Meilgård Skov
Hevring Hede
Tjærbæk Toholt Skov
Asker, Akershus, Norge
Lisbjerg Skov, Jylland, Danmark
Pula, Kroatien
Årvik, Hordaland, Norge
Lendrup S Løgstør
Nesrine Akkari, Pavel Stoev, Henrik Enghoff
Figures 10−13.Titanophyllum spiliarum gen. n., sp. n., gonopods: 10 right gonopod, mesal view 11 left promerite, posterior view 12 right posterior gonopod, lateral view 13 close up of the tip of posterior gonopods, mesal view. Abbreviations: f: flagellum, fo: fold, g: groove, lo: lobe, op: opening, p: promerite, r: ridge, t: tip.
Sergei I. Golovatch, Youbang Li, Weixin Liu, Jean-Jacques Geoffroy
Figure 4.Desmoxytes spinissima sp. n., ♂ holotype. A sternal cones between coxae 4, ventral view B–C left gonopod, mesal and lateral views, respectively. Scale bar: 1.0 (A) and 0.5 mm (B, C). Designations: fe femorite sph solenophore sl solenomere ll lamina lateralis lm lamina medialis
Figure 5.Right dorsolateral views of midbody, anterior to right. A Asticopyrgodesmus maiala sp. n., holotype B Asticopyrgodesmus lamingtonensis sp. n., holotype C Nephopyrgodesmus eungella sp. n., holotype D Notopyrgodesmus kulla sp. n., male paratype ex ANIC 64-000242 E Notopyrgodesmus lanosus sp. n., holotype F Notopyrgodesmus weiri sp. n., holotype. Images not to same scale. White circles: ozopore or porostele.
Figure 1.Unixenus carnarvonensis sp. n., adult female. A Head, dorsal view showing arrangement of ocelli, position of trichobothria (a, b and c) and trichome insertions B Details of sensilla on antennal article VII, sensillum type indicated as follows: coeloconic (c), setiform (s), thick basiconic (T) C Details of sensilla on antennal article VI D Clypeo-labrum E Collum, tergite 2 and tergite 10 showing pattern of trichome insertions F Left leg 3 showing chaetotaxy on leg segments G Details of seta on coxa, prefemur and femur H Details of seta on tarsus 2 I Anterior view of left telotarsus showing anterior spinous projection (s), claw (c) with anterior (a) process and lamella (l) J Pattern of ornamental trichome insertions K Detail of distal ends of hooked caudal trichomes, Scale bars: A and E (shared bar), F = 50 µm; D and J = 30 µm; K = 10 µm; B and C (shared bar) G H, I = 5 µm.
Figure 11.Localities for Agathodesmus bonang sp. n. (filled triangles), Agathodesmus carorum sp. n. (open circles), Agathodesmus johnsi Mesibov, 2009 (star), Agathodesmus morwellensis sp. n. (filled squares) and Agathodesmus steeli Silvestri, 1910 (crosses). Mercator projection; ACT = Australian Capital Territory, NSW = New South Wales, VIC = Victoria. Inset shows location of main map.
Natdanai Likhitrakarn, Sergei I. Golovatch, Somsak Panha
Figure 2.Tetracentrosternus theelorsuensis sp. n., ♂ holotype. A, B right gonopod (solenomere broken off), mesal and lateral views, respectively C–F distal part of right gonopod, mesal, lateral, suboral and subcaudal views, respectively. Scale bar: 0.2 mm.
Natdanai Likhitrakarn, Sergei I. Golovatch, Somsak Panha
Figure 4.Orthomorpha cambodjana (Attems, 1953), ♂. A, B anterior part of body, dorsal and lateral views, respectively; C segments 10–11, dorsal view D segments 9–11, lateral view E–G posterior part of body, lateral, dorsal and ventral views, respectively; H, I sternal cones between coxae 4, subcaudal and sublateral views, respectively.
Sergei I. Golovatch, Jean-Jacques Geoffroy, Didier VandenSpiegel
Figure 4.Aporodesmella securiformis sp. n., ♂ paratype from Nui Hang Tien; A head, ventral view B midbody legs, ventral view C midbody tarsus and claw, lateral view D, E gonopod aperture and gonopods in situ, ventral and lateral views, respectively F, G left gonopod, subventral and ventromedial views, respectively. Scale bars: A 0.05 mm; B, D 0.02 mm; C, E–J 0.01 mm. Designations of gonopod structures in text.
Natdanai Likhitrakarn, Sergei I. Golovatch, Somsak Panha
Figure 4.Tylopus parahilaroides sp. n., ♂ holotype; A habitus, live coloration B, C anterior part of body, dorsal and lateral views, respectively D, E segments 10 and 11, dorsal and lateral views, respectively F–H posterior part of body, dorsal, ventral and lateral views, respectively I, J sternal cones between coxae 4, caudal and lateral views, respectively.
Chao-Chun Chen, Sergei I. Golovatch, Hsueh-Wen Chang, Shyh-Hwang Chen
Figures 25–32.Chamberlinius sublaevus sp. n., ♀ and ♂ paratypes from Yuanping forest path (元平林道) (25–31)and Syuan (思源) (32), respectively. 25 Entire body, dorsal view 26 Anterior body portion, lateral 27, 28 Midbody segments, dorsal and lateral views, respectively. arrow: axial line 29, 30 Epiproct, dorsal and lateral views, respectively 31 Hypoproct, ventral view 32 Cones lateral to gonopod aperture (arrows). Scale bar: 1.0 mm. s7-s10: segments 7–10 separately.
All Biocode files are based on field identifications to the best of the researcher’s ability at the time.
All Biocode files are based on field identifications to the best of the researcher’s ability at the time.
Hobro, Jylland, Danmark
Hobro, Jylland, Danmark
Meilgård Skov