

provided by Zookeys
Carapace pale yellow, darker in head region. Sternum medium brown. Legs pale yellow, darker distally. Femoral spots on legs I and II. Abdomen dark gray with series of white patches dorsally and pair of unjoined longitudinal white lines laterally; posterior tubercle absent (Fig. 15F-H).
Vulva: Epigynum a scape, base soft and wrinkled, projects ventrally, distal tip curves posteriorly (Fig. 18D). Sclerotized portion of spermatheca/copulatory duct complexes separated by nearly twice their width (Fig. 21C). Fertilization ducts arise from posterior part of spermathecae, curve mesally.
Female (CASENT 9016254): Total length 1.38, carapace 0.37 long, 0.38 wide, clypeus 0.07, sternum 0.26 long, 0.26 wide, coxa IV separated by 1.79 times their width. Macrosetae: Leg I: patella d1, tibia d1; Leg II: patella d1, tibia d1; Leg III: patella d1, tibia d1; Leg IV: patella d1, tibia d1. Metatarsal trichobothria: TmI: 0.33; TmII: 0.32; TmIII: 0.39. Leg measurements: see Appendix A.
Male unknown.
bibliographic citation
The symphytognathoid spiders of the Gaoligongshan, Yunnan, China (Araneae, Araneoidea): Systematics and diversity of micro-orbweavers
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provided by Zookeys
Holotype: CHINA: Yunnan: Gaoligong Shan, Nujiang Prefecture: Gongshan Co., Danzhu He drainage, 15.7-16.0 airkm SW of Gongshan, 27.622-7°N, 98.587-92°E, 2900-3100 m, 30 June-5 July 2000, H.-M. Yan, D. Kavanaugh, C.E. Griswold, H.-B. Liang, D. Ubick, and D.-Z. Dong (CASENT 9029313, HNU), 1 ♀.
Paratypes: [same data as holotype] (CASENT 9016254, CAS), 3 ♀; [same data as holotype] (CASENT 9029314, HNU), 2 ♀; Fugong Co., Lishadi, 8-9 km W of Shibali, 27.20055°N, 98.71399°E, 3221 m, 8 August 2005, webs on rocky cliff , night collecting along the road, forest, P. Paquin, D. Kavanaugh, PP-2805 (CASENT 9022506, HNU), 1 ♀.
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