Tube worms (Riftia pachyptila) at a Pacific hydrothermal vent
Galeolaria aurantiaca (Vogt.).
Polycirrus exinius.
Clymenella torquata.
Polydora (Leucodore) ciliata, with ova (1) : Young larvae of Polydora from a photomicrograph (2), Older stages (3-4), Somewhat more advanced (5-9), Egg-cases of polydora (10).
Siphostoma fuscum (The Pipe-Fish).. fig. 19Young embryo, in which the tail is still archicereal and the dorsal and pectoral fins are just developing. fig.20 a still younger stage, in which the tail is just beginning to grow out. fig.21 an older stage, i
Cirratulus grandis.
Polynoe squamata.
Diopatra cupres. Head and anterior part of body, showing part of the branchiae; side view.
Local distribution of the polychaetous worm Clymenella torquata. This is likewise determined by the character of the bottom, but is almost the converse of that of Nereis pelagica, the present species being in a large degree restricted to a muddy habitat.
Siphostoma fuscum (The Pipe-Fish).. fig. 19Young embryo, in which the tail is still archicereal and the dorsal and pectoral fins are just developing. fig.20 a still younger stage, in which the tail is just beginning to grow out. fig.21 an older stage, in which the caudal fin is beginning to be formed
Nephthys ingens. Anterior part of body and extended proboscis; ventral view.
Glycera meekelii, with pharynx everted.
Magnified parapodium of Nereis dumerlii: dora, circ, dormal cirrus; vent, cire, ventral cirrus; s, setae.
Nereis limbata. Male, anteror part of body, head and extended proboscis.
Nereis pelaglos. 1, male; 2, female.
Head of Nereis pelogica.
Cistenides gouldii.
Seed scallops, with a small amount of white worm tube (Serpula) attached to the shell. These scallkops have not yet spawned, and, for the future welfare of the scallop fishery, should be protected until they have passed the spawning period, which occurs when the scallop is one year old. The capture of these immature scallops is a decided menace to the fishery, and is forbidden by law.
Blood-Spot Worm.
Parasite on the Skate (Hirudo muricata).
1-Nereis cultrifera (Grub.), adulte.-- 2, individu jeune. -- 3, forme heteronereide, femelle de la meme espece. -- 4, forme heteronereide, male de la meme espece.