This plant is a herb and woody at the base in perennial specimens. Stem is single and much branched or ascending. Leaves are up to 3.5 cm and leaflets 0.5-2.5 x 0.2-0.8 cm which are linear-elliptic to broadly-elliptic, strigose on the lower surface. Flowers are solitary or in lax 2- to 4-flowered racemes. Corolla 6-9 mm, ± equalling the calyx. Pod is 2.5-4 x 0.3-0.4 cm, oblong-linear, silvery-strigose, 6- to 12-seeded, constricted between the seeds.
Gebel Elba.
Egypt, Arabia, Iran, Red Sea Hills in Sudan, Ethiopia, Eritrea, westwards to Jebel Marra and Tibesti.
Sandy and Rocky Hillsides and Wadis.
Annual or short-lived perennial.
Height: to 60 cm.