Ravnkilde ved Rebild Bakker, Jylland, Danmark
Aqua Silkeborg
Lendrup S Løgstør
Danmarks Akvarium
Kvinnherad, Hordaland, Norge
Hampen Sø
Polynoe squamata.
Diopatra cupres. Head and anterior part of body, showing part of the branchiae; side view.
Local distribution of the polychaetous worm Clymenella torquata. This is likewise determined by the character of the bottom, but is almost the converse of that of Nereis pelagica, the present species being in a large degree restricted to a muddy habitat.
Siphostoma fuscum (The Pipe-Fish).. fig. 19Young embryo, in which the tail is still archicereal and the dorsal and pectoral fins are just developing. fig.20 a still younger stage, in which the tail is just beginning to grow out. fig.21 an older stage, in which the caudal fin is beginning to be formed
Sarah Faulwetter, Georgios Chatzigeorgiou, Bella S. Galil, Artemis Nicolaidou, Christos Arvanitidis
Figure 2.Sphaerosyllis levantina sp. n. SEM images of a anterior end and midbody, dorsal view b-c compound chaetae, anterior chaetigers d dorsalmost compound chaetae, anterior chaetiger e compound and dorsal simple chaetae, midbody f dorsalmost compound chaeta, posterior chaetiger g ventralmost compound chaetae, posterior chaetiger h dorsal simple chaeta
Figure 2.A–G Serpula madrigalae sp. n., from Turks and Caicos, USNM 1157006, holotype A–B tube and detail C entire body D–E operculum, in aboral and lateral views F bayonet chaetae G hooded (capillary) chaetae H–J Serpula cf. vermicularis, from Nigeria, UMML 22.545 H–I two distinct opercula in lateral and aboral views J bayonet chaetae.
Mathan Magesh, Sebastian Kvist, Christopher J. Glasby
Figure 3.Namalycastis jaya sp. n.Holotype: a jaw pieces, ventromedial view b anterior parapodium from chaetiger 10 c parapodium from chaetiger 50 d parapodium from chaetiger 100 e posterior parapodium from chaetiger 210 f posterior parapodium from chaetiger 230 g sub-neuroacicular spiniger, chaetiger 10 h sub-neuroacicular falciger, chaetiger 109 i supra-neuroacicular spiniger, chaetiger 80 j sub-neuroacicular spiniger, chaetiger 210 k sub-neuroacicular falciger, chaetiger 210 l supra-neuroacicular falciger, chaetiger 20. Fs Finely serrated; Cs Coarsely serrated; Ms Medium serrated.
Ratmanee Chanabun, Chirasak Sutcharit, Piyoros Tongkerd, Somsak Panha
Figure 12.Morphology of the lectotype (ZMH V9293) of Glyphidrilus jacobsoni Michaelsen, 1922, showing the A external ventral and B internal dorsal views.
Figure 2.A Eisenia nordenskioldi mongol ssp. n. Holotype anterio-ventral view, dorsal prostomium [plus enlargements with that of P1 boxed], posterior, plus actual setal ratios on 13; spermathecae and calciferous glands in situ, nephridia in 12 & 17 B Eisenia nordenskioldi polypapillata after Perel’ (1969: text-fig) for fair use comparison.
Robert J. Blakemore, Seunghan Lee, Wonchoel Lee, Hong-Yul Seo
Figure 2.Amynthas jinburi sp. n. showing ventral view with spermathecae and 18rhs prostate in situ plus simple intestinal caecum in 27; dorsal view of prostomium; [boxed is 2X lateral view of spermathecal pores in 5 & 6rhs].
Andrés Arias, Rômulo Barroso, Nuria Anadón, Paulo C. Paiva
Figure 2.Eurythoe laevisetis from Malta. A live specimen, general view B live specimen, lateral view C live specimen anterior end, dorsal view D detailed view of anterior end, dorsal view E neurochaetae F spurred capillary notochaetae. Eurythoe complanata from Israel G detailed anterior end, dorsal view H harpoon notochaeta I notopodial spurred capillar notochaeta J notoacicular spines.
Sergio I. Salazar-Vallejo, Galina Buzhinskaja
Figure 2.Caulleryaspis fauchaldi sp. n., juvenile specimen (LACM 5362) A Ventral view B Anterior end, ventral view C Ventro-caudal shield, frontal view D Dorsal view. Bars: A, C, D 0.38 mm B 0.26 mm.
María E. García-Garza, J.A. de León-González
Figure 3.Amphictene guatemalensis. Holotype. A ventral view of anterior end B dorsal view of scaphe D scaphal hooks. Bar scale = A, B = 1 mm; C = 20mm.
William A. Hopkins, William E. Moser, David W. Garst, Dennis J. Richardson, Charlotte I. Hammond, Eric A. Lazo-Wasem
Figure 3.Ventral surface of Placobdella appalachiensis sp. n., Holotype USNM 1232924 collected from an adult eastern hellbender (Cryptobranchus alleganiensis) from stream reach A3 in southwest Virginia, USA. Scale bar equals 1 mm.
Darío J. Díaz Cosín, Marta Novo, Rosa Fernández, Daniel Fernández Marchán, Mónica Gutiérrez
Figure 3.Schematic view of the external morphology of Eiseniona gerardoi.
Daniel Fernández Marchán, Rosa Fernández, Marta Novo, Darío J. Díaz Cosín
Figure 3.A) Spermathecae in segments 9 and 10. Note the double spermathecae in segment 10 of this specimen. B) Nephridial bladder of segment 7.
Shinri Tomioka, Eijiroh Nishi, Hiroshi Kajihara
Figure 3.Mediomastus duobalteus sp. n., paratype, CBM-ZW 1089, SEM images. A Capillary chaetae on segment 3 B notopodial hooded hooks on segment 6 C neuropodial hooded hooks on segment 6 D notopodial hooded hooks on segment 13.