Metaviridae és una família de virus del tipus d'ARN monocatenari.
Metaviridae is a family of viruses which exist as Ty3-gypsy LTR retrotransposons in a eukaryotic host's genome.[1] They are closely related to retroviruses: members of the family Metaviridae share many genomic elements with retroviruses, including length, organization, and genes themselves. This includes genes that encode reverse transcriptase, integrase, and capsid proteins. The reverse transcriptase and integrase proteins are needed for the retrotransposon activity of the virus. In some cases, virus-like particles can be formed from capsid proteins.[2]
Some assembled virus-like particles of members of the family Metaviridae can penetrate and infect previously uninfected cells. An example of this is the gypsy, a retroelement found in the Drosophila melanogaster genome. The ability to infect other cells is determined by the presence of the retroviral env genes which encode coat proteins. Metaviridae is a family of retrotransposons found in all eukaryotes known and studied. Viruses of this family proliferate through intermediates called virus-like particles known for their ability to induce mutations and genome sequencing. Members of the family Metaviridae are often referred to as LTR-retrotransposons of the Ty3-gypsy family. Among the members are only species that produce intracellular particles, the collection of these particles is heterogeneous. Extracellular particles are surrounded by oval nuclei and are called virions. In many systems, virions are characterized biochemically. Genomes of retrotransposons in this family are positive strand RNAs. In addition to the RNA genome, some cellular RNAs can be randomly associated with particles, including specific tRNAs, in case of virus replication prepared by tRNAs. Particle fractions from cells are heterogeneous relative to maturation and are therefore associated with intermediate transcriptions and reverse transcription products in addition to genomic RNA. When it comes to virion producing members, it appears that the virion membrane is derived from the membrane of the host cell.
The family Metaviridae is split into the following genera:
Families Metaviridae, Belpaoviridae, Pseudoviridae, Retroviridae, and Caulimoviridae constitute the order Ortervirales.[3]
Metaviridae is a family of viruses which exist as Ty3-gypsy LTR retrotransposons in a eukaryotic host's genome. They are closely related to retroviruses: members of the family Metaviridae share many genomic elements with retroviruses, including length, organization, and genes themselves. This includes genes that encode reverse transcriptase, integrase, and capsid proteins. The reverse transcriptase and integrase proteins are needed for the retrotransposon activity of the virus. In some cases, virus-like particles can be formed from capsid proteins.
Some assembled virus-like particles of members of the family Metaviridae can penetrate and infect previously uninfected cells. An example of this is the gypsy, a retroelement found in the Drosophila melanogaster genome. The ability to infect other cells is determined by the presence of the retroviral env genes which encode coat proteins. Metaviridae is a family of retrotransposons found in all eukaryotes known and studied. Viruses of this family proliferate through intermediates called virus-like particles known for their ability to induce mutations and genome sequencing. Members of the family Metaviridae are often referred to as LTR-retrotransposons of the Ty3-gypsy family. Among the members are only species that produce intracellular particles, the collection of these particles is heterogeneous. Extracellular particles are surrounded by oval nuclei and are called virions. In many systems, virions are characterized biochemically. Genomes of retrotransposons in this family are positive strand RNAs. In addition to the RNA genome, some cellular RNAs can be randomly associated with particles, including specific tRNAs, in case of virus replication prepared by tRNAs. Particle fractions from cells are heterogeneous relative to maturation and are therefore associated with intermediate transcriptions and reverse transcription products in addition to genomic RNA. When it comes to virion producing members, it appears that the virion membrane is derived from the membrane of the host cell.
Metaviridae es una familia de virus endosimbiontes que existen como retrotransposones en el genoma de un huésped eucarionte. Se incluyen en el Grupo VI de la Clasificación de Baltimore. Están estrechamente relacionadas con los retrovirus con los que comparten muchos elementos genómicos: el tamaño, la organización y los propios genes. Esto incluye a los genes que codifican la transcriptasa inversa, la integrasa y las proteínas de la cápside. La transcriptasa inversa y la integrasa son necesarias para la actividad retrotransposora del virus. En algunos casos, partículas similares al virus se pueden formar a partir de las proteínas de la cápside.
Metaviridae es una familia de retrotransposones que se encuentran en todos los eucariotas conocidos y estudiados. Los retrotransposones de esta familia proliferan a través de intermediarios llamados partículas similares a virus conocidas por su capacidad para inducir mutaciones y secuenciación del genoma. Los miembros de la familia Metaviridae se denominan retrotransposones LTR familia Ty3-gypsy. Entre los miembros solo se encuentran especies que producen partículas intracelulares, la colección de estas partículas es heterogénea. Las partículas extracelulares están rodeadas por núcleos ovalados y se denominan viriones. En muchos sistemas, los viriones se caracterizan bioquímicamente. Los genomas de los retrotransposones de esta familia son de ARN monocatenario. Además del genoma de ARN, algunos ARN celulares pueden asociarse aleatoriamente con partículas, incluidos ARNt específicos, en caso de replicación de virus preparada por ARNt. Las fracciones de partículas de las células son heterogéneas en relación con la maduración y, por lo tanto, están asociadas con transcripciones intermedias y productos de transcripción inversa además del ARN genómico. Cuando se trata de miembros productores de viriones.
La familia incluye los siguientes géneros:
Les Metaviridae sont une famille de virus de l'ordre des Ortervirales, qui comprend deux genres et 31 espèces infectant divers organismes : Protozoaires, Champignons, Invertébrés, Vertébrés ou Plantes. Ce sont des rétrotransposons et des virus à transcription inverse avec de longues répétitions terminales (LTR) communément appelés rétroéléments Ty3 / Gypsy LTR dans la littérature scientifique[2]. Ils sont classés dans le groupe VI de la classification Baltimore (rétrovirus à ARN simple brin).
Selon ICTV[2] :
Un troisième genre, Semotivirus, initialement inclus dans cette famille a été transféré en 2018 dans une nouvelle famille, celle des Pelpaoviridae[3].
Les Metaviridae sont une famille de virus de l'ordre des Ortervirales, qui comprend deux genres et 31 espèces infectant divers organismes : Protozoaires, Champignons, Invertébrés, Vertébrés ou Plantes. Ce sont des rétrotransposons et des virus à transcription inverse avec de longues répétitions terminales (LTR) communément appelés rétroéléments Ty3 / Gypsy LTR dans la littérature scientifique. Ils sont classés dans le groupe VI de la classification Baltimore (rétrovirus à ARN simple brin).
I metaviridi (Metaviridae) sono una famiglia di virus che esistono come retrotrasposoni nel genoma di un ospite eucariotico. Sono strettamente correlati ai retrovirus: i metaviridi condividono molti elementi genomici con i retrovirus, inclusi lunghezza, organizzazione e geni stessi. Ciò include i geni che codificano per la trascrittasi inversa, l'integrasi e le proteine del capside. Le proteine della trascrittasi inversa e dell'integrasi sono necessarie per l'attività di retrotrasposone del virus. In alcuni casi, particelle di virus possono essere formate da proteine capside.
Alcune particelle di metavirus assemblate possono penetrare e infettare cellule precedentemente non infette. Un esempio di questo è la gypsy, un retroelemento trovato nel genoma della Drosophila melanogaster. La capacità di infettare altre cellule è determinata dalla presenza dei geni env retrovirali che codificano per le proteine del mantello.
Metaviridae — родина вірусів, представники якої існують у ретротранспозонах геному еукаріот. Вони тісно пов'язані з ретровірусами: у них багато подібних геномних елементів з ретровірусами, включаючи гени, які кодують зворотні транскриптази, інтегрази і капсидні білки.
Metaviridae — родина вірусів, представники якої існують у ретротранспозонах геному еукаріот. Вони тісно пов'язані з ретровірусами: у них багато подібних геномних елементів з ретровірусами, включаючи гени, які кодують зворотні транскриптази, інтегрази і капсидні білки.
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