Syd for Dokkedal
Fønstrup Dam, Nødebo, Hillerød, Danmark
Ørn Sø, Silkeborg, Danmark
Gudenå opstrøms Klostermølle, Jylland, Danmark
Ørn Sø, Silkeborg, Danmark
Ravnkilde ved Rebild Bakker, Jylland, Danmark
Øster Hurup
Aqua Silkeborg
Lendrup S.f. Løgstør, Danmark
Danmarks Akvarium
L’Aquàrium de Barcelona, Spain
Hampen Sø
Ørn Sø, Silkeborg, Danmark
Tube worms (Riftia pachyptila) at a Pacific hydrothermal vent
Galeolaria aurantiaca (Vogt.).
Polycirrus exinius.
Clymenella torquata.
Polydora (Leucodore) ciliata, with ova (1) : Young larvae of Polydora from a photomicrograph (2), Older stages (3-4), Somewhat more advanced (5-9), Egg-cases of polydora (10).
Siphostoma fuscum (The Pipe-Fish).. fig. 19Young embryo, in which the tail is still archicereal and the dorsal and pectoral fins are just developing. fig.20 a still younger stage, in which the tail is just beginning to grow out. fig.21 an older stage, i
Cirratulus grandis.