
Lifespan, longevity, and ageing

provided by AnAge articles
Maximum longevity: 26.3 years (captivity) Observations: The yak reaches full size in 6-8 years. In the wild, these animals have been estimated to live up to 25 years (Ronald Nowak 1999). One captive specimen was still living after 26.3 years (Richard Weigl 2005).
Joao Pedro de Magalhaes
de Magalhaes, J. P.
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The habitat of B. grunniens can vary, but mainly consists of three areas with different vegetation: Alpine meadow, alpine steppe, and desert steppe (Schaller & Wulin, 1996). Each habitat features large areas of grassland, but differ in the type of grasses/small shrubs, amount of vegetation, average temperature, and precipitation.

The habitat for B. grunniens can also be dependent on the season. Some herds will migrate large distances seasonally to feed on grass, moss, and lichens. However, B. grunniens by most accounts does not care for warm weather and, preferring the colder temperatures of the plateaus, will return when seasonal temperatures start to warm (Buchholtz, 1990).

In more recent years, B. grunniens has been increasingly confined to the desert steppe. This is in part due to the fact that farmers moving into the region don't find the land and minimal precipitation (50-100 mm/yr) desirable. Yaks are thus not disturbed by human activities in this region (Schaller & Wulin, 1996).

Range elevation: 3200 to 5400 m.

Average elevation: 4500 m.

Habitat Regions: temperate ; polar ; terrestrial

Terrestrial Biomes: tundra ; mountains

The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
bibliographic citation
Oliphant, M. 2003. "Bos grunniens" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Bos_grunniens.html
Matthew Oliphant, University of Northern Iowa
Jim Demastes, University of Northern Iowa
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Animal Diversity Web


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With wide hooves and the ability to carry large weights at high elevations, domesticated yak serve as beasts of burden for many inhabitants of the Tibetan plateau. The finer fur of the young is used for clothing, while the longer fur of the adult is used in making blankets, tents, etc. Also, in some areas where firewood is particularly sparse, the dung is used as fuel. In some areas, milk from the cow is used to produce large amounts of butter and cheese for export (Buchholtz, 1990).


The wild counterpart of B. grunniens serves many of the same economic functions, although to a lesser degree due to their rather sparse availability and obvious non-domestication. While penalties have been set by China, hunting of the wild yak still takes place, especially in the winter where some local farmers find them the only source of meat during harsh winter months (Schaller & Wulin, 1996).

Positive Impacts: food ; body parts are source of valuable material; produces fertilizer

The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
bibliographic citation
Oliphant, M. 2003. "Bos grunniens" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Bos_grunniens.html
Matthew Oliphant, University of Northern Iowa
Jim Demastes, University of Northern Iowa
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Through their grazing activities, yaks play an important role in nutrient recycling and in generating intermediate levels of disturbance in their ecosystems. They are also an important prey species for wolves.

The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
bibliographic citation
Oliphant, M. 2003. "Bos grunniens" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Bos_grunniens.html
Matthew Oliphant, University of Northern Iowa
Jim Demastes, University of Northern Iowa
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Animal Diversity Web

Trophic Strategy

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Bos grunniens is a grazer, with a diet composed mainly of various low-lying grasses and grass-like plants, including shrubs, forbs, cushion plants, etc., found on the Tibetan plateau, though they will also consume lichen, mosses, and forbs (Schaller & Wulin, 1995).

Plant Foods: leaves; bryophytes; lichens

Primary Diet: herbivore (Folivore )

The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
bibliographic citation
Oliphant, M. 2003. "Bos grunniens" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Bos_grunniens.html
Matthew Oliphant, University of Northern Iowa
Jim Demastes, University of Northern Iowa
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Animal Diversity Web


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While their domesticated counterparts can be found in a much more varied area in the oriental region, the main geographic range of wild B. grunniens is limited to the Tibetan Plateau, which includes "...the western edge of Gansu Province, Qinghai Province, the southern rim of the Xinjiang Autonomous Region, and the Tibet Autonomous Region." (Schaller & Wulin, 1995).

Biogeographic Regions: palearctic (Native ); oriental (Native )

The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
bibliographic citation
Oliphant, M. 2003. "Bos grunniens" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Bos_grunniens.html
Matthew Oliphant, University of Northern Iowa
Jim Demastes, University of Northern Iowa
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Animal Diversity Web

Life Expectancy

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In the wild, the maximum lifespan of B. grunniens is limited to about 25 years.

Range lifespan
Status: wild:
25 (high) years.

Average lifespan
Sex: female
Status: wild:
25.0 years.

The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
bibliographic citation
Oliphant, M. 2003. "Bos grunniens" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Bos_grunniens.html
Matthew Oliphant, University of Northern Iowa
Jim Demastes, University of Northern Iowa
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Animal Diversity Web


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Wild yak males can be up to 3,250 mm in length and more than 2,000 mm in height. Average weight for male B. grunniens is 1,000 kg with the female being around 300 kg (Nowak, 1999). Domestic yaks can be considerably smaller in weight, with males ranging from 350 to 580 kg and females between 225 to 255 kg (Buchholtz, 1990).

Other physical features of B. grunniens include: a blackish brown pelage, large black upward curving horns, and long hair covering the body including the tail (Nowak, 1999). In contrast, domesticated populations have shorter legs, broader hooves, more varied pelage coloration, and weaker horns which sometimes can be absent altogether (Buchholtz, 1990).

Both wild and domesticated yaks possess large lungs, a high red blood cell count, and higher concentration of hemoglobin than most other bovids. All of these factors allow the yak to live and thrive in higher elevations that would give other, non-acclimated animals elevation sickness (Summers, 1997).

Range mass: 300 to 1000 kg.

Range length: 3250 (high) mm.

Other Physical Features: endothermic ; bilateral symmetry

The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
bibliographic citation
Oliphant, M. 2003. "Bos grunniens" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Bos_grunniens.html
Matthew Oliphant, University of Northern Iowa
Jim Demastes, University of Northern Iowa
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Animal Diversity Web


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There are several negative economic impacts on humans. Where wild and domesticated B. grunniens live in close proximity to one another, wild yak have been known to break down fences. In some extreme circumstances, wild yaks have been known to kill domesticated yak (Buchholtz, 1990).

The possibility of the transmission of disease between domestic and wild B. grunniens is also a concern in areas where the two live fairly close to one another, and perhaps have limited contact (Schaller & Wulin, 1996).

Negative Impacts: causes or carries domestic animal disease

The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
bibliographic citation
Oliphant, M. 2003. "Bos grunniens" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Bos_grunniens.html
Matthew Oliphant, University of Northern Iowa
Jim Demastes, University of Northern Iowa
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Animal Diversity Web

Conservation Status

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There are many factors that are currently leading to a decline in the number of wild B. grunniens, which is currently estimated at around 15,000. Perhaps one of the largest has been hunting by humans. According to Schaller and Wulin (1995), while the Tibet Forest Bureau is making substantial efforts to protect yak (including fines of up to $600), "Hunting is difficult to suppress without a mobile patrol force, as the recent decimation of wildlife in the Arjin Shan Reserve has shown."

Also, as pastoralists are starting to change their habits from a nomadic to sedentary lifestyle their habit is beginning to become fenced off. The introduction of domesticated yaks (via the pastoralists) also presents problems in regards to the transmission of disease (e.g. brucellosis), and possible increased competition for the same grazing land (Schaller & Wulin, 1995).

Domesticated yak are not listed as endangered due to their large numbers.

US Federal List: endangered

CITES: appendix i; no special status

The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
bibliographic citation
Oliphant, M. 2003. "Bos grunniens" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Bos_grunniens.html
Matthew Oliphant, University of Northern Iowa
Jim Demastes, University of Northern Iowa
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Animal Diversity Web


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At signs of danger, wild herds of B. grunniens will run from the threat. Other actions that they will take include loud snorting and charging at the perceived threat (Buchholtz, 1990).

Known Predators:

  • Tibetan wolves (Canis lupus)
  • humans (Homo sapiens)
The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
bibliographic citation
Oliphant, M. 2003. "Bos grunniens" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Bos_grunniens.html
Matthew Oliphant, University of Northern Iowa
Jim Demastes, University of Northern Iowa
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Animal Diversity Web


provided by Animal Diversity Web

Perception Channels: tactile ; chemical

The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
bibliographic citation
Oliphant, M. 2003. "Bos grunniens" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Bos_grunniens.html
Matthew Oliphant, University of Northern Iowa
Jim Demastes, University of Northern Iowa
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Animal Diversity Web


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For most of the year, male and female wild yaks spend their time in separate herds. While females and young (occasionally including some young males) usually stay in large herds, males tend to either spend their time alone or in small groups. During the mating season, males leave their groups and join with the female herds. Males compete for access to receptive females, often violently. (Nowak, 1999; Buchholtz, 1990)

Mating System: polygynous

The mating season for B. grunniens starts in September, with births usually occuring in June (Buchholtz, 1990).

In the wild, the female B. grunniens have one calf every other year. Gestation is about 9 months, weaning occurs at one year, and full size is obtained in 6-8 years. At this age sexual maturity is also attained. For the domesticated yak the reproductive cycle is more varied, with the cow sometimes giving birth to more than one calf per year (Nowak, 1999).

Breeding season: In wild yak the mating season begins in September, with births occurring in June (Nowak, 1999).

Range number of offspring: 1 (low) .

Average number of offspring: 1.

Average gestation period: 9.33 months.

Range weaning age: 5 to 9 months.

Range age at sexual or reproductive maturity (female): 6 to 8 years.

Range age at sexual or reproductive maturity (male): 6 to 8 years.

Key Reproductive Features: iteroparous ; seasonal breeding ; gonochoric/gonochoristic/dioecious (sexes separate); sexual ; fertilization (Internal ); viviparous

Average birth mass: 18000 g.

Average gestation period: 274 days.

Average number of offspring: 1.

Most of the parental care of young is done by the female due to the nature of wild female and male B. grunniens to spend the majority of the year in separate groups (Buchholtz, 1990). Young are born able to stand and walk within several hours after birth.

Parental Investment: altricial ; female parental care

The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
bibliographic citation
Oliphant, M. 2003. "Bos grunniens" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Bos_grunniens.html
Matthew Oliphant, University of Northern Iowa
Jim Demastes, University of Northern Iowa
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Animal Diversity Web

Gedomestikeerde jak ( Afrikaans )

provided by wikipedia AF

Die gedomestikeerde jak (Bos grunniens) is 'n mak horingdraer met lang hare. Jakke word in die Himalajas van suidelike Sentraal-Asië, die Tibetaanse plato en so ver noord as Mongolië en Rusland aangetref. Dit is 'n afstammeling van die wilde jak, Bos mutus.[1]

Jakke word dikwels deur hulle eienaars versier en vereer.
'n Tien dae oue kalfie.
'n Jak-resies.

Jakke is swaargeboude diere met 'n stewige raam, stewige bene en afgeronde, gesplete hoewe. Hulle het 'n lang, digte pels wat laer as die maag afhang. Wilde jakke is oor die algemeen donker van kleur, met 'n swarterige bruin pels. Daarteenoor toon gedomestikeerde jakke groter kleurverskille, dikwels met roesbruin en room kolle.

Hulle het klein oortjies en 'n wye voorkop, met gladde horings wat oor die algemeen donker van kleur is. Die bulle se horings strek van die kante van die kop waarna dit vorentoe kurwe, en wissel gewoonlik van 48 tot 99 cm (19-39 duim) in lengte. Die koeie se horings is kleiner, 27 tot 64 cm (11-25 duim) in lengte, en het 'n meer regop vorm. Beide geslagte het 'n kort nek met 'n merkbare bult oor die skouers, maar dit is meer prominent by bulle.

Die bulle weeg 350 tot 580 kg (770 tot 1280 pond), en die koeie 225 tot 255 kg (496-562 pond). Wilde jakke kan aansienlik swaarder wees, waar bulle tot 1000 kilogram (2200 pond) swaar kan weeg.

Beide geslagte het lang hare met 'n digte wollerige onderlaag oor die bors, flanke, en dye om hulle teen die koue te beskerm. Dit kan 'n lang "romp" vorm wat tot op die grond kan hang, veral by bulle. Die stert is lank en meer soos die van 'n perd as die van vee of bisons.


  1. Grubb, P. (2005). "Order Artiodactyla". In Wilson, D.E.; Reeder, D.M. Mammal Species of the World: A Taxonomic and Geographic Reference (3rd ed.). Johns Hopkins University Press. p. 691. ISBN 978-0-8018-8221-0. OCLC 62265494.

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Gedomestikeerde jak: Brief Summary ( Afrikaans )

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Die gedomestikeerde jak (Bos grunniens) is 'n mak horingdraer met lang hare. Jakke word in die Himalajas van suidelike Sentraal-Asië, die Tibetaanse plato en so ver noord as Mongolië en Rusland aangetref. Dit is 'n afstammeling van die wilde jak, Bos mutus.

 src= Jakke word dikwels deur hulle eienaars versier en vereer.  src= 'n Tien dae oue kalfie.  src= 'n Jak-resies.

Jakke is swaargeboude diere met 'n stewige raam, stewige bene en afgeronde, gesplete hoewe. Hulle het 'n lang, digte pels wat laer as die maag afhang. Wilde jakke is oor die algemeen donker van kleur, met 'n swarterige bruin pels. Daarteenoor toon gedomestikeerde jakke groter kleurverskille, dikwels met roesbruin en room kolle.

Hulle het klein oortjies en 'n wye voorkop, met gladde horings wat oor die algemeen donker van kleur is. Die bulle se horings strek van die kante van die kop waarna dit vorentoe kurwe, en wissel gewoonlik van 48 tot 99 cm (19-39 duim) in lengte. Die koeie se horings is kleiner, 27 tot 64 cm (11-25 duim) in lengte, en het 'n meer regop vorm. Beide geslagte het 'n kort nek met 'n merkbare bult oor die skouers, maar dit is meer prominent by bulle.

Die bulle weeg 350 tot 580 kg (770 tot 1280 pond), en die koeie 225 tot 255 kg (496-562 pond). Wilde jakke kan aansienlik swaarder wees, waar bulle tot 1000 kilogram (2200 pond) swaar kan weeg.

Beide geslagte het lang hare met 'n digte wollerige onderlaag oor die bors, flanke, en dye om hulle teen die koue te beskerm. Dit kan 'n lang "romp" vorm wat tot op die grond kan hang, veral by bulle. Die stert is lank en meer soos die van 'n perd as die van vee of bisons.

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Yak ( Azerbaijani )

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Yak (lat. Bos grunniens) - əsl öküz cinsinə aid heyvan növü.

Yakların hündürlükləri 2 metrə, çəkiləri 1000 kiloqrama çatır.Bədənləri uzun tüklərlə örtülü olur. Ayaqlarında, yanlarında da uzun tüklər olur.Yaklar Tibetdə dəniz səviyyəsindən 4000-6000 metr yüksəklik ərazilərdə çox az ərazidə yaşamaqdadır.


  • Poephagus grunniens


Xarici keçidlər

Vikianbarda Yak ilə əlaqəli mediafayllar var.

Həmçinin bax

Felis margarita.jpg Məməlilər ilə əlaqədar bu məqalə qaralama halındadır. Məqaləni redaktə edərək Vikipediyanı zənginləşdirin. Bu şablona bax Əhliləşdirilmiş heyvanlarEv heyvanları Sərgi Kənd təsərrüfatı heyvanlarıMəməlilər

Alpaqa Camış Dəvə Keçi İnək Evdovşanı Lama At At qatırı Qatır Qoyun Maral Ulaq Donuz Fil Yak

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Yak: Brief Summary ( Azerbaijani )

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Yak (lat. Bos grunniens) - əsl öküz cinsinə aid heyvan növü.

Yakların hündürlükləri 2 metrə, çəkiləri 1000 kiloqrama çatır.Bədənləri uzun tüklərlə örtülü olur. Ayaqlarında, yanlarında da uzun tüklər olur.Yaklar Tibetdə dəniz səviyyəsindən 4000-6000 metr yüksəklik ərazilərdə çox az ərazidə yaşamaqdadır.

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Yak ( Breton )

provided by wikipedia BR

Ar yak (Bos grunniens) a zo ur spesad bronneged daskirier, doñvaet ha hir e greoñ, hag a vev e kreiz Azia, en Himalaya, Tibet, Mongolia ha Rusia. Diskenn a ra eus ar yak gouez, Bos mutus.

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Iac ( Catalan; Valencian )

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El iac (Bos grunniens) és un bòvid que es troba a la regió de l'Himàlaia de l'Àsia central, a l'Altiplà del Tibet, Mongòlia i Rússia. Allí anomenen la femella nak i la seva llet, que al contrari que les ovelles en produeix gairebé tot l'any,[1] s'utilitza per a fer iogurt i un formatge de gust molt fort.


Pot arribar a viure fins a 20 anys i pesar entre 200 i 400 kg.


  • Iac domèstic (Bos grunniens Linnaeus, 1766) :

És un animal dòcil que proporciona llana, pells, carn, llet i formatge. Les seves buines seques serveixen com a combustible.

  • Iac salvatge (Bos mutus Przewalski, 1883) :

És més gros que el domèstic. Únicament habita el Tibet i és una espècie amenaçada.


  1. The changing world of Mongolia's nomads Per Melvyn C. Goldstein,Cynthia M. Beall

Enllaços externs

Els iacs encara s'usen per a llaurar en algunes parts d'Àsia
Al Tibet, els iacs són decorats segons la família a què pertanyen
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Iac: Brief Summary ( Catalan; Valencian )

provided by wikipedia CA

El iac (Bos grunniens) és un bòvid que es troba a la regió de l'Himàlaia de l'Àsia central, a l'Altiplà del Tibet, Mongòlia i Rússia. Allí anomenen la femella nak i la seva llet, que al contrari que les ovelles en produeix gairebé tot l'any, s'utilitza per a fer iogurt i un formatge de gust molt fort.

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Iac ( Welsh )

provided by wikipedia CY

Math o fuwch blewog a welir yn yr Himalayas yng nghanol Asia ac yd at Mongolia a Rwsia yw iac (ffurfiau lluosog: iaciaid, iacod)[2] neu ych crwbi[2] (Bos grunniens am yr un wedi'i ddofi, Bos mutus am yr anifail gwyllt – gweler isod).

Iac ger Llyn Yamdrok, Tibet.

Fel yr awgrymir uchod ceir poblogaeth helaeth o'r iac wedi'i ddofi a rhyw ychydig o rai gwyllt. Yn y 1990au cafwyd sawl prosiect i geisio gwarchod y rhai gwyllt.

Yr enw

Daw'r gair Cymraeg "iac" drwy'r Saesneg yak o'r gair Tibeteg གཡག་(g.yag neu gyag) – sydd mewn Tibeteg yn cyfeirio at y gwryw o'r rhywogaeth. Eu henw ar y fenyw ydy dri neu nak. Mae'r gair Cymraeg, fel y Saesneg, yn cyfeirio at y ddau ryw.


  1. Harris, R.B.; Leslie, D. (2008). Bos mutus, IUCN 2012, IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Adalwyd 31 Rhagfyr 2012.
  2. 2.0 2.1 Geiriadur yr Academi, [yak].
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Iac: Brief Summary ( Welsh )

provided by wikipedia CY

Math o fuwch blewog a welir yn yr Himalayas yng nghanol Asia ac yd at Mongolia a Rwsia yw iac (ffurfiau lluosog: iaciaid, iacod) neu ych crwbi (Bos grunniens am yr un wedi'i ddofi, Bos mutus am yr anifail gwyllt – gweler ).

 src= Iac ger Llyn Yamdrok, Tibet.

Fel yr awgrymir uchod ceir poblogaeth helaeth o'r iac wedi'i ddofi a rhyw ychydig o rai gwyllt. Yn y 1990au cafwyd sawl prosiect i geisio gwarchod y rhai gwyllt.

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Jak domácí ( Czech )

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Jak domácí (Bos mutus f. grunniensis) je domestikovaná forma jaka divokého. Domestikován byl ve východním Pamíru a na Tibetské náhorní plošině patrně již v 1. století před naším letopočtem.


Oproti svému divokému předkovi je domácí jak mnohem menší. Jeho hmotnost u býků nepřesahuje 500 kg a u krav 250 kg, výška v kohoutku dosahuje 140–170 cm. Rozdíly ve velikosti mezi býky a kravami nejsou tak velké jako u divokého jaka. Rohy jsou dlouhé až 1 m, ale mnohem tenčí než u divokého jaka, a občas se objeví i bezrozí jedinci. Většina jaků domácích má červenohnědou až černou barvu srsti, stejně jako divoký jak, ale vyskytují se i jaci bílí, strakatí nebo tmaví s bílou lysinou a nohama. Na rozdíl od domácího skotu jak nebučí, ale spíše jen brumlá a chrochtá.


Jak domácí je pro svoji nenáročnost a otužilost v horských oblastech Asie naprosto nepostradatelným pomocníkem. Jeho využití je široké. Slouží jako jezdecké zvíře, jako soumar je schopen nést v obtížném horském terénu až 150 kg zátěže, používá se i v zápřahu k obdělávání polí. Jak je pro obyvatele Tibetu mnohostranně využitelný, nejen že nahrazuje lidskou sílu, včetně nošení zavazadel turistům při cestách na Everest, ale chová se pro vlnu, maso, mléko, ale také pro jeho trus. Trus jaka je pro obyvatelé Tibetu důležitý, slouží k zateplování domů (jačí trus se usuší na plátky, které se poté pokládají na dům) a jako topivo do kamen. Tibeťané a Nepálci pořádají jačí dostihy a jačí zápasy. Z jačího mléka vyrábí trvanlivý sýr a máslo, které má význam jako potravina (přidává se i do zeleného čaje) i při rituálech, kdy se z něj vyrábí votivní sošky, mandaly a spaluje se v olejových lampičkách.


Jačí vlna byla využívána kočovníky v Himálaji k výrobě oblečení, stanů, provazů a přikrývek. V současnosti má toto vlákno potenciál při použití ve výrobě luxusního oblečení. Vlna jaka v některých paramtrech předčí ovčí vlnu. Je teplejší než merino, měkostí se vyrovná kašmíru a díky svým antibakteriálním vlastnostem redukuje tělesný pach.


Jak bývá v Tibetu a v Nepálu někdy křížen s domácím skotem a se zebu. Kříženci se nazývají dzo, mají kratší srst než jaci a nevadí jim teplé klima v horských údolích. Jsou také silnější. Býci jsou neplodní a mají mírný temperament, takže je lze použík k práci i nekastrované, krávy jsou často plodné a kříží se s jačími i domácími býky.

Dzo - křízenec jaka a domácího skotu


Jak domácí je chován už od starověku v horských oblastech Asie od Kyrgyzstánu, Tádžikistánu, Mongolska, a jižní Sibiře po Tibet, Čínu, Nepál, Bhútán a Ladak. Od poloviny 20. stol se jaci v malém nožství chovají i ve švýcarských a rakouskách Alpách. Nyní se jak chová i v České republice u soukromých chovatelů, ale jen maximálně 50 kusů a jejich hospodářský význam je zde tedy minimální.

Jak domácí v českých zoo

Jaky (pouze domácí) v Česku chová ZOO Brno, Zoopark Chomutov a Zoopark Vyškov.

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Jak domácí: Brief Summary ( Czech )

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Jak domácí (Bos mutus f. grunniensis) je domestikovaná forma jaka divokého. Domestikován byl ve východním Pamíru a na Tibetské náhorní plošině patrně již v 1. století před naším letopočtem.

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Yakokse ( Danish )

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Yakokse med saddel

En yak eller yakokse (Bos grunniens) er en okse med langhåret sort eller brun pels. Yakoksen lever i Centralasien, Tibet og nogle steder i Indien. Den kan klare temperaturer helt ned til -40 grader celsius.

Vilde yakokser kan have en højde på ca. 2 m over skuldrene og en vægt op til 1000 kg, mens de tamme kun er omkring det halve i højde.

Yakokser bruges som ride- og lastdyr i Tibet.

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Yakokse: Brief Summary ( Danish )

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 src= Yakokse med saddel

En yak eller yakokse (Bos grunniens) er en okse med langhåret sort eller brun pels. Yakoksen lever i Centralasien, Tibet og nogle steder i Indien. Den kan klare temperaturer helt ned til -40 grader celsius.

Vilde yakokser kan have en højde på ca. 2 m over skuldrene og en vægt op til 1000 kg, mens de tamme kun er omkring det halve i højde.

Yakokser bruges som ride- og lastdyr i Tibet.

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Bos grunniens ( Aragonese )

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Bos grunniens ye una especie de bovín natural d'as montanyas d'Asia Central y Asia Meridional. En estato salvache ye calificata d'especie vulnerable, pero tamién ye una especie domesticata y fundamental en a economía tradicional de pueblos como os tibetans.


Ye mencionata en o "Libro d'el Trasoro", en a versión francesa los denominan bovatons (bueis grans) o que no sabió traducir qui escribió a versión aragonesa:

Il en existe de plusieurs espèces, Les uns naissent en Asie et sont appelés Bovatons, à cause de leur crin. La grandeur et la forme de leurs cornes protégent leur tête, ibid. comment se défendent des chasseurs, ibid.
Buy(e)s son de muytas man(er)as vnas q(ue) naxe(n) enla p(ar)tida de asia enbanato(n) por q(ue) el ha clines como cauallo elos cue(r)nos son muy gra(n)des e voltados en to(r)no la cabeça q(ue) nj(n)gu(n)o no lo puede feri(r) si no enlos cue(r)nos e q(u)ando om(n)e o ot(r)a bestia lo corre el desliga su vient e gita desu fyemo por la p(ar)t deçaga ta(n) pudie(n)t e asi malo q(ue) arde e Ronpe lo q(ue) toca .

Tamién en parlan en o "Libro de Marco Polo":

la mayor çiudat de aq(ue)sta prouinçia ha nombre argui et partiendo de aquesta çiudat por exalech puede hombre yr al Cathay et troba hombre vna prouinçia o çiudat que se clama Singui la qual es dela grant prouinçia de Tangut endo ya villas et castiellos assaz et ay buyes saluages muyt grandes et bellos aueer car son pelosos et lures pelos han bien .iij. palmos de luengo(s) et son blancos et negros mas no los pueden tomar sino quando son chichos et cria(n) los con los domesticos et son mas fuertes que los domesticos

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Bos grunniens: Brief Summary ( Aragonese )

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Bos grunniens ye una especie de bovín natural d'as montanyas d'Asia Central y Asia Meridional. En estato salvache ye calificata d'especie vulnerable, pero tamién ye una especie domesticata y fundamental en a economía tradicional de pueblos como os tibetans.

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Yak domestic ( Interlingua (International Auxiliary Language Association) )

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Le yak domestic (Bos grunniens) es un specie de Bos.

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Γιακ ( Greek, Modern (1453-) )

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Το γιακ, Bos grunniens - Βους ο γρυλλίζων, (Linnaeus, 1766) και άγριο γιακ Bos mutus - Βους ο βουβός (Przewalski, 1883) αντίστοιχα[1], είναι δασύτριχα βοοειδή ενδημικά της περιοχής των Ιμαλαΐων της νότιας κεντρικής Ασίας, των υψιπέδων του Θιβέτ, και βόρεια έως τις πεδιάδες της Μογγολίας και της Ρωσίας. Πέραν του μεγάλου εξημερωμένου πληθυσμού, υπάρχει μικρός και εξαιρετικά ευάλωτος πληθυσμός άγριων γιακ[2], που έχει καταταχθεί στα απειλούμενα είδη[3].


Σε μια περίοδο 23 ετών ζωής ένα σεξουαλικά ώριμο θηλυκό άτομο του συγκεκριμένου είδους μετά από περίοδο εγκυμοσύνης 258 ημερών γεννά περίπου ανά διετία ένα νεαρό γιακ[2].


Η έλλειψη τροφής στις ερημικές στέππες της κεντρικής Ασίας και των υψιπέδων του Θιβέτ εξαναγκάζει τα άγρια γιακ σε μεγάλες μετακινήσεις για εξεύρεση τροφής, ενώ τα καλοκαίρια κατεβαίνουν από τα υψίπεδα στις πεδιάδες για να εκμεταλλευτούν την άφθονη ποώδη βλάστηση, κυρίως λειχήνες και χόρτα[4]. Κύριος εχθρός της αγέλης των άγριων και των εξημερωμένων γιακ είναι ο λύκος του Θιβέτ.

Παραπομπές σημειώσεις

  1. David M. Leslie Jr and George B. Schaller, Bos grunniens and Bos mutus (Artiodactyla: Bovidae), Mammalian Species 836: 1-17. 2009.
  2. 2,0 2,1 bos grunniens
  3. Harris, R.B. & Leslie, D. (2008).Bos mutus, στο IUCN 2008. IUCN Κόκκινος Κατάλογος Απειλούμενων Ειδών.
  4. Wild Yak

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Γιακ: Brief Summary ( Greek, Modern (1453-) )

provided by wikipedia emerging languages

Το γιακ, Bos grunniens - Βους ο γρυλλίζων, (Linnaeus, 1766) και άγριο γιακ Bos mutus - Βους ο βουβός (Przewalski, 1883) αντίστοιχα, είναι δασύτριχα βοοειδή ενδημικά της περιοχής των Ιμαλαΐων της νότιας κεντρικής Ασίας, των υψιπέδων του Θιβέτ, και βόρεια έως τις πεδιάδες της Μογγολίας και της Ρωσίας. Πέραν του μεγάλου εξημερωμένου πληθυσμού, υπάρχει μικρός και εξαιρετικά ευάλωτος πληθυσμός άγριων γιακ, που έχει καταταχθεί στα απειλούμενα είδη.

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வளர்ப்பு யாக் ( Tamil )

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வளர்ப்பு யாக் (Bos grunniens) என்பது நீண்ட முடிகளையுடைய போவிடே குடும்பத்தைச் சேர்ந்த ஒரு விலங்கு ஆகும். இது இந்தியத் துணைக் கண்டத்தின் இமயமலைப் பகுதி, திபெத்தியப் பீடபூமி மற்றும் வடக்கில் மங்கோலியா மற்றும் உருசியா வரை காணப்படுகிறது. இது காட்டு யாக்கிலிருந்து (Bos mutus) உருவானதாகும்.[1]



விக்கிபீடியா ஆசிரியர்கள் மற்றும் ஆசிரியர்கள்

வளர்ப்பு யாக்: Brief Summary ( Tamil )

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வளர்ப்பு யாக் (Bos grunniens) என்பது நீண்ட முடிகளையுடைய போவிடே குடும்பத்தைச் சேர்ந்த ஒரு விலங்கு ஆகும். இது இந்தியத் துணைக் கண்டத்தின் இமயமலைப் பகுதி, திபெத்தியப் பீடபூமி மற்றும் வடக்கில் மங்கோலியா மற்றும் உருசியா வரை காணப்படுகிறது. இது காட்டு யாக்கிலிருந்து (Bos mutus) உருவானதாகும்.

விக்கிபீடியா ஆசிரியர்கள் மற்றும் ஆசிரியர்கள்

གཡག ( Tibetan )

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གཡག་གཡག་ནི་མཐོ་སྒང་གི་སྲོག་ཆགས་རིགས་ཤིག་སྟེ། ལུས་ན་སྤུ་ཅུང་རིང་བོ་ཡོད་ལ་རྔ་མ་ཆེན་པོ་ཅན་ཞིག་ཡིན། མོའི་རིགས་ལ་འབྲི་ཟེར། གཡག་ནི་ཕོ་ཡིན།







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ᏯᎦ[2] (waga)



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The domestic yak (Bos grunniens), also known as the Tartary ox, grunting ox[1] or hairy cattle,[2] is a species of long-haired domesticated cattle found throughout the Himalayan region of the Indian subcontinent, the Tibetan Plateau, Gilgit-Baltistan (Kashmir), Tajikistan and as far north as Mongolia and Siberia. It is descended from the wild yak (Bos mutus).[3]


The English word "yak" originates from the Tibetan: གཡག་, Wylie: g.yag. In Tibetan and Balti it refers only to the male of the species, the female being called Tibetan: འབྲི་, Wylie: bri, Tibetan: འབྲི་, Wylie: dri or Tibetan: གནག, Wylie: g.nag in Tibetan and Tibetan: ཧཡག་མོ་, Wylie: hYag-mo in Balti. In English, as in most other languages that have borrowed the word, "yak" is usually used for both sexes, with "bull" or "cow" referring to each sex separately.


Bronze model of yak from Gansu, China. Yuan dynasty, 1271–1368 AD

Belonging to the genus Bos, Yaks are related to cattle (Bos primigenius). Mitochondrial DNA analyses to determine the evolutionary history of yaks have been inconclusive.

The yak may have diverged from cattle at any point between one and five million years ago, and there is some suggestion that it may be more closely related to bison than to the other members of its designated genus.[4] Apparent close fossil relatives of the yak, such as Bos baikalensis, have been found in eastern Russia, suggesting a possible route by which yak-like ancestors of the modern American bison could have entered the Americas.[5]

The species was originally designated as Bos grunniens ("grunting ox") by Linnaeus in 1766, but this name is now generally considered to refer only to the domesticated form of the animal, with Bos mutus ("mute ox") being the preferred name for the wild species. Although some authors still consider the wild yak to be a subspecies, Bos grunniens mutus, the ICZN made an official ruling in 2003[6] permitting the use of the name Bos mutus for wild yaks, and this is now the more common usage.[7][5][8]

Except where the wild yak is considered as a subspecies of Bos grunniens, there are no recognised subspecies of yak.

Physical characteristics

A domestic yak at Yamdrok Lake.

Yaks are heavily built animals with bulky frames, sturdy legs, rounded, cloven hooves, and extremely dense, long fur that hangs down lower than the belly. While wild yaks are generally dark, blackish to brown in colouration, domestic yaks can be quite variable in colour, often having patches of rusty brown and cream. They have small ears and wide foreheads, with smooth horns that are generally dark in colour. In males (bulls), the horns sweep out from the sides of the head, and then curve backward; they typically range from 48 to 99 cm (19 to 39 in) in length.

The horns of females (cows) are smaller, at 27 to 64 cm (11 to 25 in) in length, and have a more upright shape. Both sexes have a short neck with a pronounced hump over the shoulders, although this is larger and more visible in males.[5] Males weigh 350 to 585 kg (772 to 1,290 lb), females weigh 225 to 255 kg (496 to 562 lb). Wild yaks can be substantially heavier, bulls reaching weights of up to 1,000 kilograms (2,200 lb).[9] Depending on the breed, domestic yak males are 111–138 centimetres (44–54 in) high at the withers, while females are 105–117 centimetres (41–46 in) high at the withers.[10]

Both sexes have long shaggy hair with a dense woolly undercoat over the chest, flanks, and thighs to insulate them from the cold. Especially in bulls, this may form a long "skirt" that can reach the ground. The tail is long and horselike rather than tufted like the tails of cattle or bison. Domesticated yaks have a wide range of coat colours, with some individuals being white, grey, brown, roan or piebald. The udder in females and the scrotum in males are small and hairy, as protection against the cold. Females have four teats.[5]

Yaks are not known to produce the characteristic lowing (mooing) sound of cattle, but both wild and domestic yaks grunt and squeak, which inspired the scientific name of the domestic yak variant, Bos grunniens (grunting bull). Nikolay Przhevalsky named the wild variant Bos mutus (silent bull) believing that it did not make a sound at all, but it does.[11]


Yak rider near Tsomgo Lake, Sikkim (3700 m)

Yak physiology is well adapted to high altitudes, having larger lungs and heart than cattle found at lower altitudes, as well as greater capacity for transporting oxygen through their blood,[12][13] due to the persistence of foetal haemoglobin throughout life.[14] Conversely, yaks have trouble thriving at lower altitudes,[15] and are prone to suffering from heat exhaustion above about 15 °C (59 °F). Further adaptations to the cold include a thick layer of subcutaneous fat, and an almost complete lack of functional sweat glands.[12]

Compared with domestic cattle, the rumen of yaks is unusually large, relative to the omasum. This likely allows them to consume greater quantities of low-quality food at a time, and to ferment it longer so as to extract more nutrients.[12] Yak consume the equivalent of 1% of their body weight daily while cattle require 3% to maintain condition. They are grazing herbivores, with their wild ancestors feeding primarily on grass and sedges,[16] with some herbs and dwarf shrubs.[17]

Reproduction and life history

Ten-day-old yak.

Yaks mate in the summer, typically between July and September, depending on the local environment. For the remainder of the year, many bulls wander in small bachelor groups away from the large herds, but, as the rut approaches, they become aggressive and regularly fight among each other to establish dominance. In addition to non-violent threat displays, bellowing, and scraping the ground with their horns, bull yaks also compete more directly, repeatedly charging at each other with heads lowered or sparring with their horns. Like bison, but unlike cattle, males wallow in dry soil during the rut, often while scent-marking with urine or dung.[5] Females enter oestrus up to four times a year, and females are receptive only for a few hours in each cycle.[18]

Gestation lasts between 257 and 270 days,[12] so that the young are born between May and June, and results in the birth of a single calf. The cow finds a secluded spot to give birth, but the calf is able to walk within about ten minutes of birth, and the pair soon rejoin the herd.[12] Females of both the wild and domestic forms typically give birth only once every other year,[5] although more frequent births are possible if the food supply is good.

Calves are weaned at one year and become independent shortly thereafter. Wild calves are initially brown in color, and only later develop the darker adult hair. Females generally give birth for the first time at three or four years of age,[19] and reach their peak reproductive fitness at around six years. Yaks may live for more than twenty years in domestication or captivity,[5] although it is likely that this may be somewhat shorter in the wild.


Domesticated yaks have been kept for thousands of years, primarily for their milk, fibre and meat, and as beasts of burden. Their dried droppings are an important fuel, used all over Tibet, and are often the only fuel available on the high treeless Tibetan Plateau. Yaks transport goods across mountain passes for local farmers and traders and are an attraction for climbing and trekking expeditions: "Only one thing makes it hard to use yaks for long journeys in barren regions. They will not eat grain, which could be carried on the journey. They will starve unless they can be brought to a place where there is grass."[20] They also are used to draw ploughs.[21] Yak's milk is often processed to a cheese called chhurpi in Tibetan and Nepali languages, and byaslag in Mongolia. Butter made from yaks' milk is an ingredient of the butter tea that Tibetans consume in large quantities,[22] and is also used in lamps and made into butter sculptures used in religious festivities.[23]

Yak racing

Outside the Himalayas

Small numbers of herds can be found in the United States and Canada, as well as New Zealand and some parts of Europe. Yaks have generated interest outside the Himalayas as a commercial crop and by cattle breeders. The main interest of North American yak breeders is lean meat production by "hybridizing" with other cattle, followed by yak fiber wool production.[24]


The Indian government established a dedicated centre for research into yak husbandry, the ICAR-National Research Centre on Yak, in 1989. It is located at Dirang, Arunachal Pradesh, and maintains a yak farm in the Nyukmadung area at an altitude of 2,750 metres (9,020 ft) above MSL.[25]

Yak breeding and hybridization

In Nepal, Tibet and Mongolia, domestic cattle are crossbred with yaks. This gives rise to the infertile male dzo མཛོ། as well as fertile females known as མཛོ་མོ། dzomo or zhom, which may be crossed again with cattle. The "Dwarf Lulu" breed, "the only Bos primigenius taurus type of cattle in Nepal" has been tested for DNA markers and found to be a mixture of both taurine and zebu types of cattle (B. p. taurus and B. p. indicus) with yak.[26] According to the International Veterinary Information Service, the low productivity of second generation cattle-yak crosses makes them suitable only as meat animals.[27]

Crosses between yaks and domestic cattle (Bos primigenius taurus) have been recorded in Chinese literature for at least 2,000 years.[5] Successful crosses have also been recorded between yak and American bison,[27] gaur, and banteng, generally with similar results to those produced with domestic cattle.[5]

Linguistic evidence for yak domestication

Jacques et al. (2021)[28] show that most elaborate yak-related terminologies are found within Tibetic and Gyalrongic languages. Both branches also have native terms for yak-cattle hybrids, suggesting that Tibetic and Gyalrongic speakers may have independently cross-bred yaks and cattle, predating the proto-Gyalrongic split (3221 [2169-4319] BP[29]) from Tibeto-Gyalrongic.


Blood drinking festival

In Nepal, there is an annual festival held to drink fresh blood of yak in a belief that it cures varieties of disease such as gastritis, jaundice and body sprain.[30][31] The fresh blood is extracted from the neck of a yak without killing it. The cut is healed after the ceremony is over.[32] The ritual is believed to be originated in Tibet and Mustang.[33]

Yak sports

In parts of Tibet and Karakorum, yak racing is a form of entertainment at traditional festivals and is considered an important part of their culture. More recently, sports involving domesticated yaks, such as yak skiing or yak polo, are being marketed as tourist attractions in South Asian countries, including in Gilgit-Baltistan, Pakistan.


See also


  1. ^ Scherf, Beate (2000). "World Watch List for Domestic Animal Diversity" (PDF). World Watch List for Domestic Animal Diversity. FAO: 653.
  2. ^ "Yak | mammal | Britannica".
  3. ^ Grubb, P. (2005). "Order Artiodactyla". In Wilson, D.E.; Reeder, D.M (eds.). Mammal Species of the World: A Taxonomic and Geographic Reference (3rd ed.). Johns Hopkins University Press. p. 691. ISBN 978-0-8018-8221-0. OCLC 62265494.
  4. ^ Guo, S.; et al. (2006). "Taxonomic placement and origin of yaks: implications from analyses of mtDNA D-loop fragment sequences". Acta Theriologica Sinica. 26 (4): 325–330.
  5. ^ a b c d e f g h i Leslie, D.M.; Schaller, G.B. (2009). "Bos grunniens and Bos mutus (Artiodactyla: Bovidae)". Mammalian Species. 836: 1–17. doi:10.1644/836.1.
  6. ^ International Commission on Zoological Nomenclature (2003). "Opinion 2027. Usage of 17 specific names based on wild species which are predated by or contemporary with those based on domestic animals (Lepidoptera, Osteichthyes, Mammalia): conserved". Bulletin of Zoological Nomenclature. 60: 81–84.
  7. ^ Buzzard, P.; Berger, J. (2016). "Bos mutus". IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. 2016: e.T2892A101293528. doi:10.2305/IUCN.UK.2016-2.RLTS.T2892A101293528.en. Retrieved 12 November 2021.
  8. ^ Gentry, A.; Clutton-Brock, J.; Groves, C. P. (2004). "The naming of wild animal species and their domestic derivatives". Journal of Archaeological Science. 31 (5): 645. doi:10.1016/j.jas.2003.10.006.
  9. ^ Buchholtz, C. (1990). True Cattle (Genus Bos). pp. 386–397 in S. Parker, ed. Grzimek's Encyclopedia of Mammals, Volume 5. New York: McGraw-Hill Publishing Company. (quoted in Oliphant, M. (2003). Bos grunniens (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed 4 April 2009)
  10. ^ "The Yak. Chapter 2: Yak breeds". FAO. Retrieved 31 August 2017.
  11. ^ "Origins, Domestication and Distribution of Yak". FAO. Retrieved 31 August 2017.
  12. ^ a b c d e "The Yak in Relation to Its Environment". FAO.
  13. ^ The Yak, Second Edition. Bangkok: Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, ISBN 92-5-104965-3. Accessed 8 August 2008.
  14. ^ Sarkar, M.; Das, D. N.; Mondal, D. B. (1999). "Fetal Haemoglobin in Pregnant Yaks (Poephagus grunniens L.)". The Veterinary Journal. 158 (1): 68–70. doi:10.1053/tvjl.1999.0361. PMID 10409419.
  15. ^ Yak, Animal genetics training resources version II: Breed Information. Adopted from: Bonnemaire, J. "Yak". In: Mason, Ian L. (ed). (1984). Evolution of Domesticated Animals. London: Longman, pp. 39–45. ISBN 0-582-46046-8. Accessed 8 August 2008.
  16. ^ Harris, R.B.; Miller, D.J. (October 2009). "Overlap in summer habitats and diets of Tibetan Plateau ungulates". Mammalia. 59 (2): 197–212. doi:10.1515/mamm.1995.59.2.197. S2CID 84659876.
  17. ^ Schaller, G.B.; Liu, W. (1996). "Distribution, status, and conservation of wild yak Bos grunniens". Biological Conservation. 76 (1): 1–8. doi:10.1016/0006-3207(96)85972-6.
  18. ^ Sarkar, M.; Prakash, B.S. (2005). "Timing of ovulation in relation to onset of estrus and LH peak in yak (Poephagus grunniens L.)". Animal Reproduction Science. 86 (4): 353–362. doi:10.1016/j.anireprosci.2004.08.005. PMID 15766812.
  19. ^ Zi, X.D. (2003). "Reproduction in female yaks (Bos grunniens) and opportunities for improvement". Theriogenology. 59 (5–6): 1303–1312. doi:10.1016/S0093-691X(02)01172-X. PMID 12527077.
  20. ^ Golden Book Encyclopedia, Vol. 16 p. 1505b. Rockefeller Center, NY: Golden Press (1959).
  21. ^ Gyamtsho, Pema. "Economy of Yak Herders" (PDF).
  22. ^ Tibet and Tibetan Foods. Flavorandfortune.com. Retrieved on 2012-12-19.
  23. ^ Yaks, butter & lamps in Tibet, webexhibits.org
  24. ^ "Part 3 - Yak in nontraditional environments by Gerald Wiener". FAO.
  25. ^ "ICAR-National Research Centre on Yak".
  26. ^ Takeda, K.; Satoh, M.; Neopane, S.P.; Kuwar, B.S.; Joshi, H.D.; Shrestha, N.P.; Fujise, H.; Tasai, M.; Tagami, T.; Hanada, H. (2004). "Mitochondrial DNA analysis of Nepalese domestic dwarf cattle Lulu". Animal Science Journal. 75 (2): 103. doi:10.1111/j.1740-0929.2004.00163.x.
  27. ^ a b Zhang, R.C. (14 December 2000). "Interspecies Hybridization between Yak, Bos taurus and Bos indicus and Reproduction of the Hybrids". In: Recent Advances in Yak Reproduction, Zhao, X.X.; Zhang, R.C. (eds.). International Veterinary Information Service.
  28. ^ Jacques, G.; d'Alpoim Guedes, J.; Zhang, S. (2021). "Yak Domestication: A Review of Linguistic, Archaeological, and Genetic Evidence". Ethnobiology Letters. 12 (1): 103–114. doi:10.14237/ebl.12.1.2021.1755. S2CID 238997533.
  29. ^ Sagart, L.; Jacques, G.; Lai, Y.; Ryder, R.J.; Thouzeau, V.; Greenhill, S.J.; List, J.-M. (2019). "Dated language phylogenies shed light on the ancestry of Sino-Tibetan". Ethnobiology Letters. 116 (21): 10317–10322. Bibcode:2019PNAS..11610317S. doi:10.1073/pnas.1817972116. PMC 6534992. PMID 31061123.
  30. ^ Degen, Allan A.; Kam, Michael; Pandey, Shambhu B.; Upreti, Chet R.; Pandey, Sanjeev; Regmi, Prajwal (21 October 2007). "Transhumant Pastoralism in Yak Production in the Lower Mustang District of Nepal". Nomadic Peoples. 11 (2): 57–85. doi:10.3167/np.2007.110204.
  31. ^ "People flock to Mustang to drink yak blood". Retrieved 7 June 2021.
  32. ^ "Festival to drink Yak blood begins in Nepal". Hindustan Times. 20 July 2008. Retrieved 7 June 2021.
  33. ^ Ians (11 March 2010). "Nepal now sees blood drinking festival". The Hindu. Kathmandu. ISSN 0971-751X. Retrieved 7 June 2021.

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Yak: Brief Summary

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The domestic yak (Bos grunniens), also known as the Tartary ox, grunting ox or hairy cattle, is a species of long-haired domesticated cattle found throughout the Himalayan region of the Indian subcontinent, the Tibetan Plateau, Gilgit-Baltistan (Kashmir), Tajikistan and as far north as Mongolia and Siberia. It is descended from the wild yak (Bos mutus).

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Gruntbovo ( Esperanto )

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Gruntbovo (paŭsaĵo el la latina Bos grunniens), Gjako (el la tibeta གཡག), aŭ Poefago (el la greka ποηφάγος, herbmanĝanto), estas granda remaĉulo kun kovra hararo tre longa (40 cm ĝis 80 cm) kiu vivas en Tibeto, Ĉinghajo, kaj eĉ en Mongolio kaj aliaj himalajaj landoj. El la ordo parhufuloj kaj familio bovedoj, tiu specio estas konsiderata minacata pro sia malofteco.


Ĝi estas granda kaj fortika. La vira gruntbovo altas 2 m. kaj pezas 500-600 kg. Ĝian tutan korpon kovras densaj, maldelikataj kaj longaj nigrebrunaj haroj. La longaj haroj sur la brusto kaj abdomeno preskaŭ tuŝas la teron. Nur ĉe la buŝo troviĝas malmulte da blankaj haroj. Gjakoj estas tipaj altebenaĵaj bestoj, kiuj vivas en dezertoj kaj altaj montaroj. Somere ili aperas en lokoj 5 000-6 000 metrojn super la marnivelo, eĉ vintre ili ne malsupreniras al lokoj malpli ol 3 000 metrojn super la marnivelo. Ili ne timas froston, nek ventegon, nek neĝon. Ili ŝatas vagadi ĉie kaj manĝi diversajn herbojn. Ili trinkas akvon somere kaj sensoifiĝas per neĝo kaj glacio vintre. Ĝenerale, gruntbovinoj kaj iliaj idoj agas en grupoj de dek ĝis cent, dum la plenkreskaj virbovoj vivas unuope aŭ 3-5-ope. La junaj virbovoj formas siajn proprajn grupojn. Korpe dikaj, la gruntbovoj tamen lertas en montgrimpado. Matene kaj vespere ili eliras serĉi manĝaĵon, tage ripozas aŭ dormas sur dezertaj montoj kaj krutaĵoj. Minacate, ili kolektiĝas kaj lasas bovidojn stari en la centro. Tiam la plenkreskaj virbovoj estas taskitaj por lukti kontraŭ malamiko. Gruntbovoj pariĝas aŭtune. Post gravedeco de 9-10 monatoj, la bovino naskas ĉiufoje unu idon, kiu maturiĝas post ĉirkaŭ du jaroj. Gruntbovoj havas delikatan flarsenten, kaj krome, ili vivas sur altaj montoj, tial ili estas malfacile kapteblaj. Laŭdire ĉirkaŭ 50 zooj de diversaj landoj havas gruntbovojn, sed ĉiuj montrataj estas hejmaj gjakoj. La hejma gruntbovo diferencas de la sovaĝa per siaj malpli grandaj korpo, hufoj kaj kornoj, kiuj estas ne tiom forte kurbaj kiel tiuj de la sovaĝa. Krome la haroj de hejma gjako estas malpli longaj, kun pli da viloj; la koloro de la haroj estas hela, ofte kun blankaj aŭ sablokoloraj makuloj. Hejma gruntbovo estas ĉefa transportilo sur la Tibeta Altebenaĵo, tial oni honoris ĝin per la nomo "veturilo sur altebenajo".

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Gruntbovo: Brief Summary ( Esperanto )

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Gruntbovo (paŭsaĵo el la latina Bos grunniens), Gjako (el la tibeta གཡག), aŭ Poefago (el la greka ποηφάγος, herbmanĝanto), estas granda remaĉulo kun kovra hararo tre longa (40 cm ĝis 80 cm) kiu vivas en Tibeto, Ĉinghajo, kaj eĉ en Mongolio kaj aliaj himalajaj landoj. El la ordo parhufuloj kaj familio bovedoj, tiu specio estas konsiderata minacata pro sia malofteco.

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Jak ( Basque )

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Jak bat (Bos grunniens) tamaina handiko betabere iletsua da. Himalaia eta Asiako Erdialdekoko mendietan hedatuta dago. Tibeteko goi-ordokian, Mongoliako Iparraldean zein Errusian kokatzen da. Bada etxekotutako jaken populazio handi bat eta haiekin batera kaltebera egoeran dagoen jak basatien populazio txikiagoa.

Jakak dira altuera handienetan bizi daitezkeen betabereak.


Oro har internazionalki erabilitako jak hitza Tibeteraren གཡག་; (g.yag edo gyag ahoskatuta) hitzetik dator. Hala ere tibeteraz jak adiera soilik espeziearen emeak izendatzeko erabiltzen da. Arrak "dri" edo "nak" izendatzen dituzte. Euskaraz jak hitza ar eta emeak biak izendatzeko erabiltzen da.

Espezie basatia Bos mutus izendatzen da.

Zenbait adituek berriz esaten dute egokiagoa dela etxeko jaka Poephagus grunniens eta basatia Poephagus mutus bezala izendatzea.


Jakak Bos generoan kokatzen dira eta taxonomiari dagokionez etxeko behietatik zein behien arbasoak izan ziren uroetatik (Bos primigenius) nahiko gertu daude.


  • Etxeko jaka (Bos grunniens Linnaeus, 1766) :

Animali mantsoa da, eta artilea, ile, haragi eta esnea eskaintzen ditu. Lehortutako bere gorotzak gainera erregai bezala erabiltzen dituzte bertakoek egurra eskasa den goi mendiko parajetan.

Etxekoa baino handiago eta sendoagoa da. Tibeten bakarrik bizi da eta desagertzeko zorian dago[1].

Sakontzeko, irakurri: «Jak basati»


  • Nepalen, Tibet, eta Mongolian, etxeko behiak aspaldidanik gurutzatu izan dira jakekin. Gurutzaketa haren ondorioz dzo' izeneko ar antzuak sortzen dituzte eta umekorrak diren emeak. Eme hibrido hauek dzomo edo zhom izenarekin ezagunak dira.

Ohikoak izan dira behi eta jaken arteko nahasketak. Haren ondorioz etxeko eta jak basatien arteko ezberdintasunak are handiagoak dira[2].

Nahastutako jakak


  • Jame Thomback, "WILD CATTLE, BISON AND BUFFALOES, THEIR STATUS AND POTENTIAL VALUE", The World Conservation Monitoring Centre, Cambridge, U.K.
  • "LITTLE-KNOWN ASIAN ANIMALS WITH A PROMISING ECONOMIC FUTURE", N. Vietmeyer-ek argtaratuta, National Research Council, National Academic Press, Washington, D.C., 1983.
  • Bisontes y bufalos. Albunes Noguer. Zoologia. 1973. Bartzelona

Ikus, gainera


  1. http://www.iucnredlist.org/apps/redlist/details/2892/0
  2. "Interspecies Hybridization between Yak, Bos taurus and Bos indicus and Reproduction of the Hybrids (14 Dec 2000.) R.C. Zhang. In: Recent Advances in Yak Reproduction, Zhao X.X. and Zhang R.C. (Eds.). International Veterinary Information Service. http://www.ivis.org/advances/Zhao/zhang3/IVIS.pdf.
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Jak: Brief Summary ( Basque )

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Jak bat (Bos grunniens) tamaina handiko betabere iletsua da. Himalaia eta Asiako Erdialdekoko mendietan hedatuta dago. Tibeteko goi-ordokian, Mongoliako Iparraldean zein Errusian kokatzen da. Bada etxekotutako jaken populazio handi bat eta haiekin batera kaltebera egoeran dagoen jak basatien populazio txikiagoa.

Jakak dira altuera handienetan bizi daitezkeen betabereak.

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Jakki ( Finnish )

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Tämä artikkeli kertoo eläimestä. Jakki on myös jakkiliittimen puhekielinen nimitys.

Jakki (Bos grunniens tai Bos mutus[1]) on aasialainen nautaeläin, joka elää luonnonvaraisena eteläisen Keski-Aasian ylängöillä ja vuoristoissa. Jakki elää jopa Tiibetin ylätasangolla erittäin ankarassa ympäristössä, jossa on talvisin kylmää ja niukasti ravintoa. Jakkihärkä painaa jopa 1 000 kg. Piirteiltään jakki on leveäpäinen ja pitkäsarvinen, häntä on pitkäjouhinen, ja kupeilla pitkät, alasriippuvat jouhet. Kesytetty jakki on yleinen hyötyeläin Aasian ylängöillä ja vuoristoissa. Kesytettyjä jakkeja arvioidaan olevan yli 15 miljoonaa yksilöä. Täysin villejä jakkeja arvioidaan olevan jäljellä alle tuhat yksilöä, mutta lähes villeinä pidettyjä yli 10 000.


Jakin tieteellinen nimi on Bos grunniens. Muissa kuin tiibetin kielessä "jakki" tarkoittaa sekä urosta että naarasta, kesyä ja villiä muotoa.

Jakin nimi tulee tiibetinkielisestä sanasta gyag (གཡག་, g.yag). Gyag tarkoittaa tiibetin kielessä vain urosta: naaraista käytetään Tiibetissä nimeä dri tai nak. Villi jakki 'Bos grunniens mutus tai Bos mutus on Tiibetin kielessä (འབྲོང་,brong).


Märehtijöihin kuuluva alkuhärän tai biisonin sukuinen[2][3] jakki on vuoristoissa elävä kookas ja vahva nautaeläin. Jakin jalat ovat lyhyet, samoin niska. Sarvet ovat pitkät ja kaartuvat. Jakki on 3,2 m[4] pitkä, vanha sonni on jopa 4 m:n pituinen. Jakkiuroksen säkäkorkeus saattaa olla jopa 2,2 m. Villi jakkisonni painaa 820–1000 kg[5]. Lehmä painaa noin 2/3 sonnin painosta[2]. Kesytetyt jakit ovat paljon kevyempiä. Kesy jakkiuros painaa vain 350–580 kg, ja kesy jakkinaaras 225–255 kg. Sekä uroksilla että naarailla on sarvet. Koostaan ja painostaan huolimatta jakki liikkuu ketterästi vuorilla. Jakilla on hyvä näkö ja kuulo. Jakkia saalistavat sudet, lumileopardit[6] ja karhut.


Jakkeja on tutkittu melko vähän, koska ne elävät vaikeapääsyisessä Tiibetissä. Sonnit saattavat joskus kulkea noin kymmenen yksilön laumoina. Lehmät, näiden vasikat jne. saattavat kokoontua mm myrskyllä ja muun vaaran niitä uhatessa 100-1000 jakin laumoiksi, jotka kuitenkin hajaantuvat etsimään ravintoa niukasta ympäristöstä[2]. Jakit myös suojautuvat yöpakkasilta kerääntymällä yhteen niin että kylmää vähiten sietävät vasikat ovat keskellä.


Jakki vaihtaa mustan-ruskean turkkinsa joka vuosi kesällä. Kesyllä jakilla on myös valkoista turkkia. Turkissa on kylmää pitävä tiheä aluskarva ja pitkä päällyskarva[6]. Sen avulla jakki sietää –40 °C[7], ehkä jopa –50 °C pakkasta[8]. Jakki ei elä lämpimässä, koska sen lisääntymiskierto häiriintyy silloin ja mahdollisesti sairaudet iskevät helpommin. Jakin elinalueella on keskimäärin vuodessa –5 °C – +5.5 °C ja lämpimimmän kuukauden keskilämpötila on alle 13 °C[9]. Yli 16 asteessa jakin sydämen syke ja ruumiin lämpötila alkavat nousta. Yli 20 asteessa jakki hakautuu veden äärelle tai varjoon, jos mahdollista[9]. Elinympäristön korkeus merenpinnasta ei ole jakille niin tärkeä kuin lämpötila. Jakki elää normaalisti alle 5 500 metrin korkeudessa, mutta sitä käytetään kuljetuksissa jopa 7 200 metrin korkeudessa[9].

Siitä huolimatta jakki kestää hellettä varjossa. Jakki ääntelee harvoin, esim. vaaran uhatessa murisee ja puhisee. Jakki sopeutuu kylmään vuoristoympäristöön mm. suurin keuhkoin ja sydämin sekä hyvän veren hapenottokyvyn avulla. Jakin veressä on enemmän ja pienempiä punasoluja kuin esim. lehmän veressä. Jakilla on paksu rasvakerros vararavinnoksi, ja joka suojaa myös hieman kylmältä. Jakilta puuttuvat hikirauhaset lähes täysin.

Elinympäristö, ravinto

Jakkeja Garan laaksossa.
Jakkeja Ladakhissa.

Jakit elävät muun muassa Kiinan ja Intian aroilla sekä Tiibetin ylängön ja ympäröivien vuorien tundramaisilla vuoristoniityillä ja kylmillä aroilla. Villijakin alue on kutistunut merkittävästi parin viime vuosisadan aikana. Jakin karussa, Tiibetin ylätasangon niukassa, suurelta osin kasvittomassa elinympäristössä kasvaa siellä täällä kitukasvuista heinää, ruohokasveja ja jäkälää[10]. Jakki syö myös heinää, saraa ja matalia pensaita. Se saattaa syödä pelkkiä heinien juuriakin.

Tiibetin jakki elää 3 200–6 100 metrin[11] korkeudessa ylätasangolla, jossa ei ole juurikaan puita ja pensaita[6] mutta soita ja järviä kylläkin[2]. Jakin elinseuduilla on kovia hiekka- ja lumimyrskyjä[2]. Jakki elää mieluiten veden lähellä soisilla paikoilla tai purojen varsilla[6]. Kesällä jakit vaeltavat ylös vuoristoon vuorten pohjoisrinteiden varjoon, rotkoihin tai lumisille alueille. Niinpä jakki talvehtii laaksossa[6]. Jakki etsii vettä jäätymättömistä puroista ja lähteistä[2]. Seudulla ei sada paljon, ja pintavedet ovat niukkoja ja suolaisia. Jakki sammuttaakin usein janonsa syömällä lunta. Jakin mahan bakteerikannan aiheuttama käyminen lämmittää jakkia keskuslämmityksen tavoin[12].

Eniten Tiibetin jakkeja on tunturisarakkeen sukuista Kobresiaa kasvavilla niityillä, jotka ovat monesti ohutturpeisia soistumia. Tiibetin kylmien arojen jakkilaumat ovat pienempiä, ja vain erittäin harvoin jakkeja tavataan aavikoilla[13][14]. Tiheimmillään jakkeja lienee noin yksi jakki/3 km², mutta karuimmilla alueilla vain 30–100 km²/jakki[15][16]. Näiden väliin jäävillä keskiharvoilla-tiheillä jakki alueilla, jotka ovat 12% Chang Tangista, on noin 1 jakki/13 km²[15]. Jakin elinympäristössä eläimen saama ravinto vaihtelee huomattavasti vuosikierron mukaan. Jakki syö 2,7-4,6 kg kasviainesta päivässä[17]. Tämä on noin prosentin jakin elopainosta, tosin kuin lehmä syö kolme prosenttia elopainostaan päivässä. Jakin lehmän verkkomahaa suurempi verkkomaha mahdollistaa huonolaatuisen ravinnon pitkän sulamisajan.

Suurin laitumen ruohon tms. saatavuus on elokuussa, alle 1000 kg/ha, mutta huhtikuussa alle 100 kg/ha[18]. Tämä aiheuttaakin joidenkin jakkien kuolemisia nälkään talvella.


Urokset liikkuvat yleensä naaraiden ja poikasten kanssa ryhmissä, joiden koko on yli 10 yksilöä. Mutta vanhemmat urokset liikkuvat joskus erillään naaraista 2-5 jakin ryhminä[19]. Ne hajaantuvat kiima-aikana. Se on monesti heinä-syyskuussa ympäristöstä riippuen. Urokset myös tällöin kieriskelevät kuivassa maassa biisonien tavoin. Ne myös merkitsevät maastoa virtsalla tai ulosteilla. Kiimassa jakkiurokset hakeutuvat naaraslaumoihin pariutuakseen. Härät taistelevat oikeudesta paritella naaraiden kanssa. Ne kamppailevat keskenään syöksyen toisiaan päin sarvet ojossa. Kiima-aikana naaraasta irtoaa munasolu keskimäärin neljä kertaa noin 20 päivän välein. 3/4 naaraista tulee tiineeksi jo ensimmäisellä ovulaatiokerralla[20]. Naaras on ovulaatiossa vastaanottavainen vain muutaman tunnin kerrallaan.

Yhdeksän kuukauden kantoajan päätteeksi jakkinaaras synnyttää yhden jälkeläisen. Vasikka on emonsa hoivissa vuoden ajan. Naaras synnyttää joka toinen vuosi luultavasti saatavissa olevan ravinnon mukaan. Jakkinaaras voi synnyttää 4-vuotiaana, ja jakki kasvaa täyskokoiseksi noin 6-vuotiaaksi tultaessa[21]. Jakki elää noin 25-vuotiaaksi[22].


Kaksi jakkia kyntömiehen apuna Tiibetissä

Jakkia on risteytetty kesyjen nautojen kanssa muun muassa Nepalissa ja Kiinassa.[23] Urokset (kutsutaan nimellä 'dzo') ovat lisääntymiskyvyttömiä, ja näitä käytetään usein juhtina. Risteytymästä syntyneet naaraat pystyvät lisääntymään kummankin lajin kanssa. Himalajalla monissa naudoissa on hieman jakin perintöainesta, ja kesyissä jakeissa vastaavasti usein naudan. Jakki risteytyy samalla tavoin kuin nauta myös Amerikan biisonin[24], gaurin ja bantengin kanssa[25].


Jakit kesyyntyvät helposti nuorina. Niinpä jakkia on käytetty pitkään Keski-Aasian eteläosan vuorilla vetoeläimenä, ratsuna sekä lihan, maidon ja villan lähteenä. Noin 1,65 miljoonan km² laajuisella Tiibetin arolla elää 12 miljoonaa kesyjakkia. Jotkut paimenten leirit ovat jopa 5100 m korkealla[26].


  • Maailma tänään - Kiina ja Taiwan, Pater Haggett (päätoimittaja), Tieteen kuvalehden kirjasto, Bonnirs 1996, ISBN 97-437-0914-1 (maailma tänään osa 20) s. 95


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  1. a b Harris, R.B. & Leslie, D.: Bos mutus IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Version 2014.2. 2008. International Union for Conservation of Nature, IUCN, Iucnredlist.org. Viitattu 28.7.2014. (englanniksi)
  2. a b c d e f Zoo 2, Suuri eläinkirja 2, WSOY 1977, ISBN 951-0-08246-5, s. 335
  3. Guo, S.; et al. (2006). "Taxonomic placement and origin of yaks: implications from analyses of mtDNA D-loop fragment sequences". Acta Theriologica Sinica 26 (4): 325–330.
  4. Maailman uhanalaiset eläimet osa 4 - Nisäkkäät matelijat, Ilkka Koivisto, Weilin+Göös 1992, ISBN 951-35-4689-6, "Nautaeläimet", s. 134
  5. Yak
  6. a b c d e Koivisto 1992, s. 133
  7. Tibet, 5th edition, Bradley Mayhew Monique Choy ..., May 2002, Lonely Planet Publications Py Ltd, ISBN 1 86450 162 6, s. 31
  8. Koivisto 1992, s. 134
  10. Zoo 2, s. 334
  11. Yak (Science.jrank.org)
  12. Haggett 1996, s 104
  13. Wild Yak
  14. Encyclopedia of Animal Facts and Pictures, Wednesday, 12 October 2011
  15. a b Bos grunniens (B. g. mutus, B. mutus) (Other Names: 野牦牛, 野嫠(牛代女)牛, 犛牛, ヤセイヤク, Dong, Grunzochse, Yaque selvagem, Wildyak)
  16. alkup Schaller 1998
  17. YAK FACTS Yampa Valley Yaks
  18. Study on the relation between yak performance and ecological protection. He An Xiang and Li Liang 2004 Published in IVIS with the permission of the editors, International Livestock Research Institute
  19. Yak (Bos mutus)
  20. Leslie, D. M., Schaller, G. B., 2009. Bos grunniens and Bos mutus (Artiodactyla: Bovidae). Mammalian Species, 836, 1-17.
  21. Jakki (Bos grunniens)
  22. JAKKI Bos mutus grunniens
  23. Nurminen, Matti (toim.): Maailman eläimet: Nisäkkäät 2, s. 104. (Englanninkielinen alkuteos The Encyclopedia of Mammals 2, sarjassa World of animals). Helsinki: Tammi, 1987. ISBN 951-30-6531-6.
  24. Zhang, R.C. (14 December 2000). "Interspecies Hybridization between Yak, Bos taurus and Bos indicus and Reproduction of the Hybrids". In: Recent Advances in Yak Reproduction, Zhao, X.X.; Zhang, R.C. (eds.). International Veterinary Information Service.
  25. Leslie, D.M.; Schaller, G.B. (2009). "Bos grunniens and Bos mutus (Artiodactyla: Bovidae)". Mammalian Species 836: 1–17. doi:10.1644/836.1
  26. Danien J. Miller, The Tibetan Steppe

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Jakki: Brief Summary ( Finnish )

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Tämä artikkeli kertoo eläimestä. Jakki on myös jakkiliittimen puhekielinen nimitys.

Jakki (Bos grunniens tai Bos mutus) on aasialainen nautaeläin, joka elää luonnonvaraisena eteläisen Keski-Aasian ylängöillä ja vuoristoissa. Jakki elää jopa Tiibetin ylätasangolla erittäin ankarassa ympäristössä, jossa on talvisin kylmää ja niukasti ravintoa. Jakkihärkä painaa jopa 1 000 kg. Piirteiltään jakki on leveäpäinen ja pitkäsarvinen, häntä on pitkäjouhinen, ja kupeilla pitkät, alasriippuvat jouhet. Kesytetty jakki on yleinen hyötyeläin Aasian ylängöillä ja vuoristoissa. Kesytettyjä jakkeja arvioidaan olevan yli 15 miljoonaa yksilöä. Täysin villejä jakkeja arvioidaan olevan jäljellä alle tuhat yksilöä, mutta lähes villeinä pidettyjä yli 10 000.

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Yack ( French )

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Bos grunniens, Bos mutus

Le yack ou yak (du tibétain : གཡག ; Wylie : g.yag ; Bos grunniens) est une grande espèce de ruminant domestique à longue toison de l'Himalaya. La femelle du yak est appelée dri (tibétain : འབྲི་, Wylie : 'bri) ou drimo par les Tibétains et nak par les sherpas.

Orthographe du terme

Les deux orthographes yack et yak sont répandues en français et aussi correctes l'une que l'autre. L'étymologie de yak (du tibétain g.yag via l'anglais yak, selon le TLFi) est plus ancienne (1791). L'orthographe yack semble avoir été employée, de façon courante mais discontinue, dès 1808.

Caractéristiques physiques

Le yak ne meugle pas comme les bovins domestiques européens, mais grogne et couine, ce qui a inspiré son nom scientifique Bos grunniens « bœuf qui grogne »[1].


  • Longueur du corps : 3,25 m
  • Longueur des cornes : latérales de 65 à 102 cm, écartement 95 cm
  • Hauteur au garrot : 1,6 à 2,0 m
  • Poids adulte (sauvage) : 300 kg (femelle) à 1 000 kg (mâle)
  • Poids adulte (domestique) : 230 kg (femelle) à 580 kg (mâle)


  • Maturité sexuelle : 6-8 ans
  • Gestation : 9 mois
  • Nombre de jeunes par portée : 1
  • Fréquence des portées : 1 tous les deux ans
  • Longévité :
    • En liberté : 15 ans
    • En captivité : 20 ans

Yack domestique

Répartition et habitat

Le yak domestique (Bos grunniens Linnaeus, 1766 ou Bos mutus grunniens Linnaeus, 1766) vit dans et autour de la chaîne de l'Himalaya ; en Inde (Ladakh, Uttarakhand, Sikkim, Arunachal Pradesh, Himachal Pradesh), au Népal, au Bhoutan, en Chine (Tibet, Xinjiang, Gansu, Mongolie-Intérieure), ainsi qu'en Mongolie, Russie, Kirghizstan, Kazakhstan, Pakistan, Tadjikistan, Afghanistan, jusqu'à des altitudes de 5 400 mètres. Les yaks vivent quinze ans en haute altitude au-dessus de 3 000 mètres.

Plusieurs éleveurs ont constitué des cheptels de yaks aux États-Unis et en Europe, notamment en Allemagne et en Suisse[2].

On compte 12 à 14 millions de yaks domestiques[3].


  • Le ddzo (du tibétain མཛོ་ mdzo tso) est le descendant mâle (stérile) d'un yak et de Bos taurus
  • La ddzomo (ou zhom) est la descendante femelle (fertile) d'un yak et de Bos taurus


Séchage des bouses de yak utilisées comme combustible.

Le yack domestique est utilisée comme bête de somme (un yak porte environ 130 kilos), comme monture, fournit laine (avec laquelle on confectionne des vêtements, du feutre et des cordes), cuir, viande (séchée à l'air froid et sec, fumé, avec de nombreux parfums dont cinq parfums, pimenté, cumin, etc.), lait (sous forme nature ou fermentée), beurre (le beurre de yak) et fromage. De plus, ses bouses séchées sont un combustible très utilisé.

Le dzo, hybride issu du croisement entre un yak et une vache, peut remplacer le yak comme animal de bât et pour les travaux aux champs[4]. La dzomo produit plus de lait que le yak femelle (dri).

En Chine, au Kazakhstan, Kirghizistan et dans la région du Pamir au Pakistan on pratique des courses de yak (en). D'autres sports se pratiquent avec le yak, comme le polo sur yak (en) et le ski avec yak (en).

Yack sauvage

Le yack sauvage (Bos mutus Przewalski, 1883 ou Bos mutus mutus Przewalski, 1883 ; en tibétain : འབྲོང, Wylie : 'brong, THL : drong, et tibétain : འབྲི་, Wylie : 'bri, THL : dri pour la femelle), uniquement présent au Tibet, est plus grand que le yak domestique, pouvant peser jusqu'à une tonne. Il vit habituellement en groupes de 10 à 30 individus. Son habitat est composé de hauts-plateaux dégarnis, de collines et de montagnes à des altitudes comprises entre 3 200 et 5 400 mètres. Il se nourrit de lichens, d'herbes et d'autres plantes. Durant la saison chaude, il vit dans les régions proches des neiges éternelles ; puis descend vers des terres au climat plus clément lorsque la saison froide approche. Le yak peut affronter le froid jusqu'à −40 °C aussi bien grâce à son sous-poil très dense que par son long et épais pelage de surface. Par ailleurs, il secrète une substance visqueuse (mucus) qui agit comme un isolant au froid. Le yak sauvage a la vue très faible mais compense ce handicap par un odorat particulièrement développé et surtout une ouïe exceptionnelle qui lui permet d'entendre des sons à plusieurs kilomètres de distance. Prjevalski lui a donné le nom scientifique de Bos mutus « bœuf silencieux » car il pensait que cet animal ne produisait aucun son, bien qu'il grogne et couine comme le yak domestique[1].

Le yack sauvage ne subsiste que sur le plateau du Tibet et dans la chaîne de montagnes du Kunlun. C'est une espèce menacée dont la population totale actuelle est estimée à 15 000 animaux[5].

Régime alimentaire

  • La toundra offre essentiellement des herbes en été, en hiver, les ressources accumulées et les mousses sont les seuls apports

Notes et références

  1. a et b (en) « Origins, Domestication and Distribution of Yak », sur www.fao.org/home/fr (consulté le 1er octobre 2020).
  2. Le Yak Tsang Ling
  3. National Geographic France, juillet 2011
  4. « Le yack », sur zonehimalaya.net.
  5. Leslie, D.M. et Schaller, G.B., « Bos grunniens and Bos mutus (Artiodactyla: Bovidae) », Mammalian Species, vol. 836,‎ 2009, p. 1–17 (DOI Accès libre)


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Yack: Brief Summary ( French )

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Bos grunniens, Bos mutus

Le yack ou yak (du tibétain : གཡག ; Wylie : g.yag ; Bos grunniens) est une grande espèce de ruminant domestique à longue toison de l'Himalaya. La femelle du yak est appelée dri (tibétain : འབྲི་, Wylie : 'bri) ou drimo par les Tibétains et nak par les sherpas.

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Jakuxi ( Icelandic )

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Bos grunniens við Annapurna-svæðið í Nepal.
Skreyttir jakuxar
Yak Kailash.JPG

Jakuxi (Bos grunniens) er síðhærð nautgripategund sem gerð hefur verið að húsdýri í Himalajafjöllum, Mið-Asíu og á Tíbesku hásléttunni. Jak eða yak er úr tíbesku og vísar til karldýrsins, en á öðrum málum er það notað um bæði kyn.

Jakuxi er náskyldur villijakuxa (Bos mutus) eða undirtegund af sömu tegund. Litur þeirra greinir á milli, jakuxinn er yfirleitt ljósari og með fleiri litaafbrigði en villijakuxinn sem er dökkleitur. Jakuxi er líklega skyldur vísundi.

Karldýrin verða 350-580 kg og kvendýrin 225-255 kg. Kýrnar bera á tveggja ára fresti, 3-4 ára í fyrsta sinn. Kálfarnir verða sjálfstæðir eftir rúmt ár af uppeldi. Jakuxar verða eitthvað meira en tvítugir að aldri.

Menn hafa notað jakuxa sem hús- og burðardýr í þúsundir ára og nota tað hans sem eldsneyti. Mjólk hans er kölluð chhurpi á nepölsku. Smjör úr henni er notað í te sem Tíbetar drekka og sem ljósmeti á lampa. Jakuxar koma við sögu í hátíðahöldum í Tíbet og nýlega í hópíþróttum eins og póló.

Jakuxar þrífast ekki á láglendi og verða úrvinda ef hitinn fer yfir 15 gráður.


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Jakuxi: Brief Summary ( Icelandic )

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 src= Bos grunniens við Annapurna-svæðið í Nepal.  src= Skreyttir jakuxar Yak Kailash.JPG  src= Kálfur.

Jakuxi (Bos grunniens) er síðhærð nautgripategund sem gerð hefur verið að húsdýri í Himalajafjöllum, Mið-Asíu og á Tíbesku hásléttunni. Jak eða yak er úr tíbesku og vísar til karldýrsins, en á öðrum málum er það notað um bæði kyn.

Jakuxi er náskyldur villijakuxa (Bos mutus) eða undirtegund af sömu tegund. Litur þeirra greinir á milli, jakuxinn er yfirleitt ljósari og með fleiri litaafbrigði en villijakuxinn sem er dökkleitur. Jakuxi er líklega skyldur vísundi.

Karldýrin verða 350-580 kg og kvendýrin 225-255 kg. Kýrnar bera á tveggja ára fresti, 3-4 ára í fyrsta sinn. Kálfarnir verða sjálfstæðir eftir rúmt ár af uppeldi. Jakuxar verða eitthvað meira en tvítugir að aldri.

Menn hafa notað jakuxa sem hús- og burðardýr í þúsundir ára og nota tað hans sem eldsneyti. Mjólk hans er kölluð chhurpi á nepölsku. Smjör úr henni er notað í te sem Tíbetar drekka og sem ljósmeti á lampa. Jakuxar koma við sögu í hátíðahöldum í Tíbet og nýlega í hópíþróttum eins og póló.

Jakuxar þrífast ekki á láglendi og verða úrvinda ef hitinn fer yfir 15 gráður.

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Bos grunniens ( Italian )

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Lo yak (Bos grunniens Linnaeus, 1766) detto anche bovino tibetano, è un animale simile ad un grosso toro, ma con pelo più folto e lungo. È un mammifero artiodattilo appartenente alla famiglia Bovidae.[1]


Allo stato brado, gli esemplari maschi adulti raggiungono dimensioni imponenti, possono superare i 200 cm di altezza al garrese con una lunghezza di oltre 325 cm e pesano mediamente 1.000 kg, le femmine sono invece più minute e meno massicce, pesando mediamente 300 kg. La sottospecie domestica ha dimensioni decisamente inferiori: i maschi pesano dai 350 ai 580 kg e le femmine hanno un peso compreso tra i 225 e i 255 kg.

L'aspetto fisico è caratterizzato da una folta pelliccia con lunghi peli con gradazioni di colore tra il marrone scuro e il nero, le corna sono grandi e allungate con una curvatura verso l'alto, un lungo ciuffo di peli ricopre parte della fronte, anche la coda è ricoperta di lunghi peli. Le popolazioni addomesticate e selezionate dall'uomo presentano gambe più corte, zoccoli più ampi, la colorazione della pelliccia è più diversificata e va dal nero al bianco ed è spesso chiazzata; le corna sono più deboli e talvolta possono essere assenti del tutto.

Gli yak possiedono grandi polmoni, un numero elevato di globuli rossi ed una concentrazione di emoglobina più elevata della maggior parte degli altri bovidi. Tutte queste caratteristiche permettono loro di vivere e di prosperare ad elevate altezze, cosa che gli altri bovidi non sarebbero in grado di fare per il clima e l'aria rarefatta.



Diorama con yak nel suo habitat naturale, al Museo Civico di Storia Naturale di Milano

Per gran parte dell'anno, i maschi e le femmine vivono in gruppi separati. Mentre le femmine e i vitelli (inclusi occasionalmente i giovani maschi) formano grandi branchi, i maschi adulti trascorrono il loro tempo da soli o in piccoli gruppi. Durante la stagione degli accoppiamenti che inizia a settembre, i maschi raggiungono i branchi delle femmine. I maschi si contendono harem di femmine combattendo fra di loro spesso anche violentemente. Le femmine generalmente partoriscono in giugno.

Gli yak selvatici passano la maggior parte del loro tempo a pascolare; sono attivi principalmente durante il giorno. Vivono in branchi che possono variare in dimensioni da 20 a 200 individui, ma generalmente i maschi formano gruppi composti da 2 a 5 individui e da 6 a 20 capi per quanto riguarda le femmine. Durante le tormente di neve per proteggersi dal freddo si sdraiano uno accanto all'altro quasi a formare un cerchio, con la testa rivolta verso l'interno aspettando che le condizioni meteorologiche migliorino. Un altro aspetto interessante del comportamento degli yak selvatici è che, per ragioni sconosciute, essi talvolta attaccano e uccidono i loro omologhi addomesticati. La prospettiva massima di vita per uno yak è di 25 anni.


Allo stato brado, la femmina partorisce un vitello all'anno, la gestazione dura circa 9 mesi, lo svezzamento dura un anno, la maturità sessuale viene raggiunta ad un'eta di 6-8 anni. Gli esemplari addomesticati di yak hanno invece un ciclo riproduttivo più vario, slegato da stagioni riproduttive e la mucca talvolta può partorire più di un vitello all'anno.

È la femmina ad accudire la prole, questo è dovuto al fatto che le femmine e i maschi selvatici trascorrono la maggior parte dell'anno in gruppi separati. I vitelli appena nati sono in grado di reggersi in piedi e di camminare dopo poche ore.

Distribuzione e habitat

L'areale degli esemplari selvatici è limitato all'altopiano tibetano, mentre gli esemplari addomesticati si trovano in una zona molto più ampia dell'Asia centrale. Le specie selvatiche si sono estinte in Mongolia già nel XVIII secolo e sono in pericolo anche in Tibet, a causa della caccia e dell'espansione della pastorizia.

L'habitat dello yak può variare, ma è composto soprattutto da tre aree con vegetazione diversa: pascoli alpini, steppa alpina e steppa desertica. Ognuno di questi ecosistemi garantisce agli yak grandi aree ricche di prati, ma differiscono per il tipo di graminacee e di piccole arbusti che vi crescono, per la quantità di vegetazione disponibile, per la temperatura media e per le precipitazioni annue.

Il loro habitat può variare anche in funzione delle stagioni; nei periodi freddi in cui scarseggia il cibo, alcuni branchi compiono anche grandi migrazioni alla ricerca di erba, di muschi e di licheni. Tuttavia, gli yak non prediligono il clima caldo, preferendo invece le temperature più fredde degli altopiani, zone nelle quali fanno ritorno non appena le temperature salgono. Gli esemplari allo stato brado negli ultimi decenni si sono sempre più diffusi nelle steppe desertiche, le uniche zone dove non vengono disturbati dalle attività umane, che in queste regioni sono limitate invece dalla necessità di disporre di terreni sufficientemente fertili e di precipitazioni.


Illustrazione di una carovana di yak addomesticati

Lo yak selvatico, Bos grunniens mutus (il maschio viene detto drong, mentre per le femmine si utilizza il termine dri o nak) vive sull'altopiano del Tibet, nel Pamir e alle pendici dell'Himalaya, fino a 6000 metri di altitudine. La varietà domestica (Bos grunniens grunniens), di dimensioni leggermente inferiori, è utilizzata come animale da soma e fornisce cuoio, carne, latte e lana. I suoi escrementi, seccati al sole in forma di mattonella, costituiscono un importante combustibile in alcune zone aride e quasi prive di vegetazione arborea. Molto comune l'incrocio con tori comuni (Bos taurus), ottenendo l'ibrido conosciuto come dzo, o dzopkio, più docile e gestibile.

Utilizzo da parte dell'uomo

Yak utilizzati per trainare un aratro

Gli yak sono stati addomesticati da millenni. In Tibet sono un'importante risorsa per gli uomini essendo animali versatili che si prestano a vari usi: bestie da soma, animali da trasporto, forza da trazione in agricoltura; inoltre forniscono latte, carne, lana e pellicce. La loro struttura fisica è estremamente adattata ad un ambiente montuoso, impervio e freddo; dispongono di ampi zoccoli e sono in grado di trasportare sul loro dorso grandi pesi a quote elevate; per questo gli abitanti del Tibet li utilizzano per trasportare merci. La pelliccia degli esemplari più giovani viene utilizzata per l'abbigliamento, mentre il pelo lungo dell'adulto è utilizzato per tessere coperte e tende. Inoltre, in alcune zone dove scarseggia la legna da ardere, il letame essiccato viene utilizzato come combustibile. Il latte dalle mucche viene utilizzato per produrre grandi quantità di burro e di formaggio.

Gli esemplari selvatici vengono invece cacciati per le pelliccia e la lana, ma anche per la carne. Nonostante in Cina sia un animale formalmente protetto, la caccia continua specialmente in inverno, quando per alcuni agricoltori locali gli yak costituiscono l'unica fonte di carne durante i mesi invernali.

Lo yak in Italia

Da alcuni anni l'alpinista Reinhold Messner ha importato prima a Solda e ora a Valle di Cadore alcuni yak, che attirano molti curiosi.[2][3] Nel mese di novembre del 2009 il ministro alle Politiche agricole Luca Zaia ha fatto sì che una mandria di 25 capi venisse importata dall'oriente e liberata in località Chies d'Alpago, in Veneto e, ai piedi della foresta del Cansiglio: ciò al fine di contrastare l'avanzata dei boschi, vista la capacità degli yak di mangiare i giovani alberi che pecore e mucche non gradiscono, e di pulire nel contempo il sottobosco prevenendo la formazione di incendi. L'intento è di far fungere gli yak anche da attrazione turistica.


  1. ^ (EN) D.E. Wilson e D.M. Reeder, Bos grunniens, in Mammal Species of the World. A Taxonomic and Geographic Reference, 3ª ed., Johns Hopkins University Press, 2005, ISBN 0-8018-8221-4.
  2. ^ Gli yak presso il monte Rite Archiviato il 22 agosto 2012 in Internet Archive.
  3. ^ Messner e gli yak

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Bos grunniens: Brief Summary ( Italian )

provided by wikipedia IT

Lo yak (Bos grunniens Linnaeus, 1766) detto anche bovino tibetano, è un animale simile ad un grosso toro, ma con pelo più folto e lungo. È un mammifero artiodattilo appartenente alla famiglia Bovidae.

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Yak (taranak) ( Minangkabau )

provided by wikipedia MIN

{{taxonomy/{{taxonomy/{{taxonomy/{{taxonomy/{{taxonomy/{{taxonomy/{{taxonomy/{{taxonomy/{{taxonomy/{{taxonomy/{{taxonomy/{{taxonomy/{{taxonomy/{{taxonomy/{{taxonomy/{{taxonomy/{{taxonomy/{{taxonomy/{{taxonomy/{{taxonomy/{{taxonomy/{{taxonomy/{{taxonomy/{{taxonomy/{{taxonomy/{{taxonomy/{{taxonomy/{{taxonomy/{{taxonomy/{{taxonomy/{{taxonomy/{{taxonomy/{{taxonomy/{{taxonomy/{{taxonomy/{{taxonomy/Templat:First word|machine code=parent}}|machine code=parent}}|machine code=parent}}|machine code=parent}}|machine code=parent}}|machine code=parent}}|machine code=parent}}|machine code=parent}}|machine code=parent}}|machine code=parent}}|machine code=parent}}|machine code=parent}} |machine code=parent}}|machine code=parent}}|machine code=parent}}|machine code=parent}}|machine code=parent}}|machine code=parent}}|machine code=parent}}|machine code=parent}}|machine code=parent}}|machine code=parent}}|machine code=parent}}|machine code=parent}} |machine code=parent}}|machine code=parent}}|machine code=parent}}|machine code=parent}}|machine code=parent}}|machine code=parent}}|machine code=parent}}|machine code=parent}}|machine code=parent}}|machine code=parent}}|machine code=parent}}|machine code=parent}}

Yak (Bos grunniens) adolah salah satu jinih taranak gadang dari kaluargo bovidae barambuik panjang nan alah jinak nan dapek ditamuan di wilayah pagunuangan Himalaya di anak benua India, Dataran Tibet, inggo jauah ka utara ka Mongolia jo Rusia. Ewan ko adolah katurunan dari yak lia (Bos mutus).[1]


Kato bahaso Inggirih "yak" baasa dari kato bahaso Tibeta g.yag (གཡག་). Dalam bahaso Tibet, kato tu marujuak pado ewan nan jantan sajo, sadang nan batino disabuik bri (འབྲི་) atau g.nag (གནག). Dalam bahaso Inggirih jo banyak bahaso lainnyo nan mamakai kato tu, namo "yak" bapakai untuak sadonyo jantan jo batino juo.


Yak tamasuak dalam Bos, aratinyo spesies nan bakarabaik jo jawi (Bos primigenius). Analisis DNA mitokondria taradok sijarah evolusi yak alun mandapek asia nan mayakinan.

Muyang Yak mungkin bapisah dari jawi di suatu maso antaro satu inggo limo juta taun nan lalu, dan ado nan mandugo baso yak labiah dakek ubuangannyo jo bison daripado anggota lainnyo dari kalompok genus tu.[2] Fosil-fosil ewan nan jaleh barakabik jo yak, misanyo Bos baikalensis, alah ditamuan di Rusia, inggo muncua pakiroaan jalua nan diambiak dek ewan muyang dari bison Amerika moderen, nan bantuaknyo sarupo jo yak kutiko masuak ka banua Amerika.[3]

Awanyo spesies ko dinamoi sabagai Bos grunniens ("kabau mandangkua") dek Linnaeus pado taun 1766, namun kini ko namo tu anyo dipakai untuak marujuak kapdo jinih Yak nan alah jinak, sadang Bos mutus ("kabau bisu") adolah namo nan labiah disukoi untuak spesies nan lia. Walaupun babarapo pangarang masih maanggap baso yak lia anyolah subspesies, Bos grunniens mutus, ICZN mangaluaan kaputusan rasmi pado 2003[4] untuak maisinan panggunoan namo Bos mutus untuak yak lia, nan kini adolah panyabuikan nan umum bapakai.[5][3][6]

Salain yak lia nan dianggap sabagai subspesies dari Bos grunniens, indak ado subspesies lain nan diakui dari yak.

Ciri-ciri fisik

Saikua yak jinak di Danau Yamdrok.

Yak adolah ewan nan batubuah gadang jo kuaik, bakaki kokoh, bakuku bulek, jo babulu nan sangaik labak jo panjang nan manggantuang labiah randah dari paruiknyo. Bulu yak lia umumnyo bawarna itam kalam atau coklak kaitam-itaman, sadang yak jinak bamacam warnanyo, acok juo ado bercak-bercak coklat atau krem kacoklatan. Talingonyo ketek jo dahinyo leba, sarato tanduaknyo aluih jo umumnyo bawarna kalam. Yak jantan tanduaknyo kalua dari sisi-sisi kapalonyo, kudian malangkuang ka muko. Umumnyo panjangnyo mancapai 48 hingga 99 cm (19 hingga 39 in). Tanduak yak batino labiah ketek, anyo sapanjang 27 hingga 64 cm (11 hingga 25 in), jo bantuaknyo labiah tagak. Baiak yak jantan atau batino punyo lihia nan pendek sarato punuak nan jaleh di baunyo, walaupun punuak nan jantan labiah gadang jo talihek jaleh.[3] Barek nan jantan mancapai 350 hingga 580 kg (770 hingga 1280 lb), barek nan batino mancapai 225 hingga 255 kg (496 hingga 562 lb). Yak lia dapek jauah labiah barek, nan jantan dapek mancapai barek 1000 kilogram (2200 lb).[7]


Caliak juo

  • Yakalo


  1. Grubb, P. (2005). "Ordo Artiodactyla". di dalam Wilson, D. E.; Reeder, D. M. Mammal Species of the World [Spesies Mamalia di Dunia] (edisi ke-3). Percetakan Unoversitas Johns Hopkins. p. 691. ISBN 978-0-8018-8221-0. OCLC 62265494. http://www.bucknell.edu/msw3/browse.asp?id=14200680.
  2. Guo, S. (2006). "Taxonomic placement and origin of yaks: implications from analyses of mtDNA D-loop fragment sequences". Acta Theriologica Sinica 26 (4): 325–330. http://www.mammal.cn/EN/abstract/abstract2079.shtml.
  3. a b c Leslie, D.M.; Schaller, G.B. (2009). "Bos grunniens and Bos mutus (Artiodactyla: Bovidae)". Mammalian Species 836: 1–17. doi:10.1644/836.1.
  4. International Commission on Zoological Nomenclature (2003). "Opinion 2027. Usage of 17 specific names based on wild species which are predated by or contemporary with those based on domestic animals (Lepidoptera, Osteichthyes, Mammalia): conserved". Bulletin of Zoological Nomenclature 60: 81–84. https://www.biodiversitylibrary.org/page/34357823.
  5. Templat:IUCN2014.2
  6. Gentry, A.; Clutton-Brock, J.; Groves, C. P. (2004). "The naming of wild animal species and their domestic derivatives". Journal of Archaeological Science 31 (5): 645. doi:10.1016/j.jas.2003.10.006.
  7. Buchholtz, C. (1990). True Cattle (Genus Bos). pp. 386–397 in S. Parker, ed. Grzimek's Encyclopedia of Mammals, Volume 5. New York: McGraw-Hill Publishing Company. (quoted in Oliphant, M. (2003). Bos grunniens (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed 4 April 2009)
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Yak (taranak): Brief Summary ( Minangkabau )

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{{taxonomy/{{taxonomy/{{taxonomy/{{taxonomy/{{taxonomy/{{taxonomy/{{taxonomy/{{taxonomy/{{taxonomy/{{taxonomy/{{taxonomy/{{taxonomy/{{taxonomy/{{taxonomy/{{taxonomy/{{taxonomy/{{taxonomy/{{taxonomy/{{taxonomy/{{taxonomy/{{taxonomy/{{taxonomy/{{taxonomy/{{taxonomy/{{taxonomy/{{taxonomy/{{taxonomy/{{taxonomy/{{taxonomy/{{taxonomy/{{taxonomy/{{taxonomy/{{taxonomy/{{taxonomy/{{taxonomy/{{taxonomy/Templat:First word|machine code=parent}}|machine code=parent}}|machine code=parent}}|machine code=parent}}|machine code=parent}}|machine code=parent}}|machine code=parent}}|machine code=parent}}|machine code=parent}}|machine code=parent}}|machine code=parent}}|machine code=parent}} |machine code=parent}}|machine code=parent}}|machine code=parent}}|machine code=parent}}|machine code=parent}}|machine code=parent}}|machine code=parent}}|machine code=parent}}|machine code=parent}}|machine code=parent}}|machine code=parent}}|machine code=parent}} |machine code=parent}}|machine code=parent}}|machine code=parent}}|machine code=parent}}|machine code=parent}}|machine code=parent}}|machine code=parent}}|machine code=parent}}|machine code=parent}}|machine code=parent}}|machine code=parent}}|machine code=parent}}

Yak (Bos grunniens) adolah salah satu jinih taranak gadang dari kaluargo bovidae barambuik panjang nan alah jinak nan dapek ditamuan di wilayah pagunuangan Himalaya di anak benua India, Dataran Tibet, inggo jauah ka utara ka Mongolia jo Rusia. Ewan ko adolah katurunan dari yak lia (Bos mutus).

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Yak ( Malay )

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Yak, Bos grunniens adalah sejenis lembu yang bertanduk panjang, berbulu tebal dan berjumbai-jumbai, terdapat terutamanya di kawasan pergunungan Himalaya dan Tibet.

Jika anda melihat rencana yang menggunakan templat {{tunas}} ini, gantikanlah ia dengan templat tunas yang lebih spesifik.

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Yak: Brief Summary ( Malay )

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Yak, Bos grunniens adalah sejenis lembu yang bertanduk panjang, berbulu tebal dan berjumbai-jumbai, terdapat terutamanya di kawasan pergunungan Himalaya dan Tibet.

Jika anda melihat rencana yang menggunakan templat {{tunas}} ini, gantikanlah ia dengan templat tunas yang lebih spesifik.

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Iaque ( Portuguese )

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O yak (Bos grunniens ou Poephagus grunniens, um sinônimo não universalmente aceito) é um herbívoro de pelagem longa encontrado na região do Himalaia, no sul da Ásia Central, Qinghai, no Planalto do Tibete, até à Mongólia, a norte. Além de uma grande população doméstica, há uma população pequena e vulnerável de iaques selvagens. Em Tibetano, a palavra gyag refere-se só ao macho da espécie; uma fêmea é uma dri ou nak. O resultado do cruzamento de um iaque com o zebu é conhecido como "chauri".

Os iaques são animais de rebanho. Os iaques macho selvagens podem atingir 2,2 metros de comprimento, as fêmeas aproximadamente um terço daquele tamanho, e iaques domesticados 1,6-1,8 metros. Ambos os tipos têm o pelo longo e desgrenhado para isolá-los do frio. Os iaques selvagens podem ser marrons ou pretos. Os domesticados também podem ser brancos. Tanto os machos como as fêmeas têm chifres.

Os iaques domésticos acasalam por volta de Setembro; as fêmeas podem conceber com 3-4 anos de idade, parem de Abril a Junho cada dois ou três anos, ao que parece dependendo da provisão alimentar. O período de gestação é de aproximadamente nove meses. Os bezerros são desmamados em um ano e ficam independentes logo depois disso. Os iaques podem viver mais de 20 anos.


"Iaque" procede do termo tibetano gyak.[1]

Iaques selvagens

Iaques selvagens (Tibetano: drong) podem pesar até 1 200 quilogramas e ter uma cabeça e o comprimento de corpo de 3-3,4 metros. Eles normalmente formam grupos de entre 10 e 30 animais. O seu habitat são terrenos elevados sem árvores como colinas, montanhas e planaltos entre cerca de 3 200 metros (10 500 pés) e 5 400 metros (18 000 pés). A fisiologia dos iaques é bem adaptada à grande altitude, tendo pulmões e coração maiores do que o gado encontrado em altitude mais baixa, e também maior capacidade para transportar o oxigênio através do seu sangue.[2] Do modo inverso, os iaques não medram na altitude mais baixa.[3] Os iaques comem gramas, líquens e outras plantas. Eles são isolados por uma camada de pelo denso, fechado e entrelaçado em baixo do seu pelo exterior desgrenhado.[4]

Як в горах Заилийского Алатау.JPG

Os iaques secretam uma substância pegajosa especial no seu suor que ajuda a manter o seu pelo de baixo entrelaçado e age como isolamento extra. Esta secreção é usada na medicina nepalesa tradicional. O pelo também serve também para proteger o seu corpo de arranhões. Outra função do pelo é a de proporcionar camuflagem em lugares com mata mais fechada e escura, assim enganando os predadores, que são o lobo-tibetano, o leopardo-das-neves e o urso-azul-tibetano. Além da camuflagem, os iaques usam, também, os chifres para se proteger de inimigos ou predadores. Por essa razão, apesar de ser um animal lento, consegue ripostar. Muitos iaques selvagens são mortos pelos Tibetanos pela sua carne; hoje em dia são uma espécie vulnerável.[5]

Thubten Jigme Norbu, o irmão mais velho de Tenzin Gyatso, o 14º Dalai Lama, informa na sua viagem de Kumbum em Amdo a Lhasa em 1950 que:

Iaques domesticados

Os iaques domesticados são mantidos principalmente pelo seu leite, fibra e carne, e como animal de carga. Eles transportam mercadorias através das passagens das montanhas para agricultores locais e comerciantes, bem como para expedições de caminhada e escalada. Eles também são usados para aração. O esterco de iaque é até queimado como combustível. O leite de iaque muitas vezes é processado para fazer um queijo chamado chhurpi nas línguas Tibetanas e nepalesas, e byaslag na Mongólia. A manteiga feita do leite de Iaques é um ingrediente do chá de manteiga que os Tibetanos consomem em grandes quantidades,[7] e também é usado em lâmpadas e usado para fazer esculturas de manteiga usadas em festividades religiosas.[8]

Muitas vezes, os animais de carga são, na verdade, híbridos de iaque e Bos taurus (gado bovino comum). Esses são conhecidos no idioma Tibetano como dzo ou dzopkyo, e em mongol como khainag. Iaques grunhem, e, diferentemente dos demais tipos de gado, não são conhecidos por produzir o característico mugido bovino.

As fibras de iaque são suaves, lisas e podem ser de várias cores, inclusive tons de cinza, marrom, preto e branco. Eles têm aproximadamente 1,2 polegadas de comprimento São penteadas ou derramadas do iaque e logo desfeitas. O resultado é uma fibra penugenta que pode ser girada em para fio de trabalho de malha. O pelo dos animais é convertido em cordas, tapetes e vários outros produtos. A sua pele é usada para fazer sapatos e bolsas e na construção de coracles.


  1. FERREIRA, A. B. H. Novo dicionário da língua portuguesa. 2ª edição. Rio de Janeiro. Nova Fronteira. 1986. p. 910.
  2. Wiener, Gerald, Han Jianlin, and Long Ruijun. "4 The Yak in Relation to Its Environment", The Yak, Second Edition. Bangkok: Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, 2003. ISBN 92-5-104965-3. Accessed 8 August 2008.
  3. Yak, Animal genetics training resources version II: Breed Information. Adopted from: Bonnemaire, J. "Yak". In: Mason, Ian L. (ed), Evolution of Domesticated Animals. London: Longman, 1984, pp. 39–45. ISBN 0-582-46046-8. Accessed 8 August 2008.
  4. Paul Massicot, Animal Info - Wild Yak, March 5, 2005. Accessed 8 August 2008.
  5. Yak Arquivado em 9 de abril de 2008, no Wayback Machine., Alaska Zoo.
  6. Tibet is My Country: Autobiography of Thubten Jigme Norbu, Brother of the Dalai Lama as told to Heinrich Harrer, p. 151. First published in German in 1960. English translation by Edward Fitzgerald, published 1960. Reprint, with updated new chapter, (1986): Wisdom Publications, London. ISBN 0-86171-045-2.
  7. Tibet and Tibetan Foods
  8. Yaks, butter & lamps in Tibet, webexhibits.org
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Iaque: Brief Summary ( Portuguese )

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O yak (Bos grunniens ou Poephagus grunniens, um sinônimo não universalmente aceito) é um herbívoro de pelagem longa encontrado na região do Himalaia, no sul da Ásia Central, Qinghai, no Planalto do Tibete, até à Mongólia, a norte. Além de uma grande população doméstica, há uma população pequena e vulnerável de iaques selvagens. Em Tibetano, a palavra gyag refere-se só ao macho da espécie; uma fêmea é uma dri ou nak. O resultado do cruzamento de um iaque com o zebu é conhecido como "chauri".

Os iaques são animais de rebanho. Os iaques macho selvagens podem atingir 2,2 metros de comprimento, as fêmeas aproximadamente um terço daquele tamanho, e iaques domesticados 1,6-1,8 metros. Ambos os tipos têm o pelo longo e desgrenhado para isolá-los do frio. Os iaques selvagens podem ser marrons ou pretos. Os domesticados também podem ser brancos. Tanto os machos como as fêmeas têm chifres.

Os iaques domésticos acasalam por volta de Setembro; as fêmeas podem conceber com 3-4 anos de idade, parem de Abril a Junho cada dois ou três anos, ao que parece dependendo da provisão alimentar. O período de gestação é de aproximadamente nove meses. Os bezerros são desmamados em um ano e ficam independentes logo depois disso. Os iaques podem viver mais de 20 anos.

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Domači jak ( Spanish; Castilian )

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Domači jak (Bos grunniens) je dolgodlaki udomačen votlorog, ki ga najdemo po vsej himalajski regiji, na indijski podcelini, tibetanski planoti in severu kot sta Mongolija in Rusija. Izvira iz divjega jaka (Bos mutus). [1]


Beseda jak izvira iz tibetanščine: གཡག་ ་, Wylie: g.yag. V tibetanskem in jeziku balti se nanaša le na samce, samica pa se imenuje tibetansko: འབྲི་, Wylie: 'bri ali g.nag, tibetansko: ཧཡག་མོ་, Wylie: hYag-mo. V večini drugih jezikov, ki so si izposodili besedo, se 'jak' običajno uporablja za oba spola.


Jaki pripadajo rodu Bos in so zato povezani z govedom (vrste Bos primigenius). Analize mitohondrijske DNA za določitev evolucijske zgodovine jakov so bile nejasne.

Jak je lahko od nekdaj odstopal od goveda med enim in petimi milijoni let in obstaja nekaj predlogov, da je lahko bolj tesno povezan z bizonom kot z drugimi člani svojega določenega rodu. [2] Vidni bližnji fosilni sorodniki jaka, kot je Bos baikalensis, so bili najdeni v vzhodni Rusiji, kar kaže na možen način, s katerim bi lahko predniki sodobnega ameriškega bizona vstopili v Ameriko.

Vrsta je bila prvotno označena kot Bos grunniens ('kruleči vol'), ki jo je Linnaeus imenoval leta 1766, vendar se to ime zdaj na splošno šteje le za udomačeno obliko živali, pri čemer je najprimernejše ime Bos mutus ('nemi vol'). za prosto živeče vrste. Čeprav nekateri avtorji še vedno menijo, da je divji jak podvrsta, Bos grunniens mutus, je ICZN leta 2003 uradno odločil[3], da dovoljuje uporabo imena Bos mutus za divje jake in to je zdaj bolj običajna uporaba. [4][5]

Razen kjer se divji jak šteje za podvrsto Bos grunniens, ni nobene priznane podvrste jaka.


Domači jak pri jezeru Yamdrok.

Jaki so močno zgrajene živali z okornim ogrodjem, močnimi nogami, zaobljenimi razcepljenimi kopiti, izredno gostim, dolgim krznom, ki visi nižje od trebuha. Medtem ko so divji jaki v glavnem temni, črno do rjave barve, so lahko domači jaki precej različnih barv, pogosto pa imajo lise zarjavele rjave in smetanaste barve. Imajo majhna ušesa in široko čelo, z gladkimi rogovi, ki so običajno temne barve. Pri samcih (biki) rogovi izraščajo s strani glave in nato zavijejo naprej. Običajno segajo od 48 do 99 cm. Samice (krave) imajo manjše, dolge le 27 do 64 cm in imajo bolj pokončno obliko. Oba spola imata kratek vrat z izrazito grbo na ramenih, čeprav je ta večji in bolj vidna pri samcih. [6] Samci tehtajo od 350 do 585 kg, samice tehtajo od 225 do 255 kg. Divji jaki so lahko precej težji, biki dosežejo težo do 1000 kilogramov. [7] Odvisno od pasme so samci domačih jakov visoki 111–138 centimetrov, samice pa 105–117 centimetrov v ramah. [8]

Oba spola imata dolge kosmate dlake z gosto volneno podlanko preko prsnega koša, bokov in stegen, da jih izolirajo pred mrazom. Zlasti pri bikih lahko to oblikuje dolgo 'krilo', ki lahko doseže tla. Rep je dolg in koničast, podoben konjskemu namesto čopast kot rep goveda ali bizona. Udomačeni jaki imajo široko paleto barv dlake, pri čemer so nekateri posamezniki beli, sivi, rjavi, rdeče-sivi ali lisasti. Samica v vimenu in modnik pri samcih je majhna in dlakava, kot zaščita pred mrazom. Samice imajo štiri seske.

Jaki krulijo in za razliko od goveda niso znani, da bi ustvarili značilen zvok za govedo (mukanje), ki je navdihnil znanstveno ime domače variante jaka, Bos grunniens ('kruleči bik'). Nikolaj Mihajlovič Przevalskij je poimenoval divjo varianto Bos mutus (tihi bik), saj je menil, da sploh ne oddaja zvoka. [9]


Jahač jaka blizu jezera Tsomgo, Sikkim (3700 m)

Fiziologija jaka je dobro prilagojena visokim nadmorskim višinam, ima večja pljuča in srce kot govedo na nižjih nadmorskih višinah, kot tudi večjo zmogljivost za prenos kisika skozi kri [10] zaradi obstojnosti fetalnega hemoglobina skozi vse življenje. [11] Nasprotno, jaki težko uspevajo na nižjih nadmorskih višinah in so nagnjeni k toplotni izčrpanosti nad okoli 15 ° C. [12] Nadaljnje prilagoditve hladu vključujejo debelo plast podkožne maščobe in skoraj popolno odsotnost funkcionalnih žlez znojnic.

V primerjavi z domačim govedom je vamp jakov nenavadno velik. To verjetno omogoča, da hkrati zaužije večje količine nizko kakovostne hrane in jo dlje časa fermentirajo, da bi izločili več hranil. Jak dnevno potrebuje 1 % telesne teže, medtem ko govedo potrebuje 3 %, da ohrani stanje.


V nasprotju s splošnim prepričanjem imajo jaki in njihov gnoj malo ali nič opaznega vonja [13], kadar se primerno hranijo na pašnikih ali ogradah z ustreznim dostopom do krme in vode. Jakova volna je naravno odporna na vonj. [13]

Razmnoževanje in življenjska zgodovina

Deset dni star jak.

Jaki se parijo poleti, običajno med julijem in septembrom, odvisno od lokalnega okolja. Preostanek leta veliko bikov potuje v majhnih skupinah proč od velikih čred, a ko se približa čas parjenja, postanejo agresivni in se redno borijo med seboj, da bi vzpostavili prevlado. Poleg nenasilnih groženj, ko krulijo in strgajo zemljo s svojimi rogovi, biki tudi bolj neposredno tekmujejo, se večkrat zaletavajo drug v drugega s spuščenimi glavami ali dvobojujejo s svojimi rogovi. Tako kot bizon, vendar za razliko od goveda, se samci med gonjenjem valjajo v suhi zemlji, pogosto pa označujejo vonj z urinom ali gnojem. Samice so plodne do štirikrat na leto, sprejemljive pa le nekaj ur v vsakem ciklu. [14]

Brejost traja od 257 do 270 dni, tako da se mladiči rojevajo med majem in junijem in skotijo enega samega teleta. Samica najde samotno mesto za rojstvo, tele lahko hodi v desetih minutah po rojstvu in par se kmalu vrne v čredo. Samice divjih in domačih jakov običajno kotijo le enkrat vsako drugo leto, čeprav so pogostejša rojstva možna, če je preskrba s hrano dobra.

Teleta so odstavljena v enem letu in kmalu zatem postanejo neodvisna. Divja teleta so sprva rjave barve in šele kasneje razvijejo temnejše odrasle dlake. Samice običajno kotijo prvič v starosti treh ali štirih let [15] in dosežejo najvišjo stopnjo reproduktivne sposobnosti stare približno šest let. Jaki lahko živijo več kot dvajset let v udomačenju ali ujetništvu, čeprav je verjetno, da je to v naravi nekoliko krajše.

Hibridni jak

V Nepalu, Tibetu in Mongoliji se domače govedo križa z jaki. To povzroča neplodne samce dzo མཛོ། kot tudi plodne samice, znane kot མཛོ་མོ། dzomo ali zhom, ki jih lahko ponovno križamo z govedom. Pasma Dwarf Lulu, »edini Bos primigenius taurus, tip goveda v Nepalu« je bila preizkušena na DNK markerje in ugotovljeno je, da je mešanica obeh vrst bika in zebuja (B. p. taurus in B. p. indicus) z jakom. [16] Po podatkih Mednarodne veterinarske informacijske službe je nizka produktivnost križancev druge generacije goveda jaka primerna le za meso.

Križanja med jaki in domačim govedom (Bos primigenius taurus) so v kitajski literaturi zabeležena vsaj 2000 let. Uspešni križanci so bili zabeleženi tudi med jakom in ameriškim bizonom[17], gaurom in bantengom (Bos javanicus), običajno s podobnimi rezultati kot pri domačem govedu.

Odnos z ljudmi

Udomačeni jaki se vzrejajo tisoče let, predvsem zaradi njihovega mleka, volne in mesa in kot tovorna žival. Njihovi posušeni iztrebki so pomembno gorivo, ki se uporablja po vsem Tibetu in so pogosto edino gorivo, ki je na voljo na visoki tibetanski planoti. Jak prenaša blago preko gorskih prelazov za lokalne kmete in trgovce, pa tudi za plezalne in treking pohode. »Samo ena stvar otežuje uporabo jakov za dolga potovanja v neugodnih regijah. Ne bodo jedli žita, ki bi ga lahko prenašali na poti. Stradali bodo, če jih ne bo mogoče pripeljati na mesto, kjer je trava« [18]. Uporabljajo se tudi za oranje. [19] Jakovo mleko se pogosto predeluje v sir, imenovan čhurpi, v tibetanskem in nepalskem jeziku in byaslag v Mongoliji. Maslo, narejeno iz jakovega mleka, je sestavina maslenega čaja, ki ga Tibetanci popijejo v velikih količinah[20], uporablja pa se tudi v svetilkah in za izdelavo maslenih skulptur, ki se uporabljajo pri verskih praznikih. [21]

Dirkanje jakov

Raziskave na podeželju

Indijska vlada je leta 1989 ustanovila namenski center za raziskave jaka, ICAR-Nacionalni raziskovalni center jaka. Je v mestu Dirang, Arunačal Pradeš in vzdržuje farmo jakov na območju Nyukmadung na nadmorski višini 2750 m. [22]

Jak v športu

V delih Tibeta in Karakoruma je dirkanje jakov oblika zabave na tradicionalnih festivalih in velja za pomemben del njihove kulture. V zadnjem času se športi, ki vključujejo udomačene jake, kot so smučanje z jaki ali polo, tržijo kot turistična znamenitost v državah Srednje Azije, vključno v Gilgit-Baltistanu, Pakistan.



  1. MSW3 id = 14200680 | page = 691, ISBN 978-0-8018-8221-0. OCLC 62265494
  2. Guo, S.; et al. (2006). "Taxonomic placement and origin of yaks: implications from analyses of mtDNA D-loop fragment sequences". Acta Theriologica Sinica 26 (4): 325–330.
  3. International Commission on Zoological Nomenclature (2003). "Opinion 2027. Usage of 17 specific names based on wild species which are predated by or contemporary with those based on domestic animals (Lepidoptera, Osteichthyes, Mammalia): conserved". Bulletin of Zoological Nomenclature 60: 81–84.
  4. {{{assessors}}} (2008). Bos mutus . Rdeči seznam IUCN ogroženih vrst 2014.2. IUCN 2014. Pridobljeno: 4 September 2014.
  5. Gentry, A.; Clutton-Brock, J.; Groves, C. P. (2004). "The naming of wild animal species and their domestic derivatives". Journal of Archaeological Science 31 (5): 645. doi:10.1016/j.jas.2003.10.006.
  6. Leslie, D.M.; Schaller, G.B. (2009). "Bos grunniens and Bos mutus (Artiodactyla: Bovidae)". Mammalian Species 836: 1–17. doi:10.1644/836.1.
  7. Buchholtz, C. (1990). True Cattle (Genus Bos). pp. 386–397 in S. Parker, ed. Grzimek's Encyclopedia of Mammals, Volume 5. New York: McGraw-Hill Publishing Company. (quoted in Oliphant, M. (2003). Bos grunniens (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed 4 April 2009)
  8. "The Yak. Chapter 2: Yak breeds". FAO. Pridobljeno dne 2017-08-31.
  9. "ORIGINS, DOMESTICATION AND DISTRIBUTION OF YAK". www.fao.org. Pridobljeno dne 2017-08-31.
  10. Wiener, Gerald; Jianlin, Han; Ruijun, Long (2003). "4 The Yak in Relation to Its Environment", The Yak, Second Edition. Bangkok: Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, ISBN 92-5-104965-3. Accessed 8 August 2008.
  11. Sarkar, M.; Das, D. N.; Mondal, D. B. (1999). "Fetal Haemoglobin in Pregnant Yaks (Poephagus grunniens L.)". The Veterinary Journal 158 (1): 68–70. PMID 10409419. doi:10.1053/tvjl.1999.0361.
  12. Yak, Animal genetics training resources version II: Breed Information. Adopted from: Bonnemaire, J. "Yak". In: Mason, Ian L. (ed). (1984). Evolution of Domesticated Animals. London: Longman, pp. 39–45. ISBN 0-582-46046-8. Accessed 8 August 2008.
  13. "Superior Properties of Yak Wool". Arhivirano iz prvotnega spletišča dne 6 December 2010. Pridobljeno dne 3 May 2012.
  14. Sarkar, M.; Prakash, B.S. (2005). "Timing of ovulation in relation to onset of estrus and LH peak in yak (Poephagus grunniens L.)". Animal Reproduction Science 86 (4): 353–362. doi:10.1016/j.anireprosci.2004.08.005.
  15. Zi, X.D. (2003). "Reproduction in female yaks (Bos grunniens) and opportunities for improvement". Theriogenology 59 (5–6): 1303–1312. PMID 12527077. doi:10.1016/S0093-691X(02)01172-X.
  16. Takeda, K.; Satoh, M.; Neopane, S.P.; Kuwar, B.S.; Joshi, H.D.; Shrestha, N.P.; Fujise, H.; Tasai, M.; Tagami, T.; Hanada, H. (2004). "Mitochondrial DNA analysis of Nepalese domestic dwarf cattle Lulu". Animal Science Journal 75 (2): 103. doi:10.1111/j.1740-0929.2004.00163.x.
  17. Zhang, R.C. (14 December 2000). "Interspecies Hybridization between Yak, Bos taurus and Bos indicus and Reproduction of the Hybrids". In: Recent Advances in Yak Reproduction, Zhao, X.X.; Zhang, R.C. (eds.). International Veterinary Information Service.
  18. Golden Book Encyclopedia, Vol. 16 p. 1505b. Rockefeller Center, NY: Golden Press (1959).
  19. Gyamtsho, Pema. "Economy of Yak Herders" (PDF).
  20. Tibet and Tibetan Foods. Flavorandfortune.com. Dostopano 19. decembra 2012.
  21. Yaks, butter & lamps in Tibet, webexhibits.org
  22. "ICAR-National Research Centre on Yak".

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Domači jak: Brief Summary ( Spanish; Castilian )

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Domači jak (Bos grunniens) je dolgodlaki udomačen votlorog, ki ga najdemo po vsej himalajski regiji, na indijski podcelini, tibetanski planoti in severu kot sta Mongolija in Rusija. Izvira iz divjega jaka (Bos mutus).

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Домашній як ( Ukrainian )

provided by wikipedia UK
У Вікіпедії є статті про інші значення цього терміна: як.

Як (Bos grunniens) — ссавець з родини бикових, поширений на території Гімалаїв та навколишніх районів.


Слово «як» походить від тибетського gyag, яким місцеві жителі позначають самців цих тварин (самиця яких тибетською буде dri або nak).


Висота в холці 180—200 см. Маса дорослих самців до 600 кг. Шерсть густа, рівна, утворює своєрідну «спідничку», що доходить до землі та уберігає від застуди під час відпочинку на холодній землі та снігу. У негоду під «спідничку» ховається маля. Також в завірюху яки ховають самок з малюками у середину стада, так вони захищають їх від негоди. Дикі яки мають виключно чорне забарвлення, домашні бувають бурими та біло-плямистими. Яки мають дуже добре розвинутий нюх; зір та слух звичайно слабкіші. Ноги у них коротші і товстіші, ніж у корови.[1]

Переважна більшість яків одомашнені та утримуються в неволі, проте існує і невелика дика популяція цих тварин.


Яка одомашнено у першому тисячолітті до н. е від яка дикого. Домашні яки дрібніші та флегматичніші, розводять їх на Алтаї, в Тибеті, Памірі, Тянь-Шані. Як — незамінна в'ючна тварина, може переносити вантажі вагою до 150 кг, легко долаючи круті схили. Яки перевозять важкі вантажі там, де коні дуже швидко пристають; ними можна зорати землю там, де не проходять трактори.[1] Самиця яка дає усього 2-3 л молока на добу, але його жирність 6-7 %, що в 2 рази більше ніж в коров'ячого. З жирного і смачного молока яків роблять сметану, масло.[1] З шерсті яка виготовляють теплі речі. Стада цих копитних не потребують догляду, вони не бояться вітрів і лютих морозів. Яки дають плідні гібриди з великою рогатою худобою. Корови, які народилися від мішаних батьківських пар — хайнаки, успадковують підвищену жирність молока.

Пара яків у зоопарку


Ареал обмежений Тибетом та деякими районами Середньої Азії. Як заселяє безлісі високогірні щебенисті напівпустелі, що пересікаються долинами з болотами та озерами. У гори підймаються до 5000 м.

Спосіб життя

У серпні-вересні яки відходять до межі вічних снігів, зиму проводять у долинах, де можна добути з під снігу яку-небудь рослинність. Дуже люблять купатися навіть у холодну погоду. Тримаються групами до 3-5 осіб. Старі бики ведуть усамітнений спосіб життя.

Дикий як


Яки полюбляють пити багато води і лише у крайніх випадках їдять сніг. Неперебірливі, а тому охоче поїдають навіть сухі жорсткі рослини, нерідко викопуючи їх взимку з-під снігу.[1]


Гін відбувається у вересні-жовтні. Між самцями трапляються жорстокі бійки, іноді зі смертельним наслідком. Після 9-ти місячної вагітності, у червні народжується одне теля. Малюк не розлучається з матір'ю близько року.


  1. а б в г М. М. Скаткін // Природознавство: підручник для 4 класу. — К.: «Радянська школа», 1967. с.256 (сторінки:42-43)
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Домашній як: Brief Summary ( Ukrainian )

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У Вікіпедії є статті про інші значення цього терміна: як.

Як (Bos grunniens) — ссавець з родини бикових, поширений на території Гімалаїв та навколишніх районів.

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Bò Tây Tạng ( Vietnamese )

provided by wikipedia VI

Bò Tây Tạng (danh pháp khoa học: Bos grunniens) là một loài lông dài được tìm thấy trong suốt khu vực Himalaya ở miền nam Trung Á, bao gồm cao nguyên Thanh-Tạng và xa về phía bắc tới tận Mông Cổ. Ngoài các quần thể thuần hóa lớn còn có các quần thể nhỏ bò Tây Tạng hoang dã dễ thương tổn. Từ gyag trong tiếng Tạng (chữ Tạng: གཡག་; Wylie: g.yag) chỉ được dùng để nói tới các con đực của loài này; còn con cái được gọi là dri hay nak. Trong một số ngôn ngữ vay mượn từ gyag, như tiếng Anh, người ta dùng từ yak để chỉ cả hai giới.

Bò Tây Tạng sống thành bầy. Bò đực hoang dã cao khoảng 2–2,2 m (tính tới vai), bò cái cao khoảng 1,6 m, còn bò thuần hóa cao khoảng 1,6–1,8 m. Cả hai giới đều có lông dài và rậm bờm xờm để giúp chúng không bị lạnh. Bò hoang có màu đen hay nâu. Bò nhà có thể có màu trắng. Cả bò đực lẫn bò cái đều có sừng. Bò Tây Tạng có thể sống tới trên 20 năm.

Bò hoang

Bò hoang Tây Tạng (tiếng Tạng: drong) có thể cân nặng tới 1.200 kg (2.520 lb) và có chiều dài đầu và thân khoảng 3–3,4 m. Chúng thường tạo thành các nhóm từ 10 tới 30 con. Môi trường sống của chúng là các vùng đất cao không cây gỗ, như đồi, núisơn nguyên trên độ cao khoảng từ 3.200 m (10.500 ft) tới khoảng 5.400 m (18.000 ft). Về mặt sinh lý học, bò Tây Tạng đã thích nghi tốt với độ cao lớn, có tim và phổi to hơn so với bò ở các độ cao nhỏ hơn cũng như khả năng vận chuyển ôxy lớn hơn theo đường máu.[1] Ngược lại, bò Tây Tạng khó sống bình thường ở các độ cao nhỏ.[2] Chúng ăn cỏ, địa y và các loài thực vật khác.[3] Chúng được cách nhiệt bằng lớp lông trong rậm cũng như bằng lớp lông ngoài dài và bờm xờm.[4] Bò Tây Tạng tiết ra một chất nhờn đặc biệt trong mồ hôi của chúng để giữ cho bộ lông trong bện lại và có tác dụng như một lớp cách nhiệt bổ sung. Chất tiết ra này được sử dụng trong y học dân gian Nepal. Nhiều con bò Tây Tạng hoang dã bị người dân giết để lấy thịt do đó hiện nay chúng là loài dễ thương tổn.[5] Trong quá khứ, kẻ săn đuổi và ăn thịt bò Tây Tạng chính là sói Tây Tạng (Canis lupus chanco).

Hành vi

Bò Tây Tạng là động vật sống theo đàn, đàn có thể bao gồm hàng trăm cá thể, mặt dù nhiều đàn nhỏ hơn nhiều. Trong đàn chủ yếu là con cái và con non của chúng, với một số nhỏ con đực trưởng thành. Những con đực thừa thường đơn độc, hoặc tìm thấy ở các nhóm nhỏ hơn nhiều, trung bình khoảng sáu cá thể. Mặc dù chúng có thể trở nên hung dữ khi bảo vệ con non, hoặc trong quá trình động đực, bò Tây Tạng hoang dã nói chung tránh con người, và có thể nhanh chóng chạy trốn cho khoảng cách rất xa nếu có bất kỳ tiếp cận nào.[6]

Bò nhà

Người đàn bà với bò Tây Tạng tại hồ Thanh Hải.

Bò Tây Tạng nhà được nuôi giữ chủ yếu để lấy sữa, lôngthịt, cũng như để kéo cày hay kéo xe. Chúng vận chuyển hàng hóa đi khắp các đèo núi cho hững người nông dân và nhà buôn địa phương cũng như cho các đoàn thám hiểm và leo núi. Phân bò thậm chí cũng được đốt như là nguồn nhiên liệu. Sữa bò thường được chế biến thành phó mát gọi là chhurpi trong tiếng Tạng và tiếng Nepal, và byaslag trong tiếng Mông Cổ. làm từ sữa bò Tây Tạng là một thành phần của trà bơ mà người Tạng tiêu thụ với số lượng lớn[7] cũng như được dùng làm đèn và các tượng bơ dùng trong các lễ hội tôn giáo.[8]

Thường thì dạng bò Tây Tạng chuyên dùng chở đồ trên thực tế là con lai giao phối chéo giữa bò Tây Tạng với Bos taurus (bò nhà). Những con bò này trong tiếng Tạng gọi là dzo hay dzopkyo còn trong tiếng Mông Cổ thì là khainag.

Lông bò Tây Tạng mềm và mượt với một số màu; như xám, nâu, đen và trắng. Các sợi lông này dài khoảng 3 cm (1,2 inch) và được chải hay lột từ thân bò và sau đó đem khử lông. Kết quả thu được là các sợi lông tơ có thể đánh thành cuộn để dệt hay đan. Lông bò được làm thành dây chão, thảm và nhiều sản phẩm khác. Da của chúng được dùng để sản xuất giày da và túi cũng như trong việc làm thuyền kiểu thuyền thúng.

Bò Tây Tạng nhà giao phối trong khoảng tháng 7-9; bò cái có thể thụ thai ở độ tuổi 3–4 năm, đẻ con trong khoảng từ tháng 4 tới tháng 6 sau mỗi khoảng thời gian khoảng 2-3 năm, dường như phụ thuộc vào nguồn cung cấp thức ăn. Chu kỳ mang thai khoảng 9 tháng. Do không có số liệu nên người ta cho rằng bò Tây Tạng hoang cũng có hành vi sinh sản tương tự. Bò con (bê) bú mẹ khoảng 1 năm trước khi tự do kiếm ăn.

Thể thao

Tại một số nơi ở Tây Tạng, đua bò Tây Tạng được coi là trò giải trí thu hút tại các lễ hội truyền thống của người Tạng.

Gần đây hơn, các môn thể thao với sự tham gia của bò Tây Tạng thuần hóa, như xki bò Tây Tạng hay polo bò Tây Tạng, đang được tiếp thị như là những nét hấp dẫn du khách tại khu vực này.

Thư viện ảnh

Chú thích

  1. ^ Wiener Gerald, Han Jianlin, Long Ruijun, "4 The Yak in Relation to Its Environment", The Yak", Ấn bản lần 2. Băng Cốc: Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, 2003. ISBN 92-5-104965-3. Truy cập ngày 8 tháng 8 năm 2008.
  2. ^ Yak, Animal genetics training resources version II: Breed Information. Lấy từ: Bonnemaire, J. "Yak". Trong: Mason Ian L. (chủ biên), Evolution of Domesticated Animals. London: Longman, 1984, trang 39–45. ISBN 0-582-46046-8. Truy cập ngày 8 tháng 8 năm 2008.
  3. ^ Yak
  4. ^ Paul Massicot, Animal Info - Wild Yak, ngày 5 tháng 3 năm 2005. Truy cập ngày 8 tháng 8 năm 2008.
  5. ^ Yak tại Alaska Zoo.
  6. ^ Guo, S. và đồng nghiệp (2006). “Taxonomic placement and origin of yaks: implications from analyses of mtDNA D-loop fragment sequences”. Acta Theriologica Sinica 26 (4): 325–330. Bảo trì CS1: Định rõ "và đồng nghiệp" (link)
  7. ^ Tibet and Tibetan Foods
  8. ^ Yaks, butter & lamps in Tibet, webexhibits.org

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Bò Tây Tạng: Brief Summary ( Vietnamese )

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Bò Tây Tạng (danh pháp khoa học: Bos grunniens) là một loài lông dài được tìm thấy trong suốt khu vực Himalaya ở miền nam Trung Á, bao gồm cao nguyên Thanh-Tạng và xa về phía bắc tới tận Mông Cổ. Ngoài các quần thể thuần hóa lớn còn có các quần thể nhỏ bò Tây Tạng hoang dã dễ thương tổn. Từ gyag trong tiếng Tạng (chữ Tạng: གཡག་; Wylie: g.yag) chỉ được dùng để nói tới các con đực của loài này; còn con cái được gọi là dri hay nak. Trong một số ngôn ngữ vay mượn từ gyag, như tiếng Anh, người ta dùng từ yak để chỉ cả hai giới.

Bò Tây Tạng sống thành bầy. Bò đực hoang dã cao khoảng 2–2,2 m (tính tới vai), bò cái cao khoảng 1,6 m, còn bò thuần hóa cao khoảng 1,6–1,8 m. Cả hai giới đều có lông dài và rậm bờm xờm để giúp chúng không bị lạnh. Bò hoang có màu đen hay nâu. Bò nhà có thể có màu trắng. Cả bò đực lẫn bò cái đều có sừng. Bò Tây Tạng có thể sống tới trên 20 năm.

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牦牛 ( Chinese )

provided by wikipedia 中文维基百科

牦牛学名Bos grunniens藏文གཡག་威利g.yag),又作犛牛氂牛,是一种生活在青藏高原的长毛的牛属动物,在西藏是一種被驯养的牲畜。








牦牛: Brief Summary ( Chinese )

provided by wikipedia 中文维基百科

牦牛(学名:Bos grunniens,藏文:གཡག་,威利:g.yag),又作犛牛、氂牛,是一种生活在青藏高原的长毛的牛属动物,在西藏是一種被驯养的牲畜。

 src= 混血犛牛



