

Notes et références

  1. Jean Guillaume, Ils ont domestiqué plantes et animaux : Prélude à la civilisation, Versailles, Éditions Quæ, 2010, 456 p. (ISBN 978-2-7592-0892-0, lire en ligne), « Annexes ».
  2. Edith DAK, « Connaissez- vous les vertus du voandzou? », sur https://myafricainfos.com/ (consulté le 1er juin 2021)
  3. Health Mag, « Le voandzou (Vigna subterranea), une culture négligée mais d’avenir … », sur HEALTH MAG BENIN, 12 juillet 2017 (consulté le 1er juin 2021)

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Pois bambara: Brief Summary ( French )

provided by wikipedia FR

Vigna subterranea

 src= Vigna subterranea - Muséum de Toulouse

Le pois bambara ou pois de terre (Vigna subterranea) est une plante herbacée de la famille des légumineuses (Fabaceae), originaire d'Afrique occidentale, largement cultivée pour ses graines qui se récoltent sous terre à l'instar des arachides.

Les pois de terre peuvent se consommer à l'état frais ou sec, après cuisson.

Au Bénin, on l'appelle voandzouen français courant ou encore azingokouin en fongbé. À Madagascar voanjobory.

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Kacang bogor ( Indonesian )

provided by wikipedia ID

Kacang bogor (Vigna subterranea (L.) Verdc. syn. Voandzeia subterranea (L.) Thouars) adalah jenis kacang-kacangan budidaya yang tidak populer. Nama ini diberikan karena banyak dijajakan di kota Bogor, Jawa Barat. Tumbuhan ini diintroduksi ke Indonesia pada awal abad ke-20 sebagai sumber protein baru namun kurang populer karena produksinya yang rendah dan hingga sekarang dianggap sebagai makanan sampingan/camilan. Kacang bogor berasal dari daerah Afrika Tropis, tetapi kini telah menyebar ke pelbagai kawasan tropika yang lain.


Pelat botani
Aneka warna biji kacang bogor

Tanaman ini ini tergolong tanaman legum (berbuah polong) dan dikenal tahan keterbatasan hara tanah. Buahnya bersifat seperti kacang tanah, yaitu masuk ke bawah permukaan tanah untuk pemasakannya.

Tanaman kacang bogor merupakan terna semusim dengan cabang-cabang lateral yang menjalar di permukaan tanah. Tanaman ini memiliki daun majemuk dengan tiga anak daun yang berbentuk agak elips. Tangkai daun panjang, tumbuh tegak, dan sedikit berbulu.

Bunga kacang bogor termasuk bunga tipe kupu-kupu. Bunga muncul dari ketiak daun dan tumbuh menyebar. Mahkota bunga berwarna kuning muda, kuning tua kemerah-merahan, dan ada pula yang berwarna merah gelap. Ukuran bunga kecil, kurang dari satu sentimeter, panjang tangkai bunga tidak lebih dari 1,5 cm. Setelah terjadi penyerbukan tangkai bunga memanjang dan mendorong bakal buah yang berkembang menjadi buah ke dalam tanah.

Buah bertipe polong. Polongnya membulat, berkerut-kerut, dengan panjang 1 - 1,5 cm. Satu polong biasanya berisi satu biji, kadang-kadang dua. bijinya membulat, halus, dan keras jika telah masak dan kering. Warna biji krem, hitam, coklat, merah, atau bertutul-tutul.

Periode perkembangan polong paling lama 30 hari setelah terjadi penyerbukan. Periode perkembangan polong paling lama 30 hari setelah terjadi penyerbukan. Polong yang masak atau tua, dalam keadaan segar berwarna putih dan halus, namun jika kering, berubah menjadi kecoklat-coklatan dan berkerut. Polong berisi 1-2 biji dengan bentuk agak bulat, licin, dan keras. Warna kulit biji bervariasi yaitu putih, krem, coklat, ungu dan hitam.

Sebagaimana legum lain, tanaman ini bersimbiosis dengan bakteri pengikat nitrogen bebas, dengan membentuk bintil-bintil akar berisi bakteri.


Syarat tumbuh

Kebutuhan iklim kacang bogor sama dengan kacang tanah, menyukai banyak hujan dan sinar matahari tetapi lebih toleran kondisi rendah hara dan kekurangan air. Tanaman ini kurang tanggap terhadap pemupukan nitrogen karena mampu memanfaatkan nitrogen dari bakteri pengikat N udara.

Kacang bogor ideal ditaman pada tanah dengan jenis tanah lempung pasir dengan pH 5,0-6,5. Ketinggian antara 1600-2000 meter diatas permukaan laut, Memiiki suhu udara antara 19-28 derajat Celcius dengan penyinaran matahari langsung. Curah hujan yang diharapkan adalah antara 500–3500 mm per tahun.

Daerah pembudidayaan di Indonesia

Bogor adalah sentra pertama tanaman kacang bogor yang kemudian perkembangannya menyebar ke berbagai daerah seperti Sukabumi, Bandung, NTT, NTB, Lampung, Pati dan Kudus.[4]

Organisme pengganggu

Kacang Bogor umumnya tahan terhadap serangan penyakit maupun hama. Namun ada beberapa penyakit serta hama yang dapat merusak tanaman ini.

Hama utama kacang[5] bogor adalah

Penyakit utama kacang bogor[5] adalah

Manfaat dan kandungan gizi

Kacang bogor kering mengandung 16 – 21% protein, 50 – 60% karbohidrat dan 4,5 – 6,5 % lemak, serta mengandung kalsium, fosfor, zat besi dan vitamin B1. Kandungan karbohidrat yang tinggi menyebabkan kacang bogor bisa menjadi alternatif pangan dalam program diversifikasi pangan. Selain itu kacang bogor juga memiliki manfaat dalam konservasi tanah, penyediaan bahan industri maupun penyediaan pakan ternak.

Manfaat[6] kacang bogor untuk kesehatan serta kecantikan:

  • Menambah daya ingat otak
  • Membantu perkembangan anak
  • Melancarkan pencernaan
  • Meningkatkan konsentrasi
  • Meningkatkan daya tahan tubuh
  • Mencegah kepikunan
  • Menyehatkan jantung
  • Mencegah kolestrol tinggi
  • Sumber energi
  • Menjaga kelembaban kulit
  • Mencegah penuan dini
  • Mengatasi flek hitam
  • Mengatasi kulit keriput
  • Menjaga berat badan

Kandungan Gizi Dan Nutrisi Kacang Bogor per 100 gram[7]:

  • Energi: 370 kkal
  • Protein: 16 gr
  • Lemak: 6 gr
  • Karbohidrat: 65 gr
  • Kalsium: 85 mg
  • Fosfor: 264 mg
  • Zat Besi: 4 mg
  • Vitamin A: 0 IU
  • Vitamin B1: 0,18 mg
  • Vitamin C: 0 mg
  • Air: 10 gr

Galeri gambar


  1. ^ Verdcourt, B. (1980). "The Correct Name for the Bambara Groundnut". Kew Bull. 35(3): 474. [Nov 1980]. DOI: 10.2307/4110016
  2. ^ Linnaeus, C. (1763). Species plantarum: exhibentes plantas ... Ed. 2 T. II: 1023. Holmiae :Impensis Direct. Laurentii Salvii, 1762-63.
  3. ^ The Plant List: Vigna subterranea (L.) Verdc., diakses pada 12/V/2019.
  4. ^ Rukmana, R. & Oesman, Y.Y. (1999). Kacang Bogor: budidaya dan prospek usaha tani. Yogyakarta:Penerbit Kanisius. 32 hlm.
  5. ^ a b http://digilib.umg.ac.id/files/disk1/19/jipptumg--ikhwanhadi-902-2-03.bab-%7D.pdf diakses pada November 2017
  6. ^ Budidaya, Kandungan Serta Manfaat Dari Kacang Bogor blog tanaman, diakses pada November 2017.
  7. ^ Direktorat Gizi Depkes RI 2000: 10

Pranala luar

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Kacang bogor: Brief Summary ( Indonesian )

provided by wikipedia ID

Kacang bogor (Vigna subterranea (L.) Verdc. syn. Voandzeia subterranea (L.) Thouars) adalah jenis kacang-kacangan budidaya yang tidak populer. Nama ini diberikan karena banyak dijajakan di kota Bogor, Jawa Barat. Tumbuhan ini diintroduksi ke Indonesia pada awal abad ke-20 sebagai sumber protein baru namun kurang populer karena produksinya yang rendah dan hingga sekarang dianggap sebagai makanan sampingan/camilan. Kacang bogor berasal dari daerah Afrika Tropis, tetapi kini telah menyebar ke pelbagai kawasan tropika yang lain.

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Vigna subterranea ( Vietnamese )

provided by wikipedia VI
Vigna subterranea

Vigna subterranea là một loài thực vật có hoa trong họ Đậu. Loài này được (L.) Verdc. miêu tả khoa học đầu tiên.[2]

Hình ảnh

Chú thích

  1. ^ “The Plant List: A Working List of All Plant Species”.
  2. ^ The Plant List (2010). Vigna subterranea. Truy cập ngày 5 tháng 6 năm 2013.

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Vigna subterranea: Brief Summary ( Vietnamese )

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 src= Vigna subterranea

Vigna subterranea là một loài thực vật có hoa trong họ Đậu. Loài này được (L.) Verdc. miêu tả khoa học đầu tiên.

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バンバラマメ ( Japanese )

provided by wikipedia 日本語
バンバラマメ Vigna subterranea.jpg 分類 : 植物界 Plantae 階級なし : 被子植物 angiosperms 階級なし : 真正双子葉類 eudicots : マメ目 Fabales : マメ科 Fabaceae : ササゲ属 Vigna 亜属 : ササゲ亜属 Vigna : バンバラマメ V. subterranea 学名 Vigna subterranea (L.) Verdc. シノニム
  • Arachis africana Burm. f.
  • Glycine subterranea L.
  • Voandzeia subterranea (L.) Thouars
  • Voandzeia subterranea (L.) DC.[1]

バンバラマメ Vigna subterraneaササゲ属の植物の1種。西アフリカ原産で、ラッカセイのように地中に豆をつける。


英名にはBambara groundnut、Bambara-bean、Congo goober、ground-bean、hog-peanut[2]、earth pea[3]、jugo beansなどがある。

バンバラ語では 'tiganingɛlɛntiganinkurun と呼ばれ、"少し固い落花生"を意味する("落花生"は tiga)。マダガスカル語ではvoanjobory と呼ばれ、これは"丸い落花生"を意味する。スワヒリ語では njugumaweザンビアでは ntoyo (ベンバ語)、katoyo (カオンデ語)、mbwiila (トンガ語) 、シャンガーン人には tindluwaと呼ばれる。ハウサ語では "Gurjiya" や "Kwaruru"、ナイジェリア北部高地のゴエマイ語英語版では"Kwam"、カヌリ語では"Ngangala"、ショナ語では"Nyimo"、ンデベレ語では"indlubu"、イボ語では"Okpa"、ヨルバ語では"Epa-kuta"、ガ語では"Akwei"、ロジ語では"Lituu"と呼ばれる。

マレー語では"kacang poi"と呼ばれるが、これはマレー半島南部で食される料理"kacang pool"とは異なる。インドネシアでは、ボゴールで栽培されているため、"kacang bogor"(ボゴールの落花生)と呼ばれる。




種子 - MHNT


アフリカの半砂漠地帯においては、3番目に重要な豆類である[6]。高温に耐性があり、他の豆類が生育しないような土壌でも栽培可能である[7]。僅かな土のみでも生育し[8]、栄養価も高く、65%が炭水化物、18%がタンパク質である[9]。これらの理由から、降水量が乏しい、または不安定な地域でも、収穫が完全に失敗するリスクを抑えることができる。タンパク質が豊富であることは、動物性蛋白を得られないアフリカの貧しい人々にとって重要であることも意味している[8]。このような利点にもかかわらず、ベニンなどの国では未だマイナーな作物(Neglected and underutilized crop)の地位にある[10]



水分を保たない砂質の土壌が適する。土の深さは50-100 cmで、肥沃でない方がよい。pHは5-6.5の範囲が適し、4.3以下や7以上では生育に支障がある[11]

最も栽培に適する緯度は20-30°で、乾季のある熱帯から亜熱帯(サバナ気候から地中海性気候)がよい。温度は19-30℃で、16℃以下、38℃以上での栽培は難しい[11]。旱魃には強い耐性があり[4]、必要な年間降水量は最低で300 mm、栽培に適するのは750-1400 mmで、3000 mmを超えると栽培は難しい[11]


単作も行われるが、モロコシ・キビ・トウモロコシ・ラッカセイ・ヤム・キャッサバなどの間作作物[11]としての利用が主であるため肥料が与えられることは少ない。収穫時には葉:種子が75:81の割合で畑から除去されているが、これを元素に換算すると、925 kgの葉と1000 kgの種子を収穫することで55.7 kgの窒素、26.2 kgのカリウム、25.1 kgの炭素、7.8 kgのリン、6.6 kgのマグネシウムを畑から除去していることになる[14]。窒素は根粒細菌を通じて大気中から自給できる豆類であるため肥料を与える場合にはリンが最も重要となり、ナイジェリアのヨラでの研究では五酸化二リンの形で60 kg/ha程度が最適だった[15]



生産量(2013年)(Source FAOSTAT)[16] 作付面積 (Ha) 単位収量 (kg/ha) 生産量 (t) マリ共和国の旗 マリ 120,000 9,498 113,981 ニジェールの旗 ニジェール 68,000 4,412 30,000 ブルキナファソの旗 ブルキナファソ 55,000 8,909 49,000 カメルーンの旗 カメルーン 43,392 8,444 36,639 コンゴ民主共和国の旗 コンゴ民主共和国 4,828 750 14,000 全世界 315,392 7,724 243,620





  1. ^ The Plant List: A Working List of All Plant Species”. ^ USDA GRIN Taxonomy”. ^ Definition And Classification Of Commodities (Draft): 4. Pulses And Derived Products”. Food and Agriculture Organization (2013年6月21日閲覧。
  2. ^ a b c Nichterlein, Karin. “Vigna subterranea”. Ecoport. 2011年3月16日閲覧。
  3. ^ Hepper, FN (1963). “Plants of the 1957-58 West Africa Expedition II: The bambara groundnut (Voandzeia subterranea) and Kersting’s groundnut (Kerstingiella geocarpa) wild in West Africa”. Kew Bulletin 16 (3): 395–407. JSTOR 4114681.
  4. ^ Ocran, V. K, (1998). Seed Management Manual for Ghana. Accra Ghana: MOFA.
  5. ^ Yamaguchi, M (1983). World Vegetables. New York: Van Nostrand Reinhold.
  6. ^ a b Baryeh, E.A. (2001). “Physical properties of bambara groundnuts”. Journal of food engineering 47: 321–326. doi:10.1016/s0260-8774(00)00136-9.
  7. ^ Doku, E.V. (1995). Proceedings of the Workshop on Conservation and Improvement of Bambara groundnut (Vigna subterranean (L.). Harare Zimbabwe: University of Ghana. http://www.bioversityinternational.org/fileadmin/_migrated/uploads/tx_news/Bambara_groundnut__Vigna_subterranea__L.__Verdc._499.pdf.
  8. ^ Dansi, A.; R. Vodouhe; P. Azokpota; et al. (19 April 2012). “Diversity of the Neglected and Underutilized Crop Species of Importance in Benin”. The Scientific World Journal 2012: 932947. doi:10.1100/2012/932947. PMC 3349165. PMID 22593712. http://www.pubmedcentral.nih.gov/articlerender.fcgi?tool=pmcentrez&artid=3349165.
  9. ^ a b c d e Data sheet Vigna subterranea”. Ecocrop. FAO. 2011年3月16日閲覧。
  10. ^ Rassel, A (1960). “Voandzou, Voandzeia subterranea Thouars, and its cultivation in Kwango”. Bull. agric. Congo belge 51: 1–26. http://www.cabdirect.org/abstracts/19601403615.html?freeview=true 2011年3月16日閲覧。.
  11. ^ Kouassi, N’. J; I. A. Zoro Bi (2010). “Effect Of Sowing Density And Seedbed Type On Yield And Yield Components In Bambara Groundnut (Vigna subterranea) In Woodland Savannas Of Cote D’ivoire”. Experimental Agriculture 46: 99–110. doi:10.1017/S0014479709990494. http://journals.cambridge.org/action/displayFulltext?type=1&fid=6698056&jid=EAG&volumeId=46&issueId=01&aid=6698048 2011年3月16日閲覧。.
  12. ^ a b c Mkandawire, Ceasar H (2007). “Review of Bambara Groundnut (Vigna subterranea (L.) Verdc.) Production in Sub-Sahara Africa”. Agricultural Journal 2 (4): 464–470. doi:10.3923/aj.2007.464.470.
  13. ^ Toungos, M.D.; A.A. Sajo and D.T. Gungula (2009). “Recommended Fertilizer Levels on Bambara Groundnut (Vigna subterranea (L) Verde) in Yola Adamawa State, Nigeria”. Agricultural Journal 4 (1): 14–21. doi:10.3923/aj.2009.14.21.
  14. ^ a b c FAOSTAT”. FAO. 2015年2月2日閲覧。
  15. ^ Massawe, F.J.; S.S. Mwale, S.N. Azam-Ali and J.A. Roberts (2005). “Breeding in Bambara groundnut (Vigna subterranea (L.) Verdc.): strategic considerations”. African Journal of Biotechnology 4 (6): 463–471. http://www.academicjournals.org/ajb/PDF/Pdf2005/Jun/Massawe%20et%20al.pdf 2011年5月3日閲覧。.


 src= ウィキメディア・コモンズには、バンバラマメに関連するカテゴリがあります。
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バンバラマメ: Brief Summary ( Japanese )

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バンバラマメ Vigna subterranea はササゲ属の植物の1種。西アフリカ原産で、ラッカセイのように地中に豆をつける。

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밤바라땅콩 ( Korean )

provided by wikipedia 한국어 위키백과

밤바라땅콩(Bambara--, 학명: Vigna subterranea 비그나 숩테라네아[*])은 콩과한해살이 식물이다.[2] 아프리카 열대 지역이 원산지이다.[3] 이름은 서아프리카밤바라족 이름에서 따왔다.

사진 갤러리


  1. Vigna subterranea (L.) Verdc.”. 《The Plant List》 (영어). 2010년 7월 14일. 2019년 5월 17일에 확인함.
  2. Verdcourt, Bernard. Kew Bulletin 35(3): 474. 1980.
  3. Vigna subterranea (L.) Verdc.”. 《GRIN-Global Web v》 (영어). 2000년 5월 12일. 2019년 5월 17일에 확인함.
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