Comprehensive Description
provided by Memoirs of the American Entomological Society
Cosmiotes herbigrada (Braun) (Figs. 57, 57a, 104.)
1925. Elachista herbigrada Braun, Trans. Am. Ent. Soc, li, p. 211. Type 2, Providence Lake, Wasatch Mountains, Utah, altitude 8600 feet [A. F. B. Coll.].
Face pale, yellowish tinged, with some of the scales gray-tipped; head above pale grayish, the scales more or less broadly tipped with dark gray; palpi fuscous, whitish above, the third segment black at extreme base, irregularly fuscous-dotted beneath ; antennae gray, with narrow paler annulations. Thorax and fore wings fuscous, irrorated, the bases of the scales whitish ; more evenly dark in the female. Fore wings narrow elongate ; a whitish spot at base of dor-sum in female ; a white fascia before middle a little oblique, broadest in the female; at two-thirds, a pair of opposite costal and dorsal spots, joining in the female to form a broad fascia, constricted in the middle ; in the male, one line of darker scales extends through the cell, crossing the fascia, and a second line below the fold forms a black dash beyond the fascia. Cilia whitish at apex, elsewhere fuscous ; a few marginal scales only at extreme apex white with black tips. Hind wings and cilia pale gray. Hind tibiae gray, with the apex white and a broad white median band including the spurs. Abdomen fuscous, the hairs clothing the genital segments pale.
A'ar expanse: 8.5 mm. ( $ ), 9.5 mm. ( 2 ).
Male genitalia (figs. 57, 57a): setae of anellus lobes numerous and very fine ; vinculum more abruptly narrowing and the produced point more rounded than in the other two species.
Female genitalia (fig. 104) : ostium spinulate, but spinules fewer and more minute than in illectella; ductus bursae swollen in segment 7, and abruptly narrowing at anterior margin of segment 7; sinus of the seventh segment deep; signum with several minute accessory spines.
Specimens examined: 13,12.
Utah : Providence Lake, Wasatch Mountains, Cache County, altitude 8600 feet, 2 type, June 24, 1924 [A. F. B. Coll.].
Colorado: Rocky Mountain National Park, Hidden Valley, 1 S , August 12, 1929 [A. F. B. Coll.].
Food plant and early stages unknown.
This species is very close to C. illectella; the larger size, the narrower wings, and the tendency toward the arrangement of dark-tipped scales in longitudinal lines in the male, and the slight differences noted in the genitalia will aid in separating the two species.
A specimen from Colorado, foot of Gray's Peak, altitude about 1 1,200 feet, doubtfully referred by Chambers to Elachista praematurella (Bull. U. S. Geol. and Geogr. Surv. of Terr., in, 143, 1877) probably belongs to this species.
- bibliographic citation
- Braun, A.F. 1948. Elachistidae of North America (Microlepidoptera). Memoirs of the American Entomological Society vol. 13. Philadelphia, USA