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Spectral tarsiers have a small, round body covered in soft, velvety fur. Their pelage ranges from gray to buff-gray in color. They have long scaly tails with tufts of fur only present on the distal third of the tail. Spectral tarsiers exhibit sexual dimorphism: females weigh 102 to 114 g while males weight 118 to 130 g.

Members of the genus Tarsius possess long, slender hands, feet, and digits. Their hands are thought to be the longest of any living primate relative to body size. These extremely elongated hands are designed for clinging and gripping despite the lack of opposable thumbs. The third finger of T. tarsier is extremely long and slender and is only 15% shorter than the humerus. This trait is not symmetrically reproduced from the anterior to the posterior, as the fourth digit is the longest of the hindlimb digits. The second and third digits of the hindlimb are equipped with specialized toilet claws. Spectral tarsiers are thought to be the most primitive tarsiers, as they lack disks on the ends of their fingers.

Tarsiers are among the smallest known primates. Their head-body length ranges from 9.5 to 14 cm and tail length ranges from 20 to 26 cm. Total length ranges from 29.5 to 40 cm. Spectral tarsiers have long legs that are specialized for their saltatory form of locomotion; they can jump more than 40 times the length of their body. The tibia and fibula are fused together and act as a shock absorber when the animal jumps from tree to tree. The hindlimbs of tarsiers are twice as long as their head-body length. The femur, the bones of the lower leg (the fused tibia and fibula), and the bones of the foot are each roughly equal in length.

Tarsiers have the biggest eyes of any mammal relative to their body weight. In fact, their eyes are larger than their brain. Interestingly, tarsiers lack a tapetum lucidum, a highly reflective layer behind the retina that is characteristic of most nocturnal mammals. Instead tarsiers have extremely large eyes and a well-developed fovea to maximize light-gathering capacity and to allow the development of highly resolved pin-sharp vision. These adaptations have bestowed tarsiers with the most acute night vision of all primates. The eyes of spectral tarsiers are immobile due to their large size, but this is compensated for by the ability to rotate the head 180 degrees.

The ears of spectral tarsiers are thin and membranous and are able to move independently. Tarsiers possess sharp, heterodont teeth and quadrate molars. The dental formula of tarsiers is: I2/1, C1/1, P3/3, M3/3 = 34. Spectral tarsiers have a low basal metabolic rate and a low body temperature. They do not exhibit torpor, yet brown adipose tissue can be found in adults within the interscapular area; this is likely a retained paedomorphic trait.

Range mass: 102 to 130 g.

Range length: 9.5 to 14 cm.

Sexual Dimorphism: male larger

Other Physical Features: endothermic ; bilateral symmetry

The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
bibliographic citation
Mogk, K. 2012. "Tarsius tarsier" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Tarsius_tarsier.html
Kenzie Mogk, University of Manitoba
Jane Waterman, University of Manitoba
Gail McCormick, Special Projects
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Animal Diversity Web


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Spectral tarsiers may influence populations of their insect prey. They host intestinal parasites such as hookworms and tapeworms. A related species, Tarsius bacanus, hosts various species of intestinal worms such as Moniliformes tarsii and Moniliformes echinoseroxi; spectral tarsiers may be susceptible to these parasites.

Commensal/Parasitic Species:

  • hookworms
  • tapeworms
The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
bibliographic citation
Mogk, K. 2012. "Tarsius tarsier" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Tarsius_tarsier.html
Kenzie Mogk, University of Manitoba
Jane Waterman, University of Manitoba
Gail McCormick, Special Projects
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Animal Diversity Web


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Tarsius tarsier is important to evolutionary biologists and taxonomists as it is thought to be the most primitive of the tarsiers; therefore it can be studied to better understand primate evolution.

Spectral tarsiers are primarily insectivorous, and may aid in the mitigation of insect pest populations. Tarsiers also draw tourists to the Indonesian islands and are beneficial to humans financially as a form of ecotourism. Tarsiers are occasionally kept as pets, though they do not survive well.

Positive Impacts: pet trade ; ecotourism ; research and education; controls pest population

The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
bibliographic citation
Mogk, K. 2012. "Tarsius tarsier" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Tarsius_tarsier.html
Kenzie Mogk, University of Manitoba
Jane Waterman, University of Manitoba
Gail McCormick, Special Projects
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Spectral tarsiers kept as pets frequently host parasites, such as intestinal worms, that can be transmitted to humans. Tarsiers do not survive well as pets due to their high energetic diet requirements.

Negative Impacts: injures humans (carries human disease)

The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
bibliographic citation
Mogk, K. 2012. "Tarsius tarsier" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Tarsius_tarsier.html
Kenzie Mogk, University of Manitoba
Jane Waterman, University of Manitoba
Gail McCormick, Special Projects
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Animal Diversity Web

Conservation Status

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Spectral tarsiers are currently abundant on the island of Sulawesi, particularly among the northern peninsula with a density ranging from 156 to 800 individuals per square kilometer. However, this species is still considered vulnerable due to habitat destruction caused by logging. Logging reduces tarsier densities through the destruction of preferred sleeping sites such as strangler fig trees. Strangler figs are removed from human-utilized forests because they are seen as a threat to other commercially valuable trees.

CITES: appendix ii

IUCN Red List of Threatened Species: vulnerable

The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
bibliographic citation
Mogk, K. 2012. "Tarsius tarsier" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Tarsius_tarsier.html
Kenzie Mogk, University of Manitoba
Jane Waterman, University of Manitoba
Gail McCormick, Special Projects
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Animal Diversity Web


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Species-specific vocalizations of spectral tarsiers include trills and twitters, alarm calls, duet songs, and family choruses. Twitters and trills are used to converse or to make their location known to other group members while foraging. Alarms calls serve as a warning system to others when a predator is spotted and also encourage predator mobbing. Duet songs and family choruses convey territoriality and function as a mate guarding mechanism. As morning approaches, the female of the duet pair initiates a song once she has returned to the family’s sleeping site. The male and female sing very different but equally high-pitched songs, which can be heard up to 100 m away. Species-specific vocal acoustics are used in conjunction with morphogenetics to assess classification of tarsiers.

Spectral tarsiers use their urine as well as secretions from the epigastric gland, ano-genital gland, and circum-oral gland to mark the boundaries of their territory. Males scent mark twice as frequently as females.

Physical contact appears to contribute to tarsier sociality, and members of the same group often rest and socialize while touching. Spectral tarsiers sit next to one another and intertwine tails and are know to snuggle.

Visual communication appears to be most effective when group members are in close contact with one another. They communicate by changes in facial musculature and body posture. Folded ears seem to convey uneasiness, and a crouched posture is taken when defensive. When aggressive, a tarsier stands on its hind feet with its mouth open.

Communication Channels: visual ; tactile ; acoustic ; chemical

Other Communication Modes: duets ; choruses ; scent marks

Perception Channels: visual ; tactile ; acoustic ; chemical

The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
bibliographic citation
Mogk, K. 2012. "Tarsius tarsier" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Tarsius_tarsier.html
Kenzie Mogk, University of Manitoba
Jane Waterman, University of Manitoba
Gail McCormick, Special Projects
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Animal Diversity Web


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Tarsiers have recently moved from the suborder Prosimii to the suborder Haplorrhinii, although their classification is still under debate. Tarsius spectrum (Pallus, 1778) is a junior synonym for Tarsius tarsier (Erxleben, 1777).

Fossil relatives of tarsiers have been found in Asia, Europe, North America, and Africa, however modern tarsiers are restricted to a few islands in Southeast Asia. They have likely occupied this region for more than 40 million years.

Tarsiers get their name from their elongated tarsal region. In the past, tarsiers were used as a totem animal of the head-hunting Iban people of Borneo.

The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
bibliographic citation
Mogk, K. 2012. "Tarsius tarsier" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Tarsius_tarsier.html
Kenzie Mogk, University of Manitoba
Jane Waterman, University of Manitoba
Gail McCormick, Special Projects
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Animal Diversity Web

Trophic Strategy

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Spectral tarsiers feeds exclusively on live animals. They primarily prey on flying insects such as moths, locusts, beetles and cicadas. They occasionally eat small vertebrates, such as lizards or bats. Spectral tarsiers listen with their independently moving ears to locate potential prey. Once a prey item is targeted, a tarsier ambushes its prey with a sudden lunge, grasps it with its long, slender fingers, and bites to kill it. The tarsier then returns to its perch to consume its prey. This form of ambush hunting requires excellent hand-eye coordination. Spectral tarsiers can collect their prey out of the air, on the ground, or off leaves and branches. Tarsiers can eat 10% of their own body weight every 24 hours, and they drink water several times throughout the night.

Spectral tarsiers appear to take advantage of the moonlight when foraging. This is an unusual behavior, as most small, nocturnal mammals exhibit lunar phobia as a predator avoidance mechanism. Tarsiers cope with this increased risk of predation by foraging in groups.

Animal Foods: birds; mammals; reptiles; insects; terrestrial non-insect arthropods

Primary Diet: carnivore (Eats terrestrial vertebrates, Insectivore )

The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
bibliographic citation
Mogk, K. 2012. "Tarsius tarsier" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Tarsius_tarsier.html
Kenzie Mogk, University of Manitoba
Jane Waterman, University of Manitoba
Gail McCormick, Special Projects
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Animal Diversity Web


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Spectral tarsiers, Tarsius tarsier, are endemic to the Indonesian islands of Southeast Asia including Sulawesi, Pulau Peleng, and Pulau Selajar. The greatest densities of this species are found in the northern peninsula of Sulawesi Island.

Biogeographic Regions: oriental (Native )

Other Geographic Terms: island endemic

The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
bibliographic citation
Mogk, K. 2012. "Tarsius tarsier" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Tarsius_tarsier.html
Kenzie Mogk, University of Manitoba
Jane Waterman, University of Manitoba
Gail McCormick, Special Projects
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Animal Diversity Web


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Spectral tarsiers are found in primary and secondary rainforests, though they prefer secondary growth forests. This is likely due to the greater abundance of food items in secondary growth forests. Their habitat ranges from the lowland evergreen rainforest near sea level to the lower montane rainforest up to 1500 m. Spectral tarsiers have also been found in mangroves and scrub forest.

Range elevation: 0 to 1500 m.

Habitat Regions: tropical ; terrestrial

Terrestrial Biomes: rainforest ; scrub forest ; mountains

The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
bibliographic citation
Mogk, K. 2012. "Tarsius tarsier" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Tarsius_tarsier.html
Kenzie Mogk, University of Manitoba
Jane Waterman, University of Manitoba
Gail McCormick, Special Projects
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Animal Diversity Web

Life Expectancy

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One spectral tarsier was 10 years and 9 months of age at the conclusion of a mark and re-capture study, and the only signs of aging in this individual were gray/light hair on the face. Therefore, this probably does not represent the longest lifespan of spectral tarsiers in the wild.

A female tarsier greater than 5 years of age currently resides at the Singapore zoo. A closely related species, Tarsius bancanus has a lifespan of 17 years and 7 months in captivity. It is likely that T. tarsier has a similar lifespan in captivity.

Average lifespan
Status: wild:
10 years.

The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
bibliographic citation
Mogk, K. 2012. "Tarsius tarsier" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Tarsius_tarsier.html
Kenzie Mogk, University of Manitoba
Jane Waterman, University of Manitoba
Gail McCormick, Special Projects
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Animal Diversity Web


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Potential predators of spectral tarsiers include arboreal snakes, civets, monitor lizards, owls and other raptors, and feral cats. If a predator, particularly a snake, is identified, they emit an alarm call. This initiates mobbing behavior, in which numerous tarsiers gather and approach the predator as a group, screaming, lunging, and even biting. Mob groups usually consist of adult males from neighboring groups, which is interesting as most spectral tarsier social groups only contain one territorial adult male. This grouping by neighboring males suggests some form of cooperation among males during predator mobbing. If spectral tarsiers spot a bird of prey such as an owl, they sound an alarm call and participate in avoidance mechanisms such as moving further away from the predator and increasing cryptic behaviors.

Known Predators:

  • arboreal snakes
  • civets
  • monitor lizards
  • owls
  • other raptors
  • feral cats
The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
bibliographic citation
Mogk, K. 2012. "Tarsius tarsier" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Tarsius_tarsier.html
Kenzie Mogk, University of Manitoba
Jane Waterman, University of Manitoba
Gail McCormick, Special Projects
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Animal Diversity Web


provided by Animal Diversity Web

The majority of tarsiers are monogamous; however, spectral tarsiers may practice facultative monogamy or polygyny. Monogamy appears to be the prevalent mating system in this species due to limited numbers of high-quality sleeping sites. Each individual female requires a high-quality sleeping site for herself and her young. Fig trees with large diameters are preferred but rare, which generally leads males and females to share sleeping sites and thus to form monogamous pairs.

Polygynous groups occur 19% of the time. Monogamous groups often consist of two or three females with one reproducing female and one territorial male, while polygynous groups consist of six or more individuals with multiple reproducing females and a single male. The presence of large testes in T. tarsier suggests that polygyny is fairly common, as large testes have been related to promiscuous mating systems.

Mating System: monogamous ; polygynous

Spectral tarsiers breed twice a year, and copulation occurs during either May or November. The gestation period is approximately 6 months, and births also usually occur during May or November. Females give birth to a single offspring, which is born fully furred and with its eyes open. Newborns are precocial and are able to climb at just one day of age. Among mammals, tarsier offspring are the largest relative to the mother's body mass. Newborns weigh on average 23.7 g, nearly 22% of the mother's body mass. A large proportion their weight is invested in the brain mass, eyes, and cranium.

Lactation generally lasts up to 80 days. Weaning occurs between 4 and 10 weeks of age, and independence occurs directly after weaning as offspring are capable of hunting on their own. Spectral tarsiers reach sexual maturity at 17 months of age. Females possess a bicornuate uterus and haemochorial placenta.

Breeding interval: Spectral tarsiers breed twice yearly.

Breeding season: Copulation May and November

Average number of offspring: 1.

Average gestation period: 6 months.

Range weaning age: 21 to 80 days.

Range time to independence: 4 to 12 weeks.

Average age at sexual or reproductive maturity (female): 17 months.

Average age at sexual or reproductive maturity (male): 17 months.

Key Reproductive Features: iteroparous ; seasonal breeding ; gonochoric/gonochoristic/dioecious (sexes separate); sexual ; viviparous

Young spectral tarsiers are precocial and receive only maternal care. Mothers pick up and carry their infants by mouth for the first 3 weeks and cache them trees while they forage. Offspring are left alone for an average of 27 minutes at a time, and then they are moved to new locations. Mothers generally remain within 4 m of their young when foraging. Caching young in trees reduces the energetic cost of foraging, as carrying offspring is costly and offspring can weigh up to one third of the mother’s weight. Mothers sling offspring older than 3 weeks of age under their bellies while leaping and moving from tree to tree.

Parental Investment: precocial ; female parental care ; pre-hatching/birth (Provisioning: Female, Protecting: Female); pre-weaning/fledging (Provisioning: Female, Protecting: Female); pre-independence (Provisioning: Female, Protecting: Female); post-independence association with parents

The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
bibliographic citation
Mogk, K. 2012. "Tarsius tarsier" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Tarsius_tarsier.html
Kenzie Mogk, University of Manitoba
Jane Waterman, University of Manitoba
Gail McCormick, Special Projects
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Animal Diversity Web


provided by EOL authors
Tarsiers are primates (a group including lemurs, monkeys, apes and humans) found only in the islands of Southeast Asia. They usually eat insects. Tarsiers are small with very large eyes, elongated hind legs and feet, a thin tail and long fingers. They are nocturnal (active at night) although some species may move around in the daytime. The majority of Tarsier species are now endangered or threatened, and some are designated critically endangered because of human intervention
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Tarsius tarsier ( Azerbaijani )

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Tarsius tarsier (lat. Tarsius tarsier) - uzuntopuq cinsinə aid heyvan növü.


  • Tarsius buffonii Link, 1795
  • Tarsius daubentonii Fischer, 1804
  • (?) fischerii Desmarest, 1804
  • (?) fuscomanus Fischer, 1804
  • (?) fuscus Fischer, 1804
  • Tarsius macrotarsos Schreber, 1778
  • Tarsius pallassii É. Geoffroy, 1796
  • Tarsius podje Kerr, 1792
  • Tarsius spectrum Pallas, 1778


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Tarsius tarsier: Brief Summary ( Azerbaijani )

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Tarsius tarsier (lat. Tarsius tarsier) - uzuntopuq cinsinə aid heyvan növü.

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Tarser espectral ( Catalan; Valencian )

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El tarser espectral (Tarsius tarsier) és una espècie de tarser originari d'Indonèsia. Sembla menys especialitzat que el tarser de les Filipines i el tarser de Horsfield; per exemple, no té dits adhesius als peus. És l'espècie tipus del gènere Tarsius. Viu a l'illa de Selayar i, possiblement, a l'illa propera de Sulawesi. Tanmateix, les poblacions de Sulawesi podrien representar una espècie diferent, Tarsius fuscus.[1]


 src= A Wikimedia Commons hi ha contingut multimèdia relatiu a: Tarser espectral Modifica l'enllaç a Wikidata
  1. Groves, C.; Shekelle, M. «The Genera and Species of Tarsiidae» (PDF). International Journal of Primatology, 2010. DOI: 10.1007/s10764-010-9443-1.
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Tarser espectral: Brief Summary ( Catalan; Valencian )

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El tarser espectral (Tarsius tarsier) és una espècie de tarser originari d'Indonèsia. Sembla menys especialitzat que el tarser de les Filipines i el tarser de Horsfield; per exemple, no té dits adhesius als peus. És l'espècie tipus del gènere Tarsius. Viu a l'illa de Selayar i, possiblement, a l'illa propera de Sulawesi. Tanmateix, les poblacions de Sulawesi podrien representar una espècie diferent, Tarsius fuscus.

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Nártoun celebeský ( Czech )

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Nártoun celebeský (Tarsius tarsier nebo Tarsius spectrum) je druh nártounů z podřádu vyšších primátů.

Vyskytuje se převážně na území Indonésie (zejména na ostrovech Sulawesi, Buton, Muna a Kabaena) v nadmořské výšce od 1 100 až 1 500 m n. m.


Dospělí samci váží 118–130 gramů, zatímco samice váží 102–114 gramů. Průměrná výška jedince se pohybuje od 9 do 14 centimetrů, ocas je dlouhý 20 až 26 cm.[2] Živí se převážně hmyzem, příležitostně i drobnými obratlovci (hlodavci a plazy).[3] Průměrná délka života je 10 let, ale v zajetí se mohou dožít až 17 let. Některé zdroje uvádí, že se jedná o savce s největším okem v poměru k jeho velikosti.[4]

Nártoun celebeský je aktivní zejména v noci. Žije v malých skupinách po dvou až šesti jedincích.


V tomto článku byl použit překlad textu z článku Tarsius tarsier na španělské Wikipedii.

  1. Červený seznam IUCN 2018.1. 5. července 2018. Dostupné online. [cit. 2018-08-11]
  2. KAPPELER, Peter M. The Evolution of Primate Societies. [s.l.]: The University of Chicago Press, 2011. Dostupné online. ISBN 9780226531724. Kapitola Chapter 2:The Behavioral Ecology of Strepsirrhines and Tarsiers, s. 17-42. (anglicky)
  3. TENORIO-BLOOMBERG, Patricia. Criaturas Fascinantes: Mono tarsero y Ornitorrinco. Bloomington: Palibrio, 2014. 30 s. ISBN 9781463376154. (španělsky)
  4. SMYTHE, R.H. Vision in the Animal World. New York: St. Martin's Press, 1975. ISBN 9780312849801. (anglicky)

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Nártoun celebeský: Brief Summary ( Czech )

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Nártoun celebeský (Tarsius tarsier nebo Tarsius spectrum) je druh nártounů z podřádu vyšších primátů.

Vyskytuje se převážně na území Indonésie (zejména na ostrovech Sulawesi, Buton, Muna a Kabaena) v nadmořské výšce od 1 100 až 1 500 m n. m.

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Selayar-Koboldmaki ( German )

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Der Selayar-Koboldmaki (Tarsius tarsier, Syn.: Lemur tarsier Erxleben, 1777, Lemur spectrum Pallas, 1778) ist eine Primatenart aus der Gruppe der Koboldmakis und die Typusart der Sulawesi-Koboldmakis (Tarsius). Sie kommt nur auf der Insel Selayar südlich von Sulawesi vor. Unter der Bezeichnung Tarsius tarsier wurden früher alle Koboldmakis von Sulawesi geführt.


Selayar-Koboldmakis sind wie alle Koboldmakis sehr kleine Primaten. Ihre Kopf-Rumpf-Länge liegt zwischen bei 12 und 14 cm, die Schwanzlänge zwischen 23 und 26 cm und das Gewicht etwa zwischen 98 g (Weibchen) und 103 g (Männchen). Das Fell ist grauer als das der Koboldmakis auf Sulawesi und erscheint fast silbrig. Der schwarze Nasenfleck ist nur wenig ausgeprägt und auch die weißlichen Haare an den Seiten der Oberlippe sind wenig deutlich. Der Hinterfuß ist kürzer als der des Makassar-Koboldmakis (Tarsius fuscus). Im Oberkiefer findet sich ein kurzes Diastema zwischen dem Schneidezahn I2 und dem Eckzahn. Der Schwanz ist relativ lang, nur sehr spärlich behaart, der behaarte Bereich am Schwanzende nur kurz (95 bis 124 mm).


Der Selayar-Koboldmaki lebt von Meereshöhe bis auf den höchsten Hügeln der Insel. Selayar besteht vor allem aus Korallenkalk, hat nur wenig fruchtbaren Boden und verfügt nur über eine spärliche Vegetation. Die genaue Lebensweise der Art wurde bisher nicht näher erforscht. Wie andere Koboldmakis wird er nachtaktiv sein, immer wieder zu den gewohnten Schlafplätzen zurückkehren und sich vor allem von Insekten und kleinen Wirbeltieren ernähren. Möglicherweise lebt er in kleinen, monogamen oder polygamen Familiengruppen. Eine Gruppe, die im späten September gefangen wurde, bestand aus einem ausgewachsenen Paar, einem fast ausgewachsenen Weibchen, zwei Jungtieren, die 73 und 75 g wogen, und einem oder mehreren Exemplaren, die entkommen konnten. Die Jungtiere müssen einige Monate vorher geboren worden sein.



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Selayar-Koboldmaki: Brief Summary ( German )

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Der Selayar-Koboldmaki (Tarsius tarsier, Syn.: Lemur tarsier Erxleben, 1777, Lemur spectrum Pallas, 1778) ist eine Primatenart aus der Gruppe der Koboldmakis und die Typusart der Sulawesi-Koboldmakis (Tarsius). Sie kommt nur auf der Insel Selayar südlich von Sulawesi vor. Unter der Bezeichnung Tarsius tarsier wurden früher alle Koboldmakis von Sulawesi geführt.

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Tarsius tarsier ( Javanese )

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Tarsius tarsier (Kéwan memedi/Kethèk memedi) iku siji jinis primata cilik, duwé awak awarna soklat kapara abang kanthi warna kulit klawu, mata gedhé lan kuping amba madhep mangarep.


  1. Shekelle, M. & Salim, A. (2008). "Tarsius tarsier". IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Version 2008. International Union for Conservation of Nature. Dijupuk 1 January 2009.
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Tarsius tarsier: Brief Summary ( Javanese )

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Tarsius tarsier (Kéwan memedi/Kethèk memedi) iku siji jinis primata cilik, duwé awak awarna soklat kapara abang kanthi warna kulit klawu, mata gedhé lan kuping amba madhep mangarep.

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Spectral tarsier

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The spectral tarsier (Tarsius spectrum, also called Tarsius tarsier) is a species of tarsier found on the island of Selayar in Indonesia. It is apparently less specialized than the Philippine tarsier or Horsfield's tarsier; for example, it lacks adhesive toes. It is the type species for the genus Tarsius. While its range used to also include the population on nearby southwestern Sulawesi, this population has been reclassified as a separate species, Tarsius fuscus.[3] Some of the earlier research published on Tarsius spectrum refers to the taxon that was recently reclassified and elevated to a separate species, the Gursky's spectral tarsier (Tarsius spectrumgurskyae).[4]

Taxonomy and evolution

"Tarsiers were once thought to be of the Strepsirrhini suborder, grouped with Lemuroidea and Lorisidae because of their similar appearance and because they have a small stature and are also nocturnal. It has been decided that tarsiers are members of the suborder haplorrhine, which is a suborder of primates that hosts tarsiers and the simians (Archuleta, 2019)."[5] According to Gursky et al. 2003, based on phylogenic research, tarsiers are more closely related to humans and apes then lemurs and lorises. Some scholarly articles suggest dividing the genus into 3 and some references reflect this attempted revised taxonomy. "This taxonomic discrepancy is strongly supported by data collection of physiological attributes such as coat colors, tail lengths, and size as well as molecular data (Gursky et al. 2003)."[6] According to animaldiversity.org there are 3 living clades of the Tarsius species. The western tarsiers, the Philippine tarsiers, and the Sulawesi tarsiers.[5]

Conservation status

Sharon Gursky suggested changing the conservation status of the spectral tarsier from indeterminate to vulnerable in 1998.[7] Today, the spectral tarsier is still listed as vulnerable on the IUCN Red List assessment. "Habitat loss and deforestation contributes to a decline in tarsier populations. Currently, tarsiers reside in many protected areas (Archuleta S. 2019)."


The skeleton of a spectral tarsier, Tarsius spectrum.

The spectral tarsier has a body weight of 200 grams, with a body length of 240 mm, a head body length of 80 mm, and a tail length of 160 mm.[8] When considered to include Tarsius fuscus, females of the species weigh between 102 and 114 grams (3.6 and 4.0 oz) while males are 118 to 130 grams (4.2 to 4.6 oz). It has a head-body length of 9.5 to 14 centimetres (3.7 to 5.5 in) and its tail length ranges from 20 to 26 centimetres (7.9 to 10.2 in).[9]


The average lifespan in the wild is thought to be 10 years; however, in captivity the closely related Horsfield's tarsier can live up to 17 years and it is thought the spectral tarsier may have similar longevity.[9] It is believed that old age begins affecting tarsiers behavior at between 14 and 16 years of age, and apparently, like us, their hair begins to turn gray.[5]

Distribution and habitat

Tarsiers inhabit the tropical forests and islands of Southeast Asia, but, according to the research done by Sabrina Archuleta with the University of Michigan's Museum of Zoology, eocene and Miocene tariser fossils have been found in China, Thailand, and southern Pakistan. The islands of Southeast Asia are actually an archipelago, which is a cluster or collection of islands. The tarsiers are found in forests that range in density and agriculture from island to island, including both primary and secondary habitats. "They roost in dense vegetation, shrubs, bamboo, palm, dense thickets of grass, bush, thorn scrubs, and secondary habitats on plantations for logging and growing coffee, nutmeg, coconut, or coca crops (Archuleta, S. 2019)."[5]

Food and foraging

In a study done by John and Kathy MacKinnon, it was found that tarsiers consume a completely carnivorous diet. Although some species will prey on small birds and rodents, their diet consists mainly of insects that they collect from the ground, air, and on tree branches and leaves (Mackinnon et al., 1980).[10]


Tarsiers are nocturnal mammals. They wake up at sunset and spend the nights foraging for insects and eating. They travel between trees and socialize, which usually includes grooming one another, scent marking, playing and vocalizing (Gursky et al. 2000).[11]

Social structure

At the very base of the tarsier society is that they live in groups and males and females have different roles. Males tend to travel longer distances and they occupy a larger area. Females tend to hunt more efficiently and they also consume more insects. A study done by Sharon Gursky in 1998 defines group size as the number of individuals sharing a sleeping site. She goes on to say that these groups are usually composed of 2 to 6 individuals. The study was done in the Tangkoko Dua Saudara Nature Reserve and Gursky et al. found that 14% of groups contained more than 1 adult female. "In one of the groups with two adult females, both females gave birth to infants (Gursky et al. 1998)."[7] In the research done by Sabrina Archuleta, it was found that tarsiers can be both monogamous and polygynous. She found that some live in pairs or groups and some males may even live alone.[5]

Reproduction and parenting

A Spectral tarsier, relaxing on a tree.
A Spectral tarsier, relaxing on a tree branch.

In a study done in North Sulawesi, Indonesia in 2007, the Mackinnons found that the spectral tarsiers were monogamous and territorial. They found that families slept at the same sites each day and that they gave loud duet songs as they gathered at sleeping sites. As their study went on they found that tarsier young are quite advanced and that they start traveling alone at as young as 23 days (Mackinnon et al. 1980).[10] Hidayatik et al. did a 9 month survey in 2018 where they found that the tarsiers courtship behaviours consist of scent marking and genital marking for females and that males use genital inspection. They recorded that copulations lasted between 3 and 4 minutes and occurred only once per pair for the duration of the study (Hidayatik et al. 2018).[12]

Sharon Gursky did a study in the a northern Sulawesi rain forest in 1994 where she found that infants were alone from 40%-50% of the time. Gursky et al. found that the two subadults in the group were more regularly caring for the infant than the adult males, females or mothers were. They believe that these results suggest that subadults are actually guarding or babysitting the infants (Gursky et al. 1994).[13] Infanticide has been reported by Gursky, but only in one case and by a neighboring adult male. "The only hypothesis that could not be rejected outright, on the basis of this single observation, was the competition for limited resources hypothesis (Gursky et al. 2011)."[14]


According to the study done by the Mackinnons, tarsiers scent mark their ranges by rubbing branches with urine and special epigastric glands (Mackinnon et al. 1980).[10] It was found that the primary predators of the tarsiers are monitor lizards, civets, snakes, and diverse birds of prey. "Tarsier niches are largely as predator and prey. Their presence affects the population size of organisms that they feed on and of those who feed on them (Archuleta S. 2019)." Archuleta goes on to say that they are host to many endo- and ectoparasites, including mites and intestinal worms.[5]


A study done in 2019 by Sharon Gursky found that spectral tarsiers use ultrasonic vocalizations. These are high frequency and can only travel short distances. Gursky identifies this as echolocation and says it is used for navigation (Gursky et al. 2019).[15] "There are 5 main categories of vocalizations: chirps, twitters, choruses, doubles and whistles. Chirps, twitters, and choruses extended from the audible to the ultrasonic range, the doubles and whistles were pure ultrasound (Gursky et al. 2015)."[16]

Archuleta S. 2019 talks about how vocalizations include high pitched whistles and duets. She goes on to say that duets are like chattering melodies and high pitched whistles vary from simple calls to predator warnings; to mob, or ward off a predator.[5] "In the presence of bird predators, individuals vocalize and disperse to hide. When in the presence of a terrestrial predator, such as a snake, individuals "mob" the threat (Archuleta S. 2019)." Sharon Gursky describes mobbing as all the individuals in an area responding to a threat with vocalizations and then each repeats lunging towards and retreating from the predator (Gursky et al. 2006).[17]


  1. ^ Groves, C. P. (2005). "Order Primates". In Wilson, D. E.; Reeder, D. M (eds.). Mammal Species of the World: A Taxonomic and Geographic Reference (3rd ed.). Johns Hopkins University Press. p. 128. ISBN 978-0-8018-8221-0. OCLC 62265494.
  2. ^ Shekelle, M. & Salim, A. (2008). "Tarsius tarsier". IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. 2008: e.T21491A9288932. doi:10.2305/IUCN.UK.2008.RLTS.T21491A9288932.en.
  3. ^ Groves, C.; Shekelle, M. (2010). "The genera and species of Tarsiidae". International Journal of Primatology. 31 (6): 1071–1082. doi:10.1007/s10764-010-9443-1. S2CID 21220811.
  4. ^ Shekelle, Myron; Groves, Colin P.; Maryanto, Ibnu; Mittermeier, Russell A. (2017). "Two new tarsier species (Tarsiidae, Primates) and the biogeography of Sulawesi, Indonesia" (PDF). Primate Conservation. 31.
  5. ^ a b c d e f g Archuleta, Sabrina. "Tarsius (tarsiers)". Animal Diversity Web.
  6. ^ Gursky, Sharon (6 January 2003). "The behavioral ecology of the spectral tarsier, Tarsius spectrum". Evolutionary Anthropology: Issues, News, and Reviews. 11 (6): 226–234. doi:10.1002/evan.10035. S2CID 85603691.
  7. ^ a b Gursky, Sharon (1998). "Conservation Status of the Spectral Tarsier Tarsier spectrum: Population Density and Home Range Size". Folia Primatologica. 69 (1): 191–203. doi:10.1159/000052713. S2CID 84689583.
  8. ^ "Spectral Tarsier". Encyclopedia of Life. National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonion. Retrieved 27 February 2020.{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: url-status (link)
  9. ^ a b Mogk, K. (2012). "Tarsius tarsier". Animal Diversity Web.
  10. ^ a b c MacKinnon, John; MacKinnon, Kathy (December 1980). "The behavior of wild spectral tarsiers". International Journal of Primatology. 1 (4): 361–379. doi:10.1007/BF02692280. S2CID 20758661.
  11. ^ Gursky, Sharon (May 2000). "Sociality in the spectral tarsier,Tarsius spectrum". American Journal of Primatology. 51 (1): 89–101. doi:10.1002/(SICI)1098-2345(200005)51:1<89::AID-AJP7>3.0.CO;2-7. PMID 10811442. S2CID 46636797.
  12. ^ Hidayatik, Nanik; Yusuf, Tuty Laswardi; Agil, Muhammad; Iskandar, Entang; Sajuthi, Dondin (2018). "Sexual Behaviour of the Spectral Tarsier (Tarsius spectrum) in Captivity". Folia Primatologica. 89 (2): 157–164. doi:10.1159/000486412. PMID 29597228. S2CID 4491170.
  13. ^ Gursky, Sharon L. (1 December 1994). "Infant care in the spectral tarsier (Tarsius spectrum) Sulawesi, Indonesia". International Journal of Primatology. 15 (6): 843–853. doi:10.1007/BF02736071. ISSN 1573-8604. S2CID 9327191.
  14. ^ Gursky-Doyen, Sharon (19 August 2011). "Infanticide by a male spectral tarsier (Tarsius spectrum)". Primates. 52 (4): 385–389. doi:10.1007/s10329-011-0264-4. PMID 21853266. S2CID 9370511.
  15. ^ Gursky, Sharon (2019). "Echolocation in a Nocturnal Primate?". Folia Primatologica. 90 (Suppl. 5): 379–391. doi:10.1159/000497811. PMID 31416091. S2CID 146037219.
  16. ^ Gursky, Sharon (28 April 2015). "Ultrasonic Vocalizations by the Spectral Tarsier, Tarsius spectrum". Folia Primatologica. 86 (3): 153–163. doi:10.1159/000371885. PMID 25925962.
  17. ^ Gursky, Sharon (March 2002). "Determinants of gregariousness in the spectral tarsier (Prosimian: Tarsius spectrum)". Journal of Zoology. 256 (3): 401–410. doi:10.1017/S0952836902000444.
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Spectral tarsier: Brief Summary

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The spectral tarsier (Tarsius spectrum, also called Tarsius tarsier) is a species of tarsier found on the island of Selayar in Indonesia. It is apparently less specialized than the Philippine tarsier or Horsfield's tarsier; for example, it lacks adhesive toes. It is the type species for the genus Tarsius. While its range used to also include the population on nearby southwestern Sulawesi, this population has been reclassified as a separate species, Tarsius fuscus. Some of the earlier research published on Tarsius spectrum refers to the taxon that was recently reclassified and elevated to a separate species, the Gursky's spectral tarsier (Tarsius spectrumgurskyae).

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Tarsius tarsier ( Spanish; Castilian )

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El tarsero fantasma o tarsio fantasma (Tarsius tarsier) es una especie de primate tarsiforme, constituye la especie tipo del género Tarsius.

El extraño aspecto de este animal, le han hecho acreedor de infinidad de leyendas y supersiticiones entre los indígenas. Es el "espectro" (de ahí su nombre científico), el espíritu del bosque.

Su área de dispersión se circunscribe a Indonesia, concretamente son endémicos de la Isla Célebes, las cercanas islas Buton, Muna, Kabaena, Selayar y las Islas Togian, y está presente hasta una altitud de 1.100-1.500 msnm. Es muy probable que estas poblaciones estén subdivididas en numerosas especies insulares y parapátricas, según algunas hipótesis recientes.[3][4]

De acuerdo a diversos estudios, este taxón se encuentra en bosques primarios, secundarios, manglares y jardines forestales, así como en una cierta variedad de otros hábitats con diferentes grados de perturbación humana, pero que proporcionan cobertura arbustiva adecuada. El tarsio muestra adaptaciones extremas para aferrarse verticalmente, trepar y desplazarse saltando en su hábitat adecuado: el sotobosque tropical, a menudo a 2 metros o menos del suelo. Se piensa que el ámbito hogareño o área de vida (home range) del tarsero fantasma es de alrededor de una hectárea o menor.[5][6]

Son primates de hábitos sociales nocturnos, viven en grupos pequeños de 2 a 6 individuos, de costumbres monogámicas o polígámicas. Los adultos machos pesan entre 118 a 130 gramos, mientras que las hembras varían entre los 102 a 114 gr. La longitud promedio cabeza-cuerpo de los ejemplares adultos va de 9 a 14 centímetros, mientras que la cola posee un rango de longitud de 20 a 26 cm.[5]​ La dieta se compone en un 100% de presas animales vivas (carnívoros), fundamentalmente insectos (insectívoros) y, ocasionalmente, algunos pequeños vertebrados, como roedores y reptiles.[6]​ El promedio de vida en estado salvaje es de alrededor de 10 años, sin embargo, en cautiverio se han visto ejemplares que pueden llegar hasta los 17 años.[7][8]

Para algunos autores, es el mamífero con el ojo más grande en relación a su tamaño.[9]


  1. Groves, Colin (2005). Wilson, D. E.; Reeder, D. M., eds. Mammal Species of the World (3ª edición). Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press. p. 128. ISBN 0-8018-8221-4.
  2. Shekelle, M.; Salim, A. «Tarsius tarsier». Lista Roja de especies amenazadas de la UICN Versión 2014.3 (en inglés). ISSN 2307-8235. Consultado el 14 de enero de 2015.
  3. Shekelle, M.; Leksono, S.M. (2004). «Conservation strategy in Sulawesi Island using Tarsius as Flagship Species». Biota IX (1): 1-10. Archivado desde el original el 24 de septiembre de 2015. Consultado el 15 de enero de 2015.
  4. Brandon-Jones, D.; Eudey, A.A.; Geissman, T.; Groves, C.P.; Melnick, D.J.; Morales, J.C.; Shekelle, M.; Stewart, C.B. (2004). «Asian primate classification». International Journal of Primatology 25 (1): 97-164.
  5. a b Kappeler, P.M. (2011). «Chapter 2:The Behavioral Ecology of Strepsirrhines and Tarsiers» (Google eBook). En J.C. Mitani; J. Call; P.M. Kappeler; R.A. Palombit; J.B. Silk, eds. The Evolution of Primate Societies (en inglés). The University of Chicago Press. pp. 17-42. ISBN 9780226531724. Consultado el 14 de enero de 2015.
  6. a b Bloomberg, P.T. (2014). Criaturas Fascinantes: Mono tarsero y Ornitorrinco. Palibrio, Bloomington. ISBN 9781463376154. Consultado el 14 de enero de 2015.
  7. Mogk, K. (2012). «ADW - Tarsius tarsier: Information». Animal Diversity Web (en inglés). University of Michigan. Consultado el 14 de enero de 2015.
  8. Olivar, Enrique (2009). «El tarsero fantasma (Tarsius tarsier. Blog COSAS ÚNICAS. Consultado el 14 de enero de 2015.
  9. Smythe, R.H. (1975). Vision in the Animal World (en inglés). New York: St. Martin's Press. ISBN 9780312849801.

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Tarsius tarsier: Brief Summary ( Spanish; Castilian )

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El tarsero fantasma o tarsio fantasma (Tarsius tarsier) es una especie de primate tarsiforme, constituye la especie tipo del género Tarsius.

El extraño aspecto de este animal, le han hecho acreedor de infinidad de leyendas y supersiticiones entre los indígenas. Es el "espectro" (de ahí su nombre científico), el espíritu del bosque.

Su área de dispersión se circunscribe a Indonesia, concretamente son endémicos de la Isla Célebes, las cercanas islas Buton, Muna, Kabaena, Selayar y las Islas Togian, y está presente hasta una altitud de 1.100-1.500 msnm. Es muy probable que estas poblaciones estén subdivididas en numerosas especies insulares y parapátricas, según algunas hipótesis recientes.​​

De acuerdo a diversos estudios, este taxón se encuentra en bosques primarios, secundarios, manglares y jardines forestales, así como en una cierta variedad de otros hábitats con diferentes grados de perturbación humana, pero que proporcionan cobertura arbustiva adecuada. El tarsio muestra adaptaciones extremas para aferrarse verticalmente, trepar y desplazarse saltando en su hábitat adecuado: el sotobosque tropical, a menudo a 2 metros o menos del suelo. Se piensa que el ámbito hogareño o área de vida (home range) del tarsero fantasma es de alrededor de una hectárea o menor.​​

Son primates de hábitos sociales nocturnos, viven en grupos pequeños de 2 a 6 individuos, de costumbres monogámicas o polígámicas. Los adultos machos pesan entre 118 a 130 gramos, mientras que las hembras varían entre los 102 a 114 gr. La longitud promedio cabeza-cuerpo de los ejemplares adultos va de 9 a 14 centímetros, mientras que la cola posee un rango de longitud de 20 a 26 cm.​ La dieta se compone en un 100% de presas animales vivas (carnívoros), fundamentalmente insectos (insectívoros) y, ocasionalmente, algunos pequeños vertebrados, como roedores y reptiles.​ El promedio de vida en estado salvaje es de alrededor de 10 años, sin embargo, en cautiverio se han visto ejemplares que pueden llegar hasta los 17 años.​​

Para algunos autores, es el mamífero con el ojo más grande en relación a su tamaño.​

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Tarsius tarsier ( Basque )

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Tarsius tarsier Tarsius primate Haplorrhini generoko espezieetako bat da.

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Tarsius tarsier: Brief Summary ( Basque )

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Tarsius tarsier Tarsius primate Haplorrhini generoko espezieetako bat da.

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Celebesinkummituseläin ( Finnish )

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Celebesinkummituseläin (Tarsius tarsier, synonyymi Tarsius spectrum) on kummituseläinten heimoon kuuluva laji. Se on pienimpiä kädellisiä. Ruumiin pituus on 14 cm ja häntä on 24 cm. Eläin painaa 130 g. Sillä on suuret korvat ja silmät sekä pitkät jalat. Se liikkuu öisin ja oleskelee päivisin puun koloissa. Eläin pyydystää enimmäkseen hyönteisiä, mutta joskus myös pieniä liskoja ja muita pieniä selkärankaisia. Celebesinkummituseläintä tavataan Sulawesin saarella ja sen läheisillä pienillä saarilla.[3] Laji parittelee touko- ja marraskuussa. Naaraan tiineys kestää puoli vuotta. Yhdellä kertaa syntyy vain yksi poikanen. Vieroitusaika on poikasen ollessa 4–10 viikon ikäinen. Yksilö tulee sukukypsäksi vuoden ja viiden kuukauden ikäisenä.[4]


  1. Shekelle, M. & Salim, A.: Tarsius tarsier IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Version 2014.2. 2008. International Union for Conservation of Nature, IUCN, Iucnredlist.org. Viitattu 25.7.2014. (englanniksi)
  2. Anthony B. Rylands: Tarsius tarsier Itis Report. Viitattu 24.7.2014. (englanniksi)
  3. Nick Baker: Spectral Tarsier Primates of SE Asia. 2014. Ecology Asia. Viitattu 24.7.2014. (englanniksi)
  4. Kenzie Mogk: Tarsius tarsier, Spectral tarsier Animal Diversity Web. 2012. Viitattu 24.7.2014. (englanniksi)

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Celebesinkummituseläin: Brief Summary ( Finnish )

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Celebesinkummituseläin (Tarsius tarsier, synonyymi Tarsius spectrum) on kummituseläinten heimoon kuuluva laji. Se on pienimpiä kädellisiä. Ruumiin pituus on 14 cm ja häntä on 24 cm. Eläin painaa 130 g. Sillä on suuret korvat ja silmät sekä pitkät jalat. Se liikkuu öisin ja oleskelee päivisin puun koloissa. Eläin pyydystää enimmäkseen hyönteisiä, mutta joskus myös pieniä liskoja ja muita pieniä selkärankaisia. Celebesinkummituseläintä tavataan Sulawesin saarella ja sen läheisillä pienillä saarilla. Laji parittelee touko- ja marraskuussa. Naaraan tiineys kestää puoli vuotta. Yhdellä kertaa syntyy vain yksi poikanen. Vieroitusaika on poikasen ollessa 4–10 viikon ikäinen. Yksilö tulee sukukypsäksi vuoden ja viiden kuukauden ikäisenä.

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Tarsier spectre ( French )

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Tarsius tarsier, Tarsius spectrumTarsier des Célèbes

Le tarsier spectre (Tarsius tarsier ou Tarsius spectrum) est une espèce de primates de la famille des Tarsiidae. On le trouve surtout en Indonésie, dans les Célèbes (Sulawesi) et sur l'ile de Seleyar.


Le tarsier spectre mesure 12 cm et à une queue de 24 cm de long. La femelle pèse 110 g et le mâle 120 g[1]. C'est un animal nocturne et ses sens se sont développés pour cet environnement : il a une excellente vue et une ouïe très fine. Pour quelques auteurs, il est le mammifère avec les plus grands yeux par rapport à sa taille[2]. Du fait de la taille de ses yeux, ceux-ci sont fixes et orientés de face et l'animal est obligé de tourner la tête pour voir latéralement.


Le tarsier spectre se nourrit exclusivement d'insectes, et communique avec ses congénères par des cris très aigus.


Phylogénie des infra-ordres actuels de primates, d'après Perelman et al. (2011)[3] :

Primates Haplorrhini

Simiiformes (singes)

Tarsiiformes (tarsiers)


Lorisiformes (loris, galagos…)

Chiromyiformes (l'aye-aye)

Lemuriformes (lémuriens)

Notes et références

  1. Jean-Jacques Petter (préf. Yves Coppens, ill. François Desbordes), Primates, Nathan, 2010, 256 p. (ISBN 978-2-09-260543-1), Tarsiers pages 152 et 153
  2. Vision in the animal world Smythe, RH (1975) St. Martin's Press, New York
  3. (en) P. Perelman, W. E. Johnson, C. Roos, H. N. Seuánez, J. E. Horvath, M. A. M. Moreira, B. Kessing, J. Pontius, M. Roelke, Y. Rumpler, M. P. Schneider, A. Silva, S. J. O'Brien et J. Pecon-Slattery, « A molecular phylogeny of living primates », PLoS Genetics, vol. 7, no 3,‎ 2011, e1001342 (PMID , PMCID , DOI , lire en ligne)

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Tarsier spectre: Brief Summary ( French )

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Tarsius tarsier, Tarsius spectrum • Tarsier des Célèbes

Le tarsier spectre (Tarsius tarsier ou Tarsius spectrum) est une espèce de primates de la famille des Tarsiidae. On le trouve surtout en Indonésie, dans les Célèbes (Sulawesi) et sur l'ile de Seleyar.

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Tarsius tarsier ( Galician )

provided by wikipedia gl Galician

Artigo principal: Tarsiiformes.

Tarsius tarsier (Erxleben, 1777), moitas veces citada como Tarsius spectrum (Pallas, 1778),[2] é unha especie de mamífero primate haplorrino tarsiiforme e da súa única familia, a dos tarsíidos,[3] que é o tipo do xénero Tarsius. Vive na illa indonesias de Selayar, e coñécese na bibliografía internacional como tarsio fantasma.

Até hai poucos anos incluíanse nas súas poboacións, ademais de na illa de Selayar, as do suroeste da illa Célebes, pero recentemente separáronse estas últimas nunha nova especie, Tarsius fuscus.[4]


Unha taxonomía complicada

A clasificación dos tarsios foi, durante moito tempo, confusa. Xa en 1780 o médico e naturalista alemán Storr sinalara as diferenzas entre os lémures e as especies que hoxe coñecemos cono tarsios, e argumentou a necesidade de separar estes dous taxa.[5]

Daquela cuñou o novo xénero Tarsius,[6] para reunir os pouco correntes primates que posuían uns excepcionalente longos ósos tasianos, e deulle o nome de Tarsius spectrum á especie que definira Pallas dous anos antes, en 1778, como Lemur spectrum (de aí é de onde procede o nome binomial actual Tarsius spectrum).[5]


A especie foi descrita en 1777 polo naturalista alemán Johann Christian Erxleben, en Syst. Regni Anim., I. Mammalia: 71.[3]


Ao longo do tempo, a especie foi coñecida tamén polos sinónimos seguintes:[3]

  • Tarsius buffonii (Link, 1795)
  • Tarsius daubentonii Fischer, 1804
  • Tarsius fischerii Desmarest, 1804
  • Tarsius fuscomanus Fischer, 1804
  • Tarsius fuscus Fischer, 1804
  • Tarsius macrotarsos Schreber, 1778
  • Tarsius pallassii É. Geoffroy, 1796
  • Tarsius podje (Kerr, 1792)
  • Tarsius spectrum (Pallas, 1778)


O nome específico, tarsier, é unha voz do latín científico derivada do francés tarsier, "tarsio", que á súa vez esta tirado do latín tarsus, e este do grego antigo "esteira de vimbio", "ampla superficie plana"[7][8] ou, talvez, de tarse co sufixo -ier (e tarse do grego antigo ταρσός tarsós, "fileira dos dedos do extremo do pé", "tarso",[9] que é o máis plausíbel.

O outro nome específico, spectrum, co que moitas veces se cita, é unha voz latina que significa "imaxe, aparición, espectro".[10]


Lámina de Tarsius spectrum (Geoff.), vulgo "mago ó tarsiro espectro", no
Bosquejo geográfico é histórico-natural del archipiélago Filipino,
do enxeñeiro agrónomo español Ramón Jordana y Morera (1885).

Cando se consideran incluídas as poboacións de Tarsius fuscus dentro de T. tarsier, as femias pesaban entre 102 e 114 g, mentres que o peso dos machos era de entre 118 e 130 g. A lonxitude da cabeza e o tronco é de 9,5 a 14 cm, e a cola mide entre 20 e 26 cm.[11]

O promedio de vida na natureza crese que é que de 10 anos; porén, o tarsio de Horsfield, estreitamente relacionado co fantasma, pode vivir até 17 anos en catividade, e pénsase que o tarsio fantasma pode ter unha lonxevidad similar.[11]

O tarsio fantasma mostra adaptacións extremas para aferrarse verticalmente, gabear e desprazarse saltando no seu hábitat adecuado, o sotobosque dos bosques tropicais, a miúdo a 2 m ou menos do solo, aínda que, aparentemente, menos que outros tarsios, como o tarsio filipino ou o de Horsfield, xa que, por exemplo, carece de dedos adhesivos.

Pénsase que o seu ámbito ou área de vida é de ao redor dunha hectárea ou menor.[12][13]

Hábitat e distribución

A área de dispersión dos tarsios fantasmas circunscríbese a Indonesia, concretamente son endémicos da illa Célebes, das próximas illas Buton, Muna, Kabaena, Selayar e as illas Togian. Nelas están presentes até altitudes de 1 100 a 1500 m sobre o nivel do mar.[14][15]

É moi probábel que as súas poboacións estean subdivididas en numerosas subespecies alopátricas (insulares) e parapátricas, segundo algunhas hipóteses recentes.[14][15]

De acordo con diversos estudos, este taxon encóntrase en bosques primarios (virxes), secundarios (afectados pola man do home), mangleiros, cultivos e xardíns, así como nunha certa variedade doutros hábitats con diferentes graos de perturbación humana, pero que subministren cobertura arbustiva adecuada.


Son primates de hábitos nocturnos, que viven en grupos pequenos de 2 a 6 individuos, de costumes monogámicas ou poligámicas.[12]

A súa dieta componse nun 100 % de presas animais vivas (son carnívoros), fundamentalmente insectos (insectívoros) e, ocasionalmente, algúns pequenos vertebrados, como roedores e réptiles.[13]


  1. Shekelle, & Salim, A. (2008): Tarsius tarsier na Lista vermella de especies ameazadas da UICN- Versión 2015-4. Consultada o 19-02-2016.
  2. Tarsius spectrum (Pallas, 1778) en Catalogue of Life: 29th January 2016. Species 2000. ITIS.
  3. 3,0 3,1 3,2 Tarsius tarsier en Wilson, D. E. & Reeder, D. M., eds. (2005): Mammal Species of the World.
  4. Groves, C. & Shekelle, M. (2010): "The Genera and Species of Tarsiidae". International Journal of Primatology 31 (6): 1071–1082.
  5. 5,0 5,1 Gursky, Sharon L. (2016): The Spectral Tarsier. London / New York: Routledge. ISBN 978-0-1318-9332-0, capítulo 1: Taxonomy History, páx. 2.
  6. Tarsiidae en MSW.
  7. tarsier en wordreference.com.
  8. tarsier Arquivado 18 de setembro de 2019 en Wayback Machine. en memidex.com.
  9. etimoloxía de tarse no Trésor de la langue française informatisé.
  10. spectrum en Online Etymology Dictionary.
  11. 11,0 11,1 Mogk, K. (2012): Tarsius tarsier, en Animal Diversity Web.
  12. 12,0 12,1 Kappeler, P. M. (2011): "Chapter 2: The Behavioral Ecology of Strepsirrhines and Tarsiers Evolution of Primate Societies" en J. C. Mitani, J. Call, P. M. Kappeler, R. A. Palombit & J. B. Silk, eds. The Evolution of Primate Societies. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press. pp. 17–42. ISBN 978-0-2265-3172-4.
  13. 13,0 13,1 Bloomberg, P. T. (2014): Criaturas Fascinantes: Mono tarsero y Ornitorrinco. Bloomington, Indiana, USA: Palibrio. ISBN 978-1-4633-7615-4.
  14. 14,0 14,1 Shekelle, M. & Leksono, S. M. (2004): "Conservation strategy in Sulawesi Island using Tarsius as Flagship Species" Arquivado 24 de setembro de 2015 en Wayback Machine. Biota IX (1): 1-10.
  15. 15,0 15,1 Brandon-Jones, D.; Eudey, A. A.; Geissman, T.; Groves, C. P.; Melnick, D. J.; Morales, J. C.: Shekelle, M. & Stewart, C. B. (2004): "Asian primate classification" International Journal of Primatology 25 (1): 97–164.

Véxase tamén


  • Brandon-Jones, D.; A. A. Eudey, T. Geissmann, C. P. Groves, D. J. Melnick, J. C. Morales, M. Shekelle & C. B. Stewart (2004):

"Asian Primates Classification" International Journal of Primatology 25 (1): 97-164. Resumo.

  • Chiarelli, A. B. (1972): Taxonomic Atlas of Living Primates. London, UK & New York, USA: Academic Press. ISBN 0-1217-2550-2.
  • Groves, Colin P. (2001): Primate Taxonomy. Washington, USA & London, UK: Smithsonian Institution Press. ISBN 1-5609-8872-X.
  • Gursky-Doyen, Sharon & Jatna Suprinata, eds. (2010): Indonesian Primates. New York / Dordrecht / Heidelberg / London: Springler. ISBN 978-1-4419-1559-3 / ISBN 978-1-4419-1559-7.
  • Kowalski, Kazimierz (1981): "Suborden Tarsioidea", en: Mamíferos. Manual de teriología. Madrid: H. Blume Ediciones. ISBN 84-7214-229-9, pp. 320–321.
  • Nowak, Ronald M. (1999): Walker's Primates of the World. Baltimore, Maryland, USA: The Johns Hopkins University Press. ISBN 0-8018-6251-5.
  • Parker, Sybil P. (1990): Grzimek's Encyclopedia of Mammals. Volume 2. New York, NY, USA: McGraw-Hill Publishing Company. ISBN 0-0790-9508-9.
  • Vaughan, T. A. (1986): Mammalogy. Third Edition. Fort Worth, Texas, USA: Saunders College Publishing.
  • VV. AA. (1968): "Tarsioideos" en: Enciclopedia Salvat de las ciencias. Tomo 6. Animales vertebrados. Pamplona: Salvat, S. A. de Ediciones, pp. 290–292.
  • Walker, Ernest P. (1975): Mammals of the World, Third Edition, Volumes I & II. Baltimore, Maryland, USA: The Johns Hopkins University Press. ISBN 0-8018-1657-2.
  • Wilson, D. E. & Reeder, D. M., eds. (2005): Mammal Species of the World. A Taxonomic and Geographic Reference, 3ª ed. Baltimore, Maryland, USA: The Johns Hopkins University Press. ISBN 0-8018-8221-4.
  • Wright, P. (2003): "Are Tarsiers Silently Leaping into Extinction?". pp. 296–308 en P. Wright, E. Simons & S. Gursky, eds. Tarsiers: The Past, Present, and Future. New Brunswick, New Jersey, USA: Rutgers University Press.

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Tarsius tarsier: Brief Summary ( Galician )

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Artigo principal: Tarsiiformes.

Tarsius tarsier (Erxleben, 1777), moitas veces citada como Tarsius spectrum (Pallas, 1778), é unha especie de mamífero primate haplorrino tarsiiforme e da súa única familia, a dos tarsíidos, que é o tipo do xénero Tarsius. Vive na illa indonesias de Selayar, e coñécese na bibliografía internacional como tarsio fantasma.

Até hai poucos anos incluíanse nas súas poboacións, ademais de na illa de Selayar, as do suroeste da illa Célebes, pero recentemente separáronse estas últimas nunha nova especie, Tarsius fuscus.

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Tarsius tarsier ( Indonesian )

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Tarsius tarsier (Binatang Hantu/Kera Hantu/Monyet Hantu) adalah suatu jenis primata kecil, memiliki tubuh berwarna coklat kemerahan dengan warna kulit kelabu, bermata besar dengan telinga menghadap ke depan dan memiliki bentuk yang lebar.

Nama Tarsius diambil karena ciri fisik tubuh mereka yang istimewa, yaitu tulang tarsal yang memanjang, yang membentuk pergelangan kaki mereka sehingga mereka dapat melompat sejauh 3 meter (hampir 10 kaki) dari satu pohon ke pohon lainnya. Tarsius juga memiliki ekor panjang yang tidak berbulu, kecuali pada bagian ujungnya. Setiap tangan dan kaki hewan ini memiliki lima jari yang panjang. Jari-jari ini memiliki kuku, kecuali jari kedua dan ketiga yang memiliki cakar yang digunakan untuk grooming.

Yang paling istimewa dari Tarsius adalah matanya yang besar. Ukuran matanya lebih besar jika dibandingkan besar otaknya sendiri. Mata ini dapat digunakan untuk melihat dengan tajam dalam kegelapan tetapi sebaliknya, hewan ini hampir tidak bisa melihat pada siang hari. Kepala Tarsius dapat memutar hampir 180 derajat baik ke arah kanan maupun ke arah kiri, seperti burung hantu. Telinga mereka juga dapat digerakkan untuk mendeteksi keberadaan mangsa.

Tarsius adalah makhluk nokturnal yang melakukan aktivitas pada malam hari dan tidur pada siang hari. Oleh sebab itu Tarsius berburu pada malam hari. Mangsa mereka yang paling utama adalah serangga seperti kecoa, jangkrik, dan kadang-kadang reptil kecil, burung, dan kelelawar. Habitatnya adalah di hutan-hutan Sulawesi Utara hingga Sulawesi Selatan, juga di pulau-pulau sekitar Sulawesi seperti Suwu, Selayar, dan Peleng. Tarsius juga dapat ditemukan di Filipina. Di Taman Nasional Bantimurung Bulusaraung, Sulawesi Selatan, Tarsius lebih dikenal oleh masyarakat setempat dengan sebutan "balao cengke" atau "tikus jongkok" jika diartikan kedalam Bahasa Indonesia.

Tarsius menghabiskan sebagian besar hidupnya di atas pohon. Hewan ini menandai pohon daerah teritori mereka dengan urine. Tarsius berpindah tempat dengan cara melompat dari pohon ke pohon. Hewan ini bahkan tidur dan melahirkan dengan terus bergantung pada batang pohon. Tarsius tidak dapat berjalan di atas tanah, mereka melompat ketika berada di tanah.

Tarsius di Pulau Belitung[2]

Tarsius Bancanus Saltator atau dalam bahasa local Belitung dikenal dengan “pelilean” adalah salah satu jenis Tarsius yang baru ditemukan dan masuk dalam daftar appendix dunia melengkapi dari beberapa jenis Tarsius lainnya yang sudah lebih dahulu teridentifikasi. Variasi speciesnya ditemukan juga di Sumatra, Borneo, Sulawesi (Indonesia) serta pulau Bohor, Samar, Mindanau, dan Leyte (Philipina). Matanya yang bulat lebar dan hidungnya yang lucu sangat menarik untuk dilihat sementara ukurannya yang kecil pas banget bila berada di genggaman tangan kita. Hewan mirip monyet ini memakan serangga yang sering keluar dari kayu bekas terbakar atau arang kayu.

Tarsius Bancanus Saltator ini adalah hewan yang sangat aktif dan menarik dengan ciri-cirinya yang khas. Meski tubuhnya dibalut dengan bulu warna abu-abu, ekornya yang sepanjang kira-kira 232mm hampir tidak berbulu alias gundul. Dari kepala hingga ekor panjangnya antara 118-149mm dengan berat 113-142 gram. Yang mengesankan dari hewan ini adalah mata besarnya yang menonjol yang sepertinya tidak pas dibandingkan dengan tubuh mungilnya. Ukuran rongga matanya hingga melebihi ukuran tempurung otak dan perutnya.[2]

Tangan dan kakinya mempunyai jari-jari yang mirip dengan manusia yang digunakannya untuk bertengger di pohon dan ekornya digunakan untuk keseimbangan. Anda bisa melihat saat jari tengahnya mulur dan tulang pergelangannya yang panjang bekerja seperti shock absorber. Hal ini membantunya melompat dari dahan yang satu ke dahan yang lainnya dengan mudah. Kepalanya sangat mirip dengan kepala burung hantu karena bentuknya dan pertemuan yang unik di tengah-tengah sinus dan tengkoraknya membuatnya mampu memutar kepalanya 180 derajat. Tarsier juga memiliki gigi-gigi yang tajam untuk membantunya memangsa serangga selama berburu di malam hari.

Tarsier lebih suka tinggal di lubang-lubang di pohon atau akar-akar bambu meski masih mungkin menemukannya di tempat lain. Hewan ini banyak melakukan aktivitasnya di malam hari, meski sekali-kali Anda bisa memergokinya di siang hari.

Saat ini Tarsius di Belitung semakin terancam keberadaannya akibat kerusakan di habitat hutan alamnya. Pembukaan lahan hutan dengan dibakar, perkebunan besar dan illegal logging menjadi biang keladi menurunnya jumlah tarsius. Untuk itu kami bekerjasama dengan GEF dan UNEP serta Pemkab Beitung berupaya untuk melakukan upaya konservasi terhadap Tarsius yang mana saat ini difokuskan di tempat Wisata Alam terpadu Batu Mentas[3], HL Gunung Tajam, Kecamatan Badau.


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Tarsius tarsier: Brief Summary ( Indonesian )

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Tarsius tarsier (Binatang Hantu/Kera Hantu/Monyet Hantu) adalah suatu jenis primata kecil, memiliki tubuh berwarna coklat kemerahan dengan warna kulit kelabu, bermata besar dengan telinga menghadap ke depan dan memiliki bentuk yang lebar.

Nama Tarsius diambil karena ciri fisik tubuh mereka yang istimewa, yaitu tulang tarsal yang memanjang, yang membentuk pergelangan kaki mereka sehingga mereka dapat melompat sejauh 3 meter (hampir 10 kaki) dari satu pohon ke pohon lainnya. Tarsius juga memiliki ekor panjang yang tidak berbulu, kecuali pada bagian ujungnya. Setiap tangan dan kaki hewan ini memiliki lima jari yang panjang. Jari-jari ini memiliki kuku, kecuali jari kedua dan ketiga yang memiliki cakar yang digunakan untuk grooming.

Yang paling istimewa dari Tarsius adalah matanya yang besar. Ukuran matanya lebih besar jika dibandingkan besar otaknya sendiri. Mata ini dapat digunakan untuk melihat dengan tajam dalam kegelapan tetapi sebaliknya, hewan ini hampir tidak bisa melihat pada siang hari. Kepala Tarsius dapat memutar hampir 180 derajat baik ke arah kanan maupun ke arah kiri, seperti burung hantu. Telinga mereka juga dapat digerakkan untuk mendeteksi keberadaan mangsa.

Tarsius adalah makhluk nokturnal yang melakukan aktivitas pada malam hari dan tidur pada siang hari. Oleh sebab itu Tarsius berburu pada malam hari. Mangsa mereka yang paling utama adalah serangga seperti kecoa, jangkrik, dan kadang-kadang reptil kecil, burung, dan kelelawar. Habitatnya adalah di hutan-hutan Sulawesi Utara hingga Sulawesi Selatan, juga di pulau-pulau sekitar Sulawesi seperti Suwu, Selayar, dan Peleng. Tarsius juga dapat ditemukan di Filipina. Di Taman Nasional Bantimurung Bulusaraung, Sulawesi Selatan, Tarsius lebih dikenal oleh masyarakat setempat dengan sebutan "balao cengke" atau "tikus jongkok" jika diartikan kedalam Bahasa Indonesia.

Tarsius menghabiskan sebagian besar hidupnya di atas pohon. Hewan ini menandai pohon daerah teritori mereka dengan urine. Tarsius berpindah tempat dengan cara melompat dari pohon ke pohon. Hewan ini bahkan tidur dan melahirkan dengan terus bergantung pada batang pohon. Tarsius tidak dapat berjalan di atas tanah, mereka melompat ketika berada di tanah.

Tarsius di Pulau Belitung

Tarsius Bancanus Saltator atau dalam bahasa local Belitung dikenal dengan “pelilean” adalah salah satu jenis Tarsius yang baru ditemukan dan masuk dalam daftar appendix dunia melengkapi dari beberapa jenis Tarsius lainnya yang sudah lebih dahulu teridentifikasi. Variasi speciesnya ditemukan juga di Sumatra, Borneo, Sulawesi (Indonesia) serta pulau Bohor, Samar, Mindanau, dan Leyte (Philipina). Matanya yang bulat lebar dan hidungnya yang lucu sangat menarik untuk dilihat sementara ukurannya yang kecil pas banget bila berada di genggaman tangan kita. Hewan mirip monyet ini memakan serangga yang sering keluar dari kayu bekas terbakar atau arang kayu.

Tarsius Bancanus Saltator ini adalah hewan yang sangat aktif dan menarik dengan ciri-cirinya yang khas. Meski tubuhnya dibalut dengan bulu warna abu-abu, ekornya yang sepanjang kira-kira 232mm hampir tidak berbulu alias gundul. Dari kepala hingga ekor panjangnya antara 118-149mm dengan berat 113-142 gram. Yang mengesankan dari hewan ini adalah mata besarnya yang menonjol yang sepertinya tidak pas dibandingkan dengan tubuh mungilnya. Ukuran rongga matanya hingga melebihi ukuran tempurung otak dan perutnya.

Tangan dan kakinya mempunyai jari-jari yang mirip dengan manusia yang digunakannya untuk bertengger di pohon dan ekornya digunakan untuk keseimbangan. Anda bisa melihat saat jari tengahnya mulur dan tulang pergelangannya yang panjang bekerja seperti shock absorber. Hal ini membantunya melompat dari dahan yang satu ke dahan yang lainnya dengan mudah. Kepalanya sangat mirip dengan kepala burung hantu karena bentuknya dan pertemuan yang unik di tengah-tengah sinus dan tengkoraknya membuatnya mampu memutar kepalanya 180 derajat. Tarsier juga memiliki gigi-gigi yang tajam untuk membantunya memangsa serangga selama berburu di malam hari.

Tarsier lebih suka tinggal di lubang-lubang di pohon atau akar-akar bambu meski masih mungkin menemukannya di tempat lain. Hewan ini banyak melakukan aktivitasnya di malam hari, meski sekali-kali Anda bisa memergokinya di siang hari.

Saat ini Tarsius di Belitung semakin terancam keberadaannya akibat kerusakan di habitat hutan alamnya. Pembukaan lahan hutan dengan dibakar, perkebunan besar dan illegal logging menjadi biang keladi menurunnya jumlah tarsius. Untuk itu kami bekerjasama dengan GEF dan UNEP serta Pemkab Beitung berupaya untuk melakukan upaya konservasi terhadap Tarsius yang mana saat ini difokuskan di tempat Wisata Alam terpadu Batu Mentas, HL Gunung Tajam, Kecamatan Badau.

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Tarsius tarsier ( Italian )

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Il tarsio spettro o maki folletto (Tarsius tarsier Erxleben, 1777) è un primate della famiglia dei Tarsiidae, della quale rappresenta la specie tipo. È l'unico primate esclusivamente carnivoro.

Questo animale è di fondamentale importanza per gli studiosi, che lo ritengono l'anello mancante fra le proscimmie (fra le quali un tempo veniva classificato) e le scimmie vere e proprie: la specie, col vecchio nome Tarsius spectrum, era considerata un "contenitore" a cui venivano ascritte come sottospecie gran parte dei Tarsiidae: in seguito al riordino della specie da parte degli studiosi, sono state classificate ex novo quattro nuove specie (Tarsius dentatus da T. spectrum dentatus, Tarsius pelengensis da T. spectrum pelengensis, Tarsius pumilus da T. spectrum pumilus, Tarsius sangirensis da T. spectrum sangirensis), mentre Tarsius spectrum è diventato sinonimo di Tarsius tarsier.


Vive principalmente nei bassipiani delle isole di Sulawesi e Selayar, in Indonesia: preferisce le aree di foresta pluviale secondaria, ossia rasa al suolo per qualche motivo e poi ricresciuta. Probabilmente, questa sua preferenza è attribuibile alla maggiore presenza di bambù, cespugli ed erba alta in questo tipo di foresta rispetto a quella di tipo primario.



Misura circa 35 cm di lunghezza, di cui i due terzi sono occupati dalla lunga coda, per un peso complessivo di 120 g.


Il mantello è vellutato e di colore grigio. La coda è glabra e scagliosa, come quella dei ratti, ma presenta un ciuffo di peli scuri sulla punta.
Gli occhi sono enormi: la sola orbita oculare è di dimensioni maggiori dello stomaco e del cervello stesso. Questo perché, pur essendo un animale notturno, il tarsio manca del tapetum lucidum, una membrana riflettente posta sulla superficie interna dell'occhio. Gli occhi sono inoltre fissi nelle orbite: per ovviare a ciò, il tarsio può ruotare la sua testa di oltre 180°.
Le orecchie sono simili a cucchiaini e poggiano su corti manici tubolari.
Per quanto grandi, la testa ed il corpo assieme raggiungono a stento la metà della lunghezza delle zampe posteriori, che si dividono in coscia, stinco e mano, tutti assai allungati e di lunghezza più o meno uguale l'uno all'altro (la parola "tarsio" deriva dal tarso assai allungato). La tibia e la fibula di questi animali sono fuse assieme nella parte terminale, così da assorbire l'urto creato dall'impatto con una superficie mentre l'animale salta di ramo in ramo.
Le mani presentano dita assai allungate e terminanti con polpastrelli rigonfi, che permettono all'animale una presa sicura anche su superfici quasi lisce: i polpastrelli adesivi, tuttavia, sono meno evoluti rispetto a quelli di altre specie, come ad esempio Carlito syrichta. L'indice ed il medio sono dotate di speciali artigli (mentre le altre dita presentano unghie simili a quelle umane) per l'attività di grooming.


Si tratta di un animale dalle abitudini crepuscolari e notturne: di giorno riposa nel folto del fogliame in posizione verticale, mentre al tramonto si sveglia e comincia prima di tutto a nettarsi il pelo. Dopo aver fatto l'operazione di grooming, si avventura alla ricerca di prede fino al mattino.
Grazie alle lunghe zampe posteriori, può spiccare salti anche di 6 m: durante il salto, l'animale ruota prima le zampe anteriori e poi le posteriori, mentre la coda funge da bilanciere. Al suolo, l'animale si muove saltellando lateralmente con la coda tenuta in verticale, similmente ai sifaka malgasci.
Vive solitario o in piccoli gruppi familiari, ognuno dei quali possiede un proprio territorio che difende gelosamente qualora si rendesse necessario: tuttavia, gli scontri sono assai rari, in quanto i tarsi marcano più volte i confini dei propri territori con urina e secrezioni ghiandolari, in particolare il tarsio possiede una ghiandola epigastrica al livello del petto.
I vari componenti della coppia o del gruppo si tengono in contatto tramite vocalizzazioni: spesso il maschio e la femmina si esibiscono in veri e propri "duetti" dalla funzione di demarcazione territoriale.


Si tratta di animali prevalentemente insettivori, che non disdegnano integrare la dieta anche con piccoli vertebrati, riuscendo a catturare perfino i pipistrelli al volo.
La preda viene individuata principalmente grazie all'udito: spesso l'animale chiude addirittura gli occhi al momento dell'attacco, probabilmente allo scopo di difenderli. Quando la preda viene avvistata, il tarsio si avvicina cautamente, per poi saltarle addosso in modo fulmineo e finirla a morsi: una volta uccisa, l'animale la porta su un ramo prescelto e la consuma a partire dalla testa.
Il tarsio mangia tutto della propria preda: piume, becco, esoscheletro ed ossa.


In base al tempo impiegato dalla femmina per crescere una cucciolata, si suppone che questi animali possano riprodursi ogni 9-10 mesi.
Le coppie sono assai salde: l'accoppiamento può avvenire durante tutto l'arco dell'anno. La gestazione dura circa 6 mesi (periodo insolitamente lungo per animali di taglia così piccola), al termine dei quali viene dato alla luce un unico cucciolo, già ricoperto di pelo e con gli occhi aperti.
Poco altro si conosce sulla riproduzione di questa specie, ma si pensa che non sia assai dissimile da quella del congenere Carlito syrichta.

Il tarsio nella cultura di massa

Nelle zone dove vive, il tarsio ha la funzione di animale totem: le tribù di cacciatori di teste Iban lo venerano in quanto convinte che questo animale abbia la testa staccata dal corpo, a causa della sua capacità di torcere il collo anche di 180°. Gli Iban sono convinti, inoltre, che sia tabù chiamare l'animale col suo nome, in quanto disturbandolo in tal modo si attira la sua ira sulla casa del trasgressore.

Le altre etnie di Sulawesi tengono questo animale in cattività per la sua indole gentile e la sua intelligenza: l'allevamento del tarsio può essere però molto problematico, in quanto necessita di cibo vivo per mantenersi ed in mancanza di questo muore in pochi giorni. Inoltre, se catturando un animale lo si separa dal suo compagno, è facile che ambedue si lascino morire d'inedia: ancora, il tarsio è un animale estremamente sensibile, ed il trauma della cattura può spaventarlo a tal punto da ridurlo alla pazzia portandolo a battere la testa contro una parete o le sbarre della gabbia.


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Tarsius tarsier: Brief Summary ( Italian )

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Il tarsio spettro o maki folletto (Tarsius tarsier Erxleben, 1777) è un primate della famiglia dei Tarsiidae, della quale rappresenta la specie tipo. È l'unico primate esclusivamente carnivoro.

Questo animale è di fondamentale importanza per gli studiosi, che lo ritengono l'anello mancante fra le proscimmie (fra le quali un tempo veniva classificato) e le scimmie vere e proprie: la specie, col vecchio nome Tarsius spectrum, era considerata un "contenitore" a cui venivano ascritte come sottospecie gran parte dei Tarsiidae: in seguito al riordino della specie da parte degli studiosi, sono state classificate ex novo quattro nuove specie (Tarsius dentatus da T. spectrum dentatus, Tarsius pelengensis da T. spectrum pelengensis, Tarsius pumilus da T. spectrum pumilus, Tarsius sangirensis da T. spectrum sangirensis), mentre Tarsius spectrum è diventato sinonimo di Tarsius tarsier.

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Celebesspookdier ( Dutch; Flemish )

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Het celebesspookdier (Tarsius tarsier of verouderd Tarsius spectrum) is een zeer kleine soort uit het geslacht spookdiertjes (Tarsius).


Deze soort leeft diep in het oerwoud tussen bamboe en kleine bomen. Het is een nachtdier dat zich zelden op de grond begeeft. Tot lopen is het diertje niet in staat en verplaatst zich dan al huppend op zijn achterpootjes over de grond. Afstanden tussen bomen van wel zes meter weet het diertjes nog springend te overbruggen. De lichaamslengte varieert tussen de 95 en 110 millimeter.


Deze soort komt voor op Celebes. Een aantal andere soorten uit de omgeving van Celebes (het noordelijk celebesspookdier, T. dentatus, uit het midden en noorden van Celebes, het dwergspookdier, T. pumilus uit het midden van Celebes, het pelengspookdier, T. pelengensis, uit de Peleng-eilanden, ten oosten van Celebes, en het sangihespookdier, T. sangihensis, uit de Sangihe-eilanden, ten noorden van Celebes) werden vroeger tot dezelfde soort gerekend. Het is nog steeds onduidelijk of er maar één soort is binnen de huidige T. tarsier; mogelijk komt hij alleen voor in het zuidwesten van Celebes.

Bronnen, noten en/of referenties
Wikispecies Wikispecies heeft een pagina over Tarsius tarsier.
Wikimedia Commons Zie de categorie Tarsius tarsier van Wikimedia Commons voor mediabestanden over dit onderwerp.
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Celebesspookdier: Brief Summary ( Dutch; Flemish )

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Het celebesspookdier (Tarsius tarsier of verouderd Tarsius spectrum) is een zeer kleine soort uit het geslacht spookdiertjes (Tarsius).

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Wyrak upiorny ( Polish )

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Wyrak upiorny[5], wyrak upiór[6] (Tarsius tarsier) – gatunek naczelnego ssaka z rodziny wyrakowatych (Tarsiidae).


Lasy Celebesu oraz okolicznych wysp: Sangihe, Peleng i Salayer. Obserwowano go również w ogrodach podmiejskich.


Długość ciała 12–14 cm, ogona 23–26 cm (n = 1 ♂♀); masa ciała samców 103 g, samic 98 g[7]. Dzięki bardzo długim nogom to niewielkie zwierzę może skakać między drzewami na odległość 6 m (przy długości ciała ok. 20 cm). Jest spokrewniony z wyrakiem sundajskim. Jego ogon jest prawie dwukrotnie dłuższy, niż całe jego ciało, które ma 15 cm. Zwierzę aktywne głównie nocą, owadożerne. Żyje w grupach rodzinnych. Śpi zawsze z jednym okiem otwartym. Jego oczy mają ponad 3 cm średnicy i są wielkości jego mózgu.


Wyrak upiór jest opisywany najczęściej pod naukową nazwą Tarsius spectrum Pallas, 1779. Zdaniem Wilsona i Reedera[3] oraz specjalistów IUCN[2], zgodnie z zasadami nomenklatury zoologicznej pierwszeństwo ma nazwa Tarsius tarsier (Erxleben, 1777).


  1. Tarsius tarsier, w: Integrated Taxonomic Information System (ang.).
  2. a b c d e f g h i j k M. Shekelle, A. Salim 2008, Tarsius tarsier [w:] The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2016 [online], wersja 2016-2 [dostęp 2016-11-19] (ang.).
  3. a b c d e f g h i Wilson Don E. & Reeder DeeAnn M. (red.) Tarsius tarsier. w: Mammal Species of the World. A Taxonomic and Geographic Reference (Wyd. 3.) [on-line]. Johns Hopkins University Press, 2005. (ang.) [dostęp 24 lutego 2010]
  4. Tarsius spectrum, w: Integrated Taxonomic Information System (ang.) [dostęp 24 lutego 2010]
  5. W. Cichocki, A. Ważna, J. Cichocki, E. Rajska-Jurgiel, A. Jasiński, W. Bogdanowicz: Polskie nazewnictwo ssaków świata. Warszawa: Muzeum i Instytut Zoologii PAN, 2015, s. 36. ISBN 978-83-88147-15-9. (pol.ang.)
  6. K. Kowalski (redaktor naukowy), A. Krzanowski, H. Kubiak, B. Rzebik-Kowalska, L. Sych: Ssaki. Wyd. IV. Warszawa: Wiedza Powszechna, 1991, s. 424, seria: Mały słownik zoologiczny. ISBN 83-214-0637-8.
  7. M. Shekelle, S. Gursky-Doyen, M.C. Richardson: Family Tarsiidae (Tarsiers). W: R.A. Mittermeier, A.B. Rylands, D.E. Wilson: Handbook of the Mammals of the World. Cz. 3: Primates. Barcelona: Lynx Edicions, 2013, s. 258. ISBN 978-84-96553-89-7. (ang.)


  1. Sean Flannery: Spectral Tarsier (Tarsius spectrum) (ang.). The Primata. [dostęp 12 maja 2008].
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Wyrak upiorny: Brief Summary ( Polish )

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Wyrak upiorny, wyrak upiór (Tarsius tarsier) – gatunek naczelnego ssaka z rodziny wyrakowatych (Tarsiidae).

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Celebeški nartničar ( Spanish; Castilian )

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Celebeški nartničar (znanstveno ime Tarsius tarsier) je vrsta majhne polopice, ki prebiva na nekaterih otokih v Jugovzhodni Aziji. Je tipska vrsta za rod nartničarjev. Aktiven je ponoči, prehranjuje pa se povečini z žuželkami. Zaradi izsekavanja gozdov, predvsem dreves, obraslih s smokvovci, spada med ogrožene vrste.

Telesne značilnosti

Celebeški nartničar sodi med najmanjše prvake. Ima majhno okroglo telo s sivim kožuhom. Telo meri 9,5 do 14 cm, rep pa je dolg od 20 do 26 cm. Stopala, dlani in prsti so zelo dolgi. Dolge roke, ki naj bi odnosno do velikosti bile najdaljše med vsemi prvaki, so namenjene plezanju in prijemanju, kljub odsotnosti palca. Glede na odsotnost priseskov na koncu prstov naj bi bil prvotna oz. najbolj primitivna vrsta med nartničarji. Dolge noge so prilagojene za velike skoke, saj lahko skočijo tudi do 40-kratnika dolžine svojega telesa. Golenica in mečnica sta zraščeni skupaj in delujeta kot blažilec udarca od skoka.

Odnosno do telesne mase imajo nartničarji največje oči med vsem sesalci, poleg tega so oči večje od možganov. Velike oči in dobro razvita centralna vdolbina (lat. fovea centralis) v rumeni pegi omogočajo nočni vid, ki je najostrejši med vsemi prvaki, kljub odsotnosti plasti, imenovane tapetum lucidum, ki je sicer značilna za nočne živali. Nezmožnost premikanja oči je nadomeščena z možnostjo obračanja glave do 180°. Ušesa so tanka in jih lahko premikajo neodvisno eno od drugega.

Življenjski prostor in navade

Celebeški nartničarji so endemni na indonezijskih otokih Sulavezi (nekdaj Celebes), Pulau Peleng in Pulau Selajar. V taksonomskem smislu so pred nekaj leti populacijo celebeškega nartničarja omejili samo na otok Selajar, ostalo populacijo na Sulaveziju pa razglasili za samostojno vrsto T. fuscus.[2] Prebivajo v deževnih gozdovih, in sicer od nižinskih gozdov blizu morja do gozdov na višini 1.500 m nadmorske višine. Ponekod so bili opaženi tudi v mangrovah in grmičastih gozdovih.

Celebeški nartničarji so zelo družbane živali, običajno živijo v manjših družinah.

So zelo družbene živali in običajno živijo skupaj s partnerjem ali z manjšo družino. V neposrednem stiku odrasli nartničarji večino časa posvečajo mirovanju in druženju, sicer pa so na lovu. Na blizu se člani družine sporazumevajo s kombinacijo obrazne mimike in telesnih gibov; potegnjena ušesa npr. pomenijo nelagodnost, sedeč položaj pa obrambno držo. Poznajo aktivnosti, kot so igra, crkljanje, negovanje bližnjega in deljenje hrane. Življenje v skupini naj bi omogočalo boljšo zaščito pred plenilci in detomorilskimi samci ter lažje parjenje. Prav tako so zelo teritorialne živali in se večkrat spopadejo s sosednjimi skupinami nartničarjev zaradi kršenja ozemeljske celovitosti. Teritorije označujejo z urinom in izločki žlez. V jutranjih urah, med vračanjem v bivališča, se par ali družina oglaša s specifičnimi zvoki, s čimer naznanja, da je njihovo ozemlje zasedeno.

Pri lovu se nartničar zanaša na dober sluh in oster nočni vid. Nenavadno je, da kot pomoč pri lovu izrablja mesečino, saj se je nočno aktivni sesalci izogibajo zaradi večje izpostavljenosti plenilcem.

Če plenilec, kot je kača, zaide v ozemlje nartničarja, ta opozori ostale nartničarje v bližini, ki začnejo s skupnim močmi nadlegovati plenilca s kričanjem in skakanjem, včasih pa ga celo ugriznejo. Gre torej za primer, ko si sosednji samci, ki so sicer zelo teritorialni, vzajemno pomagajo pri premagovanju skupne grožnje. V primeru plenilskih ptic nartničarji sodelujejo pri odvračanju pozornosti plenilca.


Večina nartničarjev živi v zvezi z enim partnerjem (tj. v monogamiji), v približno petini primerov pa tudi v zvezi več partnerji (v poligamiji), ki jo sestavlja 6 osebkov ali več z enim samcem. Nartničarji monogamnim zvezam dajejo prednost verjetno zaradi omejenega števila bivališč, tj. dreves, obraslih s smokvovci. Celebeški nartničarji imajo dva zaroda na leto, parjenje pa poteka v maju ali novembru. Brejost traja približno 6 mesecev, samice rodijo samo enega mladiča, ki je že poraščen in lahko odpira oči, po enem dnevu pa lahko pleza. Odnosno do materine telesne mase rodijo samice celebeških nartničarjev največje mladiče med vsemi sesalci; v povprečju znaša teža mladičev več kot petino materine. Laktacija traja do 80 dni, osamosvajanje mladiča se prične med 4. in 10. tednom starosti. Spolno zrelost dosežejo s 17. mesecem starosti. Najvišja opažena starost je po sedanjih podatki 10 let.

Vloga v prehranjevalni verigi

V glavnem se prehranjujejo z žuželkami, kot so hrošči, kratkotipalčnice, nočni metulji in škržati, včasih tudi z majhnimi vretenčarji, kot so kuščarji in netopirji. Plenilci celebeški nartničarjev so drevesne kače, lizavti oz. cibetovke, varani, sove in divje mačke. V črevesju jih lahko zajedajo gliste in trakulje.

Pomen za človeka

Celebeški nartničar je pomemben za evolucijske biologe in taksonomiste, saj naj bi bil najbolj primitivna vrsta nartničarja, kar omogoča boljši vpogled v evolucijo prvakov. Glede na to, da so v glavnem žužkojedi, verjetno sodelujejo pri naravnem nadzoru kmetijskih škodljivcev. Po drugi strani jih pogosto zajedajo gliste in trakulje, s katerimi se lahko okuži tudi človek.

Nartničarji poleg ostalih živali privabljajo turiste na indonezijske otoke in tako pripomorejo k turističnemu zaslužku. Kot hišni ljubljenčki ne živijo dolgo, predvsem zaradi zahtevne prehrane. V preteklosti je ljudstvo Iban z otoka Borneo častilo nartničarje kot totemsko žival.


Wikimedijina zbirka ponuja več predstavnostnega gradiva o temi: Celebeški nartničar
  1. Shekelle M & Salim A. (2008). Tarsius tarsier . Rdeči seznam IUCN ogroženih vrst 2008. IUCN 2008. Pridobljeno: 1.1.2009.
  2. Groves C & Shekelle M (2010). "The Genera and Species of Tarsiidae". Int J Primatol 31 (6): 1071–82. doi:10.1007/s10764-010-9443-1.


  • Mogk, K. (2012). "Tarsius tarsier". Animal Diversity Web (ADW). Pridobljeno 7.8.2014.
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Celebeški nartničar: Brief Summary ( Spanish; Castilian )

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Celebeški nartničar (znanstveno ime Tarsius tarsier) je vrsta majhne polopice, ki prebiva na nekaterih otokih v Jugovzhodni Aziji. Je tipska vrsta za rod nartničarjev. Aktiven je ponoči, prehranjuje pa se povečini z žuželkami. Zaradi izsekavanja gozdov, predvsem dreves, obraslih s smokvovci, spada med ogrožene vrste.

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Östligt spökdjur ( Swedish )

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Östligt spökdjur, Tarsius tarsier ("spectrum") är en art av spökdjur som lever på Sulawesi och kringliggande småöar i Indonesien. Flera tidigare underarter har separerats från Tarsius tarsier och omklassificerats som egna arter. Återstoden har en konstig osammanhängande utbredning och bör sannolikt också delas upp i flera arter.[1][2] Bevarandestatus: Sårbar[2]


Det östliga spökdjuret är en liten primat, men olika källor ger olika uppgifter om hur liten, från 124–128 mm lång[3] upp till 230–243 mm lång,[4] exklusive svansen. Pälsen är gulgrå och mjuk, och täcker hela kroppen inklusive svansen.

Grupp av östliga spökdjur på zoo i Indonesien.
Östligt spökdjur.
Ett uppstoppat Östligt spökdjur (Tarsius fuscus), en hane, utställd på Göteborgs Naturhistoriska museum.


Liksom övriga spökdjur är det östliga spökdjuret ett rent rovdjur, som främst lever på insekter (skalbaggar, gräshoppor, fjärilar med mera), men även små ryggradsdjur som fladdermöss och ormar ingår i dieten. Den lever varhelst det finns tillräckligt tät undervegetation, i regnskog, mangroveskog, och även i plantager och andra störda miljöer.

Socialt liv

De östliga spökdjuren lever i familjegrupper som tillsammans försvarar ett revir mot inkräktare av samma art. Normal revirstorlek är 2–3 hektar. Det östliga spökdjuret är ovanligt såtillvida att två olika fortplantningssystem förekommer, även inom samma population. De flesta östliga spökdjur lever i monogama par med en hona och en hanne, medan en minoritet på cirka 15 % lever i polygyni, med två eller tre honor tillsammans med en hanne. När ungarna blir vuxna flyttar de iväg från föräldrarnas revir och söker etablera en egen familj en bit därifrån. Hanarna flyttar dubbelt så långt som honorna, över 600 meter mot honornas knappt 300 meter i genomsnitt.[5]


  1. ^ Brandon-Jones, D., Eudey, A. A., Geissman, T., Groves, C. P., Melnick, D. J., Morales, J. C., Shekelle, M. and Stewart, C. B. 2004. Asian primate classification. International Journal of Primatology 25(1): 97–164. [1]
  2. ^ [a b] IUCN 2008 Red List http://www.iucnredlist.org/details/21491
  3. ^ Gron, K J (2008) Primate factsheets: Tarsier http://pin.primate.wisc.edu/factsheets/entry/tarsier/taxon
  4. ^ Gursky, S. L. (2007). The spectral tarsier. Upper Saddle River (NJ):Pearson Prentice Hall.
  5. ^ Gursky, Sharon (2010) Dispersal patterns in Tarsius spectrum Int J Primatology 31:117-131 doi 10.1007/s10764-009-9386-6
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Östligt spökdjur: Brief Summary ( Swedish )

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Östligt spökdjur, Tarsius tarsier ("spectrum") är en art av spökdjur som lever på Sulawesi och kringliggande småöar i Indonesien. Flera tidigare underarter har separerats från Tarsius tarsier och omklassificerats som egna arter. Återstoden har en konstig osammanhängande utbredning och bör sannolikt också delas upp i flera arter. Bevarandestatus: Sårbar

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Tarsius tarsier ( Vietnamese )

provided by wikipedia VI

Tarsius tarsier là một loài động vật có vú trong họ Tarsiidae, bộ Linh trưởng. Loài này được Erxleben mô tả năm 1777.[2]

Hình ảnh

Chú thích

  1. ^ Shekelle, M. & Salim, A. (2008). Tarsius tarsier. 2008 Sách đỏ IUCN. Liên minh Bảo tồn Thiên nhiên Quốc tế 2008. Truy cập ngày 1 tháng 1 năm 2009.
  2. ^ a ă Wilson, D. E.; Reeder, D. M. biên tập (2005). “Tarsius tarsier”. Mammal Species of the World . Baltimore: Nhà in Đại học Johns Hopkins, 2 tập (2.142 trang). ISBN 978-0-8018-8221-0. OCLC 62265494.

Tham khảo

Hình tượng sơ khai Bài viết liên quan đến Bộ Linh trưởng này vẫn còn sơ khai. Bạn có thể giúp Wikipedia bằng cách mở rộng nội dung để bài được hoàn chỉnh hơn.
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Tarsius tarsier: Brief Summary ( Vietnamese )

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Tarsius tarsier là một loài động vật có vú trong họ Tarsiidae, bộ Linh trưởng. Loài này được Erxleben mô tả năm 1777.

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Долгопят-привидение ( Russian )

provided by wikipedia русскую Википедию
Царство: Животные
Подцарство: Эуметазои
Без ранга: Вторичноротые
Подтип: Позвоночные
Инфратип: Челюстноротые
Надкласс: Четвероногие
Подкласс: Звери
Инфракласс: Плацентарные
Надотряд: Euarchontoglires
Грандотряд: Euarchonta
Миротряд: Приматообразные
Отряд: Приматы
Инфраотряд: Долгопятообразные
Семейство: Долгопятовые
Вид: Долгопят-привидение
Международное научное название

Tarsius tarsier (Erxleben, 1777)

  • Tarsius buffonii Link, 1795
  • Tarsius daubentonii Fischer, 1804
  • Tarsius fuscomanus Fischer, 1804
  • Tarsius macrotarsos Schreber, 1778
  • Tarsius pallassii É. Geoffroy Saint-.Hilaire, 1796
  • Tarsius podje Kerr, 1792
  • Tarsius spectrum Pallas, 1778
  • Tarsius spectrum (Pallas, 1779)
Ареал Tarsius tarsier включая недавно выделенного Tarsius fuscus


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Долгопят-привидение[1], или восточный долгопят[1], или маки-домовой[1] (лат. Tarsius tarsier) — вид приматов семейства долгопятовые.


Ранее вид был известен как Tarsius spectrum, однако в начале XXI века (Brandon-Jones et al. 2004,[2] Groves 2005[3]) учёные пришли к выводу, что Tarsius spectrum это младший синоним Tarsius tarsier.


Глаза очень большие, соотношение величины глаза к величине тела самое больше среди всех млекопитающих. Голова круглая, шея короткая, морда плоская. Уши тонкие, безволосые. Шерсть мягкая, шелковистая, расцветка шерсти от серого до желтовато-серого. Брюхо и грудь светлее, чем спина. Хвост длинный, заканчивается кисточкой. Передние лапы достаточно короткие, задние очень длинные (отсюда название «долгопят»). Пальцы длинные и тонкие с уплощёнными подушечками, что улучшает хват. Все пальцы снабжены плоскими ногтями, за исключением второго и третьего на ногах, которые несут загнутые когти, используемые при груминге. Длина тела от 9,5 до 14 см, длина хвоста от 20 до 26 см. Вес самцов от 118 до 130 г, вес самок от 102 до 114 г.[4]


Встречаются в Индонезии, на Сулавеси и прилегающих островах, считается, что популяция состоит из нескольких видов, которые будут описаны в будущем.[5][6]

Населяют как первичные, так и вторичные леса, а также в мангровых зарослях, бамбуковых рощах, кустарниках и даже в городских садах.[7]


Активны в основном ночью, обладают хорошим ночным видением. Глаза смотрят вперёд, голова способна поворачиваться почти на 360°. Кормятся исключительно животной пищей, такой как насекомые и мелкие позвоночные. Пищу добывают как на деревьях, так и на земле.[8]

Образуют небольшие семейные группы, состоящие из самца, одной или двух кормящих самок и их потомства. Каждая группа защищает территорию размером около одного гектара. Размножение дважды в год, с апреля по мая и с ноября по декабрь. Беременность длится около 190 дней, в потомстве один детёныш. Детёныши рождаются очень крупными, их длина составляет около трети от длины тела матери, что является рекордом среди млекопитающих. С первого дня новорождённые долгопяты могут карабкаться по ветвям и уже к 26 дням способны сами добывать пищу.[9][10]

Статус популяции

Международный союз охраны природы присвоил виду охранный статус «Уязвимый» ввиду того, что по оценкам на 2008 год площадь ареала сократилась более чем на 30 % за 20 лет (3 поколения). С 1990 по 2000 годы от 15 % до 26 % среды обитания было уничтожено и занято сельхозугодьями.[5]


  1. 1 2 3 Соколов В. Е. Пятиязычный словарь названий животных. Млекопитающие. Латинский, русский, английский, немецкий, французский. / под общей редакцией акад. В. Е. Соколова. — М.: Рус. яз., 1984. — С. 85. — 10 000 экз.
  2. Brandon-Jones, D., Eudey, A. A., Geissman, T., Groves, C. P., Melnick, D. J., Morales, J. C., Shekelle, M. and Stewart, C. B. Asian primate classification // International Journal of Primatology. — 2004. — № 25(1). — С. 97—164.
  3. Groves, C. P. Order Primates // D. E. Wilson and D. M. Reeder Mammal Species of the World. — Baltimore, Maryland, USA: The Johns Hopkins University Press, 2005. — С. 111—184.
  4. Macdonald, D.W. The Encyclopedia of Mammals. — Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2006.
  5. 1 2 Tarsius tarsier (англ.). The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species.
  6. Wolfheim, J.H. Primates of the World: Distribution, Abundance and Conservation. — London: University of Washington Press, 1983.
  7. MacKinnon, J. and MacKinnon, K. The behavior of wild spectral tarsiers // International Journal of Primatology. — 1980. — № 1(4). — С. 361—379.
  8. Gursky, S. Effect of seasonality on the behavior of an insectivorous primate, Tarsius spectrum // International Journal of Primatology. — 2000. — № 21(3). — С. 477—495.
  9. Gursky, S. Allocare in a nocturnal primate: data on the spectral tarsier, Tarsius spectrum // Folia Primatologica. — 2000. — № 71. — С. 39—54.
  10. Gursky, S. Infant care in the spectral tarsier (Tarsius spectrum) Sulawesi, Indonesia // International Journal of Primatology. — 1994. — № 15(6). — С. 843—853.
Авторы и редакторы Википедии

Долгопят-привидение: Brief Summary ( Russian )

provided by wikipedia русскую Википедию

Долгопят-привидение, или восточный долгопят, или маки-домовой (лат. Tarsius tarsier) — вид приматов семейства долгопятовые.

Авторы и редакторы Википедии

유령안경원숭이 ( Korean )

provided by wikipedia 한국어 위키백과

유령안경원숭이 (Tarsius tarsier)는 안경원숭이의 일종이다. 외관상으로 필리핀안경원숭이 또는 서부안경원숭이보다 덜 특징적이다. 예를 들어 발가락에 접착력이 없다. 안경원숭이속모식종이다. 주로 인도네시아술라웨시섬살라야르섬의 저지대에서 발견된다.

유령안경원숭이는 모든 포유류 중에서 몸길이에 대비 가장 큰 눈을 지니고 있다.[3]

몸무게는 약 80-100그램이며 몸 길이는 16 cm, 꼬리는 23 cm 정도이다. 이들은 최고 12년까지 산다. 수컷이 암컷보다 크다.

유령안경원숭이는 육식만을 하는 유일한 영장류이다. 4천만년 이상 크게 변하지 않은 채, 현재 모습을 유지하고 있다.


  1. Groves, C.P. (2005). Wilson, D.E.; Reeder, D.M., 편집. 《Mammal Species of the World: A Taxonomic and Geographic Reference》 (영어) 3판. 존스 홉킨스 대학교 출판사. 128쪽. ISBN 0-801-88221-4. OCLC 62265494.
  2. “Tarsius tarsier”. 《멸종 위기 종의 IUCN 적색 목록. 2008판》 (영어). 국제 자연 보전 연맹. 2008. 2009년 1월 1일에 확인함.
  3. Smythe, RH (1975). 《Vision in the animal world》. St. Martin's Press, New York.
Wikipedia 작가 및 편집자

유령안경원숭이: Brief Summary ( Korean )

provided by wikipedia 한국어 위키백과

유령안경원숭이 (Tarsius tarsier)는 안경원숭이의 일종이다. 외관상으로 필리핀안경원숭이 또는 서부안경원숭이보다 덜 특징적이다. 예를 들어 발가락에 접착력이 없다. 안경원숭이속모식종이다. 주로 인도네시아술라웨시섬살라야르섬의 저지대에서 발견된다.

유령안경원숭이는 모든 포유류 중에서 몸길이에 대비 가장 큰 눈을 지니고 있다.

몸무게는 약 80-100그램이며 몸 길이는 16 cm, 꼬리는 23 cm 정도이다. 이들은 최고 12년까지 산다. 수컷이 암컷보다 크다.

유령안경원숭이는 육식만을 하는 유일한 영장류이다. 4천만년 이상 크게 변하지 않은 채, 현재 모습을 유지하고 있다.

Wikipedia 작가 및 편집자