Digitalis thapsi ye una planta de la familia scrophulariaceae.
Digitalis thapsi L., la dedalera ye una planta bienal non bien elevada, en redol a unos 60 cm. Les fueyes basales ovaes o llanceolaes y con pelos, les cimeres llanceolaes. El tarmu ye pubescente. Flores de color rosáu, con llurdios per dientro, paecíes a la Digitalis purpurea, colgantes en recímanos a la fin de los tarmos.; mota con 5 lóbulos; corola en forma d'alferga, de color rosáu, d'hasta 5 cm de llargor, cola parte inferior del interior del tubu maculada y pelosa pa sirvir de guía a les abeyes que busquen el néctar del fondu de la flor; 4 estames. Frutu en cápsules ovoidees que contienen munches granes. Ye tamién planta bien tóxica. Dellos botánicos nomar como Digitalis purpurea subsp. thapsi. Floria en primavera y branu.
Crez en terrenes xilizos, graníticos, dacuando pegada a les roques, n'aguaes soleyeres. Nun ye esclusiva del pisu de la encina, yá que tamién abonda nel pisu del melojo.
Ye un endemismu de la península ibérica onde habita na zona occidental y nel centru. Ye bien común nel sistema Central, (sierra d'Ávila, La Serrota, Paramera d'Ávila, sierra de Gredos).
Ye planta cercana a la dedalera común y tien los mesmos alcaloides qu'ésta. Igual que la dedalera común, ye una de les plantes más apreciaes polos sos efeutos melecinales, anque la so potente aición estimulante de l'actividá cardiaca, fai qu'el so usu familiar tenga de ser cubicáu con prudencia. La regulación de la motilidad del corazón provocada polos sos glucósidos dio llugar a ensame d'investigaciones médiques y na actualidá son numberosos los fármacos llograos a partir de les dedaleras.[1]
Nos estudios, la restricción de los iones de calciu ye resultáu de l'acumuladura con cardenolide en D. thapsi.[2] La cantidá de calciu afecta a les reaiciones químiques redox nes célules. Ensin calciu, reparáronse cambeos na función antiosidante y l'actividá catalasa yera lenta.[3] N'otru estudiu, la falta de calciu promueve la crecedera tardiega de la formación de digoxina. El manganesu, en forma de sulfatu de manganesu (MnCl), y de litiu, na forma de cloruru de litiu (LiCl), tamién aumentó la concentración de digoxina, pero nun afectó la crecedera.[4]
Cristales d'oxalato de calciu y fibres pericíclicas aislláronse de D. thapsi. Estos considérense de 1,25 a 3 vegaes más potentes en vista melecinal que les que s'atopen en Digitalis purpurea.[5][6][7][8] Según el botánicu holandés Herman Boerhaave, les especies Digitalis son altamente venenoses si inxerse direutamente. Toles partes son venenoses.[9][10][11]
Digitalis thapsi describióse por Carlos Linneo y espublizóse en Species Plantarum 2: 867. 1753.[12][13]
Digitalis: nome xenéricu del llatín medieval digitalis = la "dixital o dedalera" (Digitalis purpurea L., Scrophulariaceae). Según Ambrosini (1666), “llámase Dixital porque les flores asonsañen la forma de l'alferga (esto ye, de la cubierta de los deos de les muyeres cuando cuesen)”.[14]
thapsi: epítetu xeográficu qu'alude al so localización en Tapso en Sicilia.[15]
Digitalis thapsi ye una planta de la familia scrophulariaceae.
Vista de la planta nel so hábitat Detalle de les flores Vista de la planta
Digitalis thapsi, which has been called mullein foxglove in the US, is a flowering plant in the genus Digitalis that is endemic to the Iberian Peninsula, where it occurs in eastern Portugal and central and western Spain. It is of commercial importance as an ornamental plant. Hybrids with D. purpurea have proved successful and are fertile.
A Missouri Botanical Garden website calls it mullein foxglove.[2] Local vernacular names recorded for this species are abeloura, abeloura-amarelada, aboleira, aveloeira, dedaleira, luvas de Santa María, pegajo and rabo de raposa in Portuguese, whereas in Spanish the most common name is dedalera, followed by viloria, viluria, giloria, dedales and mataperla, but it has also been called abiloria, abiluria, abortones, bacera, beleño, biloria, biluria, campanilla, cascante, cascaor, chupadera, chupamieles, chupera, cohete, cohetera, cohetes, deales, dedales de niño, dedales purpúreos, dediles, digital, digitalis, emborrachacabras, estallones, goldaperra, guadalperra, gualdaperra, guardaperros, hueltaperra, mata de lagartija, mataperros, rabera, ravera, raéra, restalladera, restralleti, restrallos, sabia, tuercecuellos and vueltaperra.[3][4]
It was first described in the modern taxonomic system by Carl Linnaeus in 1763.[1]
The genus Digitalis was formerly assigned to the family Scrophulariaceae,[5] but it is now considered to belong within the Plantaginaceae.[6]
Joseph Gottlieb Kölreuter, a German botanist, observed that D. thapsi had many characteristics of D. purpurea after four to five generations of cultivation, and that the former became indistinguishable from the latter, a report that was considered "probably" trustworthy by Charles Darwin. D. thapsi and D. purpurea hybrids are generally fertile.[7]
In many areas of Spain and Portugal populations of D. thapsi and D. purpurea meet, and introgression is common. These have been known as D. purpurea nothosubsp. carpetana and D. minor in error in two older Portuguese works (1906, 1913), but this hybrid is now generally known as D. × coutinhoi.[8]
Digitalis thapsi is a perennial plant.[8][9] Its yellow-green leaves are ovate to oblong in shape and decurrent, with winged bases.[10] The flowers, stems and leaves are covered with a dense indumentum of tiny hairs, giving them a soft appearance.[8][10] These yellow-green hairs (trichomes) are exclusively glandular. The entire plant is very sticky (glutinose). It is caespitose, meaning it grows with its large leaves tightly arranged into one, or a number, of rosettes growing at or just above ground level. In older plants the base becomes woody and highly branched at ground level, so that a single plant has multiple rosettes. The green, round to slightly angular stems grow to (30-)50 to 80(-100)cm in height before they start to flower. The stems are similarly entirely covered in glandular hairs; these are present in two forms: short and subsessile, or much longer, 0.4 to 0.6mm.[8]
The chromosome count is 2n=56.[8]
The lower basal leaf blades are 7.5 to 13cm (exceptionally 19cm) in length, 2.5 to 5cm in width, more or less flat but sometimes undulated along the margins, and oblong to elliptic in shape, with a sharp to somewhat sharply tipped apex. The bases of the leaves taper gradually into the petioles. The texture is soft, not leathery. The underside is rugose-reticular in texture, coloured greenish-yellow and very densely packed with glandular hairs. The leaves in the middle of the rosette are clearly decurrent. The margins are denticulate or somewhat so, rarely subentire.[8]
The pink, rarely white,[8] flowers are arranged in an inflorescence in the form of a raceme,[11] 15 to 35cm in length with 15 to 40 individual flowers. The inflorescence has glandular hairs along its shaft, is not stiff, and is secundiflorous, meaning the flowers follow each other in succession. The flowers have a 1 to 2cm long pedicel which is curved at the base, and shorter to equal in length to the subtending bracts. The flowers hang somewhat, and are separated by internodes of 8-15mm. The bracts are 12 to 20mm in length and 2 to 3mm broad, glandular and lanceolate in shape.[8]
According to Dutch botanist Herman Boerhaave, writing at the turn of the 17th century, Digitalis species are highly poisonous if directly ingested.[12] All parts are poisonous.[11][13] In studies, the restriction of calcium ions resulted in cardenolide accumulation in D. thapsi.[14] Calcium quantity affects the redox chemical reactions in the cells. Without calcium, changes in antioxidant function were observed and catalase activity was slow.[15] In another study, lack of calcium retarded growth and promoted digoxin formation. Manganese sulfate and lithium chloride also increased the digoxin concentration, but did not affect growth.[16] Calcium oxalate crystals have also been isolated from D. thapsi.[10][17][18]
In 1841 Pierre Edmond Boissier considered it the most similar to D. mariana, which he was then describing as a new species, having collected from the same region.[19] In the dichotomous key in the Flora Iberica, it is keyed out to D. mariana, D. minor and D. purpurea. D. thapsi is distinguished from these three other similar species by being the only very sticky species, being completely covered in relatively long, yellowish, glandular hairs. It is also the only species in which the leaves in the middle of the rosette are clearly decurrent. D. minor, an endemic of the Balearic Islands, is not sympatric with D. thapsi.[8]
Digitalis thapsi is an endemic species of the Iberian Peninsula,[4][6] occurring in both Portugal and Spain. It grows in the mountains and rocky plains of the central and central-western parts of the Iberian Peninsula, especially in the Sistema Central and its extensions between the rivers of the Douro and Tagus.[8]
It is widespread in Spain,[5] occurring in the western and central parts of the country.[6][20][21] It does not occur on the Balearic Islands.[4] It occurs in the provinces of Ávila, Badajoz, Cáceres, Córdoba, Guadalajara, Madrid, Salamanca, Segovia, Soria, Toledo and Zamora. It has incidentally been found in the province of Burgos.[8] In Andalucía it is only found in the north of the region, in the western Sierra Morena, where it is uncommon;[22] it has been collected more often in the mountains of central Spain.[3][8]
In Portugal it primarily occurs in the northern and central interior,[6][21] more precisely in the districts of Bragança, Vila Real, Guarda, Viseu, Castelo Branco, Portalegre and Évora. With less frequency, it has also been found in the Porto, Aveiro, Coimbra, Santarém, Beja and Faro Districts.[8][23]
Digitalis thapsi grows in acidic soils.[22] It grows on rocky ground[8][22] and on slopes. It prefers sunny, open and disturbed places. It generally grows on soils derived from granite, but also sometimes on quartzite and schist. It grows at (rarely 100-) 500-1500 metres in altitude.[8]
The specific phytosociological suballiance and alliance wherein it occurs is called 'Rumici indurati-Dianthion lusitani', which is in the order 'Phagnalo saxatilis-Rumicetalia indurati', in the class 'Phagnalo saxatilis-Rumicetea indurati'. It is a characteristic species of this phytocoenosis. In this habitat it occurs together with these following characteristic species: Antirrhinum graniticum subsp. graniticum, Antirrhinum rupestris, Arrhenatherum fernandesii, Biscutella bilbilitana, Centaurea monticola subsp. citricolor, Centaurea pinnata, Coincya leptocarpa, Coincya longirostra, Coincya pseudoerucastrum subsp. pseudoerucastrum, Coincya rupestris, Conopodium bunioides subsp. aranii, Conopodium majus subsp. marizianum, Crepis oporinoides, Dianthus crassipes subsp. crassipes, Dianthus crassipes subsp. sereneanus, Dianthus lusitanus, Digitalis mariana (both subspecies), Digitalis purpurea subsp. toletana, Erodium mouretti, Erysimum linifolium subsp. lagascae, Festuca duriotagana, Jasione sessiliflora subsp. tomentosa, Scrophularia oxyrhincha, Scrophularia sublyrata, Sedum hirsutum subsp. baeticum, Silene marizii, Silene × montistellensis and Verbascum rotundifolium subsp. castellanum.[24]
In its native lands it flowers from June to July.[8] In cultivation it flowers in late spring[2][11] to early summer.[2] A study of the fruiting activity in D. thapsi showed that production, size and number of seeds were interrelated. Analysis has shown that seed weight is not related to the length of the cotyledon, and that the length of the fifth leaf can serve as a useful factor in determining the genetic variability among specimens.[5]
It is known that livestock avoid eating this plant, but an exception are goats, which will eat the leaves and flowers in times of shortage. Nonetheless, the plant is poisonous for them, causing stupor and paralysis -this was apparently once not an uncommon occurrence in Spain, and has spawned a number of idioms.[25]
The species is used as a perennial, ornamental plant.[9] It is low-growing, so is used in the border. It grows well in half-shaded to sun-exposed areas in temperate regions.[2][11] It prefers organically rich, reasonably well-drained, acidic soils. In Missouri it is said to require constantly moist soil.[2] In British gardens moderate watering is required; the plant has an average drought tolerance,[11] and is adaptable to dry shady areas.[26] It is tolerant of deer. Many gardeners remove the spent flower spikes soon after bloom, not allowing it to go to seed.[2]
Besides normal cultivation, D. thapsi has been propagated using explant culture, a technique employed by isolating and harvesting meristem cells from pieces of tissue. Auxins NAA, 2,4-D and IAA alone or combined with BA produced a callus. NAA caused root formation and BA shoot formation. NAA and BA combined induced organ generation more effectively. Plantlets obtained this way had a survival rate of 70%.[27]
A cultivar called 'Spanish Peaks' with raspberry-rose-coloured flowers and a compact habitus has been available in the US.[2]
In Spain the traditional uses have practically been abandoned. Recorded traditional uses are often identical to that those of D. purpurea; when questioned many informants in Salamanca believed that these were in fact the same species. It is generally thought that the difference in flower colour is due to some characteristic of the soil. Local people are aware it is poisonous. It was once locally used in herbalism as a cardiac tonic in many places. Other folk medicinal uses are local to specific cities or villages: in the hills near Salamanca the leaves were steeped in water to use for a sore throat or a decoction used for infected wounds, in a town in Galicia the flowers in water were used to combat inflammations, in the provinces of Zamora and Salamanca boils are said to heal after applying a poultice of the burnt basal leaves.[25]
It is not considered rare in a national or international perspective,[3] but it has been classified as locally 'endangered' in the Regional Red List of Andalucía of 2005.[3][22] The reason for this was that the different collection localities and populations in this region were fragmented and very small.[22]
Digitalis thapsi, which has been called mullein foxglove in the US, is a flowering plant in the genus Digitalis that is endemic to the Iberian Peninsula, where it occurs in eastern Portugal and central and western Spain. It is of commercial importance as an ornamental plant. Hybrids with D. purpurea have proved successful and are fertile.
Digitalis thapsi es una planta de la familia Scrophulariaceae.
Digitalis thapsi L., la dedalera es una planta bienal no muy elevada, en torno a unos 60 cm. Las hojas basales ovadas o lanceoladas y con pelos, las superiores lanceoladas. El tallo es pubescente. Flores de color rosado, con manchas por dentro, parecidas a la Digitalis purpurea, colgantes en racimos al final de los tallos.; cáliz con 5 lóbulos; corola en forma de dedal, de color rosado, de hasta 5 cm de longitud, con la parte inferior del interior del tubo maculada y pelosa para servir de guía a las abejas que buscan el néctar del fondo de la flor; 4 estambres. Fruto en cápsulas ovoideas que contienen muchas semillas. Es también una planta muy tóxica. Algunos botánicos la nombran como Digitalis purpurea subsp. thapsi. Florece en primavera y verano.
Crece en terrenos silíceos, graníticos, a veces pegada a las rocas, en vertientes soleadas. No es exclusiva del piso de la encina, ya que también abunda en el piso del melojo.
Es un endemismo de la península ibérica donde habita en la zona occidental y en el centro. Es muy común en el sistema Central, (sierra de Ávila, La Serrota, Paramera de Ávila, sierra de Gredos).
Es planta cercana a la dedalera común y posee los mismos alcaloides que ésta. Igual que la dedalera común, es una de las plantas más apreciadas por sus efectos medicinales, aunque su potente acción estimulante de la actividad cardiaca, hace que su uso familiar deba ser calibrado con prudencia. La regulación de la motilidad del corazón provocada por sus glucósidos ha dado lugar a multitud de investigaciones médicas y en la actualidad son numerosos los fármacos obtenidos a partir de las dedaleras.[1]
En los estudios, la restricción de los iones de calcio es resultado de la acumulación con cardenolide en D. thapsi.[2] La cantidad de calcio afecta a las reacciones químicas redox en las células. Sin calcio, se observaron cambios en la función antioxidante y la actividad catalasa era lenta.[3] En otro estudio, la falta de calcio promueve el crecimiento retardado de la formación de digoxina. El manganeso, en forma de sulfato de manganeso (MnCl), y de litio, en la forma de cloruro de litio (LiCl), también aumentó la concentración de digoxina, pero no afectó el crecimiento.[4]
Cristales de oxalato de calcio y fibras pericíclicas se han aislado de D. thapsi. Estos se consideran de 1,25 a 3 veces más potentes en vista medicinal que las que se encuentran en Digitalis purpurea.[5][6][7][8] Según el botánico holandés Herman Boerhaave, las especies Digitalis son altamente venenosas si se ingiere directamente. Todas las partes son venenosas.[9][10][11]
Digitalis thapsi fue descrita por Carlos Linneo y publicado en Species Plantarum 2: 867. 1753.[12][13]
Digitalis: nombre genérico del latín medieval digitalis = la "digital o dedalera" (Digitalis purpurea L., Scrophulariaceae). Según Ambrosini (1666), “se llama Digital porque las flores imitan la forma del dedal (a saber, de la cubierta de los dedos de las mujeres cuando cosen)”.[14]
thapsi: epíteto geográfico que alude a su localización en Tapso en Sicilia.[15]
y |apellido=
redundantes (ayuda) |coautor=
(ayuda) Digitalis thapsi es una planta de la familia Scrophulariaceae.
Vista de la planta en su hábitat Detalle de las flores Vista de la plantaDigitalis thapsi é uma espécie de planta com flor pertencente à família Scrophulariaceae.
A autoridade científica da espécie é L., tendo sido publicada em Species Plantarum, ed. 2. 2: 867. 1763.[1]
Os seus nomes comuns são abeloura-amarelada, dedaleira-amarela ou pegajo.[2]
Trata-se de uma espécie presente no território português, nomeadamente em Portugal Continental.
Em termos de naturalidade é endémica da Península Ibérica.
Não se encontra protegida por legislação portuguesa ou da Comunidade Europeia.
Digitalis thapsi é uma espécie de planta com flor pertencente à família Scrophulariaceae.
A autoridade científica da espécie é L., tendo sido publicada em Species Plantarum, ed. 2. 2: 867. 1763.
Os seus nomes comuns são abeloura-amarelada, dedaleira-amarela ou pegajo.
Digitalis thapsi là một loài thực vật có hoa trong họ Mã đề. Loài này được L. mô tả khoa học đầu tiên năm 1763.[1]
Digitalis thapsi là một loài thực vật có hoa trong họ Mã đề. Loài này được L. mô tả khoa học đầu tiên năm 1763.