provided by BioImages, the virtual fieldguide, UK
Fungus / parasite
perithecium of Nectria episphaeria parasitises stroma of Diatrype stigma
Remarks: season: 3-5
Other: major host/prey
Fungus / parasite
perithecium of Nectria episphaeria parasitises Anthostoma
Remarks: season: 3-5
Fungus / parasite
perithecium of Nectria episphaeria parasitises Diatrypella
Remarks: season: 3-5
Fungus / parasite
perithecium of Nectria episphaeria parasitises Eutypa
Remarks: season: 3-5
Fungus / parasite
perithecium of Nectria episphaeria parasitises Hypoxylon
Remarks: season: 3-5
Fungus / parasite
perithecium of Nectria episphaeria parasitises Melanconis
Remarks: season: 3-5
Fungus / parasite
perithecium of Nectria episphaeria parasitises Quaternaria
Remarks: season: 3-5
Fungus / parasite
perithecium of Nectria episphaeria parasitises Melogramma
Remarks: season: 3-5
Plant / associate
perithecium of Nectria episphaeria is associated with pyrenomycete infection Acer
Remarks: season: 3-5
Plant / associate
perithecium of Nectria episphaeria is associated with pyrenomycete infection Betula
Remarks: season: 3-5
Plant / associate
perithecium of Nectria episphaeria is associated with pyrenomycete infection Corylus
Remarks: season: 3-5
Plant / associate
perithecium of Nectria episphaeria is associated with pyrenomycete infection Crataegus
Remarks: season: 3-5
Plant / associate
perithecium of Nectria episphaeria is associated with pyrenomycete infection Cytisus
Remarks: season: 3-5
Plant / associate
perithecium of Nectria episphaeria is associated with pyrenomycete infection Fagus
Remarks: season: 3-5
Plant / associate
perithecium of Nectria episphaeria is associated with pyrenomycete infection Fraxinus
Remarks: season: 3-5
Plant / associate
perithecium of Nectria episphaeria is associated with pyrenomycete infection Hedera
Remarks: season: 3-5
Plant / associate
perithecium of Nectria episphaeria is associated with pyrenomycete infection Prunus
Remarks: season: 3-5
Plant / associate
perithecium of Nectria episphaeria is associated with pyrenomycete infection Quercus
Remarks: season: 3-5
Plant / associate
perithecium of Nectria episphaeria is associated with pyrenomycete infection Ribes
Remarks: season: 3-5
Plant / associate
perithecium of Nectria episphaeria is associated with pyrenomycete infection Salix
Remarks: season: 3-5
Plant / associate
perithecium of Nectria episphaeria is associated with pyrenomycete infection Ulmus
Remarks: season: 3-5
Fungus / parasite
perithecium of Nectria episphaeria parasitises stroma of Diatrypella favacea
Remarks: season: 3-5
Fungus / parasite
perithecium of Nectria episphaeria parasitises stroma of Diatrypella quercina
Remarks: season: 3-5
Fungus / parasite
perithecium of Nectria episphaeria parasitises stroma of Eutypa lata
Remarks: season: 3-5
Fungus / parasite
perithecium of Nectria episphaeria parasitises stroma of Eutypa ulicis
Remarks: season: 3-5
Fungus / parasite
perithecium of Nectria episphaeria parasitises stroma of Hypoxylon fragiforme
Remarks: season: 3-5
Fungus / parasite
perithecium of Nectria episphaeria parasitises Lopadostoma turgidum
Remarks: season: 3-5
Fungus / parasite
perithecium of Nectria episphaeria parasitises Melanconis alni
Remarks: season: 3-5
Fungus / parasite
perithecium of Nectria episphaeria parasitises Melanomma pulvis-pyrius
Remarks: season: 3-5
Fungus / parasite
perithecium of Nectria episphaeria parasitises Melanamphora spinifera
Remarks: season: 3-5
Fungus / parasite
perithecium of Nectria episphaeria parasitises Quaternaria quaternata
Remarks: season: 3-5
Characteristic features of nectria episphaeria (pictures and text)
provided by EOL authors
Guidance for identification (German text)
Comprehensive Description
provided by North American Flora
Nectria episphaeria (Tode) Fries, Summa Veg
Scand. 388. 1849.
Sphaeria episphaeria Tode, Fungi Meckl. 2 : 21. 1791. Nectria tnicrospora Cooke & Ellis, Grevillea 5 : 53. 1876.
Perithecia gregarious or scattered, superficial, subovoid, for the most part bilaterally collapsing when dry, smooth, blood-red, variable in size, 150-250^ in diameter ; perithecial wall composed of rather coarse cells ; asci cylindric, 60 X 5 ,«, 8-spored ; spores obliquely 1-seriate, broad-fusoid, 4-6X9-12 (mostly 5X10)//, 1-septate, hyaline.
On old fungi of various kinds, especially sphaeriaceous fungi. Type locality : Mecklenburg, Germany.
Distribution : New York to North Dakota, California, and Nicaragua ; also in Europe.
- bibliographic citation
- Fred Jay Seaver, Helen Letitia Palliser, David Griffiths. 1910. HYPOCREALES, FIMETARIALES. North American flora. vol 3(1). New York Botanical Garden, New York, NY