Left: Haeckel says, "Inner medullary shell." Right: Haeckel says, "A part of the two outer shells is removed."
Lateral view.
Vertical section.
Basal view.
Haeckel says: Half the shell, with the enclosed central capsule and the phaeodium, stained by carmine. (The central nucleus dark).
Haeckel says: Top of a pyramid.
Haeckel says: A single triangular mesh of the lattice sphere.
Haeckel says: The central capsule contains numerous spherical nuclei and is enclosed by the hyaline calymma, which forms conical sheaths around the spines.
Haeckel says: Distal end of a tube.
Haeckel says: Left- Distal part of a single radial tube, with the terminal corona. Right- apex of a six-sided pyramid, seen from the inside.
Haeckel says: Left- A single radial tube. Right: Distal end of a single radial tube.
Haeckel says: A single radial tube.