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Inga vera subsp. spuria (Willd.) J. Leon

Comprehensive Description

provided by North American Flora
Inga fissicalyx Pittier, Contr. U. S. Nat. Herb 18: 213. 1916.
A tree with angled and brownish-pubescent twigs. Rachis of the leaf winged, bearing large sessile glands between the leaflets; leaflets 5 or 6 pairs, lanceolate, acuminate, more or less pubescent on both sides, the basal pair 2.5-3 cm. long, the terminal pair 8-11 cm. long; peduncles solitary or in pairs, 5-7 cm. long; flowers in spikes 3-5 cm. long; bractlets lanceolate, 10 mm. long, caducous; calyx 20-28 mm. long, brownish-pubescent, with narrow acute lobes; corolla about as long as the calyx or shorter, softly villous; staminal tube as long as the corolla; legume about 15 cm. long, 1 cm. thick, subterete, ridged, densely tomentose, the sides somewhat flattened.
Type locality: Zacuapan, Veracruz. Distribution: Veracruz; Tabasco; Guatemala.
bibliographic citation
Nathaniel Lord Britton and Joseph Nelson Rose. 1928. (ROSALES); MIMOSACEAE. North American flora. vol 23(1). New York Botanical Garden, New York, NY
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North American Flora

Comprehensive Description

provided by North American Flora
Inga donnell-smithii Pittier, Contr. U. S. Nat. Herb. 18: 211. 1916.
A low tree, the twigs densely brownish-hairy. Rachis narrowly winged or partly not winged, bearing sessile glands between the leaflets, brownish-hairy; leaflets 7 pairs, oblong, acuminate, 4—14 cm. long, appressed-pubescent above, becoming glabrate, paler and more pubescent beneath; peduncles axillary, solitary, 2-4.5 cm. long, densely pubescent; spikes 4—8 cm. long; calyx 19-21 mm. long, densely brownish-hairy; corolla 22 mm. long, densely hairy; staminal tube shorter than the corolla, the filaments 7 cm. long; ovary villous at base,
Type locality : El Guarda Viejo, Guatemala. Distribution: Known only from the type locality.
bibliographic citation
Nathaniel Lord Britton and Joseph Nelson Rose. 1928. (ROSALES); MIMOSACEAE. North American flora. vol 23(1). New York Botanical Garden, New York, NY
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North American Flora

Comprehensive Description

provided by North American Flora
Inga xalapensis Benth. Lond. Journ. Bot. 4: 616. 1845. e
Feuilleea xalapensis Kuntze, Rev. Gen. PI. 189. 1891. Inga zacuapanica Harms, Repert. 19; 63. 1923.
A tree, the twigs brownish-pubescent. Rachis of leaf narrowly winged, bearing subsessile glands between the leaflets; leaflets 4 or 5 pairs, oblong to lanceolate, acuminate or acute, 6-15 cm. long, dark green and somewhat hairy above, softly pubescent beneath; inflorescence axillary or sometimes paniculate; peduncles 1-3 cm. long; spikes 5-7 cm. long; bractlets lanceolate, nearly as long as the calyx, pubescent, caducous; calyx 9-10 mm. long, pubescent; corolla 14 mm. long; legume velvety-pubescent, subterete, sulcate, 10-15 cm. long.
Type locality: Jalapa, Veracruz. Distribution: Veracruz.
bibliographic citation
Nathaniel Lord Britton and Joseph Nelson Rose. 1928. (ROSALES); MIMOSACEAE. North American flora. vol 23(1). New York Botanical Garden, New York, NY
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North American Flora