Perception Channels: visual ; tactile ; acoustic ; chemical
Verdins are negatively impacted by the loss of habitat due to commercial and residential development. While healthy populations exist within suburban environments, verdin populations have been shown to decrease in highly urbanized environments such as mobile home parks and golf courses. However no management efforts have been taken to increase populations.
(Webster, 1999)
US Migratory Bird Act: protected
US Federal List: no special status
CITES: no special status
IUCN Red List of Threatened Species: least concern
The bulk of the diet of the verdin is insects and is complemented by nectar, fruits and seeds of legumes. Verdins forage within desert shrubs and trees, flitting actively among the limbs chasing insects. Verdins will also forage from flower and will feed from hummingbird feeders in suburban landscapes. When the verdin captures large prey it holds it with its feet and tears it apart with its bill. When feeding foraging from long flowers it will pierce the base of the corolla to reach the nectar. In fall and winter the verdin will feed on fruits and berries as well as seeds from legumes. The verdin has shown no evidence of food storage. (Webster, 1999)
Foods eaten include: caterpillars, jumping spiders, aphids, beetle and wasp larvae, leafhoppers, berries, nectar, palm fruits and seedpods of legumes.
Animal Foods: insects; terrestrial non-insect arthropods
Plant Foods: seeds, grains, and nuts; fruit; nectar
Primary Diet: carnivore (Insectivore , Eats non-insect arthropods)
The verdin occupies desert regions of southwest North America from southwestern Colorado down into Mexico, throughout Baja California and along the Gulf of Mexico south to Tamaulipas.
(Sibley, 2000; Webster, 1999)
Biogeographic Regions: nearctic (Native )
The verdin is primarily an inhabitant of desert scrub areas, particularly in desert riparian zones and along washes. Verdins prefer thorny brush over open desert and are found at lower elevations but can be present at higher elevations in central Mexico.
(Webster, 1999)
Range elevation: 2135 (high) m.
Habitat Regions: temperate ; terrestrial
Terrestrial Biomes: scrub forest
Other Habitat Features: riparian
The longest-living Verdin is recorded at 5 years 7 months. But data suggests that the average lifespan rarely exceeds more than 3 years.
(Webster, 1999)
Range lifespan
Status: wild: 5.6 (high) years.
Average lifespan
Status: wild: 3 years.
Average lifespan
Status: wild: 67 months.
The verdin has an ash-gray upperside and a pale-gray or white underside. The head is yellow and has dark lores. A maroon patch on the shoulders is present. Males are brighter overall; juveniles lack the yellow head, dark lores and maroon shoulder patch and are plain gray overall. Very small bird, with a short, rounded tail and a short and sharp bill.
(Sibley, 2000; Webster, 1999)
Range mass: 6 to 8 g.
Range length: 90 to 110 mm.
Average wingspan: 16.25 cm.
Other Physical Features: endothermic ; bilateral symmetry
When a verdin detects a predator it repeatedly gives an alarm call of gee-gee-gee and will also make this call when foraging is interrupted by a large flock of birds. (Webster, 1999)
Known Predators:
In March males may begin building a display nest to attract a female. Both male and female will finish the nest together and the first clutch will be laid by mid-March to April. Both the sexes prepare a site for the nest by removing thorns from the area. The male's role in construction is dominated by the outer shell of the nest, while the female works on the inner layers. Nest sites are built at an average height of 1.8 m from the ground, ranging from 0.8 to 4 m. Several nests may be built close together by individuals of the same family group. However no cooperative nesting has been recorded. Nests tend to be conspicuous because they are placed in vegetation lacking dense coverage. However the nest may be composed of thorny branches, helping to reduce the threat of predation. In general the nest is domed with its entrance facing away from the center of the host plant supporting it. Nests built in the summer are built facing prevailing winds most likely for cooling purposes, while in the spring nests face away from prevailing winds. (Sibley 2001; Webster 1999)
Mating System: monogamous
Females lay 3-6 blue-green to greenish white eggs weighing about 0.96 g each. Egg-laying begins as soon as the female finishes lining the nest. Eggs are laid one per day in the mornings of consecutive days. Females have a brood patch and incubate the eggs for 14 to 18 days. Only the female incubates the eggs but the male remains in the vicinity of the nest and vocalizes frequently during incubation. Young fledge from the nest 17 to 21 days after hatching depending on the availability of insects for feeding. Males play a larger role in feeding fledglings as females may begin to lay a second clutch within 2 days after the young fledge. If a second clutch is laid, the male becomes fully responsible for the first fledglings. Gradually the male will lead the young further from the nest to forage in new feeding areas. (Webster, 1999)
Breeding season: March to August
Range eggs per season: 3 to 6.
Average eggs per season: 4.
Range time to hatching: 14 to 18 days.
Range fledging age: 17 to 21 days.
Average age at sexual or reproductive maturity (female): 1 years.
Average age at sexual or reproductive maturity (male): 1 years.
Key Reproductive Features: iteroparous ; seasonal breeding ; gonochoric/gonochoristic/dioecious (sexes separate); sexual ; oviparous
Average eggs per season: 4.
The female solely incubates the eggs while the male calls frequently during incubation. Once the young have fledged the male plays a greater role in foraging as the female attempts to lay a second clutch. If the second clutch is laid, the male assumes all responsibility for the first set of young. (Webster, 1999)
Parental Investment: altricial ; male parental care ; female parental care
The verdin (Auriparus flaviceps) is a species of penduline tit. It is the only species in the genus Auriparus and the only representative of the old world family Remizidae to be found in North America.[2]
The verdin was formally described in 1850 by the Swedish zoologist Carl Jakob Sundevall under the binomial name Aegithalus flaviceps.[3][4] It is now the only species placed in the genus Auriparus that was introduced in 1864 by the American naturalist Spencer Fullerton Baird.[5][6] The genus name combines the Latin aurum, auri meaning "gold" with the genus name Parus that was introduced by Carl Linnaeus in 1758 for the tits. The specific epithet flaviceps combines the Latin flavis meaning "yellow" with -ceps meaning "-capped".[7]
Six subspecies are recognised:[6]
The verdin is a very small bird. At 4.5 in (11 cm) in length, it rivals the American bushtit as one of the smallest passerines in North America. It is gray overall, and adults have a bright yellow head and rufous shoulder patch (the lesser coverts). Unlike the tits, it has a sharply pointed bill. Juveniles have a light gray body without the rufous shoulder patch and yellow head. The base of the short bill is thick by the head, and draws to a sharp point at the tip.[2]
Little is known about geographic or individual variation in vocalizations. Verdins produce a variety of calls, loud for their size. The typical call note is a repetitive "tschep" sound repeated in rapid staccato. In Texas, rapid "chip-chip-chip" calls have been observed, all at the same pitch and at the same speed in each call series.”[8] The day of hatching, nestlings can produce short peep notes, faint and high-pitched. Fledglings, during their post-juvenile molt, can make soft warbling notes, similar to more complex signatures of adult calls.[9] The verdin gives rapid "tschep" calls frequently while foraging. Unmated males sound "tseet" calls repeatedly in early spring, which may function to attract females. "Tseet" calls are also given by either sex of a mated pair, by solitary foraging birds, and by older nestlings. This may be used as an identifier call to help keep members of the breeding pair together as they move through brush to forage.[10] "Tweedle" warbling calls may reinforce a breeding pair bond. The verdin also gives a "gee-gee-gee-gee" alarm call in response to predators or when captured.
Two subspecies nest in the United States. The subspecies A. f. acaciarum is resident from southern California, Nevada, and Utah southward into Mexico; it is associated mostly with the Sonoran Desert. The subspecies A. f. ornatus is found from New Mexico and Oklahoma southward into Mexico and is associated with the Chihuahuan Desert and its scrublands. The remaining 4-5 subspecies are resident to Mexico, and aren't known to migrate into the United States.[2] Verdins nest in shrubs and thorny thickets with few trees. Their nests are best described as spherical masses of bulky twigs and branches that are then lined with grasses, feathers, and hair. The entrance to the nest is about 1" in diameter, and is usually at the bottom of the sphere. They feed in shrub-land and scrubby outcrops where insects are hosted and berries and seeds are plentiful.[11]
Verdins nest in the spring and tend to form monogamous pairs, but do not stay together year-round. Otherwise, they are usually solitary. Both males and females build nests for roosting and nesting, and both incubate the eggs and tend to young. Clutch sizes vary from 3-6 eggs, which are light green with irregular dark red-brown spots, concentrated at the bottom end of the egg. No formal courtship display is known for the species, but males sing more frequently during breeding and sometimes also build a "display nest" of sorts. This display nest may help to display partner suitability, but this correlation has not been confirmed. Once paired, the male and female claim a territory (as large as 20 acres) and will defend the boundary starting early in the breeding season through fledging. After fledging, the young forage with both parents until winter, and then disperse short distances from their hatching site.[2]
Verdins are insectivorous, continuously foraging among the desert trees and scrubs. Verdins occasionally try to obtain sugar water from hummingbird feeders. Feeds on many kinds of tiny insects, both adults and larvae, and also consumes hard and soft mast of many trees and shrubs.[11]
Although the verdin is listed as a species of least concern [LC] by the IUCN,[1] The North American Breeding Bird Survey suggests that verdin populations have declined by 1.9% per year between 1968 and 2015. This decline could mean that the species has experienced a cumulative decrease of 60% in that 47-year period.[2] Threats to verdin populations include habitat loss as a result of urbanization, human structure collisions, and predation.
The verdin (Auriparus flaviceps) is a species of penduline tit. It is the only species in the genus Auriparus and the only representative of the old world family Remizidae to be found in North America.