Rugård Sønderskov
Ning Sun, Yuri M. Marusik, Lihong Tu
Figure 7.Collecting localities of Acanoides species and Acanthoneta aggressa, Acanoides beijingensis sp. n. (Beijing, Hebei); Acanoides hengshanensis (Hunan, Beijing); Acanthoneta dokutchaevi (Jilin).
Asker, Akershus, Norge
Rugård Sønderskov
Ning Sun, Yuri M. Marusik, Lihong Tu
Figure 6.Acanthoneta dokutchaevi (A–G) and Acanthoneta aggressa (H–J). A male, dorsal B male, lateral C male palp, prolateral D male palp, ventral E male palp, retrolateral F embolic division, ventral G embolic division, dorsal H epigynum, ventral I epigynum, posterior J epigynum, lateral (H–J photos provided by Don Buckle). EB epigynal basal part; EM embolic membrane; EP embolus proper; FiG Fickert’s gland; LC lamella characteristica; P paracymbium; PCA proximal cymbial apophysis; PH pit hook; R radix; SC scape; ST stretcher; TA terminal apophysis; TH thumb of embolus. [Scale bars: mm].
Asker, Akershus, Norge
Rugård Sønderskov
Ning Sun, Yuri M. Marusik, Lihong Tu
Figure S1.Linyphiid phylogeny resulting from Maximum Likelihood analysis based on molecular data. Numbers at the nodes are bootstrap value. Branches in color indicate the four robustly supported clades within linyphiids: S Stemonyphantes clade (blue) L1 “linyphiines”-1 clade (pale green) L2 “linyphiines-2” clade (dark blue) ME “micronetines-erigonines” clade (red, with “Distal erigonines” clade in green). Taxa in different colors sampled from different groups: grey, outgroup; blue, Stemonyphantinae; pale green, Linyphiinae; dark blue, Mynogleninae; pink, Dubiaraneinae; black, Micronetinae; red, Ipainae, Acanthoneta and Acanoides gen. n.; green, Erigoninae. Red stars indicate the two out-group taxa: cyatholipid Alaranea and theridiosomatid Theridiosoma embedded within Linyphiidae.
Asker, Akershus, Norge
Rugård Sønderskov
Ning Sun, Yuri M. Marusik, Lihong Tu
Figure 1.Acanoides beijingensis sp. n. (A–C) and Acanoides hengshanensis (D–F). A male, dorsal B female, dorsal C male, lateral, rectangle indicates ventrolateral rows of bristles on Mt I D male, lateral, rectangle indicates ventrolateral rows of bristles on Mt I E male, dorsal F female, dorsal. [Scale bars: mm].
Asker, Akershus, Norge
Rugård Sønderskov
Ning Sun, Yuri M. Marusik, Lihong Tu
Figure 2.Acanoides beijingensis sp. n. A male palp, prolateral B male palp, prolateral, with embolic division removed C male palp, retrolateral D embolic division, ventral E embolic division, dorsal F epigynum, ventral G epigynum, dorsal H epigynum, lateral. CG copulatory groove; CO copulatory opening; DP dorsal plate; EA extensible area of epigynal basal part; EM embolic membrane; EP embolus proper; FG fertilization groove; FiG Fickert’s gland; LC lamella characteristica; MP median plate; P paracymbium; PCA proximal cymbial apophysis; R radix; S spermathecae; TA terminal apophysis; TH thumb of embolus; VP ventral plate. [Scale bars: mm].
Asker, Akershus, Norge
Ning Sun, Yuri M. Marusik, Lihong Tu
Figure 4.Acanoides beijingensis sp. n. A palp (embolic division removed), prolateral B palp, retrolateral, arrow indicates half rounded lateral tooth on paracymbium C embolic division, ventral D embolic division, dorsal E detail of D F detail of C G epigynum, ventral H epigynum, dorsal. AX apex of embolus; CG copulatory groove; CO copulatory opening; DM distal membrane of terminal apophysis; DSA distal suprategular apophysis; EA extensible area of epigynal basal part; EM embolic membrane; EP embolus proper; FG fertilization groove; LC lamella characteristica; MP median plate; P paracymbium; PCA proximal cymbial apophysis; R radix; S spermatheca; SE serrated area on embolus; SPT suprategulum; TA terminal apophysis; TH thumb of embolus; VP ventral plate. [Scale bars: mm].
Asker, Akershus, Norge
Ning Sun, Yuri M. Marusik, Lihong Tu
Figure 3.Acanoides hengshanensis. A male palp, prolateral B male palp, ventral C male palp, retrolateral, arrow indicates pointed tooth on posterolateral margin D embolic division, ventral E embolic division, dorsal F epigynum, ventral G epigynum, dorsal. CG copulatory groove; CO copulatory opening; DP dorsal plate; EA extensible area of epigynal basal part; EM embolic membrane; EP embolus proper; FG fertilization groove; FiG Fickert’s gland; LC lamella characteristica; P paracymbium; PCA proximal cymbial apophysis; R radix; S spermatheca; TA terminal apophysis; TH thumb of embolus; VP ventral plate. [Scale bars: mm].
Asker, Akershus, Norge
Ning Sun, Yuri M. Marusik, Lihong Tu
Figure 5.Acanoides hengshanensis. A palp (embolic division removed), prolateral B palp, retrolateral, arrow indicates pointed tooth on posterolateral margin C embolic division, ventral D embolic division, dorsal E detail of D F detail of C G epigynum, ventral H epigynum, dorsal. AX apex of embolus; CG copulatory groove; CO copulatory opening; DM distal membrane of terminal apophysis; EA extensible area of epigynal basal part; EM embolic membrane; EP embolus proper; FG fertilization groove; LC lamella characteristica; P paracymbium; PCA proximal cymbial apophysis; R radix; S spermatheca; SPT suprategulum; TA terminal apophysis; TH thumb of embolus; VP ventral plate. [Scale bars: mm].
Asker, Akershus, Norge
Ning Sun, Yuri M. Marusik, Lihong Tu
Figure 7.Collecting localities of Acanoides species and Acanthoneta aggressa, Acanoides beijingensis sp. n. (Beijing, Hebei); Acanoides hengshanensis (Hunan, Beijing); Acanthoneta dokutchaevi (Jilin).
Asker, Akershus, Norge
Ning Sun, Yuri M. Marusik, Lihong Tu
Figure S1.Linyphiid phylogeny resulting from Maximum Likelihood analysis based on molecular data. Numbers at the nodes are bootstrap value. Branches in color indicate the four robustly supported clades within linyphiids: S Stemonyphantes clade (blue) L1 “linyphiines”-1 clade (pale green) L2 “linyphiines-2” clade (dark blue) ME “micronetines-erigonines” clade (red, with “Distal erigonines” clade in green). Taxa in different colors sampled from different groups: grey, outgroup; blue, Stemonyphantinae; pale green, Linyphiinae; dark blue, Mynogleninae; pink, Dubiaraneinae; black, Micronetinae; red, Ipainae, Acanthoneta and Acanoides gen. n.; green, Erigoninae. Red stars indicate the two out-group taxa: cyatholipid Alaranea and theridiosomatid Theridiosoma embedded within Linyphiidae.