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names in breadcrumbs
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Português do Brasil
names in breadcrumbs
Polypody Family
Cellular Organisms
Green Plants
Polypody Family
Selliguea katuii (Brownlie)
Scientific Names
Preferred Names
Selliguea katuii (Brownlie)
Species recognized by
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy April 2022
Reference taxon from Checklist of Ferns and Lycophytes of the World in Species 2000 & ITIS Catalogue of Life
Selliguea katuii
Species recognized by
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy 1.1
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy 1.1
Phymatodes katuii
Species recognized by
wikidata_hierarchy tar gz
Phymatosorus katuii
Species recognized by
wikidata_hierarchy tar gz
Polypodium katuii
Species recognized by
wikidata_hierarchy tar gz
Polypodium katuii
Recognized by
BHL data coverage
Selliguea katuii (Brownlie)
Species recognized by
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy Version 2.2.4
Alternative Names
Phymatodes katuii Brownlie
Not accepted according to
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy April 2022
Reference taxon from Checklist of Ferns and Lycophytes of the World in Species 2000 & ITIS Catalogue of Life
Phymatosorus katuii (Brownlie) Sykes & Game
Not accepted according to
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy April 2022
Reference taxon from Checklist of Ferns and Lycophytes of the World in Species 2000 & ITIS Catalogue of Life
Polypodium katuii (Brownlie) Fosberg
Not accepted according to
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy April 2022
Reference taxon from Checklist of Ferns and Lycophytes of the World in Species 2000 & ITIS Catalogue of Life
Phymatodes katuii
Synonym according to
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy 1.1
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy 1.1
Phymatosorus katuii
(Brownlie) Sykes & Game
Synonym according to
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy 1.1
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy 1.1
Polypodium katuii
(Brownlie) Fosberg
Synonym according to
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy 1.1
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy 1.1
Phymatodes katuii Brownlie
Not accepted according to
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy Version 2.2.4
Phymatosorus katuii (Brownlie) Sykes & Game
Not accepted according to
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy Version 2.2.4
Polypodium katuii (Brownlie) Fosberg
Not accepted according to
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy Version 2.2.4
Common Names
There are no common names associated with this taxon.
Curated hierarchies for Selliguea katuii (Brownlie)
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy April 2022
Cellular Organisms
Selliguea katuii (Brownlie)
(this page)
Selliguea albicaula (Copel.) M. Kato & M. G. Price
Selliguea albidopaleata (Copel.) Parris
Selliguea albidosquamata (Bl.) Parris
Selliguea amplexifolia (Christ) X. C. Zhang & L. J. He
Selliguea archboldii Copel.
Selliguea bakeri (Luerss.) Hovenk.
Selliguea balbi Hovenk.
Selliguea banaensis (C. Chr.)
Selliguea bellisquamata (C. Chr.) Hovenk.
Selliguea bisulcata (Hook.) Hovenk.
Selliguea brachypodia (Copel.) X. C. Zhang & L. J. He
Selliguea brooksii (Alderw.) Hovenk.
Selliguea capitellata (Wall.) X. C. Zhang & L. J. He
Selliguea caudiformis (Bl.) J. Sm.
Selliguea ceratophylla (Copel.) Hovenk.
Selliguea chenopus (Christ) S. G. Lu, Hovenkamp & M. G. Gilbert
Selliguea chrysotricha (C. Chr.) Fraser-Jenk.
Selliguea colorata (Copel.) X. C. Zhang & L. J. He
Selliguea conjuncta (Ching) S. G. Lu, Hovenkamp & M. G. Gilbert
Selliguea conmixta (Ching) S. G. Lu, Hovenkamp & M. G. Gilbert
Selliguea costulata (Ces.) Wagner & Grether
Selliguea craspedosora (Copel.) Hovenk.
Selliguea crassirhizoma (Fraser-Jenk., Odyuo & D. K. Roy)
Selliguea cretifera (Alderw.) Ching
Selliguea cruciformis (Ching) Fraser-Jenk.
Selliguea cyrtomioides (S. G. Lu & C. D. Xu) X. C. Zhang & L. J. He
Selliguea dactylina (Christ) S. G. Lu, Hovenkamp & M. G. Gilbert
Selliguea daweishanensis (S. G. Lu) S. G. Lu, Hovenkamp & M. G. Gilbert
Selliguea dekockii (Alderw.) Hovenk.
Selliguea digitata (Ching) S. G. Lu, Hovenkamp & M. G. Gilbert
Selliguea echinospora (Tag.) Fraser-Jenk.
Selliguea engleri (Luerss.) Fraser-Jenk.
Selliguea feei Bory
Selliguea feeoides Copel.
Selliguea ferrea (Brause) Hovenk.
Selliguea glauca (J. Sm. ex Brack.) Hovenk.
Selliguea gracilipes (Alderw.) Hovenk.
Selliguea griffithiana (Hook.) Fraser-Jenk.
Selliguea hainanensis (Ching) S. G. Lu, Hovenkamp & M. G. Gilbert
Selliguea hastata (Thunb.) Fraser-Jenk.
Selliguea hellwigii (Diels) Hovenk.
Selliguea heterocarpa (Bl.) Bl.
Selliguea hirsuta (Tag. & K. Iwats.) S. Linds.
Selliguea hirtella (Ching) S. G. Lu, Hovenkamp & M. G. Gilbert
Selliguea incisocrenata (Ching ex W. M. Chu & S. G. Lu) S. G. Lu, Hovenkamp & M. G. Gilbert
Selliguea kachinensis Hovenkamp, S. Linds. & Fraser-Jenk.
Selliguea kingpingensis (Ching) S. G. Lu, Hovenkamp & M. G. Gilbert
Selliguea lagunensis (Christ) Hovenk.
Selliguea lanceola (Mett.) E. Fourn.
Selliguea lauterbachii (Alderw.) Hovenk.
Selliguea lehmannii (Mett.) X. C. Zhang & L. J. He
Selliguea leucophora (Baker) X. C. Zhang & L. J. He
Selliguea likiangensis (Ching) S. G. Lu, Hovenkamp & M. G. Gilbert
Selliguea majoensis (C. Chr.) Fraser-Jenk.
Selliguea metacoela (Alderw.) Parris
Selliguea montana (Sledge) Hovenk.
Selliguea murudensis (C. Chr.) Parris
Selliguea neglecta (Bl.) Hovenk.
Selliguea nepalensis K. Iwats.
Selliguea oblongifolia (S. K. Wu) S. G. Lu, Hovenkamp & M. G. Gilbert
Selliguea obtusa (Ching) S. G. Lu, Hovenkamp & M. G. Gilbert
Selliguea omeiensis (Ching) S. G. Lu, Hovenkamp & M. G. Gilbert
Selliguea oodes (Kunze) Hovenk.
Selliguea oxyloba (Wall. ex Kunze) Fraser-Jenk.
Selliguea pampylocarpa (Alderw.) Hovenk.
Selliguea phuluangensis (Tagawa & K. Iwats.) X. C. Zhang & L. J. He
Selliguea pianmaensis (W. M. Chu) S. G. Lu, Hovenkamp & M. G. Gilbert
Selliguea plantaginea Brack.
Selliguea platyphylla (Sw.) Ching
Selliguea plebiscopa (Baker) Pic. Serm.
Selliguea proavita (Copel.) X. C. Zhang & L. J. He
Selliguea pseudoacrosticha (Alderw.) Hovenk.
Selliguea pui Hovenk.
Selliguea pyrolifolia (Goldm.) Hovenk.
Selliguea rigida (Hook.) Hovenk.
Selliguea senanensis (Maxim.) S. G. Lu, Hovenkamp & M. G. Gilbert
Selliguea setacea (Copel.) Hovenk.
Selliguea simplicissima (F. Muell.) Hovenk.
Selliguea sri-ratu Hovenk.
Selliguea stenophylla (Bl.) Parris
Selliguea stenosquamis Hovenk.
Selliguea subsparsa (Bak.) Hovenk.
Selliguea subtaeniata (Alderw.) Hovenk.
Selliguea taeniata (Sw.) Parris
Selliguea taeniophylla (Copel.) Parris
Selliguea tafana (C. Chr.) Hovenk.
Selliguea taiwanensis (Tag.) H. Ohashi & K. Ohashi
Selliguea tamdaoensis (V. N. Tu)
Selliguea tatsienensis (Franch. & Bureau) X. C. Zhang & L. J. He
Selliguea tenuicauda (Hook.) X. C. Zhang & L. J. He
Selliguea tenuipes (Ching) S. G. Lu, Hovenkamp & M. G. Gilbert
Selliguea tomentosa (W. M. Chu) X. C. Zhang & L. J. He
Selliguea triloba (Houtt.) M. G. Price
Selliguea triquetra (Bl.) Ching
Selliguea trisecta (Bak.) Fraser-Jenk.
Selliguea violascens (Mett.) Hovenk.
Selliguea wardii (Clarke) X. C. Zhang & L. J. He
Selliguea whitfordii (Copel.) Hovenk.
Selliguea wuliangshanensis (W. M. Chu) S. G. Lu, Hovenkamp & M. G. Gilbert
Selliguea yakuinsularis (Masam.) H. Ohashi & K. Ohashi
11 additional siblings truncated for brevity.
See the
resource file
for a full list.
Dynamic Hierarchy Version 2.2.3
Selliguea katuii (Brownlie)
(this page)
Selliguea albicaula (Copel.) M. Kato & M. G. Price
Selliguea albidopaleata (Copel.) Parris
Selliguea albidosquamata (Bl.) Parris
Selliguea amplexifolia (Christ) X. C. Zhang & L. J. He
Selliguea archboldii Copel.
Selliguea bakeri (Luerss.) Hovenk.
Selliguea balbi Hovenk.
Selliguea banaensis (C. Chr.)
Selliguea bellisquamata (C. Chr.) Hovenk.
Selliguea bisulcata (Hook.) Hovenk.
Selliguea brachypodia (Copel.) X. C. Zhang & L. J. He
Selliguea brooksii (Alderw.) Hovenk.
Selliguea capitellata (Wall.) X. C. Zhang & L. J. He
Selliguea caudiformis (Bl.) J. Sm.
Selliguea ceratophylla (Copel.) Hovenk.
Selliguea chenopus (Christ) S. G. Lu, Hovenkamp & M. G. Gilbert
Selliguea chrysotricha (C. Chr.) Fraser-Jenk.
Selliguea colorata (Copel.) X. C. Zhang & L. J. He
Selliguea conjuncta (Ching) S. G. Lu, Hovenkamp & M. G. Gilbert
Selliguea conmixta (Ching) S. G. Lu, Hovenkamp & M. G. Gilbert
Selliguea costulata (Ces.) Wagner & Grether
Selliguea craspedosora (Copel.) Hovenk.
Selliguea crassirhizoma (Fraser-Jenk., Odyuo & D. K. Roy)
Selliguea cretifera (Alderw.) Ching
Selliguea cruciformis (Ching) Fraser-Jenk.
Selliguea cyrtomioides (S. G. Lu & C. D. Xu) X. C. Zhang & L. J. He
Selliguea dactylina (Christ) S. G. Lu, Hovenkamp & M. G. Gilbert
Selliguea daweishanensis (S. G. Lu) S. G. Lu, Hovenkamp & M. G. Gilbert
Selliguea dekockii (Alderw.) Hovenk.
Selliguea digitata (Ching) S. G. Lu, Hovenkamp & M. G. Gilbert
Selliguea echinospora (Tag.) Fraser-Jenk.
Selliguea elmeri (Copel.) Ching
Selliguea engleri (Luerss.) Fraser-Jenk.
Selliguea feei Bory
Selliguea feeoides Copel.
Selliguea ferrea (Brause) Hovenk.
Selliguea glauca (J. Sm. ex Brack.) Hovenk.
Selliguea gracilipes (Alderw.) Hovenk.
Selliguea griffithiana (Hook.) Fraser-Jenk.
Selliguea hainanensis (Ching) S. G. Lu, Hovenkamp & M. G. Gilbert
Selliguea hastata (Thunb.) Fraser-Jenk.
Selliguea hellwigii (Diels) Hovenk.
Selliguea heterocarpa (Bl.) Bl.
Selliguea hirsuta (Tag. & K. Iwats.) S. Linds.
Selliguea hirtella (Ching) S. G. Lu, Hovenkamp & M. G. Gilbert
Selliguea incisocrenata (Ching ex W. M. Chu & S. G. Lu) S. G. Lu, Hovenkamp & M. G. Gilbert
Selliguea kachinensis Hovenkamp, S. Linds. & Fraser-Jenk.
Selliguea kingpingensis (Ching) S. G. Lu, Hovenkamp & M. G. Gilbert
Selliguea lagunensis (Christ) Hovenk.
Selliguea lanceola (Mett.) E. Fourn.
Selliguea lauterbachii (Alderw.) Hovenk.
Selliguea lehmannii (Mett.) X. C. Zhang & L. J. He
Selliguea leucophora (Baker) X. C. Zhang & L. J. He
Selliguea likiangensis (Ching) S. G. Lu, Hovenkamp & M. G. Gilbert
Selliguea majoensis (C. Chr.) Fraser-Jenk.
Selliguea metacoela (Alderw.) Parris
Selliguea murudensis (C. Chr.) Parris
Selliguea neglecta (Bl.) Hovenk.
Selliguea nepalensis K. Iwats.
Selliguea oblongifolia (S. K. Wu) S. G. Lu, Hovenkamp & M. G. Gilbert
Selliguea obtusa (Ching) S. G. Lu, Hovenkamp & M. G. Gilbert
Selliguea omeiensis (Ching) S. G. Lu, Hovenkamp & M. G. Gilbert
Selliguea oodes (Kunze) Hovenk.
Selliguea oxyloba (Wall. ex Kunze) Fraser-Jenk.
Selliguea pampylocarpa (Alderw.) Hovenk.
Selliguea phuluangensis (Tagawa & K. Iwats.) X. C. Zhang & L. J. He
Selliguea pianmaensis (W. M. Chu) S. G. Lu, Hovenkamp & M. G. Gilbert
Selliguea plantaginea Brack.
Selliguea platyphylla (Sw.) Ching
Selliguea plebiscopa (Baker) Pic. Serm.
Selliguea proavita (Copel.) X. C. Zhang & L. J. He
Selliguea pseudoacrosticha (Alderw.) Hovenk.
Selliguea pui Hovenk.
Selliguea pyrolifolia (Goldm.) Hovenk.
Selliguea rigida (Hook.) Hovenk.
Selliguea senanensis (Maxim.) S. G. Lu, Hovenkamp & M. G. Gilbert
Selliguea setacea (Copel.) Hovenk.
Selliguea simplicissima (F. Muell.) Hovenk.
Selliguea sri-ratu Hovenk.
Selliguea stenophylla (Bl.) Parris
Selliguea stenosquamis Hovenk.
Selliguea subsparsa (Bak.) Hovenk.
Selliguea subtaeniata (Alderw.) Hovenk.
Selliguea taeniata (Sw.) Parris
Selliguea taeniophylla (Copel.) Parris
Selliguea tafana (C. Chr.) Hovenk.
Selliguea taiwanensis (Tag.) H. Ohashi & K. Ohashi
Selliguea tamdaoensis (V. N. Tu)
Selliguea tatsienensis (Franch. & Bureau) X. C. Zhang & L. J. He
Selliguea tenuicauda (Hook.) X. C. Zhang & L. J. He
Selliguea tenuipes (Ching) S. G. Lu, Hovenkamp & M. G. Gilbert
Selliguea tomentosa (W. M. Chu) X. C. Zhang & L. J. He
Selliguea triloba (Houtt.) M. G. Price
Selliguea triquetra (Bl.) Ching
Selliguea trisecta (Bak.) Fraser-Jenk.
Selliguea violascens (Mett.) Hovenk.
Selliguea wardii (Clarke) X. C. Zhang & L. J. He
Selliguea whitfordii (Copel.) Hovenk.
Selliguea wuliangshanensis (W. M. Chu) S. G. Lu, Hovenkamp & M. G. Gilbert
Selliguea yakuinsularis (Masam.) H. Ohashi & K. Ohashi
10 additional siblings truncated for brevity.
See the
resource file
for a full list.
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy 1.1
Cellular Organisms
Selliguea katuii (Brownlie)
(this page)
Selliguea albicaula (Copel.) M. Kato & M. G. Price
Selliguea albidopaleata (Copel.) Parris
Selliguea albidosquamata (Bl.) Parris
Selliguea amplexifolia (Christ) X. C. Zhang & L. J. He
Selliguea archboldii Copel.
Selliguea bakeri (Luerss.) Hovenk.
Selliguea balbi Hovenk.
Selliguea banaensis (C. Chr.)
Selliguea bellisquamata (C. Chr.) Hovenk.
Selliguea bisulcata (Hook.) Hovenk.
Selliguea brachypodia (Copel.) X. C. Zhang & L. J. He
Selliguea brooksii (Alderw.) Hovenk.
Selliguea capitellata (Wall.) X. C. Zhang & L. J. He
Selliguea caudiformis (Bl.) J. Sm.
Selliguea ceratophylla (Copel.) Hovenk.
Selliguea chenopus (Christ) S. G. Lu, Hovenkamp & M. G. Gilbert
Selliguea chrysotricha (C. Chr.) Fraser-Jenk.
Selliguea colorata (Copel.) X. C. Zhang & L. J. He
Selliguea conjuncta (Ching) S. G. Lu, Hovenkamp & M. G. Gilbert
Selliguea conmixta (Ching) S. G. Lu, Hovenkamp & M. G. Gilbert
Selliguea costulata (Ces.) Wagner & Grether
Selliguea craspedosora (Copel.) Hovenk.
Selliguea crassirhizoma (Fraser-Jenk., Odyuo & D. K. Roy)
Selliguea cretifera (Alderw.) Ching
Selliguea cruciformis (Ching) Fraser-Jenk.
Selliguea cyrtomioides (S. G. Lu & C. D. Xu) X. C. Zhang & L. J. He
Selliguea dactylina (Christ) S. G. Lu, Hovenkamp & M. G. Gilbert
Selliguea daweishanensis (S. G. Lu) S. G. Lu, Hovenkamp & M. G. Gilbert
Selliguea dekockii (Alderw.) Hovenk.
Selliguea digitata (Ching) S. G. Lu, Hovenkamp & M. G. Gilbert
Selliguea echinospora (Tag.) Fraser-Jenk.
Selliguea engleri (Luerss.) Fraser-Jenk.
Selliguea feei Bory
Selliguea feeoides Copel.
Selliguea ferrea (Brause) Hovenk.
Selliguea glauca (J. Sm. ex Brack.) Hovenk.
Selliguea gracilipes (Alderw.) Hovenk.
Selliguea griffithiana (Hook.) Fraser-Jenk.
Selliguea hainanensis (Ching) S. G. Lu, Hovenkamp & M. G. Gilbert
Selliguea hastata (Thunb.) Fraser-Jenk.
Selliguea hellwigii (Diels) Hovenk.
Selliguea heterocarpa (Bl.) Bl.
Selliguea hirsuta (Tag. & K. Iwats.) S. Linds.
Selliguea hirtella (Ching) S. G. Lu, Hovenkamp & M. G. Gilbert
Selliguea incisocrenata (Ching ex W. M. Chu & S. G. Lu) S. G. Lu, Hovenkamp & M. G. Gilbert
Selliguea kachinensis Hovenkamp, S. Linds. & Fraser-Jenk.
Selliguea kingpingensis (Ching) S. G. Lu, Hovenkamp & M. G. Gilbert
Selliguea lagunensis (Christ) Hovenk.
Selliguea lanceola (Mett.) E. Fourn.
Selliguea lauterbachii (Alderw.) Hovenk.
Selliguea lehmannii (Mett.) X. C. Zhang & L. J. He
Selliguea leucophora (Baker) X. C. Zhang & L. J. He
Selliguea likiangensis (Ching) S. G. Lu, Hovenkamp & M. G. Gilbert
Selliguea majoensis (C. Chr.) Fraser-Jenk.
Selliguea metacoela (Alderw.) Parris
Selliguea montana (Sledge) Hovenk.
Selliguea murudensis (C. Chr.) Parris
Selliguea neglecta (Bl.) Hovenk.
Selliguea nepalensis K. Iwats.
Selliguea oblongifolia (S. K. Wu) S. G. Lu, Hovenkamp & M. G. Gilbert
Selliguea obtusa (Ching) S. G. Lu, Hovenkamp & M. G. Gilbert
Selliguea omeiensis (Ching) S. G. Lu, Hovenkamp & M. G. Gilbert
Selliguea oodes (Kunze) Hovenk.
Selliguea oxyloba (Wall. ex Kunze) Fraser-Jenk.
Selliguea pampylocarpa (Alderw.) Hovenk.
Selliguea phuluangensis (Tagawa & K. Iwats.) X. C. Zhang & L. J. He
Selliguea pianmaensis (W. M. Chu) S. G. Lu, Hovenkamp & M. G. Gilbert
Selliguea plantaginea Brack.
Selliguea platyphylla (Sw.) Ching
Selliguea plebiscopa (Baker) Pic. Serm.
Selliguea proavita (Copel.) X. C. Zhang & L. J. He
Selliguea pseudoacrosticha (Alderw.) Hovenk.
Selliguea pui Hovenk.
Selliguea pyrolifolia (Goldm.) Hovenk.
Selliguea rigida (Hook.) Hovenk.
Selliguea senanensis (Maxim.) S. G. Lu, Hovenkamp & M. G. Gilbert
Selliguea setacea (Copel.) Hovenk.
Selliguea simplicissima (F. Muell.) Hovenk.
Selliguea sri-ratu Hovenk.
Selliguea stenophylla (Bl.) Parris
Selliguea stenosquamis Hovenk.
Selliguea subsparsa (Bak.) Hovenk.
Selliguea subtaeniata (Alderw.) Hovenk.
Selliguea taeniata (Sw.) Parris
Selliguea taeniophylla (Copel.) Parris
Selliguea tafana (C. Chr.) Hovenk.
Selliguea taiwanensis (Tag.) H. Ohashi & K. Ohashi
Selliguea tamdaoensis (V. N. Tu)
Selliguea tatsienensis (Franch. & Bureau) X. C. Zhang & L. J. He
Selliguea tenuicauda (Hook.) X. C. Zhang & L. J. He
Selliguea tenuipes (Ching) S. G. Lu, Hovenkamp & M. G. Gilbert
Selliguea tomentosa (W. M. Chu) X. C. Zhang & L. J. He
Selliguea triloba (Houtt.) M. G. Price
Selliguea triquetra (Bl.) Ching
Selliguea trisecta (Bak.) Fraser-Jenk.
Selliguea violascens (Mett.) Hovenk.
Selliguea wardii (Clarke) X. C. Zhang & L. J. He
Selliguea whitfordii (Copel.) Hovenk.
Selliguea wuliangshanensis (W. M. Chu) S. G. Lu, Hovenkamp & M. G. Gilbert
Selliguea yakuinsularis (Masam.) H. Ohashi & K. Ohashi
11 additional siblings truncated for brevity.
See the
resource file
for a full list.
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy Version 2.2.4
Selliguea katuii (Brownlie)
(this page)
Selliguea albicaula (Copel.) M. Kato & M. G. Price
Selliguea albidopaleata (Copel.) Parris
Selliguea albidosquamata (Bl.) Parris
Selliguea amplexifolia (Christ) X. C. Zhang & L. J. He
Selliguea archboldii Copel.
Selliguea bakeri (Luerss.) Hovenk.
Selliguea balbi Hovenk.
Selliguea banaensis (C. Chr.)
Selliguea bellisquamata (C. Chr.) Hovenk.
Selliguea bisulcata (Hook.) Hovenk.
Selliguea brachypodia (Copel.) X. C. Zhang & L. J. He
Selliguea brooksii (Alderw.) Hovenk.
Selliguea capitellata (Wall.) X. C. Zhang & L. J. He
Selliguea caudiformis (Bl.) J. Sm.
Selliguea ceratophylla (Copel.) Hovenk.
Selliguea chenopus (Christ) S. G. Lu, Hovenkamp & M. G. Gilbert
Selliguea chrysotricha (C. Chr.) Fraser-Jenk.
Selliguea colorata (Copel.) X. C. Zhang & L. J. He
Selliguea conjuncta (Ching) S. G. Lu, Hovenkamp & M. G. Gilbert
Selliguea conmixta (Ching) S. G. Lu, Hovenkamp & M. G. Gilbert
Selliguea costulata (Ces.) Wagner & Grether
Selliguea craspedosora (Copel.) Hovenk.
Selliguea crassirhizoma (Fraser-Jenk., Odyuo & D. K. Roy)
Selliguea cretifera (Alderw.) Ching
Selliguea cruciformis (Ching) Fraser-Jenk.
Selliguea cyrtomioides (S. G. Lu & C. D. Xu) X. C. Zhang & L. J. He
Selliguea dactylina (Christ) S. G. Lu, Hovenkamp & M. G. Gilbert
Selliguea daweishanensis (S. G. Lu) S. G. Lu, Hovenkamp & M. G. Gilbert
Selliguea dekockii (Alderw.) Hovenk.
Selliguea digitata (Ching) S. G. Lu, Hovenkamp & M. G. Gilbert
Selliguea echinospora (Tag.) Fraser-Jenk.
Selliguea elmeri (Copel.) Ching
Selliguea engleri (Luerss.) Fraser-Jenk.
Selliguea feei Bory
Selliguea feeoides Copel.
Selliguea ferrea (Brause) Hovenk.
Selliguea glauca (J. Sm. ex Brack.) Hovenk.
Selliguea gracilipes (Alderw.) Hovenk.
Selliguea griffithiana (Hook.) Fraser-Jenk.
Selliguea hainanensis (Ching) S. G. Lu, Hovenkamp & M. G. Gilbert
Selliguea hastata (Thunb.) Fraser-Jenk.
Selliguea hellwigii (Diels) Hovenk.
Selliguea heterocarpa (Bl.) Bl.
Selliguea hirsuta (Tag. & K. Iwats.) S. Linds.
Selliguea hirtella (Ching) S. G. Lu, Hovenkamp & M. G. Gilbert
Selliguea incisocrenata (Ching ex W. M. Chu & S. G. Lu) S. G. Lu, Hovenkamp & M. G. Gilbert
Selliguea kachinensis Hovenkamp, S. Linds. & Fraser-Jenk.
Selliguea kingpingensis (Ching) S. G. Lu, Hovenkamp & M. G. Gilbert
Selliguea lagunensis (Christ) Hovenk.
Selliguea lanceola (Mett.) E. Fourn.
Selliguea lauterbachii (Alderw.) Hovenk.
Selliguea lehmannii (Mett.) X. C. Zhang & L. J. He
Selliguea leucophora (Baker) X. C. Zhang & L. J. He
Selliguea likiangensis (Ching) S. G. Lu, Hovenkamp & M. G. Gilbert
Selliguea majoensis (C. Chr.) Fraser-Jenk.
Selliguea metacoela (Alderw.) Parris
Selliguea murudensis (C. Chr.) Parris
Selliguea neglecta (Bl.) Hovenk.
Selliguea nepalensis K. Iwats.
Selliguea oblongifolia (S. K. Wu) S. G. Lu, Hovenkamp & M. G. Gilbert
Selliguea obtusa (Ching) S. G. Lu, Hovenkamp & M. G. Gilbert
Selliguea omeiensis (Ching) S. G. Lu, Hovenkamp & M. G. Gilbert
Selliguea oodes (Kunze) Hovenk.
Selliguea oxyloba (Wall. ex Kunze) Fraser-Jenk.
Selliguea pampylocarpa (Alderw.) Hovenk.
Selliguea phuluangensis (Tagawa & K. Iwats.) X. C. Zhang & L. J. He
Selliguea pianmaensis (W. M. Chu) S. G. Lu, Hovenkamp & M. G. Gilbert
Selliguea plantaginea Brack.
Selliguea platyphylla (Sw.) Ching
Selliguea plebiscopa (Baker) Pic. Serm.
Selliguea proavita (Copel.) X. C. Zhang & L. J. He
Selliguea pseudoacrosticha (Alderw.) Hovenk.
Selliguea pui Hovenk.
Selliguea pyrolifolia (Goldm.) Hovenk.
Selliguea rigida (Hook.) Hovenk.
Selliguea senanensis (Maxim.) S. G. Lu, Hovenkamp & M. G. Gilbert
Selliguea setacea (Copel.) Hovenk.
Selliguea simplicissima (F. Muell.) Hovenk.
Selliguea sri-ratu Hovenk.
Selliguea stenophylla (Bl.) Parris
Selliguea stenosquamis Hovenk.
Selliguea subsparsa (Bak.) Hovenk.
Selliguea subtaeniata (Alderw.) Hovenk.
Selliguea taeniata (Sw.) Parris
Selliguea taeniophylla (Copel.) Parris
Selliguea tafana (C. Chr.) Hovenk.
Selliguea taiwanensis (Tag.) H. Ohashi & K. Ohashi
Selliguea tamdaoensis (V. N. Tu)
Selliguea tatsienensis (Franch. & Bureau) X. C. Zhang & L. J. He
Selliguea tenuicauda (Hook.) X. C. Zhang & L. J. He
Selliguea tenuipes (Ching) S. G. Lu, Hovenkamp & M. G. Gilbert
Selliguea tomentosa (W. M. Chu) X. C. Zhang & L. J. He
Selliguea triloba (Houtt.) M. G. Price
Selliguea triquetra (Bl.) Ching
Selliguea trisecta (Bak.) Fraser-Jenk.
Selliguea violascens (Mett.) Hovenk.
Selliguea wardii (Clarke) X. C. Zhang & L. J. He
Selliguea whitfordii (Copel.) Hovenk.
Selliguea wuliangshanensis (W. M. Chu) S. G. Lu, Hovenkamp & M. G. Gilbert
Selliguea yakuinsularis (Masam.) H. Ohashi & K. Ohashi
10 additional siblings truncated for brevity.
See the
resource file
for a full list.
wikidata_hierarchy tar gz
Phymatodes katuii
(this page)
Phymatodes acrosora
Phymatodes alata
Phymatodes albicinctus
Phymatodes albosquamata
Phymatodes alternifolia
Phymatodes angusta
Phymatodes angustiloba
Phymatodes arguta
Phymatodes banaensis
Phymatodes banerjiana
Phymatodes billardierei
Phymatodes blumei
Phymatodes brancaefolia
Phymatodes capitellata
Phymatodes chinensis
Phymatodes conjugata
Phymatodes conmixta
Phymatodes connexa
Phymatodes coronans
Phymatodes crassinervis
Phymatodes crenato-pinnata
Phymatodes crenulata
Phymatodes crustacea
Phymatodes digitata
Phymatodes diversifolia
Phymatodes echinospora
Phymatodes elongata
Phymatodes excavata
Phymatodes exigua
Phymatodes gaudichaudii
Phymatodes geminata
Phymatodes glauca
Phymatodes glaucopruinata
Phymatodes glaucopsis
Phymatodes grandifolia
Phymatodes grossa
Phymatodes hainanensis
Phymatodes heterophylla
Phymatodes immersa
Phymatodes incurvata
Phymatodes intermedia
Phymatodes irioides
Phymatodes kwangtungensis
Phymatodes kwantungensis
Phymatodes laciniata
Phymatodes lancea
Phymatodes latifolia
Phymatodes leiorhiza
Phymatodes longifolia
Phymatodes longipes
Phymatodes longisquamata
Phymatodes loriformis
Phymatodes masaskei
Phymatodes melleri
Phymatodes meyeniana
Phymatodes montana
Phymatodes morbillosa
Phymatodes myriocarpa
Phymatodes nigrescens
Phymatodes normalis
Phymatodes novae-zealandiae
Phymatodes okamotoi
Phymatodes ottoniana
Phymatodes ovata
Phymatodes peltidea
Phymatodes pitcairnensis
Phymatodes plantaginea
Phymatodes plukenetii
Phymatodes polycarpa
Phymatodes porrecta
Phymatodes propinqua
Phymatodes pustulata
Phymatodes quercifolia
Phymatodes roseo-marginata
Phymatodes roseomarginata
Phymatodes rupestris
Phymatodes saccata
Phymatodes scandens
Phymatodes schomburgkiana
Phymatodes scolopendria
Phymatodes secunda
Phymatodes sessilis
Phymatodes simplex
Phymatodes sinuata
Phymatodes sinuosa
Phymatodes stenophylla
Phymatodes stracheyi
Phymatodes subfasciata
Phymatodes subgen. Pleuridium
Phymatodes subnormalis
Phymatodes suisha-stagnalis
Phymatodes sylvatica
Phymatodes taeniata
Phymatodes taiwanensis
Phymatodes takedai
Phymatodes terminalis
Phymatodes triphylla
Phymatodes wallichiana
Phymatodes yakuinsularis
Phymatodes zosteriformis
3 additional siblings truncated for brevity.
See the
resource file
for a full list.
wikidata_hierarchy tar gz
Phymatosorus katuii
(this page)
Phymatosorus alatus
Phymatosorus banerjianus
Phymatosorus beddomei
Phymatosorus biseriatus
Phymatosorus commutatus
Phymatosorus cromwellii
Phymatosorus cuspidatus
Phymatosorus diversifolius
Phymatosorus ensiformis
Phymatosorus grossus
Phymatosorus hainanensis
Phymatosorus ithycarpus
Phymatosorus lanceus
Phymatosorus longifolius
Phymatosorus longissimus
Phymatosorus lucidus
Phymatosorus malabaricus
Phymatosorus membranifolius
Phymatosorus nigrescens
Phymatosorus novae-zealandiae
Phymatosorus papuanus
Phymatosorus parksii
Phymatosorus powellii
Phymatosorus pustulatus
Phymatosorus revolutus
Phymatosorus scandens
Phymatosorus scolopendria
Phymatosorus suisha-stagnalis
Phymatosorus variabilis
Phymatosorus vieillardii
wikidata_hierarchy tar gz
Polypodium katuii
(this page)
Polypodium acuminatum
Polypodium adnatum
Polypodium aequale
Polypodium alansmithii
Polypodium alavae
Polypodium amorphum
Polypodium ampliatum
Polypodium arcanum
Polypodium aspidiolepis
Polypodium attenuatum
Polypodium aturense
Polypodium australe
Polypodium balaonense
Polypodium bonii
Polypodium bradeorum
Polypodium buchtiennii
Polypodium cambricum
Polypodium chondrocheilon
Polypodium christensenii
Polypodium chrysolepis
Polypodium cicutarium
Polypodium collinsii
Polypodium colpodes
Polypodium congenerum
Polypodium conterminans
Polypodium cryptocarpon
Polypodium curtisii
Polypodium cuspidatum
Polypodium danesianum
Polypodium daochengense
Polypodium dasypleuron
Polypodium davallioides
Polypodium decursive-pinnatum
Polypodium diplotrichum
Polypodium dissimile
Polypodium dulce
Polypodium eatonii
Polypodium echinolepis
Polypodium eleutherophlebium
Polypodium elongatum
Polypodium eperopeutes
Polypodium falcaria
Polypodium fraternum
Polypodium friedrichsthalianum
Polypodium furfuraceum
Polypodium grammitoides
Polypodium griffithianum
Polypodium griseo-nigrum
Polypodium guttatum
Polypodium hartwegianum
Polypodium hewardii
Polypodium hispidulum
Polypodium insularum
Polypodium karwinskyanum
Polypodium khasyanum
Polypodium laevigatum
Polypodium lepidopteris
Polypodium lepidotrichum
Polypodium liebmannii
Polypodium maritimum
Polypodium martensii
Polypodium maximowiczii
Polypodium mckeei
Polypodium megacuspe
Polypodium microgrammoides
Polypodium monosorum
Polypodium montigenum
Polypodium munchii
Polypodium murorum
Polypodium myriolepis
Polypodium nudatum
Polypodium nymphale
Polypodium omeiense
Polypodium patentissimum
Polypodium penangianum
Polypodium pinnatisectum
Polypodium pinnatissimum
Polypodium platylepis
Polypodium plebeium
Polypodium puberulum
Polypodium pumilum
Polypodium punctulatum
Polypodium pycnocarpum
Polypodium pyrrholepis
Polypodium pyrrhorachis
Polypodium scolopendrinum
Polypodium someyae
Polypodium steirolepis
Polypodium subfalcatum
Polypodium subminutum
Polypodium subpetiolatum
Polypodium transpianense
Polypodium tridens
Polypodium trifidum
Polypodium urceolare
Polypodium vagans
Polypodium villagranii
Polypodium vittarioides
Polypodium wagneri
Polypodium wrightii
1941 additional siblings truncated for brevity.
See the
resource file
for a full list.