Figure 2.Acanoides beijingensis sp. n. A male palp, prolateral B male palp, prolateral, with embolic division removed C male palp, retrolateral D embolic division, ventral E embolic division, dorsal F epigynum, ventral G epigynum, dorsal H epigynum, lateral. CG copulatory groove; CO copulatory opening; DP dorsal plate; EA extensible area of epigynal basal part; EM embolic membrane; EP embolus proper; FG fertilization groove; FiG Fickert’s gland; LC lamella characteristica; MP median plate; P paracymbium; PCA proximal cymbial apophysis; R radix; S spermathecae; TA terminal apophysis; TH thumb of embolus; VP ventral plate. [Scale bars: mm].
Figure 3.Acanoides hengshanensis. A male palp, prolateral B male palp, ventral C male palp, retrolateral, arrow indicates pointed tooth on posterolateral margin D embolic division, ventral E embolic division, dorsal F epigynum, ventral G epigynum, dorsal. CG copulatory groove; CO copulatory opening; DP dorsal plate; EA extensible area of epigynal basal part; EM embolic membrane; EP embolus proper; FG fertilization groove; FiG Fickert’s gland; LC lamella characteristica; P paracymbium; PCA proximal cymbial apophysis; R radix; S spermatheca; TA terminal apophysis; TH thumb of embolus; VP ventral plate. [Scale bars: mm].