Fig 1b Leegardiella sol Line drawings of protargol stained cells, showing kineties, oral structures and nuclei
Fig 1a Leegardiella sol Line drawing of protargol stained cell
Fig 2 Leegardiella sol Lugol's fixed cell, apical region
Fig 3 Leegardiella sol Lugol's fixed cell, antapical region
Fig 4 Leegardiella sol - Lugol's fixed cell, lateral view
Fig 5 Leegardiella sol Lugol?s fixed and DAPI stained cell, illustrating nuclear shape
Fig 6 Leegardiella sol - Protargol stain, viewed from apical end: oral ciliature with supporting cytoskeletal structures, micro- and macronuclei are stained
Fig 7 Leegardiella sol Protargol stain, viewed from apical end: oral ciliature with supporting cytoskeletal structures, micro- and macronuclei are stained
Fig 8 Leegardiella sol Protargol stain. Apical view, showing the bases of the external polykinetids and the supporting cytoskeletal structures
Fig 9 Leegardiella sol Protargol stain. Apical view of the EPks with the inner (left arrow) and outer (right arrow) segments visible
Fig 10 Leegardiella sol Lugol?s fixed cell, lateral view
Fig 1a: Line drawing of Lohmanniella oviformis protargol stained cell, showing kineties, oral structures and nucleus
Fig 1b : Line drawings of Lohmanniella oviformis protargol stained cell, showing kineties, oral structures and nucleus
Fig 2: Lohmanniella oviformis Lugol's fixed cell, lateral view
Fig 3: Lohmanniella oviformis Lugol's fixed cell, lateral view
Fig 4: Lohmanniella oviformis Lugol's fixed cell, aboral view
Fig 6: Lohmanniella oviformis protargol stained cell, lateral view, showing EPZ and macronucleus
Fig 7: Lohmanniella oviformis protargol stained cell, lateral view, showing EPZ, somatic kineties and macronucleus
Fig 8: Lohmanniella oviformis protargol stained cell, lateral view, showing EPZ and macronucleus
Fig 9: Lohmanniella oviformis protargol stained cell, lateral view, showing EPZ and macronucleus
Fig 10: Lohmanniella oviformis Lugol's fixed cell
Fig 11: Lohmanniella oviformis Lugol's fixed cell
Fig 12: Lohmanniella oviformis Lugol's fixed cell