Description: English: The shell of the mollusk Mirabilistrombus listeri (Gray, 1852); until the 20th century called Strombus listeri (Gray, 1852)
[1]; the Lister's Conch. Once a great rarity for being a deep-water species and known by only one specimen for more than 300 years, until its habitat in the Indian Ocean, Thailand, confined to the Gulf of Bengal and Andaman Sea, was discovered in the early 1970s (quote by Guido T. Poppe & Philippe Poppe)
[2]; now found more often. The spire is tall and the stromboid notch is a broad embayment. ABBOTT, R. Tucker; DANCE, S. Peter (1982). Compendium of Seashells. A color Guide to More than 4.200 of the World's Marine Shells. New York: E. P. Dutton. p. 79. 412 pp.
ISBN 0-525-93269-0 WYE, Kenneth R. (1989). The Mitchell Beazley Pocket Guide to Shells of the World. London: Mitchell Beazley Publishers. p. 53. 192 pp.
ISBN 0-85533-738-9 DANCE, S. Peter (2002). Smithsonian Handbooks: Shells. The Photographic Recognition Guide to Seashells of the World. Second edition. London, England: Dorling Kindersley. p. 59. 256 pp.
ISBN 0-7894-8987-2 SABELLI, Bruno; FEINBERG, Harold S. (1980). Simon & Schuster's Guide to Shells. An Easy-to-Use Field Guide, With More Than 1230 Illustrations. New York: Simon & Schuster. p. 184. 512 pp.
ISBN 0-671-25320-4 LINDNER, Gert (1983). Moluscos y Caracoles de los Mares del Mundo. Barcelona, España: Omega. p. 144. 256 pp.
ISBN 84-282-0308-3 Footnote: there is a paper inside the shell, in Portuguese language, with their old binominal nomenclature and the information of their geographic range. Similar information is on a label at the opening. Date: 14 April 2021. Source: Own work. Author:
Mário NET. Other versions: