
Comprehensive Description

provided by Memoirs of the American Entomological Society
Symphoromyia plumbea Aldrich 1915. Symporomyia plumbea Aldrich, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., xlix, p. 138.
The male is here described for the first time. Similar to female except as follows: Eyes not quite contiguous; first antennal segment considerably swollen especially below, head pollinose and with moderately dense hairs mostly blackish and for most part at least as long as diameter of the segment ; third segment blackish as in female, convex below arista, vertical diameter not quite that of the first segment. Ocellar tubercle and face concolorous with rest of body; the former with long blackish hairs, the latter with a little shorter, moderately dense blackish hairs on sides. Palpi black with long dense whitish pile. Hairs on mesonotum, scutellum and abdomen somewhat longer and more abundant than in female. Length about 4 mm
Allotype.— Male, from Alnota, Wash., [A. L. Melander].
In connection with the description of the male of S. plumbea Aid. it may be of interest to note that there is a female Symphormyia in the Melander collection also from Alnota, Wash., May 25, 1913. It agrees very well with Aldrich 's description of the single type female except that it measures just a little under 4 mm. and the mesonotum has a distinct, longitudinally divided, brownish median stripe on either side of which is a less distinct brownish patch just cephalad of the suture. I do not hesitate in referring the specimen to plumbea.
bibliographic citation
Leonard, M.D. 1930. A Revision of the Dipterous Family Rhagionidae (Leptidae) in the United States and Canada. Memoirs of the American Entomological Society vol. 7. Philadelphia, USA