
Lifespan, longevity, and ageing

provided by AnAge articles
Maximum longevity: 25 years (wild) Observations: Unverified estimates suggest these animals may live up to 28 years (http://www.fishbase.org/).
Joao Pedro de Magalhaes
de Magalhaes, J. P.
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AnAge articles


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Shortfin mako sharks are generally solitary; little is known specifically about how they may communicate with each other. These sharks have a well-developed sense of smell, with a pair of nares located underneath the snout. As water enters the nares, it passes over olfactory lamellae, which bear neurosensory cells. These sharks also have excellent eyesight; millions of rod cells, combined with a tapetum lucidum (to reflect light back into the retina) give them high light sensitivity and keen vision in low light conditions. They are also able to feel their way around their environments via tactile methods (nerve endings covering their skin, teeth, jaws and mouth). In addition, these sharks use their lateral line organs to sense changes in water pressure and movement. Shortfin mako sharks, like all chondrichthyans, have electrosensory organs known as Ampullae of Lorenzini which can be used to sense prey and possibly aid in navigation.

Communication Channels: visual ; tactile ; chemical ; electric

Other Communication Modes: vibrations

Perception Channels: visual ; tactile ; acoustic ; vibrations ; chemical ; electric

The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
bibliographic citation
Bridge, M.; R. Knighten and S. Tullgren 2013. "Isurus oxyrinchus" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Isurus_oxyrinchus.html
Madison Bridge, San Diego Mesa College
Roderick Knighten, San Diego Mesa College
Sara Tullgren, San Diego Mesa College
Paul Detwiler, San Diego Mesa College
Jeremy Wright, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor
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Animal Diversity Web

Conservation Status

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The IUCN lists this species as vulnerable, with a decreasing population. This decrease can be directly linked to overfishing, as well as their presence in bycatch of albacore (Thunnus alalunga) and broadbill swordfish (Xiphias gladius). The U.S. National Marine Fisheries Service has included this species on their list of managed pelagic sharks and reduced the number of catches, both commercial and recreational, allowed per year in the U.S. and Gulf waters by 50% in the hope of protecting this species. However, other populations outside the authority of the USNMFS are still vulnerable.

US Federal List: no special status

CITES: no special status

State of Michigan List: no special status

IUCN Red List of Threatened Species: vulnerable

The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
bibliographic citation
Bridge, M.; R. Knighten and S. Tullgren 2013. "Isurus oxyrinchus" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Isurus_oxyrinchus.html
Madison Bridge, San Diego Mesa College
Roderick Knighten, San Diego Mesa College
Sara Tullgren, San Diego Mesa College
Paul Detwiler, San Diego Mesa College
Jeremy Wright, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor
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Animal Diversity Web

Life Cycle

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These sharks are ovoviviparous. Embryos develop, nourished by egg yolk in egg sacs, in their mother's uterus (there is no placental connection). Young hatch into the uterus and exhibit oophagy (more developed fetuses may cannibalize eggs and less developed siblings). While in utero, the teeth, organs, lateral line, and other important structures develop. After 15-18 months, a litter is born, ranging from 4-16 pups at an average size of 68-70 cm. Juveniles are independent and grow quickly at first, though sexual maturity is not achieved until at least 8 years of age for males and 18 years of age for females.

The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
bibliographic citation
Bridge, M.; R. Knighten and S. Tullgren 2013. "Isurus oxyrinchus" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Isurus_oxyrinchus.html
Madison Bridge, San Diego Mesa College
Roderick Knighten, San Diego Mesa College
Sara Tullgren, San Diego Mesa College
Paul Detwiler, San Diego Mesa College
Jeremy Wright, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor
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Animal Diversity Web


provided by Animal Diversity Web

According the to Global Shark Attack Directory, there have only been three reports of Shortfin mako attacks on humans since 1974, therefore it is not considered a great natural threat to humans. They are known to damage boats and fishers after being hooked.

Negative Impacts: injures humans (bites or stings)

The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
bibliographic citation
Bridge, M.; R. Knighten and S. Tullgren 2013. "Isurus oxyrinchus" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Isurus_oxyrinchus.html
Madison Bridge, San Diego Mesa College
Roderick Knighten, San Diego Mesa College
Sara Tullgren, San Diego Mesa College
Paul Detwiler, San Diego Mesa College
Jeremy Wright, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor
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Animal Diversity Web


provided by Animal Diversity Web

As one of the fastest sharks, shortfin mako sharks are desirable trophy fish. Additionally, their fins, flesh, and liver oil are sold in Asian markets.

Positive Impacts: food ; source of medicine or drug

The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
bibliographic citation
Bridge, M.; R. Knighten and S. Tullgren 2013. "Isurus oxyrinchus" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Isurus_oxyrinchus.html
Madison Bridge, San Diego Mesa College
Roderick Knighten, San Diego Mesa College
Sara Tullgren, San Diego Mesa College
Paul Detwiler, San Diego Mesa College
Jeremy Wright, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor
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Animal Diversity Web


provided by Animal Diversity Web

Shortfin makos are a vital part of oceanic ecosystems. As top-level predators, they eat smaller predators, affecting populations of other prey organisms lower in the food chain. They also control spatial distributions of prey by switching prey when the supply of one becomes low, helping to maintain diversity in a given environment. They are known to have remoras associated with them, which help to keep populations of ectoparasitic copepods in check.

Ecosystem Impact: keystone species

Mutualist Species:

  • Remora osteochir (Family Echeneidae, Class Actinopterygii)

Commensal/Parasitic Species:

  • Anthosoma crassum (Superorder Podoplea, Subclass Copepoda)
  • Dinemoura producta (Superorder Podoplea, Subclass Copepoda)
  • Echthrogaleus denticulatus (Superorder Podoplea, Subclass Copepoda)
  • Nemesis lamna (Superorder Podoplea, Subclass Copepoda)
  • Pandarus floridanus (Superorder Podoplea, Subclass Copepoda)
  • Pandarus smithi (Superorder Podoplea, Subclass Copepoda)
The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
bibliographic citation
Bridge, M.; R. Knighten and S. Tullgren 2013. "Isurus oxyrinchus" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Isurus_oxyrinchus.html
Madison Bridge, San Diego Mesa College
Roderick Knighten, San Diego Mesa College
Sara Tullgren, San Diego Mesa College
Paul Detwiler, San Diego Mesa College
Jeremy Wright, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor
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Animal Diversity Web

Trophic Strategy

provided by Animal Diversity Web

Shortfin mako sharks are at the top of the marine food chain, making them apex predators. Bluefish (Pomatomus saltatrix) have been shown to make up about 92% of their diet (by weight) in the northwest Atlantic. Generally, prey include other fish and elasmobranchs, cephalopods and, occasionally marine mammals. Recorded prey includes Atlantic mackerel (Scomber scombrus), Atlantic herring (Clupea pallasii pallasii), albacore (Thunnus alalunga), swordfish (Xiphias gladius), squid (Loligo pealeii and Illex illecebrosus), dolphins (Delphinus capensis), green sea turtles (Chelonia mydas), and unidentified small cetaceans.

Animal Foods: mammals; fish; mollusks

Primary Diet: carnivore (Piscivore )

The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
bibliographic citation
Bridge, M.; R. Knighten and S. Tullgren 2013. "Isurus oxyrinchus" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Isurus_oxyrinchus.html
Madison Bridge, San Diego Mesa College
Roderick Knighten, San Diego Mesa College
Sara Tullgren, San Diego Mesa College
Paul Detwiler, San Diego Mesa College
Jeremy Wright, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor
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Animal Diversity Web


provided by Animal Diversity Web

Shortfin mako sharks are panoceanic, being found in the Pacific, Atlantic, and Indian Oceans. Within the Pacific Ocean, shortfin makos are found in both the northern and southern hemispheres, along the coasts of North and South America (from the Aleutian Islands and southern California to Chile), from Primorskiy Kray in the Russian Federation to Austraila and New Zealand and in Indo-Pacific waters from East Africa to Hawaii. Within the Atlantic Ocean, shortfin makos are found from the Gulf of Maine to southern Brazil and Argentina, and from Norway to South Africa. This species is also found in the Mediterranean and Red Seas. These sharks can travel long distances and have been know to swim thousands of kilometers per month to seek prey or mates.

Biogeographic Regions: nearctic (Native ); palearctic (Native ); oriental (Native ); ethiopian (Native ); neotropical (Native ); australian (Native ); indian ocean (Native ); atlantic ocean (Native ); pacific ocean (Native ); mediterranean sea (Native )

Other Geographic Terms: cosmopolitan

The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
bibliographic citation
Bridge, M.; R. Knighten and S. Tullgren 2013. "Isurus oxyrinchus" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Isurus_oxyrinchus.html
Madison Bridge, San Diego Mesa College
Roderick Knighten, San Diego Mesa College
Sara Tullgren, San Diego Mesa College
Paul Detwiler, San Diego Mesa College
Jeremy Wright, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor
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Animal Diversity Web


provided by Animal Diversity Web

Shortfin mako sharks are pelagic and are typically found in surface waters up to depths of 150 meters, though they have been found as deep as 740 meters. Although these sharks can be found in many regions, they prefer to inhabit tropical and temperate offshore waters with temperatures from 17-20°C; however they can survive in water as cold as 5-11°C, as they are able to conserve heat within their bodies rather than losing it through their gills.

Range depth: 1 to 740 m.

Average depth: 150 m.

Habitat Regions: temperate ; tropical ; saltwater or marine

Aquatic Biomes: pelagic

The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
bibliographic citation
Bridge, M.; R. Knighten and S. Tullgren 2013. "Isurus oxyrinchus" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Isurus_oxyrinchus.html
Madison Bridge, San Diego Mesa College
Roderick Knighten, San Diego Mesa College
Sara Tullgren, San Diego Mesa College
Paul Detwiler, San Diego Mesa College
Jeremy Wright, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor
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Animal Diversity Web

Life Expectancy

provided by Animal Diversity Web

Age is estimated using vertebral growth bands; although it was once held that two such bands were laid down each year, recent work has shown that only one band is produced per year. Therefore, average lifespan is now estimated at 29-32 years, twice what was once thought. Females tend to live longer than males. Makos do not tend to survive capture, and none have ever been born in captivity.

Average lifespan
Status: captivity:
5 days.

Typical lifespan
Status: wild:
32 to 29 years.

Average lifespan
Status: captivity:
5 days.

Average lifespan
Status: captivity:
25 years.

The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
bibliographic citation
Bridge, M.; R. Knighten and S. Tullgren 2013. "Isurus oxyrinchus" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Isurus_oxyrinchus.html
Madison Bridge, San Diego Mesa College
Roderick Knighten, San Diego Mesa College
Sara Tullgren, San Diego Mesa College
Paul Detwiler, San Diego Mesa College
Jeremy Wright, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor
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Animal Diversity Web


provided by Animal Diversity Web

Shortfin mako sharks typically range in length from 3.2 m to 3.8 m, with females being larger than males. Adult weight ranages between 60 to 135 kg (females may reach 150 kg). Shortfin mako sharks have cylindrically shaped bodies, similar to those of great white sharks (Carcharodon carcharias), and are streamlined, fast-moving creatures. Makos effectively and quickly propel themselves through water by using their vertically elongated, thick, powerful caudal fin. They have bluntly pointed snouts, long gill slits for obtaining oxygen, and black eyes. Body coloration is bright metallic blue dorsally and white ventrally (areas around the mouth and underneath the snout are also white), although each shark's colors vary slightly depending on age and size; juveniles have a black spot on the tip of their snouts. The teeth are large, conical and extremely sharp, projecting outside the mouth when it is closed. The pectoral fins are quite small (shorter than the length of the head).

Range mass: 60 to 150 kg.

Range length: 3.2 to 3.8 m.

Other Physical Features: homoiothermic; bilateral symmetry

Sexual Dimorphism: female larger

The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
bibliographic citation
Bridge, M.; R. Knighten and S. Tullgren 2013. "Isurus oxyrinchus" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Isurus_oxyrinchus.html
Madison Bridge, San Diego Mesa College
Roderick Knighten, San Diego Mesa College
Sara Tullgren, San Diego Mesa College
Paul Detwiler, San Diego Mesa College
Jeremy Wright, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor
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Animal Diversity Web


provided by Animal Diversity Web

Shortfin mako sharks display pelagic countershading to conceal them from potential predators such as great white sharks and killer whales. Humans are probably the most frequent predator of these sharks.

Known Predators:

  • Great white shark (Charcharadon carcharias)
  • Killer Whale (Orcinus orca)
  • Human (Homo sapiens)

Anti-predator Adaptations: cryptic

The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
bibliographic citation
Bridge, M.; R. Knighten and S. Tullgren 2013. "Isurus oxyrinchus" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Isurus_oxyrinchus.html
Madison Bridge, San Diego Mesa College
Roderick Knighten, San Diego Mesa College
Sara Tullgren, San Diego Mesa College
Paul Detwiler, San Diego Mesa College
Jeremy Wright, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor
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Animal Diversity Web


provided by Animal Diversity Web

Little information on mating exists for this species, but as is the case for other lamnid sharks, breeding is promiscuous, with no pair bonds formed. This species shows marked sexual segregation in some areas; adult males and females are seldom found together, possibly caused by females avoiding of males due to potential reduced fitness. Courtship and mating are thought to take place during late summer and early fall and, judging from female scars, is quite violent, involving males biting females' bellies, flanks, gill regions and pectoral fins. There is some evidence that females return to birthing and nursery sites repeatedly, such as the Southern California Bight, Strait of Gibraltar, and the area between 17-35°S off the coast of Brazil.

Mating System: polygynandrous (promiscuous)

Males and females of this species become sexually mature at different ages. Females reach maturity at about 3 meters in length (approximately 18 years of age) and males at approximately 2 meters in length (8 years of age). There is evidence that breeding takes place during late summer and early fall months. Gestation period ranges from 15-19 months and young are typically born during spring (May-June or November, depending on hemisphere). Young are born at an average length of about 70 cm; litters may range in size from 4-25 but not all survive to birth due to oophagy. After birth, females rest for 18 months before reproducing again, leading to a reproductive cycle length of 2-3 years.

Breeding interval: Shortfin mako sharks produce a litter every 2-3 years.

Breeding season: Breeding is thought to take place during late summer and early fall months.

Range number of offspring: 8 to 10.

Range gestation period: 4 to 25 months.

Average gestation period: 9 months.

Average age at sexual or reproductive maturity (female): 18 years.

Average age at sexual or reproductive maturity (male): 8 years.

Key Reproductive Features: iteroparous ; seasonal breeding ; gonochoric/gonochoristic/dioecious (sexes separate); sexual ; fertilization (Internal ); ovoviviparous

Embryos and young develop inside females and are born resembling very small adults. Following birth, there is no further female parental investment. Males exhibit no parental investment.

Parental Investment: female parental care ; pre-hatching/birth (Provisioning: Female, Protecting: Female)

The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
bibliographic citation
Bridge, M.; R. Knighten and S. Tullgren 2013. "Isurus oxyrinchus" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Isurus_oxyrinchus.html
Madison Bridge, San Diego Mesa College
Roderick Knighten, San Diego Mesa College
Sara Tullgren, San Diego Mesa College
Paul Detwiler, San Diego Mesa College
Jeremy Wright, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor
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Animal Diversity Web


provided by Arkive
Given this shark's relative notoriety, particularly among anglers, surprisingly little is known of its biology (9). Reproductive knowledge of this solitary species is sparse, largely because pregnant females usually abort embryos upon capture, making study difficult (3). Reproduction is ovoviviparous, with embryos being nourished in the uterus by a yolk sac rather than placenta. Once the young have hatched, uterine cannibalism known as oophagy occurs, in which the growing young feed on unfertilised or less-developed eggs (3). Litters of between 4 and 25 live young are born in the late winter and early spring, after a 15 to 18 month gestation period. This is followed by an initial relatively fast growth rate (2) (5) (7). Females are believed to rest for 18 months after birth before conceiving again (7). Females appear to become sexually mature at around 17 to 19 years of age and males mature around 7 to 9 years. The maximum known age of a shortfin mako is 32 years (8). The shortfin mako primarily feeds on a wide variety of fishes, such as swordfish, tuna, mackerel, cod, sea bass, and even other sharks, including blue sharks (Prionace), grey sharks (Carcharhinus) and hammerheads (Sphyrna). However, squid, sea turtle heads, and a 'porpoise' (probably a pelagic dolphin) have also been found in the stomachs of these sharks (9).
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provided by Arkive
The U.S. National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) has included the shortfin mako on their list of managed pelagic sharks, and reduced the number of commercial and recreational catches allowed per year by 50 percent. Although it is hoped that this measure will help to counteract declining numbers, the regulations only apply to the United States and Gulf waters, while the other populations remain as vulnerable as ever (3). A short-lived experimental longline fishery was once used to target early juveniles off California, but it was closed in 1992 due to concerns over the exploitation of immature fish. Targeting juveniles means these individuals are killed before ever reproducing, exacerbating the species' decline (9). Although currently classified only as Lower Risk / Near Threatened on the IUCN Red List 2007 (1), the shortfin mako, like any other shark, is susceptible to over-fishing if not carefully managed (9). Thus, protective measures and fishing quotas implemented by other fishing nations would greatly help to safeguard the future of this magnificent, leaping shark, for years to come.
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provided by Arkive
The shortfin mako is believed to be the fastest-swimming of all sharks (4) (5) (3), thought to be capable of attaining bursts of speed of up to 35 kilometres per hour (6), and famed for making spectacular leaps of up to six metres out of the water (7) (8). The species' high tail produces maximum thrust to propel the shark rapidly forward, both in extreme bursts of speed, and for sustained, long-distance travel (3) (9). The shortfin mako also has a heat exchange circulatory system that enables the body to be warmer than surrounding water, and thus maintain a high level of activity (4). This large, stream-lined shark has a distinctively crescent-shaped caudal fin, a long, conical snout, large black eyes and razor-sharp, blade-like teeth (2) (5) (3).The upper body is a brilliant metallic blue, while the underside is snow-white, with older, larger specimens tending to be darker with reduced white areas. Juveniles are therefore generally paler than adults, and also differ by possessing a clear black mark on the tip of their snout. The shortfin mako can be distinguished from the only other mako shark, the longfin mako (Isurus paucus), not only by having shorter pectoral fins, but also by the white colouration on the underside of the snout and around the mouth, which is darkly pigmented in the longfin mako (3).
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provided by Arkive
The shortfin mako is usually pelagic, but can sometimes be found close inshore. Although normally occupying surface waters down to around 150 metres, this shark has been recorded at depths of up to 740 metres (2). There is evidence to suggest that this species migrates seasonally to warmer waters (3).
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This is a wide-ranging shark found in tropical and temperate waters throughout the world's oceans (3). In the Western Atlantic, the species occurs from the Gulf of Maine to southern Brazil, including the Gulf of Mexico and the Caribbean (2) (5). In the Eastern Atlantic, the distribution ranges from Norway, down past the British Isles, the Mediterranean, the Ivory Coast and Ghana to South Africa (2) (5). In the Indo-Pacific, this shark is found from East Africa and the Red Sea to Hawaii, including waters around Pakistan, India, Korea, Japan, Indonesia, Australia, Tasmania, and New Zealand (2) (5). In the Eastern Pacific, the range includes waters south of the Aleutian Islands and from Southern California, USA, to Chile (2).
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Classified as Lower Risk/near threatened (LR/nt) on the IUCN Red List (1).
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The shortfin mako is caught both by targeted fisheries and as significant bycatch, being the major bycatch component of tuna and swordfish fisheries (1) (3). The species' is valued for its high-quality meat, its fins are marketed for shark-fin soup in the Far East, and its liver oil is extracted to make vitamins (2) (3). The jaws and teeth are also sold as ornaments and trophies, and the hides may be processed into leather (2) (9). Sadly, the shortfin mako is also considered one of the great game fishes of the world, prized for its beauty, aggressiveness, and spectacular aerial leaps when struggling against the fishing line (3) (10). The highest recreational catches occur off southern California, the north-eastern United States, Australia and New Zealand (3). Most commercial catches are inadequately or un-recorded, and conflicting data make it difficult to evaluate the exact impact fishing is having on population numbers of this shark (1) (9). However, like other sharks, this species' relatively low reproductive capacity makes it vulnerable to population declines due to over-fishing (1). Fortunately, this shark's fast growth rate means it has a mid-range rebound potential. This, combined with its world-wide distribution and relative abundance, means that the species is currently reasonably safe from the threat of extinction (9).
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Sexual segregation of pelagic sharks and the potential threat from fisheries

provided by EOL authors
Large pelagic sharks are declining in abundance in many oceans owing to fisheries exploitation. What is not known however is whether withinspecies geographical segregation of the sexes exacerbates this as a consequence of differential exploitation by spatially focused fisheries. Here we show striking sexual segregation in the fastest swimming shark, the shortfin mako Isurus oxyrinchus, across the South Pacific Ocean. The novel finding of a sexual ‘line in the sea’ spans a historical longline-fishing intensity gradient, suggesting that differential exploitation of the sexes is possible, a phenomenon which may underlie changes in the shark populations observed elsewhere.


provided by FAO species catalogs
This is an important species for longline fisheries where it occurs, because of its high quality meat, and also is a prime game fish prized by sport anglers. Catch statistics for this species have been reported to FAO only from USA in area 21 (Northwest Atlantic). Statistic series starts in 1987 and ends in 1995 with a peak (71 t) in 1993. The total catch reported for this species to FAO for 1999 was 896 t. The countries with the largest catches were Chile (379 t) and Spain (335 t). The meat is utilized fresh, frozen, smoked and dried salted for human consumption; the oil is extracted for vitamins; the fins used for shark-fin soup; the hides processed into leather and the jaws and teeth used for ornaments.This shark is caught in gillnets as well as on pelagic longlines and hooks and lines . There are several data sets that could be used to evaluate the impact of fishing on shortfin mako sharks but their limited quality and sometime conflicting information do not provide a clear picture of the situation. The shortfin mako is a prime fish for sport anglers and a common bycatch in commercial tuna and swordfish fisheries worldwide (Bonfil 1994). Because its meat is highly valued for human consumption, bycatches of shortfin makos are often landed. Sport fishing for shortfin makos is widespread in both coasts of the USA and increasing in effort in California (Mooney-Seus and Stone 1996). The shortfin mako is more commonly caught by swordfish longliners than by tuna longliners in the US Atlantic coast (Hoey 1983). Hoey and Scott (1997) report an increasing trend in shortfin mako CPUE over the period 1957-1995 in the Western North Atlantic, but warn against possible errors due to the quality of data and the standardisation procedure used to join dissimilar data sets. A lack of trend in mako shark CPUE is evident in the period 1986-1997 for the sport fishery off Virginia-Massachusetts (Brown 1998), while logbook data from US commercial longliners shows a strong decline from 1.38 to 0.36 sharks per 1000 hooks between 1986-1997 (Cramer 1998). Although the latter two data sets pertain to a mix of two mako species, most of the catches are shortfin makos. According to Bonfil (1994) the Spanish longline fleet caught about 750 t/y of shortfin makos in the Atlantic Ocean and Mediterranean Sea in the early 1990s. Off California, early juvenile shortfin makos were targeted by a short-lived experimental drift longline fishery and are a very welcomed bycatch in the driftnet fishery for swordfish (Cailliet et al. 1993). Up to 475 t of shortfin makos were taken jointly by these fisheries in 1987, and although CPUE did not show a declining trend concerns over the heavy exploitation of immature fish prompted the closure of the experimental longline fishery in 1992 (O'Brien and Sunada 1994). Bonfil (1994) estimated that the total bycatch of shortfin makos in the extinct high-seas driftnet fisheries in the N Pacific in the early 1990s was about 360 t/y. This species is apparently very common in the tuna fisheries of Indonesia: unconfirmed reports indicate that landings of shortfin makos from Indonesian waters attained 5,200 t in 1995 and that the estimated potential is about 16,000 t/y (Priyono 1998). The Brazilian longlinning fleet based in Santos landed between 13.3 and 138.3 t of shortfin makos annually between 1971 and 1990 (Costa et al. 1996). Despite increasing fishing effort during this period, the CPUE of shortfin makos has remained relatively stable with an initial slight decreasing trend followed by a slight increasing trend. Cliff et al. (1990) report no trend in the catch rate of shortfin makos after 23 years in the beach protection programme of Natal, SA, and attribute this to negligible mortalities of this species by the meshing programme. Conservation Status : According to Smith et al. (1998), the shortfin mako has a mid-range intrinsic rebound potential. This, together with its worldwide distribution and relative high abundance in some areas probably offers a safeguard over the conservation of the species at the global level. However, as any other elasmobranch it can be easily overfished if not carefully managed. Its exploitation in nursery areas is particularly worrisome. The shortfin mako has been preliminarily considered a Lower Risk/Near Threatenedspecies for the IUCN Red List (Stevens in press b). However, this classification is awaiting IUCN Shark Specialist Group consensus. Mooney-Seus and Stone (1996) consider this species as Vulnerable toReduced in the US Atlantic and Data Deficientelsewhere. Additional information from IUCN database Additional information from CITESdatabase
bibliographic citation
FAO species catalogue Vol.4. Sharks of the world. An Annotated and Illustrated Catalogue of Shark Species Known to Date Part 1 - Hexanchiformes to Lamniformes. Compagno, L.J.V. 1984. FAO Fish. Synop., (125) Vol.4, Part 1
Food and Agriculture Organization of the UN
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FAO species catalogs

Brief Summary

provided by FAO species catalogs
The shortfin mako is a common, extremely active, offshore littoral and epipelagic speciesfound in tropical and warm temperate seas but seldom occurring in waters below 16°C. This shark occurs from the surface down to at least 152 m.The peregrine falcon of the shark world, the shortfin mako may be the fastest shark and one of the swiftest and most active fishes. It is famed as a jumper, leaping several times its length from the water, and is capable of extreme bursts of speed when hooked and in pursuit of prey. For a shark of such great fame, particularly in the angling literature, knowledge of its biology is surprisingly sketchy. The shortfin mako, in the extreme northern and southern parts of its range, has a tendency to follow movements of warm water masses polewards in the summer. General movements of this shark are not well known. This species is ovoviviparous and a uterine cannibal, with 4 to 16 young in a litter. The shortfin mako is primarily an eater of other fishes, with a wide variety of prey including mackerel, tuna, bonito, and other scombrids, anchovies, herring, grunts, lancetfish, cod, ling, whiting and other gadids, Australian salmon (Arripis ), yellowtails and other carangids, sea bass, porgies, swordfish, and other sharks (blue sharks, Prionace, gray sharks, Carcharhinus, and hammerheads Sphyrna ), but also sea turtle heads, a 'porpoise' (probably a pelagic dolphin), and also squid, salps, and occasional detritus. Surprisingly, marine mammals (in the form of pelagic dolphins ) are rarely reported in the diet of the shortfin mako, but they may be expected particularly in large individuals of the species. Very large shortfin makos over 3 m long have broad, more flattened and triangular upper teeth, perhaps more suitable for dismembering large prey than the awl-shaped teeth of smaller makos.
bibliographic citation
FAO species catalogue Vol.4. Sharks of the world. An Annotated and Illustrated Catalogue of Shark Species Known to Date Part 1 - Hexanchiformes to Lamniformes. Compagno, L.J.V. 1984. FAO Fish. Synop., (125) Vol.4, Part 1
Food and Agriculture Organization of the UN
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FAO species catalogs


provided by FAO species catalogs
Maximum about 394 cm, possibly to 4 m; males maturing at about 195 cm and reaching at least 284 cm; females maturing at about 280 cm and reaching at least 394 cm; size at birth between 60 and 70 cm. Two published exponential length-weight curves are at slight variance: WT = 4.832 x 10-6 TL3.10 (Stevens, 1983, N = 80, TL = 58-343 cm, Australia). WT = 1.193 x 10-6 TL3.46 (Guitart, 1975, N = 23, TL = 160-260 cm, Cuba). A log curve, log WT = -4.608 + 2.925 log TL (cm), was published by Strasburg (1958) for this species using Central Pacific specimens.
bibliographic citation
FAO species catalogue Vol.4. Sharks of the world. An Annotated and Illustrated Catalogue of Shark Species Known to Date Part 1 - Hexanchiformes to Lamniformes. Compagno, L.J.V. 1984. FAO Fish. Synop., (125) Vol.4, Part 1
Food and Agriculture Organization of the UN
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FAO species catalogs


provided by FAO species catalogs
Coastal and oceanic, temperate and tropical.Western Atlantic: Gulf of Maine to southern Brazil and ? northern Argentina, including Gulf of Mexico and Caribbean. Eastern Atlantic: Norway, British Isles and Mediterranean to Ivory Coast, Ghana, and South Africa. Indo-West Pacific: South Africa, Red Sea to Pakistan, India, Indonesia, the Koreas, Japan, Russia (Primorsk Kray), Australia (Queensland, Tasmania, South and western Australia, Victoria, New South Wales), New Zealand, New Caledonia, Fiji. Central Pacific: from south of Aleutian Islands to Society Islands, including Hawaiian Islands. Eastern Pacific: southern California and exceptionally Washington (USA) to central Chile.
bibliographic citation
FAO species catalogue Vol.4. Sharks of the world. An Annotated and Illustrated Catalogue of Shark Species Known to Date Part 1 - Hexanchiformes to Lamniformes. Compagno, L.J.V. 1984. FAO Fish. Synop., (125) Vol.4, Part 1
Food and Agriculture Organization of the UN
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FAO species catalogs

Diagnostic Description

provided by FAO species catalogs
fieldmarks: Spindle-shaped body, long, acutely conical snout, large bladelike teeth without cusplets or serrations, pectoral fins rather narrow-tipped and with anterior margins less than head length, large first dorsal fin and minute, pivoting second dorsal and anal fins, strong keels on caudal peduncle, no secondary keels on caudal base, crescentic caudal fin, ventral surface of body white. Body moderately slender. Snout acutely conical; eye moderately large; cusps of first upper anterior teeth with incomplete cutting edges, in young and small adults, tips of anterior teeth strongly reflexed, cusps narrower and more oblique. Pectoral fins moderately long and broad, shorter than head. Colour: underside of snout white.


  • Applegate, (1966)
  • Bass, d'Aubrey & Kistnasamy, (1975)
  • Ellis, (1975)
  • Farquhar, (1963)
  • Garrick, (1967)
  • Garrick & Schultz, (1963)
  • Gilmore, (1983)
  • Gubanov, (1974, 1978)
  • Guitart, (1966, 1975)
  • Mundus & Wisner, (1971)
  • Randall, (1963, 1975)
  • Smith, (1957)
  • Stead, (1963)
  • Stevens, (1983)
  • Strasberg, (1958)
  • Whitley (1940)

bibliographic citation
FAO species catalogue Vol.4. Sharks of the world. An Annotated and Illustrated Catalogue of Shark Species Known to Date Part 1 - Hexanchiformes to Lamniformes. Compagno, L.J.V. 1984. FAO Fish. Synop., (125) Vol.4, Part 1
Food and Agriculture Organization of the UN
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FAO species catalogs

Trophic Strategy

provided by Fishbase
Occurs on the continental shelf (Ref. 75154).
Susan M. Luna
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provided by Fishbase
Dorsal spines (total): 0; Dorsal soft rays (total): 0; Analspines: 0; Analsoft rays: 0
Cristina V. Garilao
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provided by Fishbase
Oceanodromous. Migrating within oceans typically between spawning and different feeding areas, as tunas do. Migrations should be cyclical and predictable and cover more than 100 km.
Kent E. Carpenter
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Diagnostic Description

provided by Fishbase
A large, spindle-shaped shark with large black eyes, a sharp snout, and large, narrow, hooked teeth with smooth edges (Ref. 5578). Caudal fin lunate, lower lobe strongly developed (Ref. 13574). Dark blue above, white below (Ref. 6581). Tiny second dorsal and anal fins (Ref. 26938).
Cristina V. Garilao
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Life Cycle

provided by Fishbase
Exhibit ovoviparity (aplacental viviparity), with embryos feeding on other ova produced by the mother (oophagy) after the yolk sac is absorbed (Ref. 50449). With up to 18 young in a litter (Ref. 26346). Gives birth to litters of 4-25 (usually 10-18) pups after a gestation period of 15-18 months; reproduces every 3 years (Ref.58048). Size at birth between 60 and 70 cm (Ref. 247). Distinct pairing with embrace (Ref. 205).
Armi G. Torres
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provided by Fishbase
Oceanic, but sometimes found close inshore (Ref. 6871, 11230, 58302). Usually in surface waters (Ref. 30573), down to about 150 m (Ref. 26938, 11230). Coastal, epipelagic at 1->500 m (Ref. 58302). Isotope analysis has shown that shortfin mako is the highest level fish predator in oceanic waters off eastern Australia (Ref. 86961). Adults feed on bony fishes, other sharks (Ref. 5578), cephalopods; larger individuals may feed on larger prey such as billfish and small cetaceans (Ref. 6871, 58048). Ovoviviparous, embryos feeding on yolk sac and other ova produced by the mother (Ref. 43278, 50449). With 4-16 young of about 60-70 cm long (Ref. 35388, 26346). Gestation period lasts 15-18 months, spawning cycle is every 3 years. Some authors (Refs. 1661, 28081, 31395) have erroneously assumed that two age rings are deposited per year by this species, thus underestimating longevity, age at maturity, and resilience . These data have been removed and replaced by recent, verified estimates (Refs. 86586, 86587, 86588). Tagging in New Zealand indicates seasonal migrations (Ref. 26346). The presence of genetic differentiation in mitochondrial DNA across global populations (Ref. 36416) suggests dispersal may be male-biased, and that females may have natal site-fidelity. Shortfin mako has been shown to have a marked sexually segregated population structure (Ref. 86954). Shortfin mako is probably the fastest of all sharks and can leap out of the water when hooked (Ref. 6871). Potentially dangerous and responsible for unprovoked attacks on swimmers and boats (Ref. 13574). Utilized fresh, dried or salted, smoked and frozen; eaten broiled and baked (Ref. 9988). Valued for its fine quality meat as well as its fins and skin (Ref. 247). Oil is extracted for vitamins and fins for shark-fin soup (Ref. 13574). Jaws and teeth are also sold as ornaments and trophies (Ref. 9988). by Kabasakal & de Maddalena, 2011 reported a historical record of a larger specimen, caught in the Mediterranean Sea off Turkey, about 585 cm (TL estimated from photographs) (Ref. 106604).
Kent E. Carpenter
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provided by Fishbase
fisheries: minor commercial; gamefish: yes; price category: medium; price reliability: reliable: based on ex-vessel price for this species
Kent E. Carpenter
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Distribution ( Spanish; Castilian )

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Chile Central
Universidad de Santiago de Chile
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provided by The Fish Database of Taiwan


provided by The Fish Database of Taiwan


provided by The Fish Database of Taiwan


provided by The Fish Database of Taiwan

Kortvin-mako ( Afrikaans )

provided by wikipedia AF

Isurus oxyrinchus

Die kortvin-mako (Isurus oxyrinchus) is 'n haai wat dwarsoor die wêreld voorkom in tropiese, sub-tropiese en gematigde water. In Engels staan die haai bekend as die Shortfin mako.


Die haai is diepblou op die rug, die sye is silwer-blou en die pens is wit. Die kortvin-mako het 'n sterk stert en 'n gepunte kop met 'n sterk kakebeen wat vol skerp tande is. Hulle word tussen 25 tot 150 kg swaar in Suid-Afrika, terwyl enkele haaie van bykans 400 kg elders gevang is.

Habitat en gewoontes

Hulle vermy vlak water en hou in die oop water, en is alleenlopers. Hulle vreet enige mediumgrootte vis. Hulle kom veral voor naby riwwe in sandbaaie. Hulle verkies donkerder waters of warm, groenerige water. Hier vreet hulle klein vissies soos harders en ansjovis. Hulle word beide vanaf die kus en bote gevang en word deur die IUBN geklassifiseer as 'n kwesbare spesie.

Dit is nie 'n gewilde eetvis nie.

Sien ook



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Kortvin-mako: Brief Summary ( Afrikaans )

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 src= Isurus oxyrinchus

Die kortvin-mako (Isurus oxyrinchus) is 'n haai wat dwarsoor die wêreld voorkom in tropiese, sub-tropiese en gematigde water. In Engels staan die haai bekend as die Shortfin mako.

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Solraig ( Catalan; Valencian )

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Exemplar de solraig.
Isurus oxyrinchus

El solraig (Isurus oxyrinchus) és un tauró que pot arribar a assolir els quatre metres de longitud i pot arribar a viure entre 11 i 23 anys.


  • Té dues aletes dorsals, la segona d'elles molt petita i situada a nivell de l'anal. Les pectorals són amples i llargues mentre que les ventrals són petites.
  • Peduncle caudal estret i proveït d'una carena lateral a cada costat.
  • Aleta caudal en forma de mitja lluna.
  • Musell afuat i dents triangulars amb la punta recorbada cap enrere.
  • Dors i costats de to gris fosc o gris blavós.
  • Ventre blanc.


És de costums solitaris, neda moltes vegades amb les aletes dorsal i cua fora de l'aigua.


S'alimenta de calamars, verats, tonyines, bonítols, peixos espasa, altres taurons, marsopes i tortugues.

Ús gastronòmic

La seua carn blanca és molt apreciada i sovint es ven al mercat juntament amb la d'altres peixos com el peix espasa, el conegut emperador, del qual és fàcil diferenciar per l'estructura i la composició cartilaginosa de les vèrtebres, com també per la pell, que no té escates sinó petits denticles de constitució semblant a les dents, encara que quan està a la venda es troba sense pell.


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Solraig: Brief Summary ( Catalan; Valencian )

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 src= Exemplar de solraig.  src= Isurus oxyrinchus

El solraig (Isurus oxyrinchus) és un tauró que pot arribar a assolir els quatre metres de longitud i pot arribar a viure entre 11 i 23 anys.

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Žralok mako ( Czech )

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Konkrétní problémy: Nahradit, zfunkčnit či vymazat nedostupné reference

Žralok mako (Isurus oxyrinchus) je velký druh žraloka, zástupce čeledi lamnovitých. Je to nejrychlejší žralok, dokáže plout rychlostí až okolo 70 km/h. Je považován za člověku nebezpečného.


Jako první popsal tento druh žraloka Constantine Samuel Rafinesque v roce 1809 a pro jeho pojmenování použil vědecké jméno Isurus oxyrinchus (isurus znamená „stejnoocasý“ a oxyrinchus „špičatý čenich“). Název Mako pochází z maorštiny[2] a znamená žralok, stejně tak i žraločí zub. První písemné označení tohoto druhu jako žraloka mako použili Samuel Lee a Thomas Kendall ve svém díle Grammar and vocabulary of the language of New Zealand (1820), kde stručně zmiňují „Mako: Jistý druh ryby“.[3] Richard Taylor ve svém díle A leaf from the natural history of New Zealand (1848) podává již přesnější popis: „Mako je žralok, jehož zubů si Maorové velmi cení.“[4]

Anatomie a vzhled

Ačkoli obě pohlaví rostou přibližně stejným tempem, samice jsou celkově větší, robustnější a dožívají se vyššího věku. Průměrná délka žraloka mako je 2–2,9 metru[5] či podle jiných zdrojů 3,2–3,8 m[6] a hmotnost může být mezi 60 až 400 kg.[5] Největší zaznamenaný samec vážil 454 kg a měřil 4,02 m, největší zaznamenaná samice měřila 3,96 m a vážila 794 kg.[7] Žraloci mako mají elegantní tvar těla s dlouhým kuželovitým nosem a současně mají hydrodynamičtější tvar těla, než jakýkoliv jiný druh žraloka. Tvar těla v kombinaci s aerobní svalovou hmotou, typickou pro čeleď lamnovitých žraloků, mu dovoluje vyvinout vysokou rychlost a pohyblivost.

Ocasní ploutev má tvar půlměsíce, druhá hřbetní ploutev je výrazně menší než první. U mladších žraloků jsou vrcholy prsní a první hřbetní ploutve zaoblenější. Kůže tohoto druhu je velmi drsná.

Charakteristické rysy

  • Zuby jsou viditelné i při zavřené tlamě.
  • Zuby jsou dlouhé a štíhlé s hladkými hrbolky.
  • Výrazné stínování, na hřbetě modré a na břiše bílé.
  • Mírně krátké prsní ploutve.[5][8]

Životní podmínky


Ulovený žralok mako

Žralok mako obývá vody v mírném a tropickém pásmu v mořích po celém světě. Jeho blízký příbuzný žralok východní vyhledává vody Golfského proudu nebo teplejší pobřežní vody. Jedná se o pelagické druhy, které lze nalézt od hladiny až do hloubky 150 metrů, obvykle daleko od pevniny, i když občas se vyskytují i blíže u břehů, okolo ostrovů nebo zátok.[9] Je to jeden ze čtyř známých endotermických druhů žraloků (dokáže udržet teplotu těla vyšší než okolní prostředí), který se málokdy vyskytuje v chladnějších vodách než 16 °C.[10]

V západním Atlantiku jej lze nalézt od pobřeží Argentiny přes Mexický záliv až k Browns Bank na úrovni Nového Skotska. Relativně spolehlivým znamením, že se ve vodách vyskytují žraloci mako, bývají mečouni. Ti jsou totiž často jejich zdrojem potravy a taktéž preferují podobné životní podmínky jako žralok mako.[11]

Žraloci mako cestují v hledání potravy či partnera na dlouhé vzdálenosti. V prosinci 1998 byla označena samice tohoto druhu na pobřeží Kalifornie, chycena byla japonskou výzkumnou lodí v centrálním Pacifiku. Samice tedy urazila přes 2776 km. Další zdokumentovaný případ dokumentuje žraloka, který uplaval 2128 km za 37 dnů, v průměru tedy 58 km za den.[12]


Hlava žraloka mako
Isurus oxyrinchus

Hlavní složkou potravy jsou hlavonožci, kostnaté ryby včetně makrel, tuňáků, bonita (tuňák makrelovitý) a mečoun. Živí se ale i jinými žraloky, delfíny, mořskými želvami a mořskými ptáky. Na svou kořist útočí vertikálně zespodu, přičemž ji vyrve kus tkáně z boku či ploutve. Plave pod vyhlédnutou obětí, aby využil momentu překvapení. Úderem ocasu může nejprve svou kořist omráčit. Na Sicílii byli uloveni žraloci mako se zabodnutými mečounovitými výběžky mečounů v hlavách a žábrách. To naznačuje, že i mečoun může vážně zranit a zabít žraloka mako. V souvislosti s místem a ročním obdobím (sklonek jara a počátek léta), které odpovídá cyklu tření mečounů, se dá předpokládat, že žraloci mako loví mečouny v tomto období, kdy jsou nejvíce zranitelní.[9]

Tento druh žraloka spotřebuje 3 % své hmotnosti každý den a trvá přibližně 1,5–2 dny, než stráví průměrně velké jídlo. Pro srovnání, neaktivní druhy (např. žralok hnědý) spotřebují 0,6 % své hmotnosti za den a trvá jim 3 až 4 dny strávit potravu.

Analýza obsahu žaludku 399 samců a samic žraloků mako v rozpětí 67 až 328 cm velkých naznačila, že žraloci chycení u mysu Hatteras u Grand Banks preferují jako potravu lufaru dravou. Ta představovala 77,5 % z objemu jejich stravy. Průměrná kapacita žaludku činila 10 % z celkové hmotnosti žraloka.[13]

Žraloci delší než 3 metry mají vnitřní zuby značně širší a plošší než menší žraloci mako. To jim umožňuje efektivně lovit delfíny, mečouny a další žraloky.[12] Amatérský videozáznam, pořízený ve vodách Pacifiku, ukazuje skomírajícího delfína pobřežního s téměř překousnutým ocasem, kolem kterého kroužil velmi velký jedinec žraloka mako.[14]

Stejně jako ostatní zástupci čeledi lamnovitých mají žraloci mako výkonný krevní oběh. Ten udržuje teplotu jejich těla o 4–7 °C vyšší, než je teplota okolní vody. To jim dává výhodu oproti studenokrevné kořisti.[15]


U těchto žraloků byla zaznamenána rychlost 50 km/h se zrychlením až na 74 km/h.[12] Mohou vyskočit přibližně 9 metrů nad hladinu. Někteří vědci se domnívají, že fyzicky je možné, aby žralok mako vyvinul rychlost až 100 km/h, což by z něj dělalo nejrychlejšího mořského tvora. Žraloci mako jsou rybáři chytáni po celém světě. Existují případy, kdy se žralok mako, zachycený na udici, vymrštil do rybářského člunu.



Tento druh žraloka je živorodý. Embrya se v těle matky vyvíjí 15–18 měsíců. Mláďata žraloka mako netrpí kanibalismem na rozdíl například od mláďat žraloka písečného. Na konci zimy a brzy na jaře se rodí 4–18 mláďat dlouhých přibližně 70 cm.

Existují názory, že žraloci mako rostou mnohem rychleji než ostatní druhy. Například žralok hnědý pohlavně dospívá ve 12 až 14 letech, kdy dosáhne hmotnosti 40–45 kg. Samec žraloka mako naproti tomu potřebuje pouze 4 a půl až 5 let k tomu, aby pohlavně dospěl. Za tu dobu doroste váhy 136 kg a délky 2 m, samice pak dosáhnou pohlavní dospělosti v 7 letech, kdy váží v průměru 227 kg a měří 2,7 až 2,9 m. Někteří biologové mají ovšem názor, že žraloci mako rostou velmi pomalu.

Délka života

V otázce maximálního věku existuje stále určitá nejistota, ale odhaduje se, že se žraloci mako dožívají 12 až 24 let. Jedna studie Národního úřadu pro oceán a atmosféru z roku 1997 mluví o odchycení jednoho konkrétního žraloka, chyceného 12,8 roku poté, co byl poprvé označkován. Odchycení tohoto žraloka prokázalo, že žraloci mako se dožívají nejméně 13 let.[16]

Interakce s lidmi


V roce 2010 zařadila organizace Greenpeace žraloka mako na svůj červený seznam mořských živočichů. Jedná se o seznam mořských živočichů, kteří se běžně prodávají v supermarketech po celém světě a panuje vysoké riziko, že pochází z nekontrolovatelného rybolovu.[17]


Byly zaznamenány pokusy držet pelagické (migrující) druhy žraloků v zajetí. U žraloka mako bylo těchto pokusů nejméně, méně než pokusů se žralokem dlouhoploutvým, žralokem modravým a žralokem bílým. Současný rekord v době, po kterou se podařilo udržet v zajetí exemplář žraloka mako, je z roku 2001. Tehdy v akváriu v New Jersey přežil chycený žralok mako pouhých pět dní. Obdobně jako v jiných případech se jedinec sice po vypuštění do akvária jevil silný, ale postupně měl problémy se stěnami akvária, odmítal krmení, rychlé slábl a zemřel.[18]

Útoky na člověka

V databázi ISAF Floridského muzea je zaznamenáno 8 nevyprovokovaných útoků žraloků mako na člověka mezi lety 15802007, z toho dva fatální. ISAF zaznamenává také 20 útoků na lodě.[19]

V populární kultuře


Externí odkazy



V tomto článku byl použit překlad textu z článku Shortfin mako shark na anglické Wikipedii.

  1. Červený seznam IUCN 2018.1. 5. července 2018. Dostupné online. [cit. 2018-08-10]
  2. Maori language - a glossary of useful words from the language of the Maori New Zealand [online]. [cit. 2010-07-06]. Dostupné online. (anglicky)
  3. Online Etymology Dictionary [online]. [cit. 2010-07-06]. Dostupné online. (anglicky)
  4. Richard Taylor. A leaf from the natural history of New Zealand. [s.l.]: [s.n.], 1848. S. xiii.
  5. a b c Florida Museum of Natural History [online]. [cit. 2010-07-06]. Dostupné online. (anglicky)
  6. ADW: Isurus oxyrinchus: Information [online]. Animal Diversity Web [cit. 2010-07-06]. Dostupné online. (anglicky)
  7. Summary of Large Shortfin Makos Isurus oxyrinchus [online]. Large Shorffin Makos [cit. 2010-07-06]. Dostupné online. (anglicky)
  8. Australian Museum [online]. [cit. 2010-07-06]. Dostupné online. (anglicky)
  9. a b The Shark Gallery - Shortfin Mako Shark (Isurus oxyrinchus) [online]. The Shark Trust [cit. 2010-07-06]. Dostupné online. (anglicky)
  10. Shortfin Mako (Isurus oxyrinchus) [online]. Shark Foundation [cit. 2010-07-06]. Dostupné online. (anglicky)
  11. Shortfin Mako [online]. The Canadian Shark Research Laboratory, 2008-10-02 [cit. 2010-07-06]. Dostupné online. (anglicky)
  12. a b c Open Ocean: the Blue DesertShortfin Mako [online]. ReefQuest Centre for Shark Research [cit. 2010-07-06]. Dostupné online. (anglicky)
  13. Food, Feeding Habits, and Estimates of Daily Ration of the Shortfin Mako (Isurus oxyrinchus ) in the Northwest Atlantic [online]. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences [cit. 2010-07-06]. Dostupné online. (anglicky)
  14. Shortfin Mako Shark (Isurus oxyrinchus) [online]. [cit. 2010-07-06]. Dostupné online. (anglicky)
  15. Shortfin Mako Shark [online]. Discovery Channel [cit. 2010-07-06]. Dostupné online. (anglicky)
  16. 1997 OVERVIEW [online]. Národní úřad pro oceán a atmosféru [cit. 2010-07-06]. Dostupné online. (anglicky)
  17. Greenpeace International Seafood Red list [online]. Greenpeace [cit. 2010-07-06]. Dostupné online. (anglicky)
  18. Elasmobranch Research around Monterey Bay [online]. Research Affiliate, Moss Landing Marine Laboratories [cit. 2010-07-06]. Dostupné online. (anglicky)
  19. ISAF Statistics on Attacking Species of Shark [online]. Florida Museum of Natural History [cit. 2010-07-06]. Dostupné online. (anglicky)
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Žralok mako: Brief Summary ( Czech )

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ikonaTento článek potřebuje úpravy. Můžete Wikipedii pomoci tím, že ho vylepšíte. Jak by měly články vypadat, popisují stránky Vzhled a styl, Encyklopedický styl a Odkazy.  src= Konkrétní problémy: Nahradit, zfunkčnit či vymazat nedostupné reference

Žralok mako (Isurus oxyrinchus) je velký druh žraloka, zástupce čeledi lamnovitých. Je to nejrychlejší žralok, dokáže plout rychlostí až okolo 70 km/h. Je považován za člověku nebezpečného.

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Kurzflossen-Mako ( German )

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Gebiss des Isurus oxyrinchus

Der Kurzflossen-Mako (Isurus oxyrinchus), im Allgemeinen auch Makohai genannt, ist eine Art der Herings- oder Makrelenhaie (Lamnidae) und damit der Haie (Selachii).


Kurzflossen-Makos haben eine metallische Färbung. Der Rücken ist bläulich-grau, während der Bauch und die Unterseiten von Schnauze und Maul weiß gefärbt sind. Sie werden bis zu knapp 4 Meter lang und 500 kg schwer. Die Brustflossen sind klein, der Körper sehr schmal und die Schnauze spitz, sodass sie eine sehr hydrodynamische Form erreichen.


Kurzflossen-Makos leben in küstennahen Gewässern in Tiefen von bis zu 150 Metern. Weit verbreitete Geschwindigkeitsangaben von fast 80 km/h sind höchst unzuverlässig, da Fischen eine derart schnelle Fortbewegung im Wasser nicht möglich zu sein scheint[1][2]. Sie sind eine der wenigen Haiarten, die auch zu springen vermögen, wobei sie bis über 6 m Höhe erreichen.


Kurzflossen-Makos werden lebendig und ohne Dottersack-Plazenta geboren. Ein weiblicher Hai bringt pro Wurf bis zu 16 Jungfische auf die Welt. Zu dem Zeitpunkt sind sie etwa 70 cm lang und wachsen sehr schnell. Mit einer Länge von ca. 195 cm werden die Männchen geschlechtsreif, während sich Weibchen erst mit ca. 280 cm paaren können.

Nahrung und Jagd

Sie fressen Schwertfische, Thunfische, Makrelen und sogar andere Haie wie Grau- und Hammerhaie. Bei sehr großen Kurzflossen-Makos bilden sich breitere und dreieckige Zähne, die ihnen erleichtern, ihre Beute zu zersägen. Der Kurzflossen-Mako ist unter dem Namen „Makrelenhai“ auch in Deutschland als Speisefisch auf dem Markt.

Makohaie stehen in manchen Gebieten der Erde nicht an der Spitze der Nahrungskette. Als Fressfeinde für ausgewachsene Exemplare werden als Beispiel angeführt: Schwertwale, Pottwale, aber auch größere Raubhaie wie der Weißhai oder auch das Leistenkrokodil.[3][4]


Verbreitungsgebiete des Kurzflossen-Makos

Das Verbreitungsgebiet erstreckt sich über die subtropischen und warmen Gewässer aller Ozeane.

  • Im westlichen Atlantik erstreckt sich ihr Lebensraum vom Golf von Maine bis zum südlichen Brasilien, einschließlich des gesamten Golfs von Mexiko, der Bahamas und der Karibik.
  • Im östlichen Atlantik bewohnen sie die Küstengebiete von Norwegen, den Britischen Inseln bis hinunter nach Südafrika.

Des Weiteren leben sie im


Kurzflossen-Mako vor Faial, Azoren
  1. Maximum swimming speeds of sailfish and three other large marine predatory fish species based on muscle contraction time and stride length: a myth revisited. Abgerufen am 9. Mai 2021.
  2. Speed limits on swimming of fishes and cetaceans. Abgerufen am 9. Mai 2021.
  3. Ulli Weissbach: Eher Familienbande als Killerwale? (Memento vom 19. Dezember 2007 im Internet Archive) (Sendung W wie Wissen der ARD vom 5. August 2007)
  4. Ingrid N. Visser, D. Fertl, J. Berghan und R. van Meurs: Killer whale (Orcinus orca) predation on a shortfin mako shark (Isurus oxyrinchus), in New Zealand waters. Aquatic Mammals, 26, S. 229–231, 2000
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Kurzflossen-Mako: Brief Summary ( German )

provided by wikipedia DE
 src= Gebiss des Isurus oxyrinchus

Der Kurzflossen-Mako (Isurus oxyrinchus), im Allgemeinen auch Makohai genannt, ist eine Art der Herings- oder Makrelenhaie (Lamnidae) und damit der Haie (Selachii).

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Shortfin mako shairk ( Scots )

provided by wikipedia emerging languages

The shortfin mako shairk (Isurus oxyrinchus), kent as the blue pointer or bonito shairk an aw, is a lairge mackerel shairk. It is commonly referred tae as the mako shairk, as is the langfin mako shairk (Isurus paucus).[1][2][3]


  1. 1.0 1.1 Cailliet, G.M.; Cavanagh, R.D.; Kulka, D.W.; Stevens, J.D.; Soldo, A.; Clo, S.; Macias, D.; Baum, J.; Kohin, S.; Duarte, A.; Holtzhausen, J.A.; Acuña, E.; Amorim, A.; Domingo, A. (2009). "Isurus oxyrinchus". IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. IUCN. 2009: e.T39341A10207466. doi:10.2305/IUCN.UK.2009-2.RLTS.T39341A10207466.en. Retrieved 27 August 2016.CS1 maint: uises authors parameter (link)
  2. "Isurus oxyrinchus". Integrated Taxonomic Information System. Retrieved 23 January 2006.
  3. Froese, Rainer and Pauly, Daniel, eds. (2006). "Isurus oxyrinchus" in FishBase. May 2006 version.

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Shortfin mako shairk: Brief Summary ( Scots )

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The shortfin mako shairk (Isurus oxyrinchus), kent as the blue pointer or bonito shairk an aw, is a lairge mackerel shairk. It is commonly referred tae as the mako shairk, as is the langfin mako shairk (Isurus paucus).

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Ρυγχοκαρχαρίας ( Greek, Modern (1453-) )

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Ίσουρος ο οξύρρυγχος

Ο ρυγχοκαρχαρίας (επιστημονική ονομασία Isurus oxyrinchus - Ίσουρος ο οξύρρυγχος) είναι ένας καρχαρίας της οικογενείας των λαμνίδων, που κατοικεί σε εύκρατα και τροπικά νερά, συνήθως μακριά από την ακτή, αλλά περιστασιακά εμφανίζεται κοντά σε νησιά και νησίδες.[1] Όπως και ο μακρυπτέρυγος ρυγχοκαρχαρίας αναφέρεται και ως καρχαρίας μάκο. Οι ρυγχοκαρχαρίες φτάνουν σε μήκος τα 4 μέτρα, με τους θηλυκούς να είναι μεγαλύτεροι σε μέγεθος, κυρίως επειδή ζουν περισσότερο. Το βάρος τους κυμαίνεται από 60 μέχρι 400 κίλα,[2] αλλά το βαρύτερο γνωστό άτομο ήταν ένα θηλυκό που ζύγιζε 794 κιλά και είχε μήκος 3,96 μέτρα.[3]


Το σχήμα του ρυγχοκαρχαρία μοιάζει με βελόνα και έχει μια μυτερή και μακριά μύτη. Οι ρυγχοκαρχαρίες έχουν ένα πολύ υδροδυναμικό σχήμα. Σε συνδυασμό με την χαρακτηριστική για τις Λαμνίδες αερόβια μυϊκή αναπνοή, ο ρυγχοκαρχαρίας μπορεί να αναπτύξει εντυπωσιακή ταχύτητα και μετακινείται με μεγάλη ευκινησία.

Το ουριαίο πτερύγιο έχει σχήμα ημισελήνου. Τα δευτερεύοντα ραχιαία πτερύγια είναι πολύ μικρότερο από ό, τι το πρώτο. Οι κορυφές των θωρακικών πτερύγιων, και το πρώτο ραχιαίο πτερύγιο στρογγυλοποιείται στους νεότερους καρχαρίες. Το δέρμα του ρυγχοκαρχαρία έχει πολύ λειαντικά πλακοειδή λέπια για μείωση της τριβής κατά τη διάρκεια της κολύμβησης, σαν τα λακκάκια μιας μπάλας του γκολφ.


Οι ρυγχοκαρχαρίες απαντώνται σε υπεράκτιες εύκρατες και τροπικές θάλασσες σε όλο τον κόσμο. Πρόκειται για πελαγικά είδη που μπορούν να βρεθούν από την επιφάνεια μέχρι σε βάθος 150 m, συνήθως μακριά από την ακτή αν και κατά καιρούς πιο κοντά στην ακτή, γύρω νησιά. Είναι ένας από τους μόλις τέσσερις γνωστούς ενδόθερμους καρχαρίες, σπάνια βρίσκεται σε ύδατα ψυχρότερα από 16 ° C.[4]

Στο δυτικό Ατλαντικό μπορεί να βρεθεί από την Αργεντινή και τον Κόλπο του Μεξικού μέχρι την Νέα Σκωτία. Στα ύδατα του Καναδά αυτοί οι καρχαρίες δεν είναι ούτε άφθονοι ούτε σπάνιοι. Η ύπαρξη ξιφία είναι μια καλή ένδειξη για ρυγχοκαρχαρίες, καθώς ο πρώτος αποτελεί τροφή για το δεύτερο και προτιμά παρόμοιες περιβαλλοντικές συνθήκες.[5]

Οι ρυγχοκαρχαρίες διανύουν μεγάλες αποστάσεις για να αναζητήσουν λεία ή συντρόφους. Τον Δεκέμβριο του 1998, ένα θηλυκό με ετικέτα από την Καλιφόρνια συνελήφθη στον κεντρικό Ειρηνικό από ένα ιαπωνικό ερευνητικό σκάφος, που σημαίνει ότι αυτό το ψάρι ταξίδεψε πάνω από 2.750 χιλιόμετρα. Ένα άλλο κολύμπησε 2.128 χιλιόμετρα σε 37 ημέρες, κατά μέσο όρο 58 χλμ σε μια ημέρα.[6]


Οι ρυγχοκαρχαρίες τρέφονται κυρίως με κεφαλόποδα, οστεώδη ψάρια όπως κολιοί, τόννοι, παλαμίδες και ξιφίες, αλλά μπορεί να φάνε και άλλους καρχαρίες, φώκιες, θαλάσσιες χελώνες και θαλασσοπούλια. Κυνηγούν κολυμπώντας κατακόρυφα προς τα πάνω και σκίζουν κομμάτια από τα πλευρά και τα πτερύγια των θηραμάτων τους. Οι ρυγχοκαρχαρίες κολυμπούν κάτω από το θήραμά τους, ώστε να μπορούν να δουν τι είναι πάνω και έχουν μεγάλη πιθανότητα να επιτεθούν στη λεία τους προτού αυτή το αντιληφθεί. Το δάγκωμα στο μίσχο της ουράς μπορεί να ακινητοποιήσει το θήραμα. Στο Ganzirri και στο Λίπαρι, Σικελία, έχουν βρεθεί ρυγχοκαρχαρίες με ακρωτηριασμένα κομμάτια από ξιφίες σφηνωμένα στο κεφάλι και τα βράγχια τους, γεγονός που υποδηλώνει ότι ο ξιφίας τραυματίζει σοβαρά και πιθανόν σκοτώνει ρυγχοκαρχαρίες. Επιπλέον, σε αυτό το μέρος, στο τέλος της άνοιξης και στις αρχές του χρόνου το καλοκαίρι, που αντιστοιχούν στο κύκλο αναπαραγωγής του ξιφία του, δείχνει ότι αυτούς κυνηγούν οι ρυγχοκαρχαρίες, ενώ οι ξιφίες είναι πιο ευάλωτοι, χαρακτηριστικό πολλών αρπακτικών.[1]


  1. 1,0 1,1 «The Shark Gallery - Shortfin Mako Shark (Isurus oxyrinchus)». "The Shark Trust". Αρχειοθετήθηκε από το πρωτότυπο στις 14 Ιουλίου 2011. Ανακτήθηκε στις 2 Οκτωβρίου 2008.
  2. «Florida Museum of Natural History Ichthyology Department: Shortfin Mako». Flmnh.ufl.edu. Ανακτήθηκε στις 24 Απριλίου 2010.
  3. «Large shortfin makos». Αρχειοθετήθηκε από το πρωτότυπο στις 29 Μαΐου 2012. Ανακτήθηκε στις 29 Μαΐου 2012.
  4. «Shortfin Mako (Isurus oxyrinchus)». Shark Foundation / Hai-Stiftung. 05/08/29. http://www.shark.ch/Database/Search/species.html?sh_id=1027. Ανακτήθηκε στις 2008-11-18.
  5. Campana, Steven (2 October 2008). «Shortfin Mako». The Canadian Shark Research Laboratory. Αρχειοθετήθηκε από το πρωτότυπο στις 2008-10-09. https://web.archive.org/web/20081009165831/http://www.marinebiodiversity.ca/shark/english/skull6.htm. Ανακτήθηκε στις 2008-11-16.
  6. R. Aidan., Martin (2003). «Open Ocean: the Blue DesertShortfin Mako». ReefQuest Centre for Shark Research. http://www.elasmo-research.org/education/ecology/ocean-mako.htm. Ανακτήθηκε στις 2008-11-14.
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Ρυγχοκαρχαρίας: Brief Summary ( Greek, Modern (1453-) )

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 src= Ίσουρος ο οξύρρυγχος

Ο ρυγχοκαρχαρίας (επιστημονική ονομασία Isurus oxyrinchus - Ίσουρος ο οξύρρυγχος) είναι ένας καρχαρίας της οικογενείας των λαμνίδων, που κατοικεί σε εύκρατα και τροπικά νερά, συνήθως μακριά από την ακτή, αλλά περιστασιακά εμφανίζεται κοντά σε νησιά και νησίδες. Όπως και ο μακρυπτέρυγος ρυγχοκαρχαρίας αναφέρεται και ως καρχαρίας μάκο. Οι ρυγχοκαρχαρίες φτάνουν σε μήκος τα 4 μέτρα, με τους θηλυκούς να είναι μεγαλύτεροι σε μέγεθος, κυρίως επειδή ζουν περισσότερο. Το βάρος τους κυμαίνεται από 60 μέχρι 400 κίλα, αλλά το βαρύτερο γνωστό άτομο ήταν ένα θηλυκό που ζύγιζε 794 κιλά και είχε μήκος 3,96 μέτρα.

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Shortfin mako shark

provided by wikipedia EN

The shortfin mako shark (/ˈmɑːkˌ ˈm-/; Māori: /ˈmaːko/;[3] Isurus oxyrinchus), also known as the blue pointer or bonito shark, is a large mackerel shark. It is commonly referred to as the mako shark, as is the longfin mako shark (Isurus paucus).[1][4][5] The shortfin mako can reach a size of 4 m (13 ft) in length and weigh 570 kg (1,260 lb). The species is classified as Endangered by the IUCN.


"Mako" comes from the Māori language,[6] meaning either the shark or a shark tooth. Following the Māori language, "mako" in English is both singular and plural. The word may have originated in a dialectal variation, as it is similar to the common words for shark in a number of Polynesian languagesmakō in the Kāi Tahu Māori dialect,[7] mangō in other Māori dialects,[7] "mago" in Samoan, ma'o in Tahitian, and mano in Hawaiian. The first written usage is in Lee and Kendall's Grammar and vocabulary of the language of New Zealand (1820), which simply states, "Máko; A certain fish".[8][9] Richard Taylor's A leaf from the natural history of New Zealand (1848) is more elaborate: "Mako, the shark which has the tooth so highly prized by the Maoris".[10] In 1809, Constantine Rafinesque gave the shortfin mako the scientific name Isurus oxyrinchus (isurus means "the same tail", oxyrinchus means "pointy snout").


The jaws
The lower teeth

The shortfin mako shark is a fairly large species of shark. Growth rates appear to be somewhat accelerated in comparison to other species in the lamnid family.[11] An average adult specimen measures around 2.5 to 3.2 m (8.2 to 10.5 ft) in length and weighs from 60–140 kg (130–310 lb). The species is sexually dimorphic, with females typically larger than males. Large specimens are known, with a few large, mature females exceeding a length of 3.8 m (12 ft) and a weight of 550 kg (1,210 lb).[11] The largest taken on hook-and-line was 600 kg (1,300 lb), caught off the coast of California on June 3, 2013,[12] and the longest verified length was 4.45 m (14.6 ft) caught off the Mediterranean coast of France in September 1973. A specimen caught off the coast of Italy and examined in an Italian fish market in 1881 was reported to weigh an extraordinary 1,000 kg (2,200 lb) at a length of 4 m (13 ft).[13] Yet another fish was caught off Marmaris, Turkey in the late 1950s at an estimated size of between 5.7 and 6.19 m (18.7 and 20.3 ft) making it the largest known specimen of the species.[14] However, this estimate was created using photos of the shark and not at the time of capture so this estimate must be taken with reasonable caution. The authors did not estimate a weight for this specimen.

The shortfin mako shark is cylindrical in shape, with a vertically elongated tail. This species exhibits countershading, with brilliant metallic blue coloration dorsally and white ventrally. The line of demarcation between blue and white on the body is distinct. The underside of the snout and the area around the mouth are white. Larger specimens tend to possess darker coloration that extends onto parts of the body that would be white in smaller individuals. The juvenile mako differs in that it has a clear blackish stain on the tip of the snout. The longfin mako shark very much resembles the shortfin mako shark, but has larger pectoral fins, dark rather than pale coloration around the mouth and larger eyes. The presence of only one lateral keel on the tail and the lack of lateral cusps on the teeth distinguish the mako from the closely related porbeagle sharks of the genus Lamna.


Range and habitat

A shortfin mako shark

The shortfin mako inhabits offshore temperate and tropical seas worldwide.[15] The closely related longfin mako shark is found in the Gulf Stream or warmer offshore waters (e.g. New Zealand and Maine).

It is a pelagic species that can be found from the surface to depths of 150 m (490 ft),[16] normally far from land, though occasionally closer to shore, around islands or inlets.[17] One of the very few known endothermic sharks, it is seldom found in waters colder than 16 °C (61 °F).[18]

In the western Atlantic, it can be found from Argentina and the Gulf of Mexico to Browns Bank off of Nova Scotia.[16] In Canadian waters, these sharks are neither abundant nor rare. Swordfish are good indicators of shortfin mako populations, as the former are a source of food and prefer similar environmental conditions.[19] The shark is one of the most commonly found in the waters of New Zealand.[20]

Shortfin mako sharks travel long distances to seek prey or mates. In December 1998, a female tagged off California was captured in the central Pacific by a Japanese research vessel, meaning this fish traveled over 2,776 km (1,725 mi). Another specimen swam 2,128 km (1,322 mi) in 37 days, averaging 58 km (36 mi) a day.[21]


The head of a mako shark

The shortfin mako shark feeds mainly upon cephalopods and bony fish including mackerels, tunas, bonitos, and swordfish, but it may also eat other sharks, porpoises, sea turtles, and seabirds. They hunt by lunging vertically up and tearing off chunks of their preys' flanks and fins. Mako swim below their prey, so they can see what is above and have a high probability of reaching prey before it notices them. In Ganzirri and Isola Lipari, Sicily, shortfin mako have been found with amputated swordfish bills impaled into their head and gills, suggesting swordfish seriously injure and likely kill them. In addition, this location, and the late spring and early summer timing, corresponding to the swordfish's spawning cycle, suggests they hunt while the swordfish are most vulnerable, typical of many predators.[17]

Shortfin mako sharks consume 3% of their weight each day and take about 1.5–2.0 days to digest an average-sized meal. By comparison, the sandbar shark, an inactive species, consumes 0.6% of its weight a day and takes 3 to 4 days to digest it. An analysis of the stomach contents of 399 male and female mako sharks ranging from 67–328 cm (26–129 in) suggest mako from Cape Hatteras to the Grand Banks prefer bluefish, constituting 77.5% of their diet by volume. The average capacity of the stomach was 10% of the total weight. Shortfin mako sharks consumed 4.3% to 14.5% of the available bluefish between Cape Hatteras and Georges Bank.[22]

Shortfin mako sharks over 3 m (9.8 ft) have interior teeth considerably wider and flatter than smaller mako, which enables them to prey effectively upon dolphins, swordfish, and other sharks.[21] An amateur videotape, taken in Pacific waters, shows a moribund pantropical spotted dolphin whose tail was almost completely severed being circled by a shortfin mako. Mako also tend to scavenge long-lined and netted fish.[23]

The bite of a shortfin mako shark is exceptionally strong; the current record for the strongest bite measured for any shark belongs to a shortfin mako that was recorded at Mayor Island in New Zealand in 2020. The shark had been coaxed into biting a custom-made "bite meter" as part of an experiment to measure mako bite force. The strongest bite recorded during the experiment was roughly 3,000 lbs. of force, or roughly 13,000 newtons.[24]

Its endothermic constitution partly accounts for its relatively great speed.[25]

Like other lamnid sharks, the shortfin mako shark has a heat-exchange circulatory system that allows the shark to be 4–5.5 °C (7–10 °F) warmer than the surrounding water. This system enables them to maintain a stable, very high level of activity,[26] giving it an advantage over its cold-blooded prey.[27]


The shortfin mako is a fast species that can leap into the air when hooked, making it a highly sought-after game fish worldwide. Some cases of shortfin mako jumping into a boat after having been hooked have been reported.[28]


The shortfin mako shark is a yolk-sac ovoviviparous shark giving birth to live young. Developing embryos feed on unfertilized eggs (oophagy) within the uterus during the 15- to 18-month gestation period. They do not engage in sibling cannibalism unlike the sand tiger shark (Carcharias taurus). The four to 18 surviving young are born live in the late winter and early spring at a length of about 70 cm (28 in). Females may rest for 18 months after birth before mating again. Shortfin mako sharks bear young on average every three years.[29] A common mating strategy of shortfin mako sharks has been documented as using multiple paternity as a mating strategy, known as polyandry. Polyandry is where the females mate with more than one male. This strategy is used to have a single brood sired by multiple males (multiple paternity) and is a common strategy in diverse taxa, including invertebrates and vertebrates.[30]


Shortfin mako sharks, as with most other sharks, are aged by sectioning vertebrae – one of the few bony structures in sharks – and counting growth bands. The age of shortfin mako, and therefore important parameters, such as age at sexual maturity and longevity, were severely underestimated until 2006 (e.g. claims of sexual maturity at 4–6 years, claims of longevity as low as 11 years), because of a poorly supported belief that shortfin mako sharks deposited two growth bands per year in their vertebrae. This belief was overturned by a landmark study which proved that shortfin mako sharks only deposit one band in their vertebrae per year, as well as providing validated ages for numerous specimens.[31] Natanson et al. (2006) aged 258 shortfin mako specimens and recorded:

  • Maximum age of 29 years in males (260 cm or 8.5 ft fork length (FL))
  • Maximum age of 32 years in females (335 cm or 10.99 ft FL)
  • 50% sexual maturity at 8 years in males (185 cm or 6.07 ft FL)
  • 50% sexual maturity at 18 years in females (275 cm or 9.02 ft FL)

Similar, validated age findings were made (median age at maturity in males 7–9 years, median age at maturity in females 19–21 years, longevity estimates 29 years and 28 years respectively) in New Zealand waters.[32]

Due to this error, fishery management models and ecological risk assessment models in use around the world were underestimating both the longevity and the age at sexual maturity in shortfin mako sharks, particularly in females, by two-thirds or more (i.e. 6 years versus 18+ years), and some of these inaccurate models remain in use.


Of all studied sharks, the shortfin mako has one of the largest brain-to-body ratios. This large brain size prompted New Zealand Sealife Australia and New Zealand senior curator Craig Thorburn of Auckland, New Zealand, and film-maker Mike Bhana to investigate the intelligence of the shortfin mako. From tests involving shape differentiation to electroreception tests and individual recognition, Isuru Somawardana and his team of shark experts discovered shortfin mako are fast-learning sharks, able to determine whether or not the researchers were threatening. The sharks involved in the study (while never the same individuals) after initial caution showed unique and novel behaviors, such as refusing to roll back their eyes during feeding and allowing themselves to be briefly restrained and touched while being offered bait. Shortfin mako also do not rely on electroreception when hunting, unlike the great white shark, based on tests involving wired fiberglass fish designed to emit weak electrical signals resembling real fish of similar size. Instead, they rely on smell, hearing, and most prominently, vision. The results of this research were featured on a documentary presented by Shark Week in 1999 called Mako: Swift, Smart & Deadly.[33]

Relationship with humans

Shortfin mako sharks in the fishing port of Vigo

Fishing for sport

Mako fishing is a prominent activity around the world. As one of the fastest species in the water they offer acrobatic flips, fast runs, and heavy fights that entertain anglers. Traditionally, the sharks are hooked through the use of chum and baitcasters; however, fly fishing for them has become more popular, particularly in San Diego, where one of the three known worldwide mako rookeries is located. A cottage industry of fishing in this rookery has emerged, specifically catch and release with charter operations out of Mission Bay.[34] For many years the mass commercial boats hunted them for restaurant catch, but through the efforts of many local fishing companies and national organizations such as Orvis, this has been curbed.[35]


Shortfin mako shark that was captive for a short time at Yokohama Hakkeijima Sea Paradise

Of all recorded attempts to keep pelagic shark species in captivity, the shortfin mako shark has fared the poorest, even more so than the blue shark and the great white shark. At SeaWorld San Diego, a 90 cm (3.0 ft) shortfin mako shark ability test failed in the early 1970s.[36] In the summer of 1978, two mako sharks caught off the coast of San Diego failed to evade the wall and both died within three days.[36] The current record is held by a specimen kept at the New Jersey Aquarium for only five days in 2001. Like past attempts at keeping Isurus in captivity, the animal appeared strong on arrival, but had trouble negotiating the walls of the aquarium, refused to feed, quickly weakened, and died.[37]

Attacks on humans

ISAF statistics records 9 shortfin attacks on humans between 1580 and 2022, three of which were fatal, along with 20 boat attacks.[38] This mako is regularly blamed for attacks on humans and, due to its speed, power, and size, it is certainly capable of injuring and killing people. However, this species will not generally attack humans and does not seem to treat them as prey. Most modern attacks involving shortfin mako sharks are considered to have been provoked due to harassment or the shark being caught on a fishing line.[39] Divers who have encountered shortfin mako note, prior to an attack, they swim in a figure-eight pattern and approach with mouths open.[39]


The shortfin mako is currently classified as Endangered by the IUCN, having been uplisted from Vulnerable in 2019 and Near-Threatened in 2007.[40][1] The species is included on Appendix II of CITES which regulates international trade.[2] The species is being targeted by both sport and commercial fisheries, and there is a substantial proportion of bycatch in driftnet fisheries for other species.[1] In June 2018, the New Zealand Department of Conservation classified the shortfin mako shark as "Not Threatened" with the qualifier "Uncertain whether Secure Overseas" under the New Zealand Threat Classification System.[41] In 2019, the shortfin mako was reclassified by the IUCN from being listed as "Vulnerable" to "Endangered" after a review of 58 elasmobranch species.[42]

See also


  1. ^ a b c d Rigby, C.L.; Barreto, R.; Carlson, J.; Fernando, D.; Fordham, S.; Francis, M.P.; Jabado, R.W.; Liu, K.M.; Marshall, A.; Pacoureau, N.; Romanov, E.; Sherley, R.B.; Winker, H. (2019). "Isurus oxyrinchus". IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. 2019: e.T39341A2903170. doi:10.2305/IUCN.UK.2019-1.RLTS.T39341A2903170.en. Retrieved 19 November 2021.
  2. ^ a b "Appendices | CITES". cites.org. Retrieved 2022-01-14.
  3. ^ www.dynamo6.com. "mako - Te Aka Māori Dictionary". mako - Te Aka Māori Dictionary. Retrieved 2021-11-25.
  4. ^ "Isurus oxyrinchus". Integrated Taxonomic Information System. Retrieved 23 January 2006.
  5. ^ Froese, Rainer; Pauly, Daniel (eds.) (2006). "Isurus oxyrinchus" in FishBase. May 2006 version.
  6. ^ "Maori language – a glossary of useful words from the language of the Maori New Zealand". Retrieved 2006-08-11.
  7. ^ a b H. W. Williams (1971). Dictionary of the Maori Language (7th ed.).
  8. ^ Oxford: The Dictionary of New Zealand English: New Zealand words and their origins. 1997.
  9. ^ "Online Etymology Dictionary". Retrieved 2008-03-08.
  10. ^ Richard Taylor (1848). A leaf from the natural history of New Zealand. xiii.
  11. ^ a b FLMNH Ichthyology Department: Shortfin Mako. Flmnh.ufl.edu. Retrieved on 2012-08-22.
  12. ^ "1,323-pound shark caught off coast of Huntington Beach". KABC TV. Archived from the original on 16 December 2013. Retrieved 6 June 2013.
  13. ^ Kabasakal, H. and De Maddalena, A. (2011) A huge shortfin mako shark Isurus oxyrinchus Rafinesque, 1810 (Chondrichthyes: Lamnidae) from the waters of Marmaris, Turkey Archived 2014-01-04 at the Wayback Machine. Annales, Series Historia Naturalis, 21 (1): 21–24
  14. ^ Kabasakal, Hakan (January 2011). "A Huge Shortfin Mako Isurus oxyrinchus rafinesque, 1810 (Chondrichthyes: Lamnidae) From the Waters of Marmaris, Turkey" (PDF). Annales: 21–24 – via research gate.
  15. ^ Roberts, Clive; Stewart, A. L.; Struthers, Carl D.; Barker, Jeremy; Kortet, Salme; Freeborn, Michelle (2015). The fishes of New Zealand. Vol. 2. Wellington, New Zealand: Te Papa Press. p. 72. ISBN 978-0-9941041-6-8. OCLC 908128805.
  16. ^ a b McEachran, J.; Fechhelm, J.D. (1998). Fishes of the Gulf of Mexico, Vol. 1: Myxiniformes to Gasterosteiformes. Fishes of the Gulf of Mexico. Austin: University of Texas Press. p. 43. ISBN 978-0-292-75206-1. OCLC 38468784. Retrieved 13 July 2021.
  17. ^ a b "The Shark Gallery – Shortfin Mako Shark (Isurus oxyrinchus)". The Shark Trust. Archived from the original on 2011-07-14. Retrieved 2008-10-02.
  18. ^ "Shortfin Mako sharks(Isurus oxyrinchus)". Shark Foundation / Hai-Stiftung. 29 August 2005. Retrieved 18 November 2008.
  19. ^ Campana, Steven; Warren Joyce; Zoey Zahorodny (2 October 2008). "Shortfin Mako". The Canadian Shark Research Laboratory. Archived from the original on 29 May 2012. Retrieved 2008-11-16.
  20. ^ Vennell, Robert (5 October 2022). Secrets of the Sea: The Story of New Zealand's Native Sea Creatures. HarperCollins Publishers Ltd. pp. 164–169. ISBN 978-1-77554-179-0. Wikidata Q114871191.
  21. ^ a b R. Aidan Martin (2003). "Open Ocean: the Blue DesertShortfin Mako". ReefQuest Centre for Shark Research. Retrieved 2008-11-14.
  22. ^ Stillwell, C.E.; Kohler, N.E. (1982). "Food, Feeding Habits, and Estimates of Daily Ration of the Shortfin Mako (Isurus oxyrinchus ) in the Northwest Atlantic". Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences. 39 (3): 407–414. doi:10.1139/f82-058. Archived from the original on 2011-05-20. Retrieved 2008-11-04.
  23. ^ Fergusson, Ian. "Shortfin Mako Shark (Isurus oxyrinchus)". Archived from the original on 2009-02-02. Retrieved 2008-11-18.
  24. ^ "Most powerful shark bite ever recorded measured by scientists". Newsweek. 14 August 2020.
  25. ^ Passarelli, Nancy; Craig Knickle; Kristy DiVittorio. "SHORTFIN MAKO". Florida Museum of Natural History. Archived from the original on 2016-01-27. Retrieved 2008-10-06.
  26. ^ McGrouther, M (May 2007). "Shortfin Mako". Australian Museum. Archived from the original on 11 February 2009. Retrieved 15 November 2008.
  27. ^ "Shortfin Mako Shark". 2008 Discovery Communications, LLC. October 30, 2007. Archived from the original on September 25, 2008. Retrieved 2008-11-04.
  28. ^ "Monstrous mako shark hops on boat, gets itself stuck, dramatic video shows". Fox News. Fox News. 2017-07-28. Retrieved 28 July 2017.
  29. ^ Last, PR; Stevens JD (2012). Sharks and Rays of Australia (Second ed.). Australia: CSIRO (Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation). ISBN 978-0-643-09457-4.
  30. ^ Nasby-Lucas, N., Dewar, H., Sosa-Nishizaki, O., Wilson, C., Hyde, J. R., Vetter, R. D., Wraith, J., Block, B. A., Kinney, M. J., Sippel, T., Holts, D. B., & Kohin, S. (2019). Movements of electronically tagged shortfin mako sharks (Isurus Oxyrinchus) in the eastern North Pacific Ocean. Animal Biotelemetry, 7(1).
  31. ^ Natanson, L.J.; Kohler, N.E.; Ardizzone, D.; Cailliet, G.M.; Wintner, S.P.; Mollet, H.F. (2006). "Validated age and growth estimates for the shortfin mako, Isurus oxyrhinchus, in the North Atlantic Ocean" (PDF). Environmental Biology of Fishes. 77 (3–4): 367–383. doi:10.1007/s10641-006-9127-z. S2CID 24839752. Archived from the original (PDF) on 2010-05-27.
  32. ^ Bishop, S.D.H.; Francis, M.P.; Duffy, C.; Montgomery, J.C. (2006). "Age, growth, maturity, longevity and natural mortality of the shortfin mako shark (Isurus oxyrinchus) in New Zealand waters" (PDF). Marine and Freshwater Research. 57 (2): 143–154. doi:10.1071/MF05077.
  33. ^ "Mako – Swift, Smart & Deadly".
  34. ^ "San Diego Shark Fishing Charter TheFlyStop.com". Archived from the original on 2014-12-23.
  35. ^ "San Diego Offshore | California Fly Fishing Reports & Conditions".
  36. ^ a b "Shortfin mako (Isurus oxyrinchus) in Captivity". January 2019. Retrieved 16 March 2019.
  37. ^ Elasmobranch Research around Monterey Bay
  38. ^ ISAF Statistics on Attacking Species of Shark. Flmnh.ufl.edu (2012-01-30). Retrieved on 2012-08-22.
  39. ^ a b "Shortfin Mako Sharks". MarineBio Conservation Society. Retrieved 2023-05-01.
  40. ^ "More oceanic sharks added to the IUCN Red List". IUCN.org. IUCN. 2007-02-21.
  41. ^ Duffy, Clinton A. J.; Francis, Malcolm; Dunn, M. R.; Finucci, Brit; Ford, Richard; Hitchmough, Rod; Rolfe, Jeremy (2018). Conservation status of New Zealand chondrichthyans (chimaeras, sharks and rays), 2016 (PDF). Wellington, New Zealand: Department of Conservation. p. 10. ISBN 978-1-988514-62-8. OCLC 1042901090.
  42. ^ "Ocean for Sharks". Archived from the original on 2020-04-16. Retrieved 2019-03-23.

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Shortfin mako shark: Brief Summary

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The shortfin mako shark (/ˈmɑːkoʊˌ ˈmeɪ-/; Māori: /ˈmaːko/; Isurus oxyrinchus), also known as the blue pointer or bonito shark, is a large mackerel shark. It is commonly referred to as the mako shark, as is the longfin mako shark (Isurus paucus). The shortfin mako can reach a size of 4 m (13 ft) in length and weigh 570 kg (1,260 lb). The species is classified as Endangered by the IUCN.

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Isurus oxyrinchus ( Spanish; Castilian )

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El tiburón mako, marrajo común o de aleta corta (Isurus oxyrinchus) es una especie de elasmobranquio lamniforme de la familia Lamnidae.[2]​ Puede medir entre 3,5 y 4 metros de longitud. Tiene una distribución muy amplia: se encuentra en el océano Pacífico, Atlántico, Índico, mar Mediterráneo y Mar caribe mar Rojo. Se considera que está en peligro de extinción, por sobrepesca.

Considerado globalmente vulnerable de extinción (IUCN 2014), este tiburón ha estado sujeto a niveles elevados de mortalidad por pesca en el Atlántico Norte, y se estima, con base en un análisis de modelaje demográfico, que su abundancia se ha reducido entre 20 y 80 % (Kyne et al. 2012). Los datos históricos de captura en la pesquería palangrera industrial venezolana muestran una caída paulatina de los números a lo largo de los últimos años (Tavares y Arocha 2008, Arocha et al. 2013). Debido a la vulnerabilidad de sus poblaciones, la Comisión Internacional para la Conservación del Atún Atlántico ha instado a las naciones contratantes a que realicen esfuerzos que contribuyan a reducir sus niveles de mortalidad por pesca.


El marrajo común es un gran tiburón con el cuerpo fusiforme, robusto, macizo y muy hidrodinámico. Su hocico es cónico y puntiagudo y la boca es grande y estrecha, en forma de U con amplios diastemas separando las hemimandíbulas. Los ojos son redondos, negros y de tamaño mediano. Aletas escapulares medianas, de extremo ligeramente redondeado. Primera dorsal mediana y de extremo ligeramente redondeado, con su origen justo por detrás de las escapulares; segunda dorsal y anal diminutas, ambas enfrentadas. Aleta caudal grande de lóbulos anchos y en forma de media luna, con el lóbulo superior ligeramente más grande que el inferior. Hendiduras branquiales grandes, cinco pares en total. Pedúnculo caudal deprimido y ensanchado por grandes quillas laterales muy largas. Los dientes son grandes,de cúspide ancha (en los adultos) y flexionada, con los bordes lisos, el tercer diente superior es diminuto e inclinado seguido de diastema. Es de color azul oscuro en el dorso, más claro en los costados y blanco puro en el vientre.


Son tiburones de gran tamaño, habiéndose registrado el largo de una hembra capturada en 4,5 metros. El tamaño usual de ejemplares adultos bien desarrollados suele estar entre 3,5 y 4 metros de longitud, con pesos de hasta 750 kg.

Historia natural

Se sabe que ha atacado a personas y embarcaciones sin provocación previa, por lo que es considerado peligroso. Es muy buscado por los aficionados a la pesca deportiva ya que es muy combativo y potente.[2]

Al igual que los otros tiburones pertenecientes a la familia Lamnidae los marrajos mantienen una temperatura corporal superior a la del medio (son homeotermos) lo que les permite realizar una digestión más rápida, triplicar su fuerza muscular o actuar más rápidamente. Es un tiburón pelágico de hábitos oceánicos.


El marrajo es un tiburón ovovivíparo, con camadas de entre 4 y 8 fetos, máxima conocida de 16. Estos pequeños tiburones miden al nacer unos 70 centímetros, y crecerán según su sexo hasta madurar a 1,9 metros los machos y 2,6-2,8 metros en las hembras.

Cuando un marrajo tiene crías en su vientre, los embriones más desarrollados o las crías más desarrolladas se comen a sus hermanos y a los huevos, esta actividad de canibalismo se llama oofagia.[1][2]


Cabeza de Isurus oxyrinchus.
Isurus oxyrinchus- Mandíbulas.
Dentadura inferior.

Este tiburón es un poderoso y veloz cazador de todo tipo de presas; su dieta consiste en peces (pequeños como la caballa, el arenque, el jurel, la sardina, el bonito, el listado, la bacoreta, etc. o grandes como el atún rojo, el pez espada, los marlines y los peces vela) calamares, otros tiburones, tortugas marinas, marsopas, delfines e incluso se han dado casos de ataques a pequeños cetáceos debido a su gran tamaño y agresividad. Es el más importante depredador del pez espada (Xiphias gladius) el cual representa una parte importante de la dieta de los grandes marrajos; Existe el caso de un ejemplar de marrajo de más de 300 kg capturado, en cuyo estómago se encontró un ejemplar joven de pez espada de 55 kg el cual estaba entero. Debido a su gran tamaño, dentición y agresividad son considerados tiburones peligrosos, ya que se han registrado una serie de ataques, tanto provocados como sin provocar. Es también responsable de ataques a embarcaciones (en las que en ocasiones salta en el interior, sobre todo durante la práctica de su pesca deportiva).

A pesar de su voracidad y peligrosidad, el marrajo no está en la cima de la cadena alimentaria ya que la orca es un predador natural de este pez. De hecho, se han registrado casos en aguas de Nueva Zelanda donde una orca destruyó a un marrajo, asestándole con su cola un golpe similar a uno de karate (comparativa realizada por los biólogos que presenciaron el ataque).[3]​ Sin embargo, el marrajo consigue escapar a la lista de presas de su emparentado tiburón blanco, el otro gran predador marino, por los ambientes frecuentados por cada uno, ya que mientras el tiburón blanco es más frecuente en aguas cálidas y cercanas a la superficie, el marrajo es habitual en aguas profundas.


El marrajo es un tiburón muy activo, de fuerza descomunal y gran velocidad. Según pruebas recientes[¿cuál?] el marrajo puede llegar a alcanzar velocidades punta de más de 124 km/h lo que le otorga el puesto de animal más rápido del océano, puesto que anteriormente se atribuía al pez vela con sus 110 km/h. El secreto de tal potencia y velocidad es su perfecta hidrodinámica, su potente masa muscular, su aleta caudal en forma de media luna y el hecho de ser homeotermo, lo cual triplica su potencia muscular permitiéndole además realizar arranques bruscos. Dicha combinación de fuerza y velocidad les confiere a estos animales la capacidad de saltar muy alto fuera del agua, al igual que lo hace el tiburón blanco. Suele realizar dichos saltos cuando está prendido en un anzuelo de pesca, durante los cuales puede alcanzar entre 3 y 4 metros de altura.[cita requerida]


De todos los tiburones estudiados, el mako de aleta corta tiene una de las relaciones cerebro-cuerpo más grandes. Isuru Somawardana y su equipo de expertos en tiburones descubrieron que los mako son tiburones de aprendizaje rápido, capaces de determinar si los investigadores amenazaban o no. Los tiburones que participaron en el estudio (aunque nunca fueron los mismos individuos) después de la precaución inicial mostraron comportamientos únicos y nunca antes vistos, como negarse a hacer retroceder los ojos durante la alimentación y dejarse sujetar y tocar brevemente mientras se les ofrece cebo. El mako de aleta corta tampoco confía en la electrorrecepción cuando caza, a diferencia del gran tiburón blanco, basado en pruebas que involucran peces de fibra de vidrio con cable diseñados para emitir señales eléctricas débiles que se asemejan a peces reales de tamaño similar. En su lugar, se basan en el olfato, la audición y, lo más importante, en la visión. Los resultados de esta investigación se presentaron en un documental presentado por Shark Week en 1999 llamado "Mako: Swift, Smart & Deadly".[4]


El mako de aleta corta actualmente está clasificado como «en peligro» por la UICN, según actualización de noviembre de 2018.[5]​ La especie está siendo afectada por la pesca deportiva y comercial, y existe una proporción sustancial de captura incidental en las pesquerías con redes de deriva para otras especies.[5]​ En junio de 2018, el Departamento de Conservación de Nueva Zelanda clasificó al tiburón mako de aleta corta como «no amenazado» con el calificativo «incierto de estar seguro en el extranjero» según el sistema de clasificación de amenazas de Nueva Zelanda.[6]


  1. a b Cailliet, G.M., Cavanagh, R.D., Kulka, D.W., Stevens, J.D., Soldo, A., Clo, S., Macias, D., Baum, J., Kohin, S., Duarte, A., Holtzhausen, J.A., Acuña, E., Amorim, A. & Domingo, A. 2004. Isurus oxyrinchus. IUCN 2010. Lista Roja de Especies Amenazadas IUCN. Version 2010.2. . Consultado el 24 de agosto de 2010.
  2. a b c «Froese, R. & Pauly, D. (Editors). 2009. FishBase. World Wide Web electronic publication. www.fishbase.org, version (10/2009).». Archivado desde el original el 9 de mayo de 2016. Consultado el 12 de enero de 2010.
  3. Insólitas imágenes de una ballena dando golpe mortal a tiburón. Planeta curioso - 30-11-2009
  4. «Mako — Swift, Smart & Deadly».
  5. a b «Isurus oxyrinchus (Shortfin Mako)». oldredlist.iucnredlist.org. Consultado el 21 de octubre de 2019.
  6. Duffy, Clinton A. J.; Francis, Malcolm; Dunn, M. R.; Finucci, Brit; Ford, Richard; Hitchmough, Rod; Rolfe, Jeremy (2018). Conservation status of New Zealand chondrichthyans (chimaeras, sharks and rays), 2016. Wellington, New Zealand: Department of Conservation. p. 10. ISBN 9781988514628. OCLC 1042901090.

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Isurus oxyrinchus: Brief Summary ( Spanish; Castilian )

provided by wikipedia ES

El tiburón mako, marrajo común o de aleta corta (Isurus oxyrinchus) es una especie de elasmobranquio lamniforme de la familia Lamnidae.​ Puede medir entre 3,5 y 4 metros de longitud. Tiene una distribución muy amplia: se encuentra en el océano Pacífico, Atlántico, Índico, mar Mediterráneo y Mar caribe mar Rojo. Se considera que está en peligro de extinción, por sobrepesca.

Considerado globalmente vulnerable de extinción (IUCN 2014), este tiburón ha estado sujeto a niveles elevados de mortalidad por pesca en el Atlántico Norte, y se estima, con base en un análisis de modelaje demográfico, que su abundancia se ha reducido entre 20 y 80 % (Kyne et al. 2012). Los datos históricos de captura en la pesquería palangrera industrial venezolana muestran una caída paulatina de los números a lo largo de los últimos años (Tavares y Arocha 2008, Arocha et al. 2013). Debido a la vulnerabilidad de sus poblaciones, la Comisión Internacional para la Conservación del Atún Atlántico ha instado a las naciones contratantes a que realicen esfuerzos que contribuyan a reducir sus niveles de mortalidad por pesca.

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Marrazo muturluze ( Basque )

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Marrazo muturluzea (Isurus oxyrinchus) ur gaziko arrain kartilaginosoa da, Lamnidae familiakoa[1].

Munduko itsaso epel guztietan bizi da.


  1. ADW: Isurus oxyrinchus: Information Animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu 2010-04-18.

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Marrazo muturluze: Brief Summary ( Basque )

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Marrazo muturluzea (Isurus oxyrinchus) ur gaziko arrain kartilaginosoa da, Lamnidae familiakoa.

Munduko itsaso epel guztietan bizi da.

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Makrillihai ( Finnish )

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Makrillihain leuat.

Makrillihai (Isurus oxyrinchus) on noin 3-4 metriä pitkä hyvin vahva ja nopea hailaji. Sen ruumis on varsin solakka verrattuna esimerkiksi valkohain tukevarakenteiseen ruumiiseen. Selkäpuoli on tummansininen ja vatsapuoli valkoinen. Se on suosittu urheilukalastuksen kohde nopeutensa ja voimiensa takia. Lisäksi sillä on koukkuun jäädessään tapana hypätä ilmaan vapautuakseen. Se on aggressiivinen laji ja muutamia ihmisiin kohdistuneita hyökkäyksiä on raportoitu.

Makrillihaita on kutsuttu myös makohaiksi. Nykyisessä suomalaisessa kalannimistössä[2] makohai kuitenkin tarkoittaa saman suvun toista ja harvinaisempaa lajia Isurus paucus, joka on pitkä- ja kapeaeväisempi.


Makrillihaita tavataan maailmanlaajuisesti valtamerten trooppisissa ja lauhkeissa osissa aina 150 metrin syvyyteen asti. Ne viihtyvät ulappavesillä.

Makrillihain kanta on hupenemessa kovaa vauhtia, ja Kansainvälinen luonnonsuojeluliitto pitää sitä erittäin uhanalaisena lajina. Kanta oli vuoden 2019 arvioissa noin puolet pienempi kuin 1940-luvulla. Vain Tyynenemeren eteläosan kanta on kasvamassa.[1]


Makrillihait syövät pääasiassa kaloja ja mustekaloja, mutta niiden tiedetään käyneen myös delfiinien, merikilpikonnien ja jopa pienempien hailajien kimppuun.


Makrillihait synnyttävät eläviä poikasia, jotka ovat syntyessään 60-75 cm pitkiä. Laji on ovovivipaarinen, eli munat kehittyvät emon sisällä. Synnytysajankohta vaihtelee eri populaatioiden välillä. Esimerkiksi Atlantin pohjoisosassa elävät synnyttävät keväällä ja Australian vesillä elävät syksyllä.


Elokuvassa Nemoa etsimässä Poiju niminen makrillihai ("makohai") on "hyvä" ja kavereittensa valko- ja vasarahain kanssa hän on ryhtynyt kasvissyöjäksi. Tappajahai-elokuvan julisteessa on valkohai, jolle "lainattiin" makrillihain hampaat pelottavuuden lisäämiseksi. Makrillihaiden leuat ovat hintavia keräilykohteita, isojen yksilöiden kidoista on pyydetty Ebay internet -kauppasivulla jopa 1500 dollarin hintoja kappaleelta. Renny Harlinin elokuvassa Deep Blue Sea esiintyvät hait ovat makrillihaita.



  1. a b Rigby, C.L., Barreto, R., Carlson, J., Fernando, D., Fordham, S., Francis, M.P., Jabado, R.W., Liu, K.M., Marshall, A., Pacoureau, N., Romanov, E., Sherley, R.B. & Winker, H: Isurus oxyrinchus IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Version 2019-1. 2019. International Union for Conservation of Nature, IUCN, Iucnredlist.org. Viitattu 27.3.2019. (englanniksi)
  2. Varjo, M., Koli, L., Dahlström, H. Maailman kalojen nimet. Suomen Biologian Seura Vanamo. Porvoo 2004. ISBN 951-9108-13-0

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Makrillihai: Brief Summary ( Finnish )

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 src= Makrillihain leuat.

Makrillihai (Isurus oxyrinchus) on noin 3-4 metriä pitkä hyvin vahva ja nopea hailaji. Sen ruumis on varsin solakka verrattuna esimerkiksi valkohain tukevarakenteiseen ruumiiseen. Selkäpuoli on tummansininen ja vatsapuoli valkoinen. Se on suosittu urheilukalastuksen kohde nopeutensa ja voimiensa takia. Lisäksi sillä on koukkuun jäädessään tapana hypätä ilmaan vapautuakseen. Se on aggressiivinen laji ja muutamia ihmisiin kohdistuneita hyökkäyksiä on raportoitu.

Makrillihaita on kutsuttu myös makohaiksi. Nykyisessä suomalaisessa kalannimistössä makohai kuitenkin tarkoittaa saman suvun toista ja harvinaisempaa lajia Isurus paucus, joka on pitkä- ja kapeaeväisempi.

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Requin mako ( French )

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Isurus oxyrinchus

Mâchoire de requin mako

Le requin mako ou requin-taupe bleu (Isurus oxyrinchus) est une espèce de requins de la famille des Lamnidae.

L’espèce est considérée comme étant en danger d’extinction[1].


Il est de couleur bleu nuit sur le dessus et blanc en dessous, pour une taille maximale de quatre mètres. C'est un requin taillé pour la course : sa forme fuselée est très hydrodynamique, et ses fentes branchiales sont particulièrement larges, pour optimiser la respiration.

Répartition et habitat

Pélagique et parfois côtier en eaux tropicales et tempérées. Évolue de la surface à 740 mètres de profondeur[2].



Ovovivipare avec cannibalisme intra-utérin. De 2 à 21 embryons mesurant 60 cm à la naissance. La gestation durerait deux ans[2],[3].


Essentiellement des poissons pélagiques comme les thons mais également des requins ainsi que des céphalopodes.[précision nécessaire]


Ce requin est capable de maintenir une température corporelle supérieure d'environ 10 °C à celle de l'eau, cette particularité couplée à ses larges fentes branchiales lui permet d'atteindre rapidement des vitesses élevées et de faire des bonds hors de l'eau. Crédité d'une vitesse moyenne de 50 km/h, certains auteurs avancent que sa vitesse de pointe serait de l'ordre de 70 km/h[4], ce qui prouverait que ce requin est capable de faire des bonds de 4 mètres (voire plus) hors de l'eau[3]. Compte tenu de son régime alimentaire cette vitesse lui permet de chasser des poissons pélagiques parmi les plus rapides comme le voilier ou l'espadon. Il peut vivre 25 ans[3].

Étymologie et dénominations

Requin mako

Le requin-taupe bleu fait partie de la famille des requins-maquereaux, un petit groupe de requins rapides divisés en cinq espèces. Comme ses proches parents, le grand requin blanc et la maraîche, les adaptations très particulières du requin-taupe bleu à son environnement en font l'un des super-prédateurs de la mer.

Le Requin mako et l'humain

Des requins mako dans le port de Vigo, en Espagne.


C'est l'un des requins dont la chair est utilisée en cuisine. Il est généralement vendu débité en darnes. La chair de ce poisson est ferme et ressemble à celle du thon, sauf la couleur qui est un peu plus claire.

Ce requin est particulièrement apprécié par les pêcheurs sportifs compte tenu de sa puissance et de sa combativité.

Danger pour l'humain

Malgré quelques attaques, dont deux fatales, non provoquées mettant en cause cette espèce, on peut raisonnablement dire que sa réputation de dangerosité pour l'humain est largement surfaite.

Le requin mako est cependant soupçonné de diverses attaques en novembre et décembre 2010 à Charm el-Cheikh en Égypte : une touriste allemande aurait été tuée par un requin longimane ou un requin mako alors qu'elle nageait dans la mer Rouge devant son hôtel. Ce drame survient après deux attaques contre des baigneurs russes et ukrainiens la semaine précédente[5].


Le requin mako est vulnérable à cause de la surpêche : en effet il est très prisé pour sa chair et ses ailerons. Sa longue période de gestation et sa maturité sexuelle tardive le rendent particulièrement vulnérable à la surexploitation dont il fait l'objet.

Sa population a chuté de 90 % dans l’océan Atlantique par rapport aux années 1940 et a presque disparu de Méditerranée[6].

Notes et références

  1. « Le requin le plus rapide au monde est au bord de l'extinction », 12 avril 2019 (consulté le 19 avril 2019)
  2. a et b (en) « Isurus oxyrinchus summary page », sur FishBase
  3. a b et c « Requins.eu », sur www.requins.eu
  4. Biology of the Shortfin Mako
  5. Attaque d'un requin longimane à Charm el Cheikh, sur lemonde.fr, 5 décembre 2010
  6. « Requins et raies Des Victimes de la surpêche », sur Libération.fr, 29 août 2019


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Requin mako: Brief Summary ( French )

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Isurus oxyrinchus

 src= Mâchoire de requin mako

Le requin mako ou requin-taupe bleu (Isurus oxyrinchus) est une espèce de requins de la famille des Lamnidae.

L’espèce est considérée comme étant en danger d’extinction.

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Marraxo azul ( Galician )

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Marraxo azul.
Cabeza de Isurus oxyrinchus.
Esqueleto das mandíbulas dun marraxo azul.

O marraxo azul [1][2][3] é unha especie de elasmobranquio da orde dos lamniformes (Lamniformes) e familia dos lámnidos (Lamnnidae),[4] de moi ampla distribución, xa que se encontra nos océanos Pacífico, Atlántico e Índico e nos mares Mediterráneo e Vermello.

Comestíbel, é un erro moi común confundir a súa branca carne coa do mero ou cherna (Polyprion americanus), do mero de altura (Epinephelus marginatus) e do emperador (Luvarus imperialis), chegando a crerse que son o mesmo peixe e cotizándose ao mesmo prezo; porén, estas catro especies son moi diferentes en aspecto e taxonomía: os meros e o emperador son peixes da clase dos actinopterixios (Actinopterygii), cuxo esqueleto é óseo), mentres que o marraxo azul pertence á clase dos condrictios (Chondrichthyes), de esqueleto cartilaxinoso.

O marraxo azul pertence á mesma familia que o tiburón branco, pero é de tamaño bastante menor e, a diferenza del, é un tiburón asociado ás profundidades, sendo estraño velo en augas pouco profundas e próximas costa.


As principais características deste peixe son:[2]

  • Corpo fusiforme, moderadamente alongado, robusto e moi hidrodinámico.
  • Ollos arredondados, negros e moderadamente pequenos.
  • Fociño longo e cónico, rematado en punta.
  • Boca grande e estreita, arqueada en forma de U, con amplos diastemas separando ambas as hemimandíbulas.
  • Dentes como follas de barbear, sen cúspides nin bordos serrados.
  • 5 fendeduras branquiais grandes.
  • Aletas pectorais medianas e de extremos arredondados, bastante estreitos. Dúas aletas dorsais, a primeira grande e a segunda pequena e pivotante, o mesmo que a anal; aleta caudal grande, en forma de lúa crecente, con lobos anchos; quillas fortes no pedúnculo, sen quillas secundarias.
  • Cor do dorso e os flancos azul intensa; as zonas ventrais de cor branca.


Os marraxos azuis son tiburóns de gran tamaño, normalmente de até os 3,5 ou os 4 m de lonxitude, con pesos de até 700 ou 750 kg. Hai unha cita rexistrada dunha femia de 4,5 m (as femias son de maior tamaño que os machos).[Cómpre referencia]

Historia natural

  • Especie de superficie propia de augas quentes, achándose raramente en augas de menos de 16 °C. Aínda que peláxico e de hábitos oceánicos, en ocasións se achega ás costas en busca de alimento, chegando a penetrar en praias e portos.
  • Aliméntase doutros peixes, incluíndo tiburóns, sendo un dos poucos depredadores que ten o peixe espada. É un poderoso e veloz cazador de todo tipo de presas; a súa dieta consiste en peixes pequenos como xardas, arenques, xurelos, sardiñas; medianos, como o bonito e outros túnidos, ou grandes como o atún vermello, o peixe espada, os marlíns e os peixes vela (da familia dos istiofóridos), pero tamén come luras, outros tiburóns, tartarugas mariñas, e toniñas, golfiños e outros pequenos cetáceos.
  • É ovovivíparo e caníbal uternio (cando unha femia ten crías no seu ventre, as máis desenvolvidas comen aos seus irmáns máis pequenos e aos ovos se eclosionar —oofaxia—).[5][6]
  • As camadas son de 4 a 16 crías que miden ao naceren entre 60 e 70 cm. Os machos maduran sexualmente ao acadaren ao redor dos 192 cm, e as femias cando chegan a medir 280 cm.[2]
  • Ao igual que o resto dos tiburóns pertencentes á familia dos lámnidos, os marraxos azuis poden manter unha temperatura corporal superior á do medio (son homeotermos parciais) o que lles permite realizar unha dixestión máis rápida, triplicar a súa forza muscular ou actuar máis rapidamente.
  • Debido ao seu gran tamaño, dentición e agresividade, estes tiburóns son considerados como perigosos, xa que se teñen rexistrados ataques seus a seres humanos, tanto provocados como sen provocar. Son tamén responsábeis de ataques a embarcacións (nas que en ocasións saltan a bordo, sobre todo durante a práctica da súa pesca deportiva).[4]


O marraxo azul é un tiburón moi activo, de forza descomunal e gran velocidade. Segundo probas recentes, pode chegar a alcanzar velocidades punta de máis de 124 km/h, o que lle outorga o posto de animal máis rápido do océano, posición que anteriormente se atribuía ao peixe vela cos seus 110 km/h. O secreto de tal potencia e velocidade é a súa perfecta hidrodinámica, a súa potente masa muscular, á súa aleta caudal en forma de media lúa e ao feito de ser homeotermo. Dita combinación de forza e velocidade lle confire a capacidade de saltar moi alto fóra da auga, ao igual que o fai o tiburón branco; ditos saltos adoita realizalos cando está prendido nun anzol de pesca, e poden alcanzar entre 6 e 8 m de altura.[Cómpre referencia]

Estado de conservación

O status do marraxo azul está considerado pola IUCN como VU (vulnerábel).[4][6]


  1. Rodríguez Solórzano et al. (1983), p. 33.
  2. 2,0 2,1 2,2 Rodríguez Villanueva et al. (1992), p. 48.
  3. Lahuerta Mouriño, Fernando e Francisco X. Vázquez Álvarez (2000): Vocabulario multiligüe de organismos acuáticos. Santiago de Compostela: Xunta de Galicia. ISBN 84-453-2913-8, p. 185.
  4. 4,0 4,1 4,2 Froese, R. & Pauly, D. (Eds.) (2009): FishBase.Isurus oxyrhinchus. Versión 10/2009 Arquivado 09 de maio de 2016 en Wayback Machine. (en castelán) Consultada o 28/11/2012.
  5. "More oceanic sharks added to the IUCN Red List". IUCN. 22/02/2007. Consultado o 28/11/2012..
  6. 6,0 6,1 Cailliet, G. M.; Cavanagh, R. D.; Kulka, D. W.; Stevens, J. D.; Soldo, A.; Clo, S.; Macías, D.; Baum, J.; Kohin, S.; Duarte, A.; Holtzhausen, J. A., Acuña, E.; Amorim, A. & Domingo, A. (2004): Isurus oxyrinchus en IUCN 2010. Lista Vermella de Especies Ameazadas da IUCN. Versión 2010.2. Consultada o 28/11/2012.

Véxase tamén


  • Compagno, Leonard; Marc Dando & Sarah Fowler (2005): Sharks of the World. New Jersey: Princeton University Press. ISBN 0-691-12072-2.
  • Rodríguez Solórzano, Manuel; Sergio Devesa Regueiro e Lidia Soutullo Garrido (1983): Guía dos peixes de Galicia. Vigo: Editorial Galaxia. ISBN 84-7154-433-4.
  • Rodríguez Villanueva, X. L. e Xavier Vázquez (1992): Peixes do mar de Galicia. (I) Lampreas raias e tiburóns. Vigo: Edicións Xerais de Galicia. ISBN 84-7507-654-8.
  • Solórzano, Manuel R[odríguez]; José L. Rodríguez, José Iglesias, Francisco X, Pereira e Federico Álvarez (1988): Inventario dos peixes do litoral galego (Pisces: Cyclostomata, Chondrichthyes, Osteichthyes). O Castro-Sada, A Coruña: Cadernos da Área de Ciencias Biolóxicas (Inventarios). Seminario de Estudos Galegos, vol. IV. ISBN 84-7492-370-0.

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Marraxo azul: Brief Summary ( Galician )

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 src= Marraxo azul.  src= Cabeza de Isurus oxyrinchus.  src= Esqueleto das mandíbulas dun marraxo azul.

O marraxo azul é unha especie de elasmobranquio da orde dos lamniformes (Lamniformes) e familia dos lámnidos (Lamnnidae), de moi ampla distribución, xa que se encontra nos océanos Pacífico, Atlántico e Índico e nos mares Mediterráneo e Vermello.

Comestíbel, é un erro moi común confundir a súa branca carne coa do mero ou cherna (Polyprion americanus), do mero de altura (Epinephelus marginatus) e do emperador (Luvarus imperialis), chegando a crerse que son o mesmo peixe e cotizándose ao mesmo prezo; porén, estas catro especies son moi diferentes en aspecto e taxonomía: os meros e o emperador son peixes da clase dos actinopterixios (Actinopterygii), cuxo esqueleto é óseo), mentres que o marraxo azul pertence á clase dos condrictios (Chondrichthyes), de esqueleto cartilaxinoso.

O marraxo azul pertence á mesma familia que o tiburón branco, pero é de tamaño bastante menor e, a diferenza del, é un tiburón asociado ás profundidades, sendo estraño velo en augas pouco profundas e próximas costa.

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Hiu mako sirip pendek ( Indonesian )

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Hiu mako sirip pendek

Hiu Mako Sirip Pendek (Shortfin Mako Shark) merupakan salah satu jenis hiu terbesar dengan panjang rata-rata sekitar 3,2 meter dan berat 60-135 kg dimana betina lebih besar daripada jantan. Hewan ini termasuk hiu tercepat di dunia dengan kemampuan menyelam sampai 100 km per jam namun hiu ini tercatat oleh ISAF telah melakukan serangan kepada manusia sebanyak 42 kasus pada periode 1980-2010 dimana 3 diantaranya berakibat fatal dan menyerang 20 kapal. Memang hiu mako terkenal cepat, kuat dan besar sehingga mempunyai kemampuan untuk melukai dan membunuh manusia. Kebanyakan serangannya dipicu oleh provokasi manusia terutama ketika hiu ini ditangkap oleh nelayan.


Kepala hiu mako dilihat dari dekat

Isurus oxyrinchus atau hiu mako sirip pendek adalah anggota famili Lamnidae yang juga dikenal sebagai keluarga hiu mackarel. Anggota famili tersebut umumnya memiliki tubuh besar dengan panjang rata-rata 3 - 4,2 m dan berat mencapai 300-600 kg. Hiu-hiu Lamnidae memiliki ujung hidung yang lancip, badan berbentuk torpedo, dan celah insang yang besar. Sirip punggung utama biasanya besar, tinggi, kaku dan melekuk ataupun melingkar. Sirip punggung kedua dan sirip pada bagian anal kecil. Gigi – giginya berukuran besar, celah insang kelima tepat di dekat sirip pektoral. Anggota Lamnidae dikenal sebagai ikan-ikan yang memiliki kemampuan berenang dengan kecepatan yang termasuk tinggi, mencapai 25 knot atau 40 mph (setara dengan kapal selam modern).

Hiu mako mendapatkan nama ilmiah Isurus oxyrinchus pada tahun 1809 dari Constantine Rafinesque, yang pertama kali mendeskripsikan hiu mako dan memberi nama ilmiah tersebut. “Isurus” berarti ekor yang simetris, dan nama spesies ”Oxyrinchus” berarti ujung hidung (snout) yang lancip. Sementara nama “Mako” berasal dari bahasa Maori yang artinya hiu atau gigi hiu. Hiu mako berbentuk silindris, dengan ekor simetris yang memanjang secara vertikal, dimana bentuk tubuh tersebut sangat membantu gaya hidupnya yang sangat hidrodinamis. Isurus oxyrinchus memiliki warna biru metalik pada bagian punggung dan warna putih pada dada, walaupun warna tubuhnya dapat bervariasi pada seiring usia hiu dan ukurannya. Garis batas pewarnaan antara punggung dan dada sangat jelas. Warna bagian bawah ujung hidung dan sekitar mulut adalah putih. Spesies dengan ukuran lebih besar memiliki warna yang lebih gelap daripada spesies dengan ukuran lebih kecil.

Penyebaran dan Habitat

Isurus oxyrinchus menghuni daerah lepas pantai di perairan daerah empat musim dan perairan tropis. Isurus oxyrinchus adalah ikan pelagis, dimana jenis ikan tersebut biasa ditemukan di daerah yang tidak mendekati kedalaman lebih dari 500 m ataupun daerah tepi pantai. Hiu mako biasa ditemukan di kedalaman 150 m, biasanya jauh dari daratan, walau dalam kesempatan tertentu kadang mendekat ke pantai, pulau ataupun ceruk. Karena hiu mako termasuk kedalam spesies hiu endotermik, maka hiu tersebut jarang ditemukan di perairan dengan suhu 16o C.

Di lautan Atlantik Barat, hiu mako bisa ditemukan di perairan Argentina, Teluk Meksiko dan Kanada, dimana di perairan terakhir yang disebutkan terdapat banyak ikan pedang yang merupakan mangsa favorit hiu mako. Isurus oxyrinchus biasa berenang jauh untuk mencari mangsa dan pasangan saat musim kawin. Pada Desember 1998, seekor betina dengan ekor yang ditandai di California, telah tertangkap di perairan Jepang oleh kapal penelitian jepang, yang berarti bahwa hiu tersebut lebih dari 2.776 km, dengan 58 km setiap harinya.


Mangsa utama dari hiu mako sirip pendek adalah cephalopoda, ikan bertulang seperti makarel, tuna, bonito, dan ikan pedang, tapi terkadang juga memakan hiut lain, penyu dan burung laut. Mereka berburu dengan cara menukik ke atas dan merobek bagian belakang tubuh atau sirip mangsanya. Hiu mako berburu dari bawah mangsa mereka, sehingga mereka bisa mengawasi apa yang ada di atas mereka dan dapat mengigit mangsa mereka sebelum sang mangsa sadar. Hiu mako biasa mengincar sirip mangsanya untuk melumpuhkana pergera-kan mangsanya.


Isurus oxyrinchus bersifat ovovivipar, dengan menggunakan kantung telur, melahirkan hiu muda dalam telur. Embrio yang berkembang memakan telur-telur yang tidak mengalami proses fertilisasi dalam uterus selama 15-18 bulan selama masa gestasim, proses tersebut dinamakan oofag. 4 hingga 18 hiu muda terlahir di akhir musim dingin dan awal musim semi dengan panjang 70 cm. beberapa ahli berpendapat bahwa betina beristirahat selama 18 bulan sebelum melahirkan kembali. Hiu mako bereproduksi tiap 3 tahun sekali.


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Hiu mako sirip pendek: Brief Summary ( Indonesian )

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 src= Hiu mako sirip pendek

Hiu Mako Sirip Pendek (Shortfin Mako Shark) merupakan salah satu jenis hiu terbesar dengan panjang rata-rata sekitar 3,2 meter dan berat 60-135 kg dimana betina lebih besar daripada jantan. Hewan ini termasuk hiu tercepat di dunia dengan kemampuan menyelam sampai 100 km per jam namun hiu ini tercatat oleh ISAF telah melakukan serangan kepada manusia sebanyak 42 kasus pada periode 1980-2010 dimana 3 diantaranya berakibat fatal dan menyerang 20 kapal. Memang hiu mako terkenal cepat, kuat dan besar sehingga mempunyai kemampuan untuk melukai dan membunuh manusia. Kebanyakan serangannya dipicu oleh provokasi manusia terutama ketika hiu ini ditangkap oleh nelayan.

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Isurus oxyrinchus ( Italian )

provided by wikipedia IT

Il mako[2] (Isurus oxyrinchus (Rafinesque, 1810)), conosciuto comunemente come squalo mako, mako pinna corta od ossirina[3], è un grande squalo appartenente alla famiglia Lamnidi.

Distribuzione e habitat

Il suo habitat naturale è costituito dalle acque tropicali e subtropicali. Nel mar Mediterraneo è presente ma raro.[4][5]


Il muso idrodinamico dell'Isurus oxyrinchus
Isurus oxyrinchus

Possiede pinna caudale quasi simmetrica, caratteristica tipica della famiglia Lamnidi; pinne pettorali piccole per diminuire l'attrito; pinna dorsale rigida per stabilizzare l'assetto; corpo cilindrico con scanalature per un'andatura filante; naso appuntito per fendere meglio l'acqua; fessure branchiali ampie per trattenere maggiore quantità di ossigeno; sangue caldo per aumentare la potenza e la resistenza.

Imprevedibile negli attacchi, sfrutta la sua accelerazione bruciante per catturare prede veloci come tonni e pesce azzurro.

È una delle poche specie di squalo che, come lo squalo bianco o lo squalo pinna nera del reef, sono in grado di effettuare il breaching, ovvero di saltare fuori dall'acqua, anche ben oltre la lunghezza del proprio corpo: nel caso specifico, il mako può elevarsi, balzando, persino a 7 metri d'altezza dalla superficie.[6]

  • Età della maturità (anni):
    • maschi: 7-9
    • femmine: 18-21
  • Lunghezza alla maturità (lunghezza totale in cm):
    • maschi: 200
    • femmine: 300
  • Longevità (anni): 30-35
  • Lunghezza massima nota (cm): 300 (maschi); 400 (femmine)
  • Lunghezza alla nascita (cm): 65-70
  • Periodo di gestazione (mesi): 15-18
  • Periodicità riproduttiva: ogni 3 anni circa
  • Trend della popolazione: in diminuzione[7]
  • Arriva a nuotare alla velocità di 75 km/h.
  • È in grado di nuotare per molti chilometri in breve tempo; celebre il caso di un esemplare che ha percorso 2 300 km in 37 giorni.[8]


Si nutre di pesce azzurro e calamari. Non di rado attacca anche pesci di grosse dimensioni (fra cui il marlin e il pesce spada).


  • Lo squalo assassino del film Lo squalo è un grande squalo bianco, ma nella locandina del film questo stesso squalo presenta una dentatura anomala: infatti, per dare un effetto ancora più terrificante, i denti originali dello squalo bianco sono stati sostituiti con quelli caratteristici del mako, visivamente più impressionanti.
  • Nel film fanta-horror Blu profondo i feroci squali antagonisti sono proprio dei mako resi giganteschi e super-intelligenti grazie alla manipolazione genetica.
  • È uno squalo mako quello di cui parla Ernest Hemingway nel romanzo Il vecchio e il mare e che sbrana il marlin (Makaira nigricans) catturato dal pescatore.
  • È lo squalo nominato nel brano Stylo dei Gorillaz: «when the mako flies (a giant fish), up from the bottom in your eyes».
  • Nel film Alla ricerca di Nemo, Fiocco è uno squalo mako che insieme ad altri due squali fa parte di un'associazione di auto-aiuto per diventare vegetariani e smettere così di mangiare pesce.


  1. ^ (EN) Rigby, C.L., Barreto, R., Carlson, J., Fernando, D., Fordham, S., Francis, M.P., Jabado, R.W., Liu, K.M., Marshall, A., Pacoureau, N., Romanov, E., Sherley, R.B. & Winker, H., Isurus oxyrinchus, su IUCN Red List of Threatened Species, Versione 2020.2, IUCN, 2020.
  2. ^ Mipaaf - Decreto Ministeriale n°19105 del 22 settembre 2017 - Denominazioni in lingua italiana delle specie ittiche di interesse commerciale, su www.politicheagricole.it. URL consultato il 5 maggio 2018.
  3. ^ Antonio Nonnis, Isurus oxyrinchus, su www.squali.com. URL consultato il 5 maggio 2018 (archiviato dall'url originale il 5 maggio 2018).
  4. ^ E. Tortonese, Leptocardia, Ciclostomata, Selachii, Calderini, 1956.
  5. ^ Pescato un Mako a Tirrenia-Pisa., su iltirreno.gelocal.it, 20 giugno 2017.
  6. ^ (EN) Some advice on battling a trophy mako, su newenglandsharks.com (archiviato dall'url originale il 23 aprile 2009).
  7. ^ (EN) Proposal for inclusion of species on the appendices of the convention on the conservation of migratory species of wild animals (PDF) , su cms.int.
  8. ^ (EN) Shortfin Mako Shark (PDF) , su pretomacr.org. URL consultato il 17 marzo 2010.

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Isurus oxyrinchus: Brief Summary ( Italian )

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Il mako (Isurus oxyrinchus (Rafinesque, 1810)), conosciuto comunemente come squalo mako, mako pinna corta od ossirina, è un grande squalo appartenente alla famiglia Lamnidi.

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Īsspuru mako haizivs ( Latvian )

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Īsspuru mako haizivs (Isurus oxyrinchus) ir liela auguma makreļhaizivju dzimtas (Lamnidae) skrimšļzivju suga.[1] Tā ir pelaģiska jūras zivs, izplatīta Atlantijas, Indijas un Klusā okeāna siltajās mērenā un tropu klimata joslu jūrās.[1] Īsspuru mako haizivs ir visātrākā no haizivīm pasaulē un spēj attīstīt līdz 74 km/h lielu ātrumu.[2][3][4] Tās tuvākā radiniece ir garspuru mako haizivs (Isurus paucus), ar kuru kopā veido mako haizivju ģinti (Isurus).


Maoru valodā "mako" nozīmē "haizivs" vai "haizivs zobs"
Medījot īsspuru mako haizivs nopeld garas distances

Nosaukums "mako" nāk no maoru valodas[5] un nozīmē "haizivs" vai "haizivs zobs". iespējams, ka tas radies dialekta iespaidā, jo tas ir līdzīgs haizivju apzīmējumam vairākās polinēziešu valodās — makō, mangō (maoru dialektos), mago samoāņu valodā, ma'o taitiešu valodā, mano havajiešu valodā.[6]


Īsspuru mako haizivij ir globāla izplatība, mājo atklātā okeānā un jūrā, tālu no krastiem, silto ūdeņu klimatiskajās joslās. Krastu tuvumā biežāk novērojama pie salām. Salīdzinot ar garspuru mako haizivi, ūdens temperatūras diapozons ir plašāks. Parasti uzturas dziļumā no ūdens virsmas līmeņa līdz 150 m dziļumā,[3][7] bet kopumā var uzturēties līdz 750 m dziļumā.[1] Reti sastopama vēsākos ūdeņos par 16 °C.[3][8]

Atlantijas okeāna rietumdaļā īsspuru mako haizivs novērota pie Argentīnas un Brazīlijas dienvidu krastiem, arī Meksikas līcī un Karību reģionā.[1] Uz ziemeļiem noverojumi bijuši līdz Menas līcim pie Jaunskotijas krastiem. Reizēm to var novērot arī pie Kanādas krastiem.[9] Atlantijas okeāna austrumdaļā novērojumi bijuši no Norvēģijas krastiem līdz Dienvidāfrikai, Vidusjūru ieskaitot. Indijas un Klusajā okeānā īsspuru mako haizivs novērota no Āfrikas austrumu krastiem līdz Havaju salām, uz ziemeļiem līdz Piejūras novadam Tālajos Austrumos un uz dienvidiem līdz Austrālijai un Jaunzēlandei. Klusā okeāna austrumdaļā novērota uz dienvidiem no Aleutu salām, gar Kalifornijas krastiem līdz Čīlei.[1]

Šī suga ir ļoti aktīva peldētāja un medījot ceļo garas distances. Piemēram, 1998. gadā ar atpazīšanas zīmi iezīmēta mako haizivs pie Kalifornijas tika noķerta Klusā okeāna centrālajā daļā. Tā bija nopeldējusi 2776 km. Cits iezīmēts īpatnis 37 dienās bija nopeldējis 2128 km, liecinot, ka vidējais ceļošanas ātrums haizivij bijis 58 km/dienā.[2]


Mātīte var sasniegt 4 m garumu un 600 kg masu
Īsspuru mako haizivs īsā distancē spēj sasniegt ātrumu 74 km/h
Parasti mako haizivs uzbrūk ātrāk nekā upuris ir pamanījis haizivi

Īsspuru mako haizivs ir liela auguma haizivs, bet nedaudz īsāka nekā garspuru mako haizivs. Sugai raksturīgs dzimumu dimorfismsmātītes ir lielākas par tēviņiem. Pieauguša īpatņa garums var sasniegt 3,2 m, masa 60—135 kg. Mātīte var sasniegt 4 m garumu un svērt ap 570 kg.[3][10][11] Savulaik pazīstamais amerikāņu rakstnieks Ernests Hemingvejs ar spiningu noķēris 357 kilogramus smagu mako haizivi.[12] Bet vislielākais ar makšķeri noķertais īpatnis ir svēris 600 kg (noķerts 2013. gadā pie Kalifornijas krastiem).[13] 19. gasimta beigās pie Itālijas krastiem ir noķerta mako haizivs, kas svērusi 1000 kg un tās garums ir bijis 4 m.[14]

Īsspuru mako haizivij ir slaids, plūdlīniju formās veidots ķermenis ar garu, konusveidīgu purnu, lielām acīm un vertikālu astes spuru. Zobi ir lieli, naža asmenim vai īlenam līdzīgi, ar gludām malām. Uz muguras divas trīsstūrveida spuras, no kurām pirmā liela un augstu izcelta, atrodas aiz krūšu spuru pamatnes. Otrā muguras spura un anālā spura ir nelielas, gandrīz nemanāmas. Astes spura pusmēness formā, augšējā daļa nedaudz lielāka par apakšējo. Uz astes stumbra neliels ķīlis.[1]

Mugura ir metāliski tumši zila, sāni un vēders balti. Laukums ap muti un pazode balti. Lielākiem īpatņiem baltie laukumi var būt ar vieglu tonējumu. Salīdzinot ar ļoti līdzīgo garspuru mako haizivi, īsspuru mako haizivs ir nedaudz īsāka, tās krūšu spuras, kā jau norāda nosaukums, ir īsākas, acis nedaudz mazākas un laukums ap muti ir gaišāks.[1]


Līdzīgi kā citām makreļhaizivīm, arī īsspuru mako haizivij raksturīga endotermija — spēja akumulēt vielmaiņā izdalīto siltumu un uzturēt ķermeņa temperatūru par 4—10 °C augstāku nekā ūdenim. Šī īpašība palīdz haizivij ilgstoši uzturēt augstu aktivitāti, dodot priekšrocības, kādas nav citām zivīm.[2][15] Īsspuru mako haizivs ir ātrākā haizivs pasaulē. Lai gan pieauguša īpatņa ikdienišķais pārvietošanās ātrums ir apmēram 2,5 km/h, mako haizivs spēj peldēt ar ātrumu 40—50 km/h, bet sprinta distancē sasniegt ātrumu 74 km/h. Pie Jaunzēlandes krastiem novērojot jaunās haizivs, apmēram 1 m garas, kā tās medī zivis, tika nofilmēts to uzbrukums, kurā haizivis sasniedza ātrumu 110 km/h. Īsspuru mako haizivs ir ievērojama arī ar saviem lēcieniem, tā spēj izlēkt no ūdens 5—6 m augstumā.[2][3]


Īsspuru mako haizivs galvenokārt barojas ar galvkājiem un kaulzivīm (makrelēm, tunzivīm, pelamīdām un zobenzivīm, īpaši iecienīti ir lufāri), bet medī arī citu sugu haizivis, cūkdelfīnus, jūras bruņrupučus un jūras putnus. Īsspuru mako haizivs upurim uzbrūk vertikāli no apakšas, izraujot miesas gabalus no sāniem vai spurām. Medījumu noskata, peldot nedaudz dziļāk un vērojot ūdens slāni virs sevis. Parasti mako haizivs uzbrūk ātrāk nekā upuris ir pamanījis haizivi.[1][7]

Katru dienu īsspuru mako haizivs apēd tādu daudzumu barības, kas atbilst 3% pašas svara. Vidēji liels barības daudzums sagremojas 1,5—2 dienās. Piemēram, smilšu sēkļu haizivs katru dienu apēd barības daudzumu, kas atbilst 0,6% no pašas svara un barības sagremošanai vajadzīgas 3—4 dienas.[16]

Īsspuru mako haizivij, kas ir garāka nekā 3 m, ir ievērojami garāki un platāki priekšzobi nekā mazākiem īpatņiem, tādējādi tā spēj nomedīt delfīnu, zobenzivi un citas haizivis.[2] Novērots, ka mako haizivs mēdz uzlasīt zivis arī no zvejnieku tīkliem un makšķerēm.[17]


Dzimumgatavību tēviņi sasniedz, kad ir apmēram 2 m gari (apmēram 8 gadu vecumā), mātītes 3 m garas (apmēram 18 gadu vecumā).[18] Garspuru mako haizivs ir oldzīvdzemdētājaikri jeb olas attīstās un mazuļi izšķiļas mātes ķermenī, pēc tam piedzimstot, kad ir jau paaugušies. Kad embriji ir izlietojuši katrs savas olas dzeltenumu, tie turpina baroties ar mātes saražotajiem neapaugļotajiem ikriem. Grūsnības periods ilgst 15—19 mēnešus. Piedzimst 4—25 mazuļi. Jo lielāka mātīte, jo vairāk mazuļu. Mazuļi abās puslodēs parasti dzimst pavasarī (ziemeļu — maijā, jūnijā, dienvidu — novembrī). Piedzimstot mazulis ir apmēram 60—70 cm garš. Kanibālisms starp mazuļiem nav novērots. Mazuļi dzimst apmēram reizi trīs gados.[1][2][18][19] Var sasniegt 32 gadu vecumu.[1]

Īsspuru mako haizivs un cilvēki

Īsspuru mako haizivs ir viena no piecām visbīstamākajām haizivīm pasaulē. Pārējās četras ir lielā baltā haizivs, tīģerhaizivs, vēršhaizivs un okeāna baltspuru haizivs. Tās visas var cilvēkam uzbrukt pēkšņi un negaidīti.[3] Kopumā īsspuru mako haizivij reģistrēti 38 uzbrukumi cilvēkam. No tiem 12 neizprovocēti, 10 izprovocēti, 15 uzbrukumi laivai un 1 bez uzbrukuma apraksta.[2] Īsspuru mako haizivs gaļa un spuras tiek uzskatītas par augstvērtīgu pārtikas izejvielu un to izmanto dažādu ēdienu pagatavošanai.[1]


  1. 1,00 1,01 1,02 1,03 1,04 1,05 1,06 1,07 1,08 1,09 1,10 Fish Base: Isurus oxyrinchus Rafinesque, 1810 Shortfin mako
  2. 2,0 2,1 2,2 2,3 2,4 2,5 2,6 Biology of Sharks and Rays: Shortfin Mako Shark
  3. 3,0 3,1 3,2 3,3 3,4 3,5 Prionace: Shortfin mako shark
  4. Graham, J. B., DeWar, H., Lai, N. C., Lowell, W. R., & Arce, S. M. (1990). Aspects of shark swimming performance determined using a large water tunnel. Journal of Experimental Biology, 151(1), 175-192.
  5. «Maori language – a glossary of useful words from the language of the Maori New Zealand». Skatīts: 2006-08-11.
  6. H. W. Williams. Dictionary of the Maori Language (7th izd.), 1971.
  7. 7,0 7,1 Shark Gallery: Shortfin Mako Shark
  8. Shark Foundation: Shortfin Mako Shark
  9. The Canadian Shark Research Laboratory: Shortfin Mako Shark
  10. Florida Museum: Shortfin Mako
  11. «Shark, mako». The International Game Fish Association. Skatīts: 2014-10-14.
  12. Книга:Жизнь животных. Рыбы|страницы=575
  13. 1,323-pound shark caught off coast of Huntington Beach
  14. Kabasakal, H. and De Maddalena, A. (2011) A huge shortfin mako shark Isurus oxyrinchus Rafinesque, 1810 (Chondrichthyes: Lamnidae) from the waters of Marmaris, Turkey. Annales, Series Historia Naturalis, 21 (1): 21–24
  15. Discovery: Shortfin Mako Shark
  16. Stillwell, C.E.; Kohler, N.E. (1982). "Food, Feeding Habits, and Estimates of Daily Ration of the Shortfin Mako (Isurus oxyrinchus ) in the Northwest Atlantic". Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences. 39 (3): 407–414. doi:10.1139/f82-058. Archived from the original on 2011-05-20. Retrieved 2008-11-04.
  17. Shark Trust: Shortfin Mako Shark (Isurus oxyrinchus)
  18. 18,0 18,1 ADW: Isurus oxyrinchus
  19. Last, PR; Stevens JD (2012). Sharks and Rays of Australia (Second ed.). Australia: CSIRO (Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation). ISBN 978-0-643-09457-4.

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Īsspuru mako haizivs: Brief Summary ( Latvian )

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Īsspuru mako haizivs (Isurus oxyrinchus) ir liela auguma makreļhaizivju dzimtas (Lamnidae) skrimšļzivju suga. Tā ir pelaģiska jūras zivs, izplatīta Atlantijas, Indijas un Klusā okeāna siltajās mērenā un tropu klimata joslu jūrās. Īsspuru mako haizivs ir visātrākā no haizivīm pasaulē un spēj attīstīt līdz 74 km/h lielu ātrumu. Tās tuvākā radiniece ir garspuru mako haizivs (Isurus paucus), ar kuru kopā veido mako haizivju ģinti (Isurus).

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Kortvinmakreelhaai ( Dutch; Flemish )

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Isurus oxyrinchus

De kortvinmakreelhaai, makohaai of mako (Isurus oxyrinchus) is een vis uit de familie Lamnidae en behoort derhalve tot de orde van makreelhaaien (Lamniformes). Een volwassen exemplaar heeft een lengte van ongeveer 4 meter.


De makreelhaai is 's werelds snelste haai. Hij heeft een op snelheid gebouwde staart, met sterk ontwikkelde kielen aan de zijkant van de staartwortel. Tevens heeft hij grote, niet-gezaagde, dolkvormige tanden. Hij heeft een witte buikzijde. De lichaamslengte bedraagt maximaal 400 cm bij een gewicht van 570 kg. Deze soort is eierlevendbarend.


Het voedsel bestaat uit snel zwemmende prooien, zoals makrelen, tonijnen en pijlinktvissen. Tijdens de achtervolging van zijn prooi kan hij metershoog uit het water opspringen.


De kortvinmakreelhaai is een zoutwatervis. De vis prefereert een subtropisch klimaat en komt voor in de Grote, Atlantische en Indische Oceaan, maar ook in de Middellandse Zee, op dieptes tot 740 meter.

Relatie tot de mens

De kortvinmakreelhaai is voor de visserij van beperkt commercieel belang. In de hengelsport wordt zeer vaak op de vis gejaagd.

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Bronnen, noten en/of referenties
  • David Burnie (2001). Animals, Dorling Kindersley Limited, London. ISBN 90-18-01564-4 (naar het Nederlands vertaald door Jaap Bouwman en Henk J. Nieuwenkamp).
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Kortvinmakreelhaai: Brief Summary ( Dutch; Flemish )

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 src= Isurus oxyrinchus

De kortvinmakreelhaai, makohaai of mako (Isurus oxyrinchus) is een vis uit de familie Lamnidae en behoort derhalve tot de orde van makreelhaaien (Lamniformes). Een volwassen exemplaar heeft een lengte van ongeveer 4 meter.

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Makrellhai ( Norwegian )

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Isurus oxyrinchus

Makrellhai (Isurus oxyrinchus) er en hai som finnes i Atlanterhavet og ferdes oftes på åpent hav eller i nærheten av overflaten.[1] På oppsiden er den blå. Buken er hvit. Makrellhaien i Atlanterhavet er den ene av to arter makrellhaier eller makohaier, den andre arten er isurus paucus befinner seg i Stillehavet og Det indiske hav.[1] Begge tilhører håbrannfamilien (Isuridae)[1]

Makrellhai har i noen tilfeller blitt registrert i kyststrøk. Den kan bli opptil 4,5 m lang og er nært beslektet den mer kjente hvithaien. Normallengde er 2–3 meter og normalvekt er 60–400 kg. Statistikk fra International Shark Attack File har registrert åtte uprovoserte haiangrep fra denne arten i løpet av mer enn 400 år, mellom 1580 og 2007, hvorav to dødelige.[2]

I 2005 ble det funnet halvt oppspiste seler og niser, sørøst i England. Man tror det kan ha vært en makrellhai som sto bak, selv om disse er sjeldne i Nordsjøen. Engelske myndigheter gikk da ut med advarsler til personer som oppholdt seg langs kysten.[3] En hai som ble filmet i 2007 ved en plattform på Ulafeltet på norsk sokkel i Nordsjøen ble antatt å være en makrellhai, men eksperter fastslo senere at det var en håbrann.[4].

I det siste[når?] har det gått ut advarsler til fiskere i Norge, spesielt til personer som oppholder seg i mindre båter utenfor kysten.[trenger referanse]


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Makrellhai: Brief Summary ( Norwegian )

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 src= Isurus oxyrinchus

Makrellhai (Isurus oxyrinchus) er en hai som finnes i Atlanterhavet og ferdes oftes på åpent hav eller i nærheten av overflaten. På oppsiden er den blå. Buken er hvit. Makrellhaien i Atlanterhavet er den ene av to arter makrellhaier eller makohaier, den andre arten er isurus paucus befinner seg i Stillehavet og Det indiske hav. Begge tilhører håbrannfamilien (Isuridae)

Makrellhai har i noen tilfeller blitt registrert i kyststrøk. Den kan bli opptil 4,5 m lang og er nært beslektet den mer kjente hvithaien. Normallengde er 2–3 meter og normalvekt er 60–400 kg. Statistikk fra International Shark Attack File har registrert åtte uprovoserte haiangrep fra denne arten i løpet av mer enn 400 år, mellom 1580 og 2007, hvorav to dødelige.

I 2005 ble det funnet halvt oppspiste seler og niser, sørøst i England. Man tror det kan ha vært en makrellhai som sto bak, selv om disse er sjeldne i Nordsjøen. Engelske myndigheter gikk da ut med advarsler til personer som oppholdt seg langs kysten. En hai som ble filmet i 2007 ved en plattform på Ulafeltet på norsk sokkel i Nordsjøen ble antatt å være en makrellhai, men eksperter fastslo senere at det var en håbrann..

I det siste[når?] har det gått ut advarsler til fiskere i Norge, spesielt til personer som oppholder seg i mindre båter utenfor kysten.[trenger referanse]

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Ostronos atlantycki ( Polish )

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Ostronos atlantycki[3], ostronos pacyficzny[4], rekin ostronosy[5], ostronos[5] (Isurus oxyrinchus) – gatunek ryby chrzęstnoszkieletowej z rodziny lamnowatych (Lamnidae).


We wszystkich wodach ciepłych wszechoceanu. W strefie otwartego morza, unika wód płytkich.

Cechy morfologiczne

Szczęka I. oxyrinchus

Osiąga maksymalnie do 3,2 m długości i masę ciała do 400 kg. Ciało wrzecionowate, silnie wydłużone, głowa duża spiczasta. Uzębienie w obu szczękach w postaci bardzo wąskich, spiczastych zębów. Płetwa grzbietowa podwójna, druga znacznie mniejsza. Płetwy piersiowe krótkie. Płetwa ogonowa w kształcie półksiężyca.

Grzbiet i boki metalicznie niebieskie. Strona brzuszna biaława, spód głowy czysto biały.


Żywi się rybami ławicowymi, a także pojedynczymi dużymi rybami i głowonogami.


Osiąga dojrzałość płciową przy długości około 2 m. Ryba jajożyworodna. W miocie rodzi się od 6 do 10 młodych, mający w momencie urodzenia 60–70 cm długości.


  1. Isurus oxyrinchus, w: Integrated Taxonomic Information System (ang.).
  2. Isurus oxyrinchus. Czerwona księga gatunków zagrożonych (IUCN Red List of Threatened Species) (ang.).
  3. Krystyna Kowalska, Jan Maciej Rembiszewski, Halina Rolik Mały słownik zoologiczny, Ryby, Wiedza Powszechna, Warszawa 1973
  4. Krystyna Kowalska, Jan Maciej Rembiszewski, Halina Rolik Mały słownik zoologiczny, Ryby, Wiedza Powszechna, Warszawa 1973 (występuje pod synonimiczną nazwą łacińską Isurus glaucus)
  5. a b Stanisław Rutkowicz: Encyklopedia ryb morskich. Gdańsk: Wydawnictwo Morskie, 1982. ISBN 83-215-2103-7.


  • Fritz Terofal, Claus Militz: Ryby morskie. Warszawa: Świat Książki, 1996. ISBN 83-7129-306-2.
  • Isurus oxyrinchus. (ang.) w: Froese, R. & D. Pauly. FishBase. World Wide Web electronic publication. www.fishbase.org [dostęp 28 lipca 2009]
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Ostronos atlantycki: Brief Summary ( Polish )

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Ostronos atlantycki, ostronos pacyficzny, rekin ostronosy, ostronos (Isurus oxyrinchus) – gatunek ryby chrzęstnoszkieletowej z rodziny lamnowatych (Lamnidae).

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Tubarão-mako ( Portuguese )

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Isurus oxyrinchus

O tubarão-mako, tubarão-mako-cavala ou ainda anequim (nomes brasileiros) é um tubarão encontrado em mares tropicais e temperados, usualmente a temperaturas acima de 16°C. O nome comum mais estendido em Portugal é o de tubarão-sardo e na Galiza, marraxo.

Pode chegar até 4,3 metros de comprimento, 580 kg e possui uma cor azul metálica. É considerado o tubarão mais rápido, sendo um excelente nadador e podendo chegar aos 88 km/h em curtas distâncias, ultrapassado em velocidade apenas pelo atum dourado e pelo marlim, que pode chegar a 120 km/h. Consegue manter a sua temperatura superior à do meio.

Seu estado de conservação indicado vulnerável é devido a pesca predatória.

Alimenta-se de peixes de alto-mar e de outros tubarões.

No fim de 2016, no Rio Grande do Sul, um pescador de 32 anos, morreu vitima do ataque de um anequim, dentro de uma embarcação quando, após pescá-lo, o retirava da água. Foi mordido na panturrilha.



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Tubarão-mako: Brief Summary ( Portuguese )

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 src= Isurus oxyrinchus

O tubarão-mako, tubarão-mako-cavala ou ainda anequim (nomes brasileiros) é um tubarão encontrado em mares tropicais e temperados, usualmente a temperaturas acima de 16°C. O nome comum mais estendido em Portugal é o de tubarão-sardo e na Galiza, marraxo.

Pode chegar até 4,3 metros de comprimento, 580 kg e possui uma cor azul metálica. É considerado o tubarão mais rápido, sendo um excelente nadador e podendo chegar aos 88 km/h em curtas distâncias, ultrapassado em velocidade apenas pelo atum dourado e pelo marlim, que pode chegar a 120 km/h. Consegue manter a sua temperatura superior à do meio.

Seu estado de conservação indicado vulnerável é devido a pesca predatória.

Alimenta-se de peixes de alto-mar e de outros tubarões.

No fim de 2016, no Rio Grande do Sul, um pescador de 32 anos, morreu vitima do ataque de um anequim, dentro de uma embarcação quando, após pescá-lo, o retirava da água. Foi mordido na panturrilha.

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Mako rýchly ( Slovak )

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Mako rýchly[1] alebo žralok mako (Isurus oxyrinchus) je veľký druh žraloka, zástupca čeľade Lamnidae. Je považovaný za človeku nebezpečného.


Ako prvý popísal tento druh žraloka Constantine Samuel Rafinesque v roku 1809 a pre jeho pomenovanie použil vedecké meno Isurus oxyrinchus (Isurus znamená „rovnakochvostý“ a Oxyrinchus „špicatý nos“). Názov Mako pochádza z maorijčiny[2] a znamená žralok, rovnako tak aj žraločí zub. Prvé písomné označenie tohto druhu ako žraloka mako použili Samuel Lee a Thomas Kendall vo svojom diele Grammar and vocabulary of the language of New Zealand (1820), kde stručne zmieňujú „Mako: Istý druh ryby“.[3] Richard Taylor vo svojom diele A leaf from the natural history of New Zealand (1848) podáva už presnejší popis: „Mako je žralok, ktorého zubov si Maoriovia veľmi cenia.“[4]

Anatómia a vzhľad

Hoci obe pohlavia rastú približne rovnakým tempom, samice sú celkovo väčšie, robustnejšie a dožívajú sa vyššieho veku. Priemerná dĺžka žraloka mako je 1,82 - 3,2 m[5][6] a hmotnosť môže dosahovať medzi 60 až 400 kg.[7] Najväčší zaznamenaný samec vážil 454 kg a meral 4,02 m, najväčšia zaznamenaná samica merala 3,96 m a vážila 794 kg.[8] Žraloci mako majú elegantný tvar tela s dlhým kužeľovitým nosom a súčasne majú hydrodynamickejší tvar tela, ako akýkoľvek iný druh žraloka. Tvar tela v kombinácii s aeróbnou svalovou hmotou, typickou pre čeľaď žralokov Lamnidae, mu dovoľuje vyvinúť vysokú rýchlosť a pohyblivosť.

Chvostová plutva má tvar polmesiaca, druhá chrbtová plutva je výrazne menšia než prvá. U mladších žralokov sú vrcholy prsnej a prvej chrbtovej plutvy zaoblenejšie. Koža tohto druhu je veľmi drsná.

Charakteristické rysy

  • Zuby sú viditeľné aj pri zavretej tlame.
  • Zuby sú dlhé a štíhle s hladkými hrbolčekmi.
  • Výrazné tieňovanie, na chrbte modré a na bruchu biele.
  • Mierne krátke prsné plutvy.[7][9]

Životné podmienky


Ulovený žralok mako

Žralok mako obýva vody v miernom a tropickom pásme v moriach po celom svete. Jeho blízky príbuzný Isurus paucus vyhľadáva vody Golfského prúdu alebo teplejšie pobrežné vody. Ide o pelagické druhy, ktoré možno nájsť od hladiny až do hĺbky 150 metrov, obvykle ďaleko od pevniny, aj keď občas sa vyskytujú aj bližšie pri brehoch, okolo ostrovov alebo zátok.[10] Je to jeden zo štyroch známych endotermických druhov žralokov, ktorý sa málokedy vyskytuje v chladnejších vodách ako 16 °C.[11]

V západnom Atlantiku ho možno nájsť od pobrežia Argentíny cez Mexický záliv až k Browns Bank na úrovni Nového Škótska. Relatívne spoľahlivým znamením, že sa vo vodách vyskytujú žraloci mako, bývajú mečiare. Tie sú totiž často ich zdrojom potravy a taktiež preferujú podobné životné podmienky ako žralok mako.[12]

Žraloci mako cestujú v hľadaní potravy či partnera na dlhé vzdialenosti. V decembri 1998 bola označená samica tohto druhu na pobreží Kalifornie, chytená bola japonskou výskumnou loďou v centrálnom Pacifiku. Samica teda urazila cez 2 776 km. Ďalší zdokumentovaný prípad dokumentuje žraloka, ktorý zaplával 2 128 km za 37 dní, v priemere teda 58 km za deň.[13]


Hlava žraloka mako

Hlavnou zložkou potravy sú hlavonožce, kostnaté ryby vrátane makrel, tuniakov, tuniak makrelovitý (Auxis rochei) a mečiarov. Živí sa ale aj inými žralokmi, delfínmi, morskými korytnačkami a morskými vtákmi. Na svoju korisť útočí vertikálne zospodu, pláva pod svojou korisťou, čo mu dáva vysokú pravdepodobnosť momentu prekvapenia. Úderom chvosta môže najprv svoju korisť omráčiť. Na Sicílii boli ulovené žraloky mako so zabodnutými mečiarovitými výbežkami mečiarov v hlavách a žiabrach. To naznačuje, že aj mečiar môže vážne zraniť a zabiť žraloka mako. V súvislosti s miestom a ročným obdobím (na sklonku jara a začiatku leta), ktoré zodpovedá cyklu trenie mečiarov, sa dá predpokladať, že žraloky mako lovia mečiarov v tomto období, kedy sú mečiare najviac zraniteľné.[10]

Tento druh žraloka spotrebuje 3 % svojej hmotnosti každý deň a trvá približne 1,5 - 2 dni, než strávi priemerne veľké jedlo. Pre porovnanie, neaktívne druhy (napr. Carcharhinus plumbeus) spotrebujú 0,6 % svojej hmotnosti za deň a trvá im 3 až 4 dni stráviť potravu.

Analýza obsahu žalúdka 399 samcov a samíc žralokov mako v rozpätí 67 až 328 cm veľkých naznačila, že žraloky chytení pri myse Hatteras pri Grand Banks preferujú ako potravu lufaru dravú. Ta predstavovala 77,5 % z objemu ich stravy. Priemerná kapacita žalúdka činila 10 % z celkovej hmotnosti žraloka.[14]

Žraloky dlhšie ako 3 metre majú vnútorné zuby značne širšie a plochšie ako menšie žraloky mako. To im umožňuje efektívne loviť delfíny, mečiare a ďalšie žraloky.[13] Amatérsky videozáznam, vytvorený vo vodách Pacifiku, ukazuje umierajúceho delfína štíhlonosého s takmer prekusnutým chvostom, okolo ktorého krúžil veľmi veľký jedinec žraloka mako.[15]

Rovnako ako ostatní zástupcovia čeľade Lamnidae majú žraloky mako výkonný krvný obeh. Ten udržuje teplotu ich tela o 4 - 7 °C vyššiu, ako je teplota okolitej vody. To im dáva výhodu oproti studenokrvnej koristi.[16]


U týchto žralokov bola zaznamenaná rýchlosť 50 km/h so zrýchlením až na 74 km/h.[13] Môžu vyskočiť približne 9 metrov nad hladinu. Niektorí vedci sa domnievajú, že fyzicky je možné, aby žralok mako vyvinul rýchlosť až 100 km/h, čo by z neho robilo najrýchlejšieho morského tvora. Žraloky mako sú rybármi chytaný po celom svete. Existujú prípady, kedy sa žralok mako, zachytený na udici, vymrštil do rybárskeho člna.



Tento druh žraloka je živorodý. Embrya sa v tele matky vyvíjajú 15 - 18 mesiacov. Mláďatá žraloka mako netrpia kanibalizmom na rozdiel napríklad od mláďat žraloka piesočného. Na konci zimy a skoro na jar sa rodí 4 - 18 mláďat dlhých približne 70 cm.

Existujú názory, že žraloky mako rastú omnoho rýchlejšie ako ostatné druhy. Napríklad žralok hnedý pohlavne dospieva v 12 až 14 rokoch, kedy dosiahne hmotnosť 40 - 45 kg. Samec žraloka mako naproti tomu potrebuje len 4 a pol až 5 rokov k tomu, aby pohlavne dospel. Za ten čas dorastie do váhy 136 kg a dĺžky 2 m, samice potom dosiahnú pohlavnej dospelosti v 7 rokoch, kedy vážia v priemere 227 kg a merajú 2,7 až 2,9 m. Niektorí biológovia majú však názor, že žraloky mako rastú veľmi pomaly.

Dĺžka života

V otázke maximálneho veku existuje stále určitá neistota, ale odhaduje sa, že sa žraloky mako dožívajú 12 až 24 rokov. Jedna štúdia Národného úradu pre oceán a atmosféru z roku 1997 hovorí o odchytení jedného konkrétneho žraloka, chyteného 12,8 roka potom, čo bol po prvýkrát označkovaný. Odchytenie tohto žraloka preukázalo, že žraloky mako sa dožívajú najmenej 13 rokov.[17]

Interakcia s ľudmi


V roku 2010 zaradila organizácia Greenpeace žraloka mako na svoj červený zoznam morských živočíchov. Ido o zoznam morských živočíchov, ktorí sa bežne predávajú v supermarketoch po celom svete a panuje vysoké riziko, že pochádzajú z nekontrolovateľného rybolovu.[18]


Boli zaznamenané pokusy držať pelagické (migrujúce) druhy žralokov v zajatí. U žraloka mako bolo týchto pokusov najmenej, menej ako pokusov so žralokom dlhoplutvým, žralokom belasým a žralokom modrým. Súčasný rekord v čase, po ktorý sa podarilo udržať v zajatí exemplár žraloka mako, je z roku 2001. Vtedy v akváriu v New Jersey prežil chytený žralok mako iba päť dní. Obdobne ako v iných prípadoch sa jedinec síce po vypustení do akvária javil silný, ale postupne mal problémy so stenami akvária, odmietal kŕmenie, rýchle slabol a zomrel.[19]

Útoky na človeka

V databáze ISAF Floridského múzea je zaznamenaných 8 nevyprovokovaných útokov žralokov mako na človeka medzi rokmi 15802007, z toho dva fatálne. ISAF zaznamenáva tiež 20 útokov na lode.[20]

V populárnej kultúre


  1. BURNIE, David. Praktická encyklopédia zvierat. Bratislava : Mladé letá, 2003. ISBN 8010002496.
  2. Maori language - a glossary of useful words from the language of the Maori New Zealand [online]. [Cit. 2010-07-06]. Dostupné online. (anglicky)
  3. Online Etymology Dictionary [online]. [Cit. 2010-07-06]. Dostupné online. (anglicky)
  4. Richard Taylor. A leaf from the natural history of New Zealand. [s.l.] : [s.n.], 1848. S. xiii.
  5. From the Shore to the Deep Blue Sea [online]. San Diego Natural History Museum, [cit. 2010-07-06]. Dostupné online. (anglicky)
  6. ADW: Isurus oxyrinchus: Information [online]. Animal Diversity Web, [cit. 2010-07-06]. Dostupné online. (anglicky)
  7. a b Florida Museum of Natural History [online]. [Cit. 2010-07-06]. Dostupné online. (anglicky)
  8. Summary of Large Shortfin Makos Isurus oxyrinchus [online]. Large Shorffin Makos, [cit. 2010-07-06]. Dostupné online. (anglicky)
  9. Australian Museum [online]. [Cit. 2010-07-06]. Dostupné online. (anglicky)
  10. a b The Shark Gallery - Shortfin Mako Shark (Isurus oxyrinchus) [online]. The Shark Trust, [cit. 2010-07-06]. Dostupné online. (anglicky)
  11. Shortfin Mako (Isurus oxyrinchus) [online]. Shark Foundation, [cit. 2010-07-06]. Dostupné online. (anglicky)
  12. Shortfin Mako [online]. The Canadian Shark Research Laboratory, 2008-10-02, [cit. 2010-07-06]. Dostupné online. (anglicky)
  13. a b c Open Ocean: the Blue DesertShortfin Mako [online]. ReefQuest Centre for Shark Research, [cit. 2010-07-06]. Dostupné online. (anglicky)
  14. Food, Feeding Habits, and Estimates of Daily Ration of the Shortfin Mako (Isurus oxyrinchus) in the Northwest Atlantic [online]. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, [cit. 2010-07-06]. Dostupné online. (anglicky)
  15. Shortfin Mako Shark (Isurus oxyrinchus) [online]. [Cit. 2010-07-06]. Dostupné online. (anglicky)
  16. Shortfin Mako Shark [online]. Discovery Channel, [cit. 2010-07-06]. Dostupné online. (anglicky)
  17. 1997 OVERVIEW [online]. Národný úrad pre oceán a atmosféru, [cit. 2010-07-06]. Dostupné online. (anglicky)
  18. Greenpeace International Seafood Red list [online]. Greenpeace, [cit. 2010-07-06]. Dostupné online. (anglicky)
  19. Elasmobranch Research around Monterey Bay [online]. Research Affiliate, Moss Landing Marine Laboratories, [cit. 2010-07-06]. Dostupné online. (anglicky)
  20. ISAF Statistics on Attacking Species of Shark [online]. Florida Museum of Natural History, [cit. 2010-07-06]. Dostupné online. (anglicky)
  • Tento článok je čiastočný alebo úplný preklad článku Žralok mako na českej Wikipédii.

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Mako rýchly: Brief Summary ( Slovak )

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Mako rýchly alebo žralok mako (Isurus oxyrinchus) je veľký druh žraloka, zástupca čeľade Lamnidae. Je považovaný za človeku nebezpečného.

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Makohaj ( Swedish )

provided by wikipedia SV

Makohajen eller Makrillhajen (Isurus oxyrinchus)[9] är en hajart som beskrevs av Rafinesque 1810. Makohajen ingår i släktet Isurus, och familjen håbrandshajar.[10][11] IUCN kategoriserar arten globalt som sårbar.[1] Inga underarter finns listade.[10]


En död makohaj.
Isurus oxyrinchus.

En slank, strömlinjeformad haj med gråblå till mörkblå ovansida och ljusgrå till vit undersida. Den kan bli upptill 4 meter lång och som mest väga 570 kg[12]. Hajen har 5 gälspringor, och tänder som syns även när munnen är stängd.


Den betraktas som en av världens snabbaste hajar och kan simma i en hastighet på 30–40 km/h på långa sträckor. Det har hävdats att den kan uppnå en topphastighet av 74 km/h på korta sträckor[12]. Man känner till att makohajen har skadat människor, men födan utgörs framför allt av fisk. Större individer utvecklar dock tänder lämpade även för marina däggdjur.


Arten finns i de flesta tropiska och varmtempererade hav. I Europa finns den från Sydnorges kust, väster om Brittiska öarna och vidare ner till Medelhavet[13] Makohajen föredrar en vattenemperatur av minst 16 °C. Den vistas både vid ytan och ner till ett djup av 400 meter[12].


Makohajen är likt de flesta andra hajar ovovivipar, och föder fullbildade ungar. Efter en dräktighetstid av 15 till 19 månader föder honan mellan 4 och 25 ungar som är mellan 60 och 75 centimeter långa. Hanen blir könsmogen vid ungefär 2 år, honan vid 6 år[12].


  1. ^ [a b] 2009 Isurus oxyrinchus Från: IUCN 2012. IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Version 2012.2 <www.iucnredlist.org>. Läst 2012-10-24.
  2. ^ Compagno, L.J.V. (1998) Lamnidae. Mackerel sharks, makos, white sharks, porbeagles., p. 1274-1278. In K.E. Carpenter and V.H. Niem (eds.) FAO identification guide for fishery purposes. The Living Marine Resources of the Western Central Pacific. FAO, Rome.
  3. ^ [a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o] Compagno, L.J.V. (1984) FAO Species Catalogue. Vol. 4. Sharks of the world. An annotated and illustrated catalogue of shark species known to date. Part 1 - Hexanchiformes to Lamniformes., FAO Fish. Synop. 125(4/1):1-249.
  4. ^ Bass, A.J. (1986) Lamnidae., p. 98-100. In M.M. Smith and P.C. Heemstra (eds.) Smiths' sea fishes. Springer-Verlag, Berlin.
  5. ^ [a b] Last, P.R. and J.D. Stevens (1994) Sharks and rays of Australia., CSIRO, Australia. 513 p.
  6. ^ [a b] Compagno, L.J.V. (2001) Sharks of the world. An annotated and illustrated catalogue of shark species known to date. Volume 2. Bullhead, mackerel and carpet sharks (Heterodontiformes, Lamniformes and Orectolobiformes)., FAO Species Catalogue for Fishery Purposes. No. 1, Vol. 2. Rome, FAO. 2001. 269p.
  7. ^ [a b] Fricke, R. (1999) Fishes of the Mascarene Islands (Réunion, Mauritius, Rodriguez): an annotated checklist, with descriptions of new species., Koeltz Scientific Books, Koenigstein, Theses Zoologicae, Vol. 31:759 p.
  8. ^ [a b] Edwards, A.J. and C.W. Glass (1987) The fishes of Saint Helena Island, South Atlantic Ocean. The pelagic fishes., J. Nat. Hist. 21:1367-1394.
  9. ^ Compagno, L.J.V. (1999) Checklist of living elasmobranchs., p. 471-498. In W.C. Hamlett (ed.) Sharks, skates, and rays: the biology of elasmobranch fishes. Johns Hopkins University Press, Maryland.
  10. ^ [a b] Bisby F.A., Roskov Y.R., Orrell T.M., Nicolson D., Paglinawan L.E., Bailly N., Kirk P.M., Bourgoin T., Baillargeon G., Ouvrard D. (red.) (27 april 2011). ”Species 2000 & ITIS Catalogue of Life: 2011 Annual Checklist.”. Species 2000: Reading, UK. http://www.catalogueoflife.org/annual-checklist/2011/search/all/key/isurus+oxyrinchus/match/1. Läst 24 september 2012.
  11. ^ FishBase. Froese R. & Pauly D. (eds), 2011-06-14
  12. ^ [a b c d] Biology of the Shortfin Mako. Läst 2007-09-03
  13. ^ Bernt J Muus, Jørgen G Nielsen, Ulf Svedberg 1999 Havsfisk och fiske i Nordeuropa ISBN 91-518-3505-3

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Makohaj: Brief Summary ( Swedish )

provided by wikipedia SV

Makohajen eller Makrillhajen (Isurus oxyrinchus) är en hajart som beskrevs av Rafinesque 1810. Makohajen ingår i släktet Isurus, och familjen håbrandshajar. IUCN kategoriserar arten globalt som sårbar. Inga underarter finns listade.

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Sivriburun camgöz ( Turkish )

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Sivriburun camgöz (Isurus oxyrinchus), dikburungiller (Lamnidae) familyasından bir köpekbalığı türü.


Sivriburun camgözlerin ortalama uzunlukları 1,82 - 3,2 m arasında değişebilir. Ağırlıkları 60 – 200 kg arasında değişebilir. En büyük sivriburun camgözün 1 ton ağırlığında, 4 m uzunluğunda olduğu söylenir. En büyük keyıt ise 3,96 m uzunluğunda, 794 kg ağırlığında olan bir balığa aittir.En hızlı balık türlerinden biridir ve saatte 84 km hızla yüzebilir.


Sivriburun camgözün ana besinlerini, tuna, kılıç balığı, yelken balığı, uskumru, palamut gibi balıklar oluşturur.

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Sivriburun camgöz: Brief Summary ( Turkish )

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Sivriburun camgöz (Isurus oxyrinchus), dikburungiller (Lamnidae) familyasından bir köpekbalığı türü.

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Акула-мако ( Ukrainian )

provided by wikipedia UK
Isurus oxyrinchus

(Акула)-мако, або чорнорила акула, або макрелева акула, або сіро-блакитна оселедцева акула (лат. Isurus oxyrinchus) — велика акула із родини оселедцевих акул. Є близькоспорідненим видом до довгоплавцевої мако (Isurus paucus). На відміну від довгоплавцевої мако для назви цієї акули найчастіше вживається родова назва — акула-мако. В пресі має помилкову назву «чорнокрила акула». Насправді такого виду, як «чорнокрила акула» акула не існує. Є найшвидшою акулою в світі.

Один з найбільш агресивних видів акул. Небезпечна для людини.


За зовнішнім виглядом мако має гладеньку, довгувату форму з довгим конічним рилом. Мако має короткі грудні плавці і хвіст у формі півмісяця. Великий спинний плавець кріпиться окремо, другий спинний плавець значно менший, ніж перший. Зуби акули тонкі, злегка зігнуті, їх добре видно навіть при закритій пащі. Забарвлення акули маскувальне — зверху вона темно-синя, знизу біла.

Акула може досягати в довжину 4 м, тривалість її життя поки складно визначити, але приблизно вона живе до віку 11-23 років.

Як одна з найдинамічніших акул в океані, ця потужна риба може розвивати швидкість до 35 км/год(але існували випадки, коли хижак розвивав швидкість до 60 км/год) і може вистрибувати з води на висоту до 6 метрів.


Живлення акули базується в основному на кісткових рибах: макрель, тунець, риба-меч, а також інші акули, морська свиня і морські черепахи.

Статевий цикл

Самиці акули зазвичай досягають статевої зрілості, коли довжина їх дорівнює 3 м. Ембріони, що розвиваються, харчуються незаплідненими яйцями в матці під час вагітності (15-18 міс.) (явище оофагії). Виживає 4-18 молодих акул. Вони народжуються в кінці зими або ранньою весною, досягаючи в довжину близько 70 см. Вважається, що самка протягом 18 місяців після появи маленьких акули не запліднюється, після чого знову виробляє яйцеклітину і чекає спарювання.


Мако досить поширені, в основному в тропічних і помірних прибережних водах. Вони надають перевагу не дуже глибоким водам, плавають близько до поверхні або ж на глибині не більше 150 м. Також вони люблять теплі води, рідко запливають в місця, де вода холодніша, ніж 16 градусів за Цельсієм.

Мако трапляється у всьому світі. У західній Атлантиці, їх можна знайти поблизу Аргентини і в Мексиканській затоці, а також неподалік від Нової Шотландії. У канадських водах ці акули зустрічаються не дуже часто. Справа в тому, що тут вода досить прохолодна для них. У водах, де водиться меч-риба, практично завжди буде акула-мако, оскільки меч-риба є для них основним джерелом харчування, а умови проживання у них досить схожі.

Див. також


  1. IUCN (2007-02-22). "More oceanic sharks added to the IUCN Red List". Прес-реліз. Переглянутий 2007-02-25. “The global threat status was heightened for shortfin mako, a favorite shark among commercial and recreational fishermen, from Near Threatened in 2000 to Vulnerable today.”


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Акула-мако: Brief Summary ( Ukrainian )

provided by wikipedia UK
 src= Isurus oxyrinchus

(Акула)-мако, або чорнорила акула, або макрелева акула, або сіро-блакитна оселедцева акула (лат. Isurus oxyrinchus) — велика акула із родини оселедцевих акул. Є близькоспорідненим видом до довгоплавцевої мако (Isurus paucus). На відміну від довгоплавцевої мако для назви цієї акули найчастіше вживається родова назва — акула-мако. В пресі має помилкову назву «чорнокрила акула». Насправді такого виду, як «чорнокрила акула» акула не існує. Є найшвидшою акулою в світі.

Один з найбільш агресивних видів акул. Небезпечна для людини.

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Cá mập mako vây ngắn ( Vietnamese )

provided by wikipedia VI
Isurus oxyrinchus

Cá mập mako vây ngắn (danh pháp khoa học: Isurus oxyrinchus) ("mũi nhọn") là một loài cá mập lớn trong họ Lamnidae. Nó và họ hàng gần của nó là cá mập mako vây dài (Isurus paucus), được gọi chunglà cá mập mako.

Cá mập mako vây ngắn được tìm thấy trong các vùng biển ôn đớinhiệt đới trên khắp thế giới.

Giải phẫu và bề ngoài

Cá mập mako vây ngắn trưởng thành dài từ 2,75–4 m (9–13 ft) và có thể cân nặng tới 800 kg (1.750 pao), có phần lưng màu ánh xanh và phần bụng màu trắng. Mặc dù cả hai giới phát triển với cùng tốc độ, nhưng cá mập (mako vây ngắn) cái được cho là có tuổi thọ cao hơn và chúng cũng to và nặng hơn cá mập đực. Cá mập mako vây ngắn nổi tiếng nhờ tốc độ và khả năng nhảy lên khỏi mặt nước của chúng. Chúng có hình dáng thủy động lực học tốt hơn các loài cá mập khác và điều này, cùng với khối cơ có độ nhịp nhàng, uyển chuyển điển hình của các loài cá mập trắng, là lý do của tốc độ và sự nhanh nhẹn của cá mập mako nói chung.

Tên gọi

Tên gọi "mako" có nguồn gốc từ tiếng Māori, nhưng từ nguyên học của nó là không rõ ràng [2]. Lời chú giải điển hình cho từ "mako" là "cá mập xanh to lớn".

Hành vi

Vận tốc của cá mập mako vây ngắn đạt tới 50 km/h (31 mph) và có một số báo cáo cho thấy có cá thể có thể đạt tới vận tốc 74 km/h (46 mph) [3]. Chúng có thể nhảy cao khỏi mặt nước tới 6 m (20 ft).

Sinh sản

Cá mập mako vây ngắn là loài noãn thai sinh, nghĩa là con non phát triển bằng noãn hoàn chứa trong một túi nằm trong tử cung cho đến khi được sinh ra. Chu kỳ mang thai của cá mập mako là khoảng 15-18 tháng. Người ta cũng nhận thấy là các bào thai của cá mập mako trong cơ thể con mẹ tiêu thụ lẫn nhau để lấy chất dinh dưỡng. Điều này được gọi là ăn thịt đồng loại trong tử cung.

Chú thích

  1. ^ “More oceanic sharks added to the IUCN Red List” (Thông cáo báo chí). IUCN. Ngày 20 tháng 9 năm 2012. Truy cập ngày 25 tháng 2 năm 2007.
  2. ^ “Maori language - bảng chú giải thuật ngữ các từ hữu ích trong tiếng Maori, New Zealand”. Truy cập ngày 11 tháng 8 năm 2006.
  3. ^ R. Aidan Martin. “Biology of the Shortfin Mako”. ReefQuest Centre for Shark Research. Truy cập ngày 12 tháng 8 năm 2006.

Tham khảo

 src= Wikimedia Commons có thư viện hình ảnh và phương tiện truyền tải về Cá mập mako vây ngắn  src= Wikispecies có thông tin sinh học về Cá mập mako vây ngắn
  • Stevens (2000). Isurus oxyrinchus. 2006 Sách đỏ IUCN về các loài nguy cấp. IUCN 2006. Truy cập ngày 06 tháng 5 năm 2006. Mục từ trong CSDL bao gồm cả các lý giải tại sao loài này đang cận kề nguy cấp.
  • Isurus oxyrinchus (TSN 159924). ITIS. Truy cập ngày 23 tháng 1 năm 2006.
  • "Isurus oxyrinchus". FishBase. Các biên tập viên Ranier Froese và Daniel Pauly. Phiên bản tháng 5 năm 2006. N.p.: FishBase, 2006.

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Cá mập mako vây ngắn: Brief Summary ( Vietnamese )

provided by wikipedia VI
 src= Isurus oxyrinchus

Cá mập mako vây ngắn (danh pháp khoa học: Isurus oxyrinchus) ("mũi nhọn") là một loài cá mập lớn trong họ Lamnidae. Nó và họ hàng gần của nó là cá mập mako vây dài (Isurus paucus), được gọi chunglà cá mập mako.

Cá mập mako vây ngắn được tìm thấy trong các vùng biển ôn đớinhiệt đới trên khắp thế giới.

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청상아리 ( Korean )

provided by wikipedia 한국어 위키백과

Isurus oxyrinchus

청상아리(mako shark)는 빠르고 힘이 센 상어로 유명하다. 학명은 이수루스 오지린쿠스(Isurus oxyrinchus)이다. 시속 70km이상 까지도 헤엄칠 수 있다. 길이는 약 2.4~4.8m 에 다다른다. 최대 몸길이는 5m까지 넘는 개체들이 발견되며, 최대 몸무게는 600kg에 다다른다고 한다. 역류 열교환 시스템을 갖추어 주변 수온보다 5~7도 정도 높은 체온을 유지할 수 있다. 대중매체에서는 원피스에 등장하는 마담 셜리가 청상아리를 기반으로 한 인어로 등장한다. 니모를 찾아서에서는 첨이라는 청상아리가 등장한다.

Wikipedia 작가 및 편집자


provided by World Register of Marine Species
An aggressive and dangerous shark with fearsome-looking jaws. Found from the surface to at least 152 m. One of the most active species; when hooked on a fishing line may leap out of the water and has been reported to attack boats. Believed to be the fastest swimming shark (Ref. 9988). Found in coastal and oceanic waters. Prefers temperatures above 16°C (Ref. 9988). Feeds on schools of fish, small sharks, and swordfish (Ref. 5213). Utilized fresh, dried/salted, smoked and frozen; eaten broiled and baked (Ref. 9988). Valued for its fine quality meat as well as its fins and skin. Jaws and teeth are also sold as ornaments and trophies (Ref. 9988).


Froese, R. & D. Pauly (Editors). (2023). FishBase. World Wide Web electronic publication. version (02/2023).

WoRMS Editorial Board
Edward Vanden Berghe [email]


provided by World Register of Marine Species
Feeds on fishes, including mackerels, tunas, and swordfish


North-West Atlantic Ocean species (NWARMS)

WoRMS Editorial Board
Kennedy, Mary [email]


provided by World Register of Marine Species
Gulf of Maine to southern Brazil


North-West Atlantic Ocean species (NWARMS)

WoRMS Editorial Board
Kennedy, Mary [email]


provided by World Register of Marine Species
Usually found in surface waters, down to about 150m.


North-West Atlantic Ocean species (NWARMS)

WoRMS Editorial Board
Kennedy, Mary [email]


provided by World Register of Marine Species


North-West Atlantic Ocean species (NWARMS)

WoRMS Editorial Board
Kennedy, Mary [email]