Definition: The percentage of organic carbon divided by the percentage of total nitrogen in organic material is higher than 59.
Comment: USDA Plants database specifies the organic material as either the above ground biomass of an herbaceous plant or the above ground herbaceous material of a woody plant.
Definition: A taxon is Least Concern when it has been evaluated against the criteria and does not qualify for Critically Endangered, Endangered, Vulnerable or Near Threatened. Widespread and abundant taxa are included in this category.
Definition: A porosity quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's being incapable of admitting the passage of gas or liquid through pores or interstices.
Definition: A porosity quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's being capable of admitting the passage of gas or liquid through pores or interstices. (or, as in fungi, solids such as spores may be admitted through pores in the hymenium, for example)
Definition: An area that is inundated or saturated by surface or ground water at a frequency and duration sufficient to support, and that under normal circumstances do support, a prevalence of vegetation typically adapted for life in saturated soil conditions.
Definition: Of plant duration, a plant whose life span extends over more than two growing seasons, c.f. annual, biennial, ephemeral, of flowering with respect to architecture, hapaxanthic, monocarpic, pleonanthic