Response of French broom plants and seeds to fire depends on fire frequency and severity, as
well as the age of the broom stand. It is unclear how French broom may respond
fire in different seasons, as this topic is not covered in the currently
available literature.
Substantially lower germination rates in the 2nd and 3rd postfire
growing seasons compared to those of the 1st postfire growing season
suggest that most French broom seed in the soil seed bank is depleted after one
fire [49]. Similarly, postfire germination response of
French broom decreases after sequential burning [3]. Alexander and D'Antonio [3]
examined the effects of fire on the seed bank under French broom stands of
varying ages, comparing broom (mostly French broom, with small amounts of Scotch
broom), native perennial grasses, native forbs, nonnative annual grasses,
nonnative perennial grasses, and nonnative forbs. They used 2 different
approaches. First they surveyed the soil seed bank across stands that had either
never been burned or had burned from 1 to 4 times. Next they sampled the seed
bank in 2 sites immediately before and after prescribed burning to look at
direct effects of fire on the number of viable seeds in the soil. They found a
large decrease in the number of broom seeds between the never burned and the
burned sites, though there was no statistical difference between sites burned
once versus sites burned more than once. The French broom seed bank did not
change with repeated burning, although the seeds of other species appear to have
been affected. The size of the nonnative seed bank (other than brooms) in twice-burned plots was
equal to or greater than the seed bank of the never-burned stand. However, a 3rd
burn decreased nonnative perennial grasses and nonnative annual grasses while
increasing native forbs. The results of comparisons of pre- and postburn samples
show similar trends; however, because of the low replication of direct burning
treatments, it is not clear whether these patterns are due to repeated burning
or to the nature of the individual fires [3].
Control efforts and observations by Boyd [12,13]
indicate that when broom is hand-cut and left on site to cure, subsequent
prescribed burning is severe enough that postfire sprouting is prevented. The
timing of burns in Marin County is dependent on the occurrence of climatic
conditions that provide lower risk of an escaped fire (cooler, wetter, low-wind
days). Though fuel loads are increased by cutting and drying broom biomass
before burning, fire intensity and severity are rarely high (personal observation, cited by [3]).
Odion and Haubensak [49] studied
seed bank depletion and site alteration in French broom stands in relation to burning.
Pre- and postburn sampling was conducted in relatively young and old stands of broom
in which fuel was added, removed, or left undisturbed. Comparisons were made
with an adjacent unburned control stand. Addition of fuel in old stands did not
improve seed bank depletion and it resulted in much lower native species
cover compared to leaving broom slash where it fell. In contrast, if
stands are burned at a young enough age, with supplemental fuel, the seed bank
can be more rapidly exhausted [49]. Additional information
is available on the response of Scotch broom
plants and seed to varying heat treatments and varying fire severities.
Even with high seed mortality following high-severity fire, some French broom
seeds will probably remain in the soil. Often enough broom seeds remain to
replace a French broom [3] or Scotch broom
French broom is 1 of 4 nonnative invasive broom species that occur in
North America. All are perennial, leguminous shrubs. DiTomaso [22] provides a table of characteristics to distinguish
among French broom, Scotch broom, Portuguese broom, Spanish broom, and common gorse,
another leguminous shrub that occurs in similar habitats. All broom species have some similar morphological
characteristics, while common gorse is morphologically distinct from the brooms.
French broom is the most widespread of the brooms in California, but less is
known about its biology and ecology than Scotch broom.
The following description of French broom provides a summary of the range of
characteristics described in reviews [11,22,54] and florae [35]. It provides
characteristics that may be relevant to fire ecology, and is not meant for
identification. Hickman [35] provides a key for identification of French broom.
French broom is an upright, evergreen shrub, commonly less than 10 feet (3 m)
tall, occasionally to 16 feet (5 m) tall. Stems are
erect, dense, and green and densely covered with silky, silvery hairs. French
broom is typically leafy (as compared with Scotch broom, which has few
leaves), with compound, deciduous leaves with leaflets
0.4 to 0.8 inch (10-20 mm) long and petioles 5 mm long. French broom inflorescences are dense clusters
occurring in racemes on axillary short-shoots. They are composed of 4 to
10 pea-like flowers, 0.2 to 0.3 inch (5-7 mm) long on axillary pedicels 1 to 3 mm
long. The fruit is a legume, 0.5 to 1
inch (15-25 mm) long and 5 mm wide with 3 to 8 seeds per pod. French broom seeds
are round tooval and have elaiosomes.
Little mention of French broom root systems appears in the literature, although
Pitcairn [57] notes that plants have a deep, branching taproot. As a legume,
French broom forms a symbiotic association with nitrogen-fixing bacteria
located in nodules on its roots. Seedlings of French broom have well developed
root nodules, even at the 1st leaf stage [1].
Research on stem photosynthesis has been conducted and results reported on
Spanish broom and Scotch broom [7,48]. Spanish and Scotch broom rely heavily on
stem photosynthesis during the hot summer months, and are well adapted to open,
high sunlight environments. However, drought stress severely inhibits
photosynthesis of brooms [48]. Nilsen and others [48] also studied stem
photosynthesis in French broom and, while they did not provide data for this
species, they stated that it has minimal stem photosynthetic capacity but
does well in similar environments (see Site Characteristics).
Growth form and stand structure:
Dense broom infestations produce large amounts of dry matter, which can create a serious
fire hazard. This is particularly true for gorse and French broom ([22],
and references therein).
French broom is native to the Azores and countries surrounding the Mediterranean
Sea. It has been introduced to other areas including Australia, New Zealand,
and North America [11]. In North America it occurs from southern British
Columbia south to southern California [40]. French broom is thought to have been
introduced to the San Francisco Bay Area in the mid-1800s as an ornamental [11]
and has since become invasive in California, southwestern Oregon, and Washington
[57]. It is currently the most widespread of the brooms in California. In
California, French broom is found in the North Coast Ranges, San Francisco Bay,
southern Coast Ranges, southern Channel Islands, Western Transverse, and
Peninsular Ranges [35]. Plants database provides a state
distribution map of French broom.
French broom is 1 of 4 nonnative invasive broom species that occur in North
America. Scotch broom (Cytisus scoparius), Portuguese broom (C.
striatus), and Spanish broom (Spartium junceum)
occur in similar habitats and have some similar morphological
and ecological
characteristics. Common gorse (Ulex europaeus) is another leguminous
shrub that occurs in similar habitats, but is morphologically distinct from the
The following lists include vegetation types in which French broom is known or thought to
be potentially invasive, based on reported occurrence and biological tolerances
to site conditions. Precise distribution information is limited; therefore,
these lists may not be exhaustive.
The native range of French broom includes humid and subhumid areas of the
Mediterranean region. In Australia French broom is invasive in forest margins, "neglected"
areas, roadsides, and watercourses, and it occasionally encroaches
in pastures receiving more than 20 inches (500 mm) annual rainfall [54].
In California, French broom is common on coastal plains and mountain slopes,
colonizing grassland and open-canopy forest. Differences in growth habit have been
observed at different sites. For example, French broom retains much of its foliage in coastal areas, and is more
deciduous in inland areas [11].
French broom is common in disturbed
places such as riverbanks, road cuts, logged or burned areas, pastures, and
road and utility rights-of-way [11,35]. It often occurs on steep and exposed
slopes [53].
In California, French broom occurs on sites with varied soil moisture conditions, but
seems to prefer siliceous soils. Unlike other broom species in California, it
grows reasonably well on alkaline soils with pH 8. Its ability to fix nitrogen
allows growth in low-fertility soils [11].
French broom seedlings are less tolerant of frost
than Scotch broom seedlings, and consequently are less often found at high elevations
[11]. Hickman [35] reports that French broom occurs to 1,600 feet (500
m), and Bossard [11] reports that it occurs to 2,600 feet (800 m) in California. In the Santa
Lucia Ranges, southern Los Padres region, and San Diego region, French broom is
reported below 1,700 feet (520 m) [68].
Fire is likely to top-kill French broom, although some reports (e.g. [49,50]) indicate that French broom is
difficult to burn in some situations. Conversely, high-severity fires or fires
in some seasons may kill the entire plant and prevent postfire sprouting [12,13].
Fire may kill some French broom seeds in the soil seed bank, although seed
bank densities are not substantially decreased immediately following fire [3,49].
Observed reductions in French broom seed banks following fire (see Plant Response to Fire)
are more likely due to subsequent germination rather than direct fire-induced seed mortality [3].
French broom is listed by the California Invasive Plant Council as one of the most widespread and invasive
wildland pest plants in California [16].
Several reviews suggest that French broom invades native vegetation, displaces native plant and forage species,
and dominates the invaded community, sometimes forming dense, monospecific,
almost impenetrable stands [11,43,57].
Experimental evidence indicates that French broom invasion
causes changes in plant community composition by displacing vegetation
and decreasing local native plant alpha diversity [49]. A comparison of 12 "old-growth"
French broom plots and 12 uninfested
California grassland plots indicates that the number of native species (11.7
species + 0.8 s x, versus
3.1 + 0.3) and cover (15.1 + 5.0% versus 5.1 +
1.7%) are higher in plots where broom is absent [49]. A
study of seed banks in California grassland indicates a decrease in seed banks
of native species in invaded stands, even in French broom stands as young as 5 years [3].
Some authors suggest that French broom invasion leads to changes in soil
properties that may have implications for restoration and rehabilitation
efforts. Invasions may change microclimate conditions on and in the soil [11].
French broom invasion is thought to be responsible for reducing arthropod populations
by 1/3 in Golden Gate National Recreation Area (Landforn and Nelson 1992,
ctied by [11]). As a nitrogen-fixing species, French broom may enrich
soil nitrogen levels and alter nitrogen dynamics in the invaded system [33].
French broom along roadsides obstructs views,
requiring expensive ongoing road maintenance. Since it grows more rapidly than
most trees used in forestry, it shades out tree seedlings in areas that are
revegetated after harvest and makes reforestation difficult [11].
While it has been suggested that French broom invasion increases fire hazard
(e.g. [11,54]), this relationship may be
site-specific, as others authors (e.g. [49]) indicate that
French broom is difficult to burn
(see Fire Ecology).
As with other broom species, the best method for removal of a French broom
infestation depends on climate, topography, age and size of the infestation, importance
of impact to nontarget species, and type, quantity, and duration of resources
available to remove and control broom at the site. All methods require
appropriate timing and follow-up monitoring. Because of the seed bank, monitoring
removal sites to locate and kill new seedlings is essential. Location and treatment
of sprouts is also necessary. Sites should be examined annually following broom seed germination
(usually late spring) for 5 to 10 years, and every 2 years thereafter [11].
Controlling the seed bank is an important obstacle for French broom control. To do this it
is necessary to determine the conditions for stimulating germination of the
greatest number of seeds to exhaust the seed bank. In the case of
French broom, a sizeable seed bank may remain dormant in the
soil indefinitely in the absence of fire or other treatments that break dormancy [49].
The following is a general review of control methods and includes information that may
be applicable for better understanding of French broom's fire
ecology. Given their similar biology and lack of information on all of the broom
species, much of this information comes from research on Scotch broom and is generalized to apply to all brooms. More
research is needed, however, to understand how this information applies to
French broom, Portuguese broom, and Spanish broom. The reader is referred to other reviews [4,10,37,38,58] and the Weed control methods handbook
for more details on control methods.
The most effective method for managing invasive species is to prevent their establishment and spread. Some
methods of prevention include limiting seed dispersal, containing local
infestations, minimizing soil disturbances, detecting and eradicating weed
introductions early, and establishing and encouraging desirable competitive
plants [64].
Invasive broom species (French, Scotch, Portuguese, and Spanish brooms)
should not be used for horticultural and landscape purposes. McClintock [43]
indicates that several ornamental brooms are not invasive. An effective
step in preventing further introduction and spread of the weedy brooms may be in
asking nurseries to carry only the nonweedy species of broom [43].
Integrated management:
Integrated management approaches for French broom involve combining
prescribed fire with other control methods. See the Fire Management Considerations
section of this summary for more information.
Manual methods of broom removal, such as hand-pulling and removal with hand tools, have the benefit of
being highly selective, thus allowing removal of weeds with minimal damage to
surrounding desirable vegetation. Hoshovsky [37] suggests
the Bradley method, as described by Fuller and Barbe [29], as
a sensible approach to manual control of brooms. He also suggests some logistics
for securing and managing volunteers for manual control programs. Manual removal
must be repeated regularly, since broom seedlings continue to establish from the
seed bank after removal of adult plants [37]. See the Nature Conservancy's Element Stewardship Abstract
on French and Scotch broom for more information on management of these species.
Pulling with weed wrenches is effective for small infestations or in areas
where an inexpensive, long-duration labor source is dedicated to broom removal [76].
Weed wrenches remove the entire mature shrub, eliminating sprouting. Wrench
removal allows targeting broom plants and minimizing impact on neighboring
species and can be done on slopes. However, soil disturbance caused by weed wrenches
tends to bury broom seeds and create microsites that favor broom seed
germination. Sites must be monitored annually and seedlings removed before
reaching maturity (2-3 years) until the broom seed bank is depleted [11].
The following procedures are recommended for control of brooms by cutting:
Cut broom shrubs with a saw or brush cutter, at or below ground level,
after broom has gone to seed and soil moisture is at a seasonal low. Remove or burn cut plants the following spring.
The following summer, after grasses are dry and have dispersed their seed, mow
French broom seedlings as close to the ground as possible with a heavy-duty brush cutter.
Repeat for 5 or 6 seasons, until the seed bank is exhausted.
Timing and height of cutting is critical in this technique to minimize sprouting. Cutting
French broom in June in Mendocino County at 2 to 3 inches (5-8 cm) above the soil surface resulted in
extensive sprouting. Brush hogs twist off aboveground plant
material and are more destructive to perennating tissues than is
cutting; however, sprouting still occurs [11].
Mulching with 3 to 4 inches (8-10 cm) of straw (certified weed-free) during winter or spring
(before seedlings are over an inch tall) may prevent broom seedling emergence.
A controlled study by the Habitat Restoration Team
in California demonstrated that mulching with rice straw was 99% effective in preventing
French broom seedlings from emerging through straw throughout the germination period from
December to April. Mulching also increased the mortality of brush-cut French
broom in the same study when applied during winter (Alvarez unpublished data,
cited by [4]).
See the Fire Management Considerations
section of this summary.
Biological control of invasive species has a long history,
and there are many important considerations before the implementing a biological
control program. Tu and others [76] provide general information and considerations for biological
control of invasive species in their Weed control methods handbook. Additionally, Cornell University, Texas A & M University, and NAPIS
websites offer information on biological control.
Foreign exploration for biological control agents for French broom began in
2000, and several promising agents have been found. As of 2003, at least one
insect was undergoing host specificity testing. An insect purposely introduced for control of
Scotch broom, the Scotch broom bruchid (Bruchidius villosus) [17], also attacks
French broom. See Coombs and others [18] for more information on this
insect, its distribution, and effects.
The native moth Uresiphita reversalis, which is known as "the genista
caterpillar," has built up high numbers on local French broom populations in central California. Large genista
caterpillar populations can be very damaging to local French broom populations;
however, most populations of the moth are transitory and thus
do not provide long-term control [57].
Heavy grazing by domestic goats for 4 or 5 years during the growing season is
reported to effectively control broom in New Zealand [39], and has been tried at
a few sites in Marin County (Archblad, personal communication cited by [11]). Rice [64] reports that
goats were "very effective at reducing heavy brush, including that of...French
broom" in the Hill Area watershed of San Francisco Bay." The disadvantage is that goats are
not selective, and native species may also be eaten [11].
Herbicides are effective in gaining initial control of a new
invasion (of small size) or a severe infestation, but are rarely a complete or
long-term solution to invasive species management because they do not change
conditions that allow infestations to occur [15]. Herbicides are more effective
on large infestations when incorporated into long-term management plans that
include replacement of weeds with desirable species, careful land use
management, and prevention of new infestations. See the Weed control methods handbook [76]
for considerations on the use of herbicides in natural areas and detailed
information on specific chemicals and adjuvants. Also see the broom Element Stewardship Abstract [37]
and other reviews [11] for more detailed information on chemical control.
Glyphosate is effective in some situations, but is likely to impact nontarget
species, and broom sprouting occurs. Triclopyr ester is effective in killing French
broom with a low-volume, basal bark application to the main stem. This
application does not impact nontarget species but is time consuming. Used alone
and in combination with other herbicides, 2,4-D has been used to control French broom ([11]
and references therein).
As of this writing (2005) no information is available on the use of French broom by livestock
or wildlife. However, it is probably eaten by domestic goats, and goat grazing is used
to control broom species in New Zealand [39] and California [64]
(see Biological Control). Cattle do not eat broom [39].
Palatability/nutritional value:
According to Hickman [35], French broom flowers, and perhaps all parts, are
toxic. French broom foliage and seeds contain a variety of quinolizidine
alkaloids, especially in young leaves. In some livestock, ingestion of plant
parts can cause staggering followed by paralysis. French broom foliage can cause digestive
disorders in horses ([11], and references therein).
Cover value: No information is available on this topic.
The following description of habitat types and plant communities in which French
broom occurs
is taken from examples found in the literature. The objective is to provide
examples of vegetation types in which these species occur, and is not meant to
imply that they are restricted to these types within these areas. There is very little information in the
literature on vegetation types in which French broom occurs.
In California,
French broom
occurs in annual grasslands, oak woodlands, coastal scrub, chaparral, conifer, and
relatively open mixed evergreen forests [11,68,73]. At sites in California where nonnative annual grasses typically codominate with
native perennial grasses and forbs, there has been substantial French broom invasion into the
otherwise intact open grassland. At more than half of these sites, Scotch broom
is also invading [33]. On the edge of Mt. Tamalpais State Park, French broom occurs on an
exposed, west-facing slope dominated by nonnative grasses with patches of
coyote bush (Baccharis pilularis)
and several nonnative forbs and shrubs including bigleaf periwinkle (Vinca major), silverleaf
cotoneaster (Cotoneaster pannosus), narrowleaf plantain (Plantago lanceolata),
evergreen blackberry (Rubus laciniatus), and poison hemlock (Conium maculatum).
Here French broom and Scotch broom grow interleaved, with Scotch broom
individuals somewhat more sparse (about 15% cover) and spread out than French
broom (about 30% cover). At China Camp State Park, French broom and Scotch broom
grow in patches and
as scattered individuals, with a total cover of about 35% and 15%, respectively.
Other common species included coyote bush, toyon (Heteromeles arbutifolia), poison-oak (Toxicodendron
diversilobum), nonnative musk thistle (Carduus nutans),
Uruguayan pampas grass (Cortaderia selloana), and other nonnative grasses
[53]. On a coastal grassland site in Marin County, dense cover of French broom occurs in a
matrix currently dominated by
nonnative annual grasses including oats (Avena spp.), sixweeks grasses
(Vulpia spp.), and bromes (Bromus spp.), and thought to have formerly been
composed of purple needlegrass (Nasella pulchra), California oatgrass (Danthonia
californica), red fescue (Festuca rubra), and blue wildrye (Elymus glaucus).
Scotch broom was also present in small numbers (<5% of aboveground plants) in
some areas [3].
French broom also occurs in the understory of bristlecone fir (Abies
bracteata) forests [68]. Scotch broom and French broom are
also persistent problems along roadsides in redwood (Sequoia sempervirens)
ecosystems of California,
and occur in redwood forests after clear-cutting, persisting until the canopy closes [63].
French broom
invades disturbed areas in maritime chaparral stands around Monterey Bay,
where several native species of concern occur. These include Hooker's manzanita
(Arctostaphylos hookeri ssp. hookeri), Pajaro manzanita (A. pajaroensis),
Monterey ceanothus (Ceanothus cuneatus var. rigidus),
Monterey spineflower (Chorizanthe pungens var. pungens),
Eastwood's goldenbush (Ericameria fasciculata), and Yadon's piperia (Piperia yadonii)
There was no information in the literature on plant
communities in which French broom occurs in either Oregon or Washington.
Germination of broom species in California occurs from December through July [3,10,11]. The period of most rapid
growth is April to July [11].
French broom flowers from March to May in southern California [47] and on
inland sites, and from March to July on the northern coast. Flowers appear just prior to
emergence of new leaves. Seeds mature in June and July. French broom seed pods
burst in the heat of spring and summer, dispersing seed. Sometimes a 2nd
flowering occurs towards the end of summer [54].
As in other brooms, most photosynthate is moving up in the shrub toward branch tips during
flowering, bud break, and seed set. Photosynthate starts moving down toward
roots of French broom after seeds are well grown but before seed release (Bossard
and others 1995, cited in [11]).
Germination of French broom from the soil seed bank appears to be induced by
fire, as high seedling densities occur after a single fire [1,12,13,20,49].
Laboratory tests support the notion that heat from fire scarifies French broom
seed and stimulates germination ([1,11,49] and references therein) (see Germination).
D'Antonio and Haubensak [20] found that more French broom seeds germinated in
burned than in unburned grassland habitat in Marin County, and that growth and
survival of seedlings were enhanced in burned areas. Data from various studies
on French broom and Scotch broom indicate a reduction in broom seed bank
densities of 43% to 97% after one fire [9,11,24]. Similarly, a small roadside
population of French broom in Australia was burned, and seedling emergence
following burning was 174 seedlings/m². French
broom seed continued to germinate without further
disturbance for up to 3 years after the fire. Some postfire sprouting was also
observed [1].
French broom spreads by prodigious seed production. French broom may also
sprout from the root crown [11] or upper stem [12] when
aboveground parts are removed by cutting, freezing, or fire.
Breeding system:
French broom is monoecious
and does not show appreciable levels of selfing [53].
Both native and nonnative insects pollinate French broom. Parker and others [51,53]
demonstrated pollinator limitation in French broom, underscoring the potential
importance of pollinators to its fecundity and spread. Patterns of fecundity
were not, however, strongly predicted by differences in pollen limitation
between species (French and Scotch broom) or between sites [53]. Because nonnative honeybees are
often themost common pollinators of brooms [52,72], potential negative
impacts of beekeeping on broom management have been suggested [52].
Seed production:
French broom becomes reproductive at 2 to 3 years of age, or on reaching a height of about 1.5 to 2 feet (45-60 cm)
[1,11]. A medium-sized shrub can produce over 8,000 seeds a year (Bossard, unpublished
data, cited by [11]). Adams and Simmons [1] found an average of 7,400
pods per bush, with an average of 4.8 seeds per pod, and 5% of the pods damaged
by insects in a dense infestation of French broom in dry sclerophyll vegetation in
Victoria, Australia.
Seed dispersal:
French broom pods burst open explosively, ejecting seeds up to 13 feet (4 m). Seeds are further
dispersed by ants, birds, and other animals and in river water, rain wash, and mud,
and by vehicles and machinery [1,11].
Seed banking:
Dormancy of French broom seed is enforced by a hard coat that prevents imbibition. A large
proportion (60%-82%) of French broom seed is dormant upon dispersal ([1,49], and
references therein). The high rate of seed production
coupled with high rates of seed dormancy result in a rapid build-up of
persistent, soil-stored seed [1]. French broom seeds are known to
survive at least 5 years in soil (Bossard, unpublished data cited in [11]).
A large number of dormant French broom seeds in the soil seed bank can lead
to high germination rates following soil and vegetation disturbance such as that
caused by fire [1]. Even though seed densities tend to decrease with distance
away from broom stands, there
may be sufficient numbers to support a population expansion after fire ([49] and
references therein).
A review by Bossard [11] reports French broom seed bank densities range
from 465 to 6,733 seeds/m². An average of
10,000 dormant broom seeds/m² occurred in the litter and soil under mature
French broom stands in Marin County (Parker and Kersnar 1989, cited by [49]). Average French
broom seed bank densities of 3,774 seeds/m²
and 2,563 seeds/m² were recorded at 2 sites
in Australia [1]. Seed bank densities seem to increase with soil depth with the
age of the broom stand [49].
French broom seed bank densities may be related to stand age, although no
clear relationship was found in French broom
stands of varying ages on a coastal grassland site in Marin County, California
[3]. Seed density of French and Scotch broom, native perennial
grasses, native forbs, nonnative annual grasses, nonnative perennial grasses,
and nonnative forbs were compared in areas where the grassland matrix under the broom stands
was dominated by nonnative annual grasses. Scotch
broom was present only in small numbers (<5% of total aboveground plants),
and no distinction was made between seeds of the 2 broom species. Broom stands
ranged from 5 to 15 years old, and broom seed bank density ranged between 900
and 10,582 seeds/m².
Younger and older stands tended to have fewer seeds than stands in the middle
age range, with a general trend of increasing seed numbers as stands age, a
stabilization of numbers in middle-aged stands, and a decrease in seed density
among the oldest stands [3]. A similar trend was observed in a 4-year study of
Scotch broom in Australia [65]. However, variation in seed bank
density among sites was large, and there was no clear relationship between stand
age and seed bank density. Density of all nonbroom seeds as a group decreased
with stand age, although seed densities of individual species were not
different between sites of different ages. There were no significant
relationships (p=0.734) between stand age and the number of dormant or dead broom seeds in
the seed bank. However, there was a trend toward an increasing percentage of deeply
dormant seeds with increasing stand age. The large variation in broom seed
numbers among sites may be due to differences in productivity and fecundity
brought about by differences in availability of soil resources and/or
pollinators; or by differences in seed dispersal or predation by granivorous
insects among sites [3].
French broom is polymorphic in its germination behavior, with about 18%
[1] to 40% (Parker and Kersnar 1989, cited in [49]) of fresh seed germinating immediately on exposure to suitable conditions,
and the remainder dormant. Scotch broom seed buried below about 3 inches (8 cm) does not
germinate [8], and very few
broom seeds occur below 4 inches (10 cm) (Parker and Kersnar 1989, cited in [49]), [3,24].
French broom seed may be stimulated to germinate by rain, scarification during soil disturbance, or fire.
In field studies in Australia, Adams and Simmons [1] observed
a flush of French broom seedlings after autumn rains in April 1988. Average seedling counts
were 790 seedlings/m² under dense mature stands without disturbance.
Several researchers have observed a flush of French broom seedlings following
fire [12,13,20,49], and laboratory studies indicate that heat scarification
stimulates germination of French broom ([1,11,49] and references therein) and Scotch broom [8,60,67,74] seeds. Heat of
122 to 212 °F (50-100 °C) doubled French broom germination rates, and seed mortality ensued at about
257 °F (125 °C) (Parker and Kersnar 1989, cited in [49]). Cheng (in press)
reports that heat treating seeds with temperatures of 149 °F (65 °C) improved germination
of seed in some populations but not in others [11]. Seeds that
were heat treated with boiling water "to simulate the cracking of the
testa by fire" germinated rapidly in light at 68 °F (20 °C), with over 50% of viable seeds
germinating within 12 days, and 90% within 14 days [1].
Hand scarification also stimulates germination of French broom seed [49].
Seedling establishment/growth:
Very little information is available on French broom seedling establishment and
growth. There is a high potential for seedling recruitment following fire [1,12,13,20,49] (see Plant Response to Fire).
Regular recruitment can lead to rapid French broom population expansion.
At a site in Australia the invasion front moved over 10 feet (3 m) in 12 months [1].
Asexual regeneration:
French broom can sprout from the root crown after cutting. Once seedlings are taller than
approximately 8 inches (20 cm), their rate of sprouting after cutting can be
over 90%, particularly if cut in the rainy season (Bossard, unpublished data in
[11]). Boyd [12] also reports sprouting from the stem
following top-kill by fire.
The currently accepted name for French broom is Genista monspessulana (L.)
L. Johnson (Fabaceae) [35,40].
No naturally occurring hybrids are reported in the literature. There may be
a number of ornamental hybrids, as Hickman [35]
indicates that most plants reported as French broom
may be hybrids.
Genista monspessulana, commonly known as French broom, Montpellier broom,[1] or Cape broom (Australia), is a woody leguminous perennial shrub. The yellow-flowering bush is native to the Mediterranean region, and while it may still be commonly sold in some garden stores, it is considered an invasive plant in most places where it has been introduced.[2] It is a noxious weed on the western coast of the US and in parts of Australia.
G. monspessulana grows to 1–2.5 metres (3+1⁄2–8 feet) tall, with slender green branches. The stems are not ridged or green.[3] The leaves are evergreen, trifoliate with three narrow obovate leaflets, 1–2 centimetres (1⁄2–3⁄4 inch) long. The flowers are yellow, grouped 3–9 together in short racemes. Like other legumes, it develops its seeds within a pod. The pods are 2–3 cm (3⁄4–1+1⁄4 in) long, tough and hard, covered all over with hairs,[3] and are transported easily by flowing water and animals. They burst open with force, dispersing the seeds several metres. The plant begins seed production once it reaches a height of approximately 40 cm (16 in), and each plant can live for 10–20 years. One mature plant can produce 10,000 seeds per season. The generous seed production and the plant's ability to re-sprout after cutting or burning help it to invade new habitat vigorously when introduced.[4][5][6]
It is related to the common broom and Spanish broom.
G. monspessulana and related plants are common in European shrublands. French broom was originally distributed throughout Mediterranean Europe and northwest Africa, the Azores, and the Canary Islands.[6] Due to its lower tolerance for frost than other broom species, it is common in warmer, lower elevation areas. It is found on coastal strips and in sunny inland areas, and does best with plentiful rainfall and sandy soils.
When introduced to a new area, French broom can become an invasive plant. Its reproductive vigour and preference for Mediterranean climates make it a very successful species in California and the Pacific Northwest, where it is considered a severe noxious weed, covering over 40 kilohectares.[7] It is even more widespread in Australia, where it covers 600,000 hectares and is also considered a noxious weed.[8]
The plant often outcompetes native vegetation, forming dense fields where other species are almost completely crowded out. Stands of French broom can be so thick that they make meadows and pastures useless for wild and domestic animals. It can also shade out tree seedlings in reforested areas and tends to catch fire.[6]
The leaves and seeds contain alkaloids which are poisonous to many large domestic animals.[6]
Genista monspessulana, commonly known as French broom, Montpellier broom, or Cape broom (Australia), is a woody leguminous perennial shrub. The yellow-flowering bush is native to the Mediterranean region, and while it may still be commonly sold in some garden stores, it is considered an invasive plant in most places where it has been introduced. It is a noxious weed on the western coast of the US and in parts of Australia.