
Description of Elasmobranchii ( anglais )

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The elasmobranchs, the skates and rays, together with the chimaeras make up the cartilaginous fish (they have no calcified bones). Also, unlike the bony fish, elasmobrachs have no swim bladders. Again, unlike bony fish with one gill cleft, these fish have five to seven pairs of gill clefts opening individually to the exterior, rigid dorsal fins, and small placoid scales. The teeth lie in several series. The upper jaw is not fused to the cranium, and the lower jaw is articulated with the upper. The eyes have a tapetum lucidum. The inner margin of each pelvic fin in the male fish is grooved to constitute a clasper for the transmission of sperm. These fish are widely distributed in tropical and temperate marine waters, a few occur in freshwaters. There are about 1000 species.
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Comprehensive Description ( anglais )

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From the enormous whale sharks(1) and manta rays(2) to the tiny dwarf lanternsharks(3) and short-nosed electric rays,(2) the elasmobranchs (the sharks, skates, and rays(4)) are a diverse group of fishes with some 900-1150 species(4,5) living all over the world (6,7) in both marine and freshwater habitats.(2,8) The elasmobranchs and one other group, the chimaeras, make up the class of cartilaginous fish or chondrichthyans;(4) as these fish have skeletons made up of a strong, flexible, and light material called cartilage,(9) rather than bone, they are fundamentally different from other fish.(2,4,7) Living elasmobranchs also share, among other physical features, rows of replaceable teeth(5) and 5-7 gill slits on each side of their body.(2) Although these creatures are ancient—the first elasmobranchs evolved at least 400 million years ago(1,4,6,7)—they have many sophisticated senses,(8,10) including the ability to perceive very small shifts in electricity around them.(10,11) Sharks, as well as rays and skates (distinguishable from sharks by, among other characteristics, their generally flattened, diamond-shaped bodies(2)), frequently use this sense for finding prey, as well as for navigation;(10,11) in at least some elasmobranchs this sense may even be connected with various social and mating behaviors.(11) As the skillful hunters that many of them are, elasmobranchs are crucial parts of their environments, often serving as the top predators in the food chain and keeping the ecosystem in balance.(6,12,13) These animals also have an important relationship with humans. Some rays, such as stingrays and electric rays, can cause injury to people.(2,8) Much more present in the public imagination are shark attacks, which, while in fact rare, have given sharks a very dark reputation.(8,12,14) But although elasmobranchs can pose dangers to humans, humans pose a much greater danger to them.(13) For over 5000 years shark meat has been used as a food source and in some countries today it is considered a delicacy;(7) ray and skate meat are also sometimes consumed (2) and shark skin is an expensive product in some markets.(7) Because elasmobranchs generally grow slowly, reproduce late in life, and produce only a small number of offspring, they are particularly sensitive to human exploitation,(1,4,7,12,13,15) and as a result of overfishing and accidental catching (“bycatch”)(4,6,13,15,16)—as well as increasing human presence on and damage to the coastal environment(13,15)—many elasmobranchs worldwide are in decline.(13)
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Noah Weisz
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EOL authors

Behavior ( anglais )

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As an apex predator, sharks play a pivotal role in controlling the populations of various species of fish and other aquatic life forms. Sharks are not much of a threat towards humans, often mistaking limbs for helpless prey. Species such as the Tiger and Bull will attempt to eat anything, more so due to the sake of their sizes. Sharks are carnivorous, but they very rarely change up their diet; most species will eat plankton and smaller types of fish. Sharks are very migratory, often spanning vast amounts of ocean to meet at breeding grounds. They will swim in schools, and are very social amongst one another. Their level of intelligence is quite high, and, for example, show signs of curiosity when playing and will move erratically when they feel threatened.
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Introduction ( anglais )

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Sharks, skates, and rays, which together form a group of about 900-1150 species(1,2) of ocean-dwelling and freshwater-dwelling fish(3,4) called elasmobranchs,(1) are some of the most fascinating creatures of the deep. While they come in many sizes and shapes—from the giant whale shark(5) and the huge manta ray (3) to the dwarf lanternshark(6) and the tiny short-nosed electric ray,(3) and the from the odd-looking hammerhead sharks(4) to the totally bizarre sawfish(3)—all living elasmobranchs share certain key features. First of all, their skeletons are made up of a strong, flexible, and light material called cartilage,(7) rather than bone, making them (along with another fish group called chimaeras(1)) fundamentally different from other fish.(1,3,8) Other important characteristics include their rows of replaceable teeth(2) and the 5-7 gill slits on each side of their body.(3) In addition, although these creatures are ancient—the first elasmobranchs evolved at least 400 million years ago!(1,5,8,9)—they have many highly-developed senses,(4,10) including the amazing ability to perceive tiny changes in electricity around them.(10,11) Sharks, as well as rays and skates (which you can tell apart from sharks by their generally flattened, diamond-shaped bodies(3)), often use this sense for finding prey, as well as for finding their way through the water.(10,11) In at least some elasmobranchs this sense may even be used in various social and mating behaviors.(11) In part thanks to this electric sense, many elasmobranchs are skillful hunters, often serving as the top predators in the food chain and keeping their environments in the proper balance.(9,12,13) These creatures also have an important relationship with humans. Some rays, such as stingrays and electric rays, can cause injury to people.(3,4) And even if you haven’t heard much about the dangers of those fish, you’ve definitely heard of shark attacks, which have given sharks a very dark reputation even though these attacks are actually rare.(4,12,14) In fact, although elasmobranchs can pose dangers to humans, humans pose a much greater danger to them.(13) For over 5000 years shark meat has been eaten by people,(8) and ray meat, skate meat, shark skin, and other elasmobranch products are also sometimes used by humans today.(3,8,13) Overfishing, accidental catching (called “bycatch”),(1,9,13,15,16) higher numbers of people living on the coast, and greater damage to coastal environments(13,15) are all threatening sharks, skates, and rays. And because elasmobranchs generally grow slowly, reproduce late in life, and have only a small number of children, they have trouble recovering from population decline caused by humans.(1,5,8,12,13,15) As a result, many elasmobranchs around the world are endangered.(13,15)


  • 13. Simpfendorfer, C. A., M. R. Heupel, W. T. White, and N. K. Dulvy. “The Importance of Research and Public Opinion to Conservation Management of Sharks and Rays: A Synthesis.” Marine and Freshwater Research 62.6 (2011): 518-527.
  • 14. “Shark Attacks in Perspective.” Florida Museum of Natural History Ichthyology Department: Sharks. International Shark Attack File. 1991. 21 Jul. 2011. http://www.flmnh.ufl.edu/fish/sharks/Attacks/perspect.htm
  • 4. Kyne, Peter M. and Colin A. Simpfendorfer. “A Collation and Summarization of Available Data on Deepwater Chondrichthyans: Biodiversity, Life History and Fisheries.” IUCN SSC Shark Specialist Group. 2007.
  • References:
  • 1. Hoenig, John M. and Samuel H. Gruber. “Life-History Patterns in the Elasmobranchs: Implications for Fisheries Management.” NOAA Technical Report NMFS 90: Elasmobranchs as Living Resources: Advances in the Biology, Ecology, Systematics, and the Status of the Fisheries. Harold L. Pratt, Jr., Samuel H. Gruber, and Toru Taniuchi, eds. Springfield: U.S. Department of Commerce, 1990.
  • 2. Bester, Cathleen. “Ray and Skate Basics.” Florida Museum of Natural History Ichthyology Department: Education. 7 Sept. 2011. http://www.flmnh.ufl.edu/fish/education/questions/raybasics.html
  • 3. Martin, R. Aidan. “Order Squaliformes: Dogfish Sharks – 119 Species.” ReefQuest Centre for Shark Research. 21 Jul. 2011. http://www.elasmo-research.org/education/shark_profiles/squaliformes.htm
  • 5. Compagno, Leonard J. V. “Systematics and Body Form.” Sharks, Skates, and Rays: The Biology of Elasmobranch Fishes. Ed. William C. Hamlett. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1999.
  • 6. “Sharks: Overview.” Oceana. 2010. 25 Jul. 2011. http://na.oceana.org/en/our-work/protect-marine-wildlife/sharks/overview
  • 7. Schubring, Reinhard. “DSC Measurements on Sharks.” Thermochimica Acta 458.1-2 (2007): 124-131.
  • 8. “Know Before You Go – Marine Animals.” Wet Tropics Visitor Information. Wet Tropics Management Authority. 2010. 7 Sept. 2011. http://www.wettropics.gov.au/vi/vi_marine.html
  • 9. Martin, R. Aidan. “The Importance of Being Cartilaginous.” ReefQuest Centre for Shark Research. 21 Jul. 2011.
  • http://www.elasmo-research.org/education/topics/p_cartilage.htm
  • 10. Bleckmann, Horst and Michael H. Hofmann. “Special Senses.” Sharks, Skates, and Rays: The Biology of Elasmobranch Fishes. Ed. William C. Hamlett. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1999.
  • 11. Tricas, T. C. and J. G. New. “Sensitivity and Response Dynamics of Elasmobranch Electrosensory Primary Afferent Neurons to Near Threshold Fields.” Journal of Comparative Physiology A—Sensory Neural and Behavioral Physiology 182.1 (1998): 89-101.
  • 12. Branstetter, Steven, ed. NOAA Technical Report NMFS 115: Conservation Biology of Elasmobranchs. Springfield: U.S. Department of Commerce, 1993.
  • 15. Cavanagh, Rachel D. and Claudine Gibson. Overview of the Conservation Status of Cartilaginous Fishes (Chondrichthyans) in the Mediterranean. Malaga: IUCN, 2007.
  • 16. Ebert, David A. and James A. Sulikowski. “Preface: Biology of Skates.” Environmental Biology of Fishes 80.2-3 (2007): 107-110.

droit d’auteur
Noah Weisz
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EOL authors

Elasmobranchii ( afrikaans )

fourni par wikipedia AF

Elasmobranchii is 'n klas van die kraakbeenvisse Chondrichthyes. Van die kenmerke van die klas is dat al die spesies oor 5 -7 kieue splete beskik en die tande is los van mekaar in die kakebeen. Daar is ongeveer 1 100 spesies wat hoort tot die klas met die bekendes: haaie, rôe, saagvisse, sandkruipers en pylsterte.


Die volgende ordes hoort tot die klas Elasmobranchii en kom aan die Suider-Afrikaanse kus voor:

Nommer Orde Beskrywing Klas Superklas 1 Carcharhiniformes Grondhaaie Elasmobranchii Kraakbeenvisse 2 Hexanchiformes Koei en Frilletjieshaaie Elasmobranchii Kraakbeenvisse 3 Lamniformes Haringhaaie Elasmobranchii Kraakbeenvisse 4 Myliobatiformes Pylstertagtiges Elasmobranchii Kraakbeenvisse 5 Orectolobiformes Tapythaaie Elasmobranchii Kraakbeenvisse 6 Pristiformes Saagvisse Elasmobranchii Kraakbeenvisse 7 Rajiformes Sandkruipers en Rôe Elasmobranchii Kraakbeenvisse 8 Squaliformes Hondhaaie Elasmobranchii Kraakbeenvisse 9 Torpediniformes Drilvisse Elasmobranchii Kraakbeenvisse

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Elasmobranchii: Brief Summary ( afrikaans )

fourni par wikipedia AF

Elasmobranchii is 'n klas van die kraakbeenvisse Chondrichthyes. Van die kenmerke van die klas is dat al die spesies oor 5 -7 kieue splete beskik en die tande is los van mekaar in die kakebeen. Daar is ongeveer 1 100 spesies wat hoort tot die klas met die bekendes: haaie, rôe, saagvisse, sandkruipers en pylsterte.

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Elasmobranchii ( asturien )

fourni par wikipedia AST

Los elasmobranquios (Elasmobranchii) (elasmo significa planu en llatín) conformen una subclase dientro de los pexes cartilaxinosos o condrictios (clase Chondrichthyes). Entiende, ente otros, los tiburones (superorde Selachimorpha) y les rayes (superorde Batoidea).

La cadarma d'estos pexes ta formáu por cartílagu y el cuerpu tópase recubiertu de dentículos dérmicos que-y dan un tactu bien aspro, que na antigüedá usábase como papel de lija.


Los miembros d'esta subclase estrémense (amás de la so cadarma cartilaxinosa) por tener xeneralmente cinco pares de sacos branquiales que s'abrir por furos separaos, un corazón con un bulbu aórtico contráctil provistu de delles fileres de válvules y un intestín percorríu por una plega n'espiral. Escarecen de vexiga natatoria. La so boca ye ventral; armada nel casu de los tiburones por numberoses fileres de dientes. Les escames d'estes criatures son placoides y homólogues a los dientes.[2]

== Clasificación estremen dos formes básiques y bien estremaes ente sigo, que se correspuenden colos dos superordes:


  1. «Elegestolepis grossi gue. et sp. nov., ein neues typ der placoidschuppe aus dem oberen Silur der Tuwa.». Palaeontographica Abteilung A 143: pp. 35–50. 1973.
  2. (1984) Curso de Zooloxía; 11°edición. Editorial Stella. p.264.

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Elasmobranchii: Brief Summary ( asturien )

fourni par wikipedia AST

Los elasmobranquios (Elasmobranchii) (elasmo significa planu en llatín) conformen una subclase dientro de los pexes cartilaxinosos o condrictios (clase Chondrichthyes). Entiende, ente otros, los tiburones (superorde Selachimorpha) y les rayes (superorde Batoidea).

La cadarma d'estos pexes ta formáu por cartílagu y el cuerpu tópase recubiertu de dentículos dérmicos que-y dan un tactu bien aspro, que na antigüedá usábase como papel de lija.

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Yastıqəlsəməlilər ( azéri )

fourni par wikipedia AZ

Yastıqəlsəməlilər (lat. Elasmobranchii) Qığırdaqlı balıqlar sinfinə aid yarımsinif. Akulalar və skatlar daxil olan bu sinifaltının nümayəndələrində başın önündə rostrum adlanan çıxıntı, yanlarında 5-7 qəlsəmə yarığı var. Bu yarıqların üzərini örtən ümumi dəri qatlaq yoxdur, qəlsəmə yarpaqcıqları yastıdır. Pulcuqlar plakoiddir, kloaka var. Kəllə amfistil və ya hiostildir, fəqərə cisimləri inkişaf edib. Quyruq heteroserkaldır. Erkəklərdə qarın üzgəclərinin daxili hissəsində barmaqvari çıxıntı əmələ gəlir ki, bu kopulyasiya orqanıdır. Yastıqəlsəməlilər sinifaltına iki dəstəüstü daxildir: Akulalar-Selechomorpha və skatlar- Batomorpha.


  1. Azərbaycanın heyvanlar aləmi. Onurğalılar, III cild. Bakı: Elm, 2004, s.125.
  2. Əbdürrəhmanov Y.Ə. Azərbaycan faunası (Balıqlar), VII, cild, Bakı, Elm, 1966, 224 s.178.
  3. Abbasov H.S ,Hacıyev R.V.İxtiologiya. Bakı,2007,səh 326.

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Qığırdaqlı balıqlar

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Yastıqəlsəməlilər: Brief Summary ( azéri )

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Yastıqəlsəməlilər (lat. Elasmobranchii) Qığırdaqlı balıqlar sinfinə aid yarımsinif. Akulalar və skatlar daxil olan bu sinifaltının nümayəndələrində başın önündə rostrum adlanan çıxıntı, yanlarında 5-7 qəlsəmə yarığı var. Bu yarıqların üzərini örtən ümumi dəri qatlaq yoxdur, qəlsəmə yarpaqcıqları yastıdır. Pulcuqlar plakoiddir, kloaka var. Kəllə amfistil və ya hiostildir, fəqərə cisimləri inkişaf edib. Quyruq heteroserkaldır. Erkəklərdə qarın üzgəclərinin daxili hissəsində barmaqvari çıxıntı əmələ gəlir ki, bu kopulyasiya orqanıdır. Yastıqəlsəməlilər sinifaltına iki dəstəüstü daxildir: Akulalar-Selechomorpha və skatlar- Batomorpha.

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Elasmobranquis ( catalan ; valencien )

fourni par wikipedia CA

Els elasmobranquis (Elasmobranchii) constitueixen una subclasse de peixos cartilaginosos que inclou les rajades i els taurons. Elasmobranchii és una de les dues subclasses de peixos cartilaginosos en la classe dels peixos cartilaginosos (Chondrichthyes), l'altra subclasse és la de les quimeres (Holocephali). Els elasmobranquis no tenen bufeta natatòria, presenten set parells de brànquies que s'obren individualment a l'exterior, aletes dorsals rígides, i escates placoides petites. Les dents es troben en diverses fileres; la mandíbula superior no està fusionada amb el crani, i la mandíbula inferior és articulada amb la superior. Les aletes pèlviques dels mascles s'han modificat fins a esdevenir elements copuladors, implicats en la transmissió de l'esperma. Els elasmobranquis estan àmpliament distribuïts en les aigües tropicals i temperades.[1]

Els elasmobranquis són osmoconformistes respecte al medi. Presenten una osmolaritat molt similar a la de l'aigua, fet que aconsegueixen incorporant urea a la sang. El seu medi intern és isotònic respecte al medi extern. Eliminen sals per la glàndula rectal.

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  1. Bigelow, Henry B.; Schroeder, William C.. Fishes of the Western North Atlantic. Sears Foundation for Marine Research, Yale University, 1948, pp. 64-65. ISBN B000J0D9X6.
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Elasmobranquis: Brief Summary ( catalan ; valencien )

fourni par wikipedia CA

Els elasmobranquis (Elasmobranchii) constitueixen una subclasse de peixos cartilaginosos que inclou les rajades i els taurons. Elasmobranchii és una de les dues subclasses de peixos cartilaginosos en la classe dels peixos cartilaginosos (Chondrichthyes), l'altra subclasse és la de les quimeres (Holocephali). Els elasmobranquis no tenen bufeta natatòria, presenten set parells de brànquies que s'obren individualment a l'exterior, aletes dorsals rígides, i escates placoides petites. Les dents es troben en diverses fileres; la mandíbula superior no està fusionada amb el crani, i la mandíbula inferior és articulada amb la superior. Les aletes pèlviques dels mascles s'han modificat fins a esdevenir elements copuladors, implicats en la transmissió de l'esperma. Els elasmobranquis estan àmpliament distribuïts en les aigües tropicals i temperades.

Els elasmobranquis són osmoconformistes respecte al medi. Presenten una osmolaritat molt similar a la de l'aigua, fet que aconsegueixen incorporant urea a la sang. El seu medi intern és isotònic respecte al medi extern. Eliminen sals per la glàndula rectal.

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Příčnoústí ( tchèque )

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Příčnoústí (Elasmobranchii) je podtřída paryb, do které patří žraloci (Selachimorpha) a rejnoci (Batoidea). Nejstarší fosilní nálezy (žraločí zuby) pocházejí z devonu z doby před asi 400 miliony lety.




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Příčnoústí: Brief Summary ( tchèque )

fourni par wikipedia CZ

Příčnoústí (Elasmobranchii) je podtřída paryb, do které patří žraloci (Selachimorpha) a rejnoci (Batoidea). Nejstarší fosilní nálezy (žraločí zuby) pocházejí z devonu z doby před asi 400 miliony lety.

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Plattenkiemer ( allemand )

fourni par wikipedia DE

Die Plattenkiemer (Elasmobranchii, Synonym: Neoselachii[1]), genannt auch Hai- und Rochenartige, sind eine Teilklasse der Knorpelfische (Chondrichthyes). Zu ihnen gehören die modernen Haie (Selachii) und Rochen (Batomorphi) mit etwa 1150 rezenten Arten. Etwa 30 Arten leben vor allem im Süßwasser, der Rest im Meer.

Die Plattenkiemer unterscheiden sich von ihrer Schwestergruppe, den Seekatzen (Holocephali) durch die fünf bis sieben Kiemenspalten ohne Kiemendeckel und die Zahnleisten, in denen die Zähne permanent ersetzt werden, von verschiedenen nur fossil bekannten haiartigen Knorpelfischgruppen u. a. durch die starke Einengung der Chorda dorsalis, durch die Verkalkung der Wirbel, die Verschmelzung von Teilen der Gürtelskelette und dem Typ der Hautzähne.[2]

Innere Systematik

Die Plattenkiemer wurden traditionell nach der äußeren Erscheinung in Haie und Rochen gegliedert. 1996 wurden die Neoselachi von de Carvalho und Shirai unabhängig voneinander nach morphologischen Merkmalen in zwei monophyletische Taxa gegliedert, die Galeomorphii (Galea bei Shirai), zu denen vor allem große, das Freiwasser bewohnende Haie gehören und die Squalea, zu denen viele bodenbewohnende Haie, Tiefseehaie und die Rochen gehören. Die Haie sind damit lediglich ein paraphyletisches Formtaxon.[2]

Inzwischen gibt es allerdings mehrere molekularbiologische Untersuchungen, die eine basale Dichotomie von Haien und Rochen bestätigen. Die morphologischen Übereinstimmungen der squalomorphen Haie mit den Rochen sind danach konvergent entstanden. Da sich die Rochen, genauso wie die modernen Haie, schon seit dem frühen Jura in der fossilen Überlieferung nachweisen lassen, wird eine Abstammung der Rochen am Endpunkt einer langen Evolutionslinie der Squalea auch nicht von paläontologischen Daten gestützt.[3][4]

In der folgenden Tabelle werden je eine Version der beiden verschiedenen Konzepte der inneren Systematik der Elasmobranchii dargestellt.

Siehe auch


  • Joseph S. Nelson, Terry C. Grande, Mark V. H. Wilson: Fishes of the World. John Wiley & Sons, 2016, ISBN 978-1118342336.
  • Kurt Fiedler: Lehrbuch der Speziellen Zoologie, Band II, Teil 2: Fische. Gustav Fischer Verlag, Jena 1991, ISBN 3-334-00339-6.


  1. Maisey J.G.: What is an 'elasmobranch'? The impact of palaeontology in understanding elasmobranch phylogeny and evolution. Journal of Fish Biology, 2012 Apr; 80(5):918-51. doi: 10.1111/j.1095-8649.2012.03245.x
  2. a b c Alfred Goldschmid: Chondrichthyes. in: W. Westheide und R. Rieger: Spezielle Zoologie. Teil 2. Wirbel- oder Schädeltiere. Spektrum, München 2004, ISBN 3-8274-0307-3
  3. Christopher J Winchell, Andrew P Martin, Jon Mallatt: Phylogeny of elasmobranchs based on LSU and SSU ribosomal RNA genes. In: Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution. 31, 2004, S. 214, doi:10.1016/j.ympev.2003.07.010.
  4. C. J. Underwood: Diversification of the Neoselachii (Chondrichthyes) during the Jurassic and Cretaceous. Paleobiology, 32 (2) (2006). pp. 215-235. PDF
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wikipedia DE

Plattenkiemer: Brief Summary ( allemand )

fourni par wikipedia DE

Die Plattenkiemer (Elasmobranchii, Synonym: Neoselachii), genannt auch Hai- und Rochenartige, sind eine Teilklasse der Knorpelfische (Chondrichthyes). Zu ihnen gehören die modernen Haie (Selachii) und Rochen (Batomorphi) mit etwa 1150 rezenten Arten. Etwa 30 Arten leben vor allem im Süßwasser, der Rest im Meer.

Die Plattenkiemer unterscheiden sich von ihrer Schwestergruppe, den Seekatzen (Holocephali) durch die fünf bis sieben Kiemenspalten ohne Kiemendeckel und die Zahnleisten, in denen die Zähne permanent ersetzt werden, von verschiedenen nur fossil bekannten haiartigen Knorpelfischgruppen u. a. durch die starke Einengung der Chorda dorsalis, durch die Verkalkung der Wirbel, die Verschmelzung von Teilen der Gürtelskelette und dem Typ der Hautzähne.

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Elasmobranchii ( interlingua (association de langue auxilliaire internationale) )

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Elasmobranchii es un subclasse, classe, infraclasse de Euselachii.

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Elasmobranchii ( tagalog )

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Ang Elasmobranchii ay isang subklase ng Chondrichthyes o cartilaginous na isda, kabilang ang mga pating (superorder Selachii) at ang mga ray, skate, at sawfish (superorder Batoidea). Ang mga miyembro ng subklase na ito ay nailalarawan sa pamamagitan ng pagkakaroon ng lima hanggang pitong pares ng mga cleft ng gill na nag-iisa nang isa-isa sa mga panlabas, matibay na palikpik ng palikpik at mga maliliit na mga paltok sa balat. Ang mga ngipin ay nasa ilang serye; Ang pang-itaas na panga ay hindi pinagsama sa cranium, at ang mas mababang panga ay nakalagay sa itaas. Ang mga detalye ng ito ng panga anatom ay nag-iiba sa pagitan ng species, at tumutulong na makilala ang iba't ibang clasmobranch clades. Ang pelvic fins sa mga lalaki ay binago upang lumikha ng claspers para sa paglipat ng tamud. Walang swimming pantog, sa halip ang mga isda ay nagpapanatili ng buoyancy na may malaking livers mayaman sa langis.

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Elasmobranchii ( occitan (après 1500) )

fourni par wikipedia emerging languages
Morpho didius Male Dos MHNT.jpg Aqueste article es un esbòs de completar a prepaus de la fauna. Podètz partejar vòstras coneissenças en lo modificant.

Elasmobranchii es la sosclassa dels Condrictians que recampa las làmias e las rajas.

Elasmobranchii es lo nom novèl per Selacian.

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Wikipedia authors and editors

Elasmobranchii ( frison du nord )

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Amrum.pngTekst üüb Öömrang

Elasmobranchii san ian faan tau dialklasen faan a graselfasker (Chondrichthyes).

Det ööder dialklas san a Holocephali.


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Wikipedia authors and editors

Elasmobranchii: Brief Summary ( frison du nord )

fourni par wikipedia emerging languages

Elasmobranchii san ian faan tau dialklasen faan a graselfasker (Chondrichthyes).

Det ööder dialklas san a Holocephali.

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Wikipedia authors and editors

Elasmobranchii: Brief Summary ( occitan (après 1500) )

fourni par wikipedia emerging languages

Elasmobranchii es la sosclassa dels Condrictians que recampa las làmias e las rajas.

Elasmobranchii es lo nom novèl per Selacian.

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Wikipedia authors and editors

Haaien en roggen ( frison occidental )

fourni par wikipedia emerging languages

De haaien en roggen (Latynske namme: Elasmobranchii) foarmje in ûnderklasse fan 'e stamme fan 'e rêchstringdieren (Chordata), de ûnderstamme fan 'e wringedieren (Vertebrata), de tuskenstamme fan 'e kaakdieren (Gnathostomata) en de klasse fan 'e kreakbienfisken (Chondrichthyes). Dit is in taksonomyske groep fan fisken dy't fan uterlik tige by tige op "echte" fisken (oftewol bienfiskeftigen) liket, mar kwa ynterne lichemsbou sa sterk fan harren ferskilt dat se yn in apart klasse pleatst binne. Sa't de namme al oanjout, hearre ta de haaien en roggen de haaien (Selachii) en de roggen (Batoidea).


De haaien en roggen binne ien fan 'e beide ûnderklassen fan kreakbienfisken; de sustergroep wurdt foarme troch de seekateftigen (Holocephali). Haaien en roggen ûnderskiede har fan oarsoartige fisken trochdat se gjin swimblaas hawwe. Ynstee hawwe se grutte levers dy't fol sitte mei in oaljige substânsje, en dêrmei behâlde se har driuwfermogen, krekt sa't de measte bienfiskeftigen dat dogge mei in swimblaas. By djipseehaaien kin de lever sadwaande oant wol 20% fan it lichemsgewicht útmeitsje. Haaien en roggen beskikke oer fiif oant sân kieuspjalten dy't yndividuële horizontale iepenings oan wjerskanten fan it foarlichem foarmje. Fierders hawwe se in stive rêchfin en lytse skobplaatsjes, dy't har hûd tige rûch makket. Haaien en roggen komme rûnom foar yn tropyske en tuskenbeiden wetters, mar binne seldsum yn 'e poalseeën.


In walfiskhaai, de grutste libbene fiskesoarte.

Boarnen, noaten en referinsjes

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Haaien en roggen: Brief Summary ( frison occidental )

fourni par wikipedia emerging languages

De haaien en roggen (Latynske namme: Elasmobranchii) foarmje in ûnderklasse fan 'e stamme fan 'e rêchstringdieren (Chordata), de ûnderstamme fan 'e wringedieren (Vertebrata), de tuskenstamme fan 'e kaakdieren (Gnathostomata) en de klasse fan 'e kreakbienfisken (Chondrichthyes). Dit is in taksonomyske groep fan fisken dy't fan uterlik tige by tige op "echte" fisken (oftewol bienfiskeftigen) liket, mar kwa ynterne lichemsbou sa sterk fan harren ferskilt dat se yn in apart klasse pleatst binne. Sa't de namme al oanjout, hearre ta de haaien en roggen de haaien (Selachii) en de roggen (Batoidea).

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Elasmobranchii ( anglais )

fourni par wikipedia EN

Cetorhinus maximus by greg skomal.JPG

Elasmobranchs lack swim bladders, and maintain buoyancy with oil that they store in their livers. Some deep sea sharks are targeted by fisheries for this liver oil, including the school, gulper and basking sharks (pictured).[1] All three of these species have been assessed by the IUCN as vulnerable due to overfishing.[2][3][4]

Radiation of elasmobranchs, based on Michael Benton, 2005[5]

From a practical point of view the life-history pattern of elasmobranchs makes this group of animals extremely susceptible to over fishing. It is no coincidence that the commercially exploited marine turtles and baleen whales, which have life-history patterns similar to the sharks, are also in trouble.[6]

Elasmobranchii (/ɪˌlæzməˈbræŋki/[7]) is a subclass of Chondrichthyes or cartilaginous fish, including sharks (superorder Selachii), rays, skates, and sawfish (superorder Batoidea). Members of this subclass are characterised by having five to seven pairs of gill clefts opening individually to the exterior, rigid dorsal fins and small placoid scales on the skin. The teeth are in several series; the upper jaw is not fused to the cranium, and the lower jaw is articulated with the upper. The details of this jaw anatomy vary between species, and help distinguish the different elasmobranch clades. The pelvic fins in males are modified to create claspers for the transfer of sperm. There is no swim bladder; instead, these fish maintain buoyancy with large livers rich in oil.

The definition of the clade is unclear with respect to fossil chondrichthyans. It has been used by different authors as equivalent to Neoselachii (the clade including modern sharks and rays and their last common ancestor) or for all chondrichthyans more closely related to modern sharks and rays than to Holocephali (the clade containing chimaeras and their extinct relatives).[8]

The earliest elasmobranch fossils came from the Devonian and many surviving orders date back to the Cretaceous, or even earlier. Many species became extinct during the Permian and there was a burst of adaptive radiation during the Jurassic.

The name Elasmobranchii comes from the Ancient Greek words elasmo- ("plate") and bránchia ("gill"), referring to the broad, flattened gills which are characteristic of these fishes.


Elasmobranchii is one of the two subclasses of cartilaginous fish in the class Chondrichthyes, the other being Holocephali (chimaeras).

Members of the elasmobranchii subclass have no swim bladders, five to seven pairs of gill clefts opening individually to the exterior, rigid dorsal fins, and small placoid scales. The teeth are in several series; the upper jaw is not fused to the cranium, and the lower jaw is articulated with the upper.

Extant elasmobranchs exhibit several archetypal jaw suspensions: amphistyly, orbitostyly, hyostyly, and euhyostyly. In amphistyly, the palatoquadrate has a postorbital articulation with the chondrocranium from which ligaments primarily suspend it anteriorly. The hyoid articulates with the mandibular arch posteriorly, but it appears to provide little support to the upper and lower jaws. In orbitostyly, the orbital process hinges with the orbital wall and the hyoid provides the majority of suspensory support.

In contrast, hyostyly involves an ethmoid articulation between the upper jaw and the cranium, while the hyoid most likely provides vastly more jaw support compared to the anterior ligaments. Finally, in euhyostyly, also known as true hyostyly, the mandibular cartilages lack a ligamentous connection to the cranium. Instead, the hyomandibular cartilages provide the only means of jaw support, while the ceratohyal and basihyal elements articulate with the lower jaw, but are disconnected from the rest of the hyoid.[9][10][11] The eyes have a tapetum lucidum. The inner margin of each pelvic fin in the male fish is grooved to constitute a clasper for the transmission of sperm. These fish are widely distributed in tropical and temperate waters.[12]

Many fish maintain buoyancy with swim bladders. However elasmobranchs lack swim bladders, and maintain buoyancy instead with large livers that are full of oil.[13] This stored oil may also function as a nutrient when food is scarce.[6][14] Deep sea sharks are usually targeted for their oil, because the livers of these species can weigh up to 20% of their total weight.[1]


Fossilised shark teeth are known from the early Devonian, around 400 million years ago. During the following Carboniferous period, the sharks underwent a period of diversification, with many new forms evolving. Many of these became extinct during the Permian, but the remaining sharks underwent a second burst of adaptive radiation during the Jurassic, around which time the skates and rays first appeared. Many surviving orders of elasmobranch date back to the Cretaceous, or earlier.[15]


Elasmobranchs are mostly a marine taxon, but we know several species that live in freshwater environment (approximately 60 species which represent only 5% of the 1154 described species). They can be divided into two groups: The euryhaline elasmobranchs, which are marine species that may survive and reproduce in freshwater environments, and the obligated freshwater elasmobranchs, which only lives in freshwater environment their entire life. This group contains only one clade: the subfamily Potamotrygoninae. This clade is endemic (i.e. exclusive) to one specific region: tropical, subtropical water and wetland of South America.

Recent research in Paraná river[16] have shown that obligated freshwater elasmobranchs were more susceptible to anthropogenic threats as overfishing and destruction of habitats due to the very small areas they live in compared to the marine species.

New research has highlighted the importance of coastal wetlands, like mangroves and seagrasses, as habitats for many species of elasmobranch.[17]


Compagno's 2005 Sharks of the World arranges the class as follows:

Recent molecular studies suggest the Batoidea are not derived selachians as previously thought. Instead, skates and rays are a monophyletic superorder within Elasmobranchii that shares a common ancestor with the selachians.[20][21]

See also


  1. ^ a b Vannuccini, Stefania (2002) Shark liver oil products Archived 2013-06-26 at the Wayback Machine In: Shark Utilization, Marketing and Trade, Fisheries Technical paper 389, FAO, Rome. ISBN 92-5-104361-2.
  2. ^ Fowler, S.L. (2005). "Cetorhinus maximus". IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. 2005: e.T4292A10763893. doi:10.2305/IUCN.UK.2005.RLTS.T4292A10763893.en.
  3. ^ Walker, T.I.; Rigby, C.L.; Pacoureau, N.; Ellis, J.; Kulka, D.W.; Chiaramonte, G.E.; Herman, K. (2020). "Galeorhinus galeus". IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. 2020: e.T39352A2907336. doi:10.2305/IUCN.UK.2020-2.RLTS.T39352A2907336.en. Retrieved 11 November 2021.
  4. ^ Finucci, B.; Bineesh, K.K.; Cheok, J.; Cotton, C.F.; Dharmadi, Kulka, D.W.; Neat, F.C.; Pacoureau, N.; Rigby, C.L.; Tanaka, S.; Walker, T.I. (2020). "Centrophorus granulosus". IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. 2020: e.T162293947A2897883. doi:10.2305/IUCN.UK.2020-3.RLTS.T162293947A2897883.en. Retrieved 11 November 2021.{{cite journal}}: CS1 maint: multiple names: authors list (link)
  5. ^ Benton, Michael J. (2015). Vertebrate Palaeontology (3rd ed.). Blackwell. p. 185. ISBN 9781118406847. OCLC 945675149.
  6. ^ a b Hoenig, J.M. and Gruber, S.H. (1990) "Life-history patterns in the elasmobranchs: implications for fisheries management" Archived 2013-02-18 at the Wayback Machine In: Elasmobranchs as living resources: advances in the biology, ecology, systematics and the status of the fisheries, eds. J. H. L. Pratt, S. H. Gruber and T. Taniuchi, US Department of Commerce, NOAA technical report NMFS 90, pp.1–16.
  7. ^ "Elasmobranch". Merriam-Webster Dictionary.
  8. ^ Maisey, J. G. (April 2012). "What is an 'elasmobranch'? The impact of palaeontology in understanding elasmobranch phylogeny and evolution". Journal of Fish Biology. 80 (5): 918–951. doi:10.1111/j.1095-8649.2012.03245.x. PMID 22497368.
  9. ^ Wilga, C.D. (2005). "Morphology and evolution of the jaw suspension in lamniform sharks". Journal of Morphology. 265 (1): 102–19. doi:10.1002/jmor.10342. PMID 15880740. S2CID 45227734.
  10. ^ Wilga, C. D.; Motta, P. J.; Sanford, C. P. (2007). "Evolution and ecology of feeding in elasmobranchs". Integrative and Comparative Biology. 47 (1): 55–69. doi:10.1093/icb/icm029. PMID 21672820.
  11. ^ Wilga, Cheryl A.D. (2008). "Evolutionary divergence in the feeding mechanism of fishes". Acta Geologica Polonica. 58 (2): 113–20. Archived from the original on 2018-08-19. Retrieved 2017-05-24.
  12. ^ Bigelow, Henry B.; Schroeder, William C. (1948). Fishes of the Western North Atlantic. Sears Foundation for Marine Research, Yale University. pp. 64–65. ASIN B000J0D9X6.
  13. ^ Oguri, M (1990) "A review of selected physiological characteristics unique to elasmobranchs" Archived 2013-02-18 at the Wayback Machine In: Elasmobranchs as living resources: advances in the biology, ecology, systematics and the status of the fisheries, eds. J. H. L. Pratt, S. H. Gruber and T. Taniuchi, US Department of Commerce, NOAA technical report NMFS 90, pp.49–54.
  14. ^ Bone, Q.; Roberts, B. L. (2009). "The density of elasmobranchs". Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom. 49 (4): 913. doi:10.1017/S0025315400038017. S2CID 85871565.
  15. ^ Palmer, D., ed. (1999). The Marshall Illustrated Encyclopedia of Dinosaurs and Prehistoric Animals. London: Marshall Editions. p. 26. ISBN 978-1-84028-152-1.
  16. ^ Lucifora, Luis O.; Balboni, Leandro; Scarabotti, Pablo A.; Alonso, Francisco A.; Sabadin, David E.; Solari, Agustín; Vargas, Facundo; Barbini, Santiago A.; Mabragaña, Ezequiel; Díaz De Astarloa, Juan M. (2017). "Decline or stability of obligate freshwater elasmobranchs following high fishing pressure". Biological Conservation. 210: 293–298. doi:10.1016/j.biocon.2017.04.028.
  17. ^ Sievers, Michael; Brown, Christopher J.; Tulloch, Vivitskaia J.D.; Pearson, Ryan M.; Haig, Jodie A.; Turschwell, Mischa P.; Connolly, Rod M. (May 2019). "The Role of Vegetated Coastal Wetlands for Marine Megafauna Conservation". Trends in Ecology & Evolution. 34 (9): 807–817. doi:10.1016/j.tree.2019.04.004. hdl:10072/391960. PMID 31126633. S2CID 164219103.
  18. ^ Ebert, David A.; Fowler, Sarah; Dando, Marc (2021). Sharks of the world: a complete guide. Princeton: Princeton University Press. ISBN 978-0-691-20599-1.
  19. ^ "WoRMS - World Register of Marine Species - Echinorhiniformes". Retrieved 2022-01-04.
  20. ^ Winchell, Christopher J; Martin, Andrew P; Mallatt, Jon (2004). "Phylogeny of elasmobranchs based on LSU and SSU ribosomal RNA genes". Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution. 31 (1): 214–24. doi:10.1016/j.ympev.2003.07.010. PMID 15019621.
  21. ^ Douady, Christophe J.; Dosay, Miné; Shivji, Mahmood S.; Stanhope, Michael J. (2003). "Molecular phylogenetic evidence refuting the hypothesis of Batoidea (rays and skates) as derived sharks". Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution. 26 (2): 215–21. doi:10.1016/S1055-7903(02)00333-0. PMID 12565032.

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Elasmobranchii: Brief Summary ( anglais )

fourni par wikipedia EN
Cetorhinus maximus by greg skomal.JPG

Elasmobranchs lack swim bladders, and maintain buoyancy with oil that they store in their livers. Some deep sea sharks are targeted by fisheries for this liver oil, including the school, gulper and basking sharks (pictured). All three of these species have been assessed by the IUCN as vulnerable due to overfishing.

Radiation of elasmobranchs, based on Michael Benton, 2005

From a practical point of view the life-history pattern of elasmobranchs makes this group of animals extremely susceptible to over fishing. It is no coincidence that the commercially exploited marine turtles and baleen whales, which have life-history patterns similar to the sharks, are also in trouble.

Elasmobranchii (/ɪˌlæzməˈbræŋkiaɪ/) is a subclass of Chondrichthyes or cartilaginous fish, including sharks (superorder Selachii), rays, skates, and sawfish (superorder Batoidea). Members of this subclass are characterised by having five to seven pairs of gill clefts opening individually to the exterior, rigid dorsal fins and small placoid scales on the skin. The teeth are in several series; the upper jaw is not fused to the cranium, and the lower jaw is articulated with the upper. The details of this jaw anatomy vary between species, and help distinguish the different elasmobranch clades. The pelvic fins in males are modified to create claspers for the transfer of sperm. There is no swim bladder; instead, these fish maintain buoyancy with large livers rich in oil.

The definition of the clade is unclear with respect to fossil chondrichthyans. It has been used by different authors as equivalent to Neoselachii (the clade including modern sharks and rays and their last common ancestor) or for all chondrichthyans more closely related to modern sharks and rays than to Holocephali (the clade containing chimaeras and their extinct relatives).

The earliest elasmobranch fossils came from the Devonian and many surviving orders date back to the Cretaceous, or even earlier. Many species became extinct during the Permian and there was a burst of adaptive radiation during the Jurassic.

The name Elasmobranchii comes from the Ancient Greek words elasmo- ("plate") and bránchia ("gill"), referring to the broad, flattened gills which are characteristic of these fishes.

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Elasmobrankuloj ( espéranto )

fourni par wikipedia EO

Elasmobrankuloj estas subklaso de ChondrichthyesKartilagaj fiŝoj, kio inkludas la ŝarkojn (Selachii) kaj la rajojn (Batoidea). "Ili similas al la veraj fiŝoj en la ekstera formo, sed diferencas el ili tiom amplekse laŭ strukturo ke ili estas lokitaj en klaso de si mem."[1]


  1. Jordon, "Guide to the Study of Fishes, Vol. I. pp 506-511

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Elasmobrankuloj: Brief Summary ( espéranto )

fourni par wikipedia EO

Elasmobrankuloj estas subklaso de ChondrichthyesKartilagaj fiŝoj, kio inkludas la ŝarkojn (Selachii) kaj la rajojn (Batoidea). "Ili similas al la veraj fiŝoj en la ekstera formo, sed diferencas el ili tiom amplekse laŭ strukturo ke ili estas lokitaj en klaso de si mem."

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Elasmobranchii ( espagnol ; castillan )

fourni par wikipedia ES

Los elasmobranquios (Elasmobranchii) (ἔλασμα/élasma significa 'placa (de metal)' en griego) conforman una subclase dentro de los peces cartilaginosos o condrictios (clase Chondrichthyes). Comprende, entre otros, los tiburones (superorden Selachimorpha) y las rayas (superorden Batoidea).

El esqueleto de estos peces está formado por cartílago y el cuerpo se halla recubierto de dentículos dérmicos que le dan un tacto muy áspero, que en la antigüedad se usaba como papel de lija.


Los miembros de esta subclase se distinguen (además de su esqueleto cartilaginoso) por poseer generalmente cinco pares de sacos branquiales que se abren por orificios separados, un corazón con un bulbo aórtico contráctil provisto de varias hileras de válvulas y un intestino recorrido por un pliegue en espiral. Carecen de vejiga natatoria. Su boca es ventral; armada en el caso de los tiburones por numerosas hileras de dientes. Las escamas de estas criaturas son placoides y homólogas a los dientes.[2]


Se distinguen dos formas básicas y bien diferenciadas entre sí, que se corresponden con los dos superórdenes:


  1. Karatajūte, V. (1973). «Elegestolepis grossi ge. et sp. nov., ein neues typ der placoidschuppe aus dem oberen Silur der Tuwa.». Palaeontographica Abteilung A 143: 35-50.
  2. Vidal., J. (1984). Curso de Zoología; 11°edición. Editorial Stella. p.264.

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wikipedia ES

Elasmobranchii: Brief Summary ( espagnol ; castillan )

fourni par wikipedia ES

Los elasmobranquios (Elasmobranchii) (ἔλασμα/élasma significa 'placa (de metal)' en griego) conforman una subclase dentro de los peces cartilaginosos o condrictios (clase Chondrichthyes). Comprende, entre otros, los tiburones (superorden Selachimorpha) y las rayas (superorden Batoidea).

El esqueleto de estos peces está formado por cartílago y el cuerpo se halla recubierto de dentículos dérmicos que le dan un tacto muy áspero, que en la antigüedad se usaba como papel de lija.

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Elasmobrankio ( basque )

fourni par wikipedia EU

Elasmobrankioek (Elasmobranchii) Chondrichthyes arrain klasearen bi azpiklaseetako bat osatzen dute. Barnean marrazoak (Selachimorpha goiordena) eta arraiak (Batoidea goiordena) hartzen ditu.

Eskeleto kartilaginosoa, 5-7 zakatz-arrail pare, bizkar-hegal zurrunak eta gorputza ezkata plakoide txikiz estalia dituzte. Hainbat hortz ilara izaten dituzte. Ez dute igeri-maskuririk. Barne ernalkuntza daukate, arren bular-hegalak organo kopulatzaile bilakatu baitira. Banaketa zabala dute ur tropikal eta epeletan[1].


ITISen arabera[2]:

Beste aditu batzuren arabera:


  1. Henry B. BIGELOW; William C. SCHROEDER. Fishes of the Western North Atlantic. Sears Foundation for Marine Research, Yale University, 1948, 64-65 orrialdeak. ISBN B000J0D9X6
  2. Elasmobranchii Système d'Information Taxonomique Intégré

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Elasmobrankio: Brief Summary ( basque )

fourni par wikipedia EU

Elasmobrankioek (Elasmobranchii) Chondrichthyes arrain klasearen bi azpiklaseetako bat osatzen dute. Barnean marrazoak (Selachimorpha goiordena) eta arraiak (Batoidea goiordena) hartzen ditu.

Eskeleto kartilaginosoa, 5-7 zakatz-arrail pare, bizkar-hegal zurrunak eta gorputza ezkata plakoide txikiz estalia dituzte. Hainbat hortz ilara izaten dituzte. Ez dute igeri-maskuririk. Barne ernalkuntza daukate, arren bular-hegalak organo kopulatzaile bilakatu baitira. Banaketa zabala dute ur tropikal eta epeletan.

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Leveäsuiset ( finnois )

fourni par wikipedia FI

Leveäsuiset kalat (Elasmobranchii) on rustokalojen alaluokka, johon kuuluvat rauskut ja hait. Se on toinen kahdesta rustokalojen alaluokasta, toinen on koppapäiset (Holocephali). Leveäsuiset ovat yleisiä trooppisen ja lauhkean vyöhykkeen vesissä.

Leveäsuisilla ei ole uimarakkoa. Niillä on viidestä seitsemään paria kidusaukkoja, jäykät selkäevät ja pienet suomut. Hampaita on monessa sarjassa; yläleuka ei ole kiinni kallossa, ja alaleuka kiinnittyy nivelellä yläleukaan.


Käsitykset leveäsuisten sisäisestä systematiikasta eivät ole vakiintuneet, ja viime vuosinakin on esitetty erilaisia luokituksia. Perinteisesti nykyisten lajien osalta on tehty jako kahteen ylälahkoon: rauskuihin Batoidea ja haihin Selachimorpha. Rakennetuntomerkkien perusteella on kuitenkin esitetty toisenlaista luokitusta, jossa pääjako on ulappaveden haiden (Galea) ja lähinnä pohjan läheisyydessä elävien lajien (Squalea) välillä. Jälkimmäinen ryhmä käsittäisi sekä perinteiset rauskuryhmät että joukon perinteisiä hailahkoja. Tässä luokituksessa hait ja rauskut eivät siis olisi rinnakkaisia ryhmiä, eivätkä perinteiset hait olisi luonnollinen (monofyleettinen) taksoni vaan parafyleettinen ryhmä.

Uusimmat molekyylisystemaattiset tutkimukset kuitenkin tukevat käsitystä, että hait ja rauskut ovat luonnollisia sisarryhmiä, ja haiden parissa erotetaan kaksi ylälahkoa Galeomorphi ja Squalomorphi (ks. oheinen laatikko).


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Leveäsuiset: Brief Summary ( finnois )

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Leveäsuiset kalat (Elasmobranchii) on rustokalojen alaluokka, johon kuuluvat rauskut ja hait. Se on toinen kahdesta rustokalojen alaluokasta, toinen on koppapäiset (Holocephali). Leveäsuiset ovat yleisiä trooppisen ja lauhkean vyöhykkeen vesissä.

Leveäsuisilla ei ole uimarakkoa. Niillä on viidestä seitsemään paria kidusaukkoja, jäykät selkäevät ja pienet suomut. Hampaita on monessa sarjassa; yläleuka ei ole kiinni kallossa, ja alaleuka kiinnittyy nivelellä yläleukaan.

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Les Elasmobranchii (du grec elasmós/élasma = métal battu, lamelle, et brankhia = branchies) sont une sous-classe de Chondrichthyes qui regroupe les requins et raies.

Description et caractéristiques

Ce sont des poissons cartilagineux sans réelles arêtes. Ils possèdent 4 à 7 paires de fentes branchiales, et la bouche est généralement en position ventrale, située sous un nez plus ou moins proéminent pouvant contenir des organes sensoriels particuliers (ce caractère a régressé chez certains genres, notamment planctonivores). Ils ont des écailles placoïdes (en forme de dents). Nombreux ont un mode de vie prédateur, néanmoins comme le requin baleine il existe des exceptions. Leur reproduction est sexuée (gonochorique), et nécessite à un accouplement et à une fécondation interne, même si de rares cas de parthénogenèse ont pu être documentés.

Elasmobranchii est le nouveau nom pour « Sélacien ».

Toxicologie, écotoxicologie

En tant que prédateurs, ces espèces sont susceptibles de bioaccumuler certains polluants, dont l'arsenic[1].

Liste des ordres

Selon World Register of Marine Species (11 mars 2016)[2] :

Selon ITIS & ADW :

Voir aussi

Références taxonomiques

Notes et références

  1. M.M Storelli & G.O Marcotrigiano Baseline Interspecific variation in total arsenic body concentrations in elasmobranch fish from the Mediterranean Sea ; Marine Pollution Bulletin Volume 48, Issues 11-12, June 2004, Pages 1145-1149 doi:10.1016/j.marpolbul.2004.03.005 (Lien / ScienceDirect)
  2. World Register of Marine Species, consulté le 11 mars 2016
  3. a b c d e et f incorporé dans Rajiformes par FishBase.
  4. Fish: W.T. Eschmeyer IUCN Redlist NCBI Taxonomy GBIF Hierarchy of Higer Taxa PreUnion uBiota
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Elasmobranchii: Brief Summary

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Les Elasmobranchii (du grec elasmós/élasma = métal battu, lamelle, et brankhia = branchies) sont une sous-classe de Chondrichthyes qui regroupe les requins et raies.

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Prečnouste ( Croate )

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Prečnouste (lat. Elasmobranchii odnosno Euselahii[2]) su hrskavičnjače u koje se ubrajaju još samo suvremeni morski psi i ražovke s više od 930 recentnih vrsta. Pored njih, postoji još i čitav nih izumrlih taksa, od kojih je jedna (Xenacanthiformes) bila slatkovodna.

Mnoge od danas živućih vrsta vode porijeklo još od razdoblja krede ili ranije [3]

Od sestrinskog taksona himera razlikuju se sa svojih 5-7 škržnih otvora bez krutog škržnog poklopca (otvori se mekim, kožnim poklopcima otvaraju prema van nezavisno jedan od drugog) i čeljusti u kojima se zubi neprekidno obnavljaju.

Vrste u ovom podrazredu nemaju riblji mjehur, a leđna "peraja" im je kruta. Njihove leđne peraje kao i kod kitova nisu jednake građe kao peraje drugih riba. To su nakupine masnog tkiva, a oblikom se značajno razlikuju od vrste do vrste, tako da se često neku vrstu može raspoznati po njenom obliku[4]. Sličnost građe ovog dijela tijela kod kitova koji su sisavci i ove skupine riba pripisuje se paralelnom razvoju u istim uvjetima[5].

Unutrašnji rubovi trbušnih peraja mužjaka građeni su tako da oblikuju žljeb za provođenje sperme. Većinom kote žive mladunce (ovoviviparnost), no ne pokazuju skrb za podmladak, osim što neke vrste radi koćenja dolaze na područja (u kojima inače ne obitavaju) gdje će okoliš pružiti određenu sigurnost mladima.

Nastanjuju sva mora na Zemlji, no puno su češći u toplim i tropskim morima.

U Aziji se peraje morskih pasa smatra poslasticom. Izlovljenim živim ribama režu se "peraje", da bi ih se ponovo, ovako teško osakaćene no još uvijek žive, vratilo natrag u more[6]. Pored toga što je ova praksa iznimno surova, velik broj vrsta doveden je zbog ovog izlova u stanje ozbiljne ugroženosti.


  1. (1999) Palmer, D. The Marshall Illustrated Encyclopedia of Dinosaurs and Prehistoric Animals, London: Marshall Editions ISBN 1-84028-152-9
  2. Neven Milišić, Sva riba Jadranskog mora, Split, Marjan tisak, 2007. ISBN 978-953-214-406-2 (sv. 1)
  3. (1999) Palmer, D. The Marshall Illustrated Encyclopedia of Dinosaurs and Prehistoric Animals, London: Marshall Editions ISBN 1-84028-152-9
  4. http://www.yaqupacha.org/deakt98a.htm
  5. Alfred Edmund Brehm: Život životinja, "Mladinska knjiga", Ljubljana, 1983.
  6. http://www.spiegel.de/wissenschaft/natur/0,1518,577831,00.html

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Prečnouste: Brief Summary ( Croate )

fourni par wikipedia hr Croatian

Prečnouste (lat. Elasmobranchii odnosno Euselahii) su hrskavičnjače u koje se ubrajaju još samo suvremeni morski psi i ražovke s više od 930 recentnih vrsta. Pored njih, postoji još i čitav nih izumrlih taksa, od kojih je jedna (Xenacanthiformes) bila slatkovodna.

Mnoge od danas živućih vrsta vode porijeklo još od razdoblja krede ili ranije

Od sestrinskog taksona himera razlikuju se sa svojih 5-7 škržnih otvora bez krutog škržnog poklopca (otvori se mekim, kožnim poklopcima otvaraju prema van nezavisno jedan od drugog) i čeljusti u kojima se zubi neprekidno obnavljaju.

Vrste u ovom podrazredu nemaju riblji mjehur, a leđna "peraja" im je kruta. Njihove leđne peraje kao i kod kitova nisu jednake građe kao peraje drugih riba. To su nakupine masnog tkiva, a oblikom se značajno razlikuju od vrste do vrste, tako da se često neku vrstu može raspoznati po njenom obliku. Sličnost građe ovog dijela tijela kod kitova koji su sisavci i ove skupine riba pripisuje se paralelnom razvoju u istim uvjetima.

Unutrašnji rubovi trbušnih peraja mužjaka građeni su tako da oblikuju žljeb za provođenje sperme. Većinom kote žive mladunce (ovoviviparnost), no ne pokazuju skrb za podmladak, osim što neke vrste radi koćenja dolaze na područja (u kojima inače ne obitavaju) gdje će okoliš pružiti određenu sigurnost mladima.

Nastanjuju sva mora na Zemlji, no puno su češći u toplim i tropskim morima.

U Aziji se peraje morskih pasa smatra poslasticom. Izlovljenim živim ribama režu se "peraje", da bi ih se ponovo, ovako teško osakaćene no još uvijek žive, vratilo natrag u more. Pored toga što je ova praksa iznimno surova, velik broj vrsta doveden je zbog ovog izlova u stanje ozbiljne ugroženosti.

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Fasttálknar ( islandais )

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Fasttálknar (fræðiheiti: Elasmobranchii) er undirflokkur brjóskfiska sem telur bæði skötur og háfiska. Hann er annar tveggja flokka brjóskfiska. Hinn er flokkur hámúsa (Holocephali).

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Elasmobranchii ( italien )

fourni par wikipedia IT

Gli Elasmobranchi (Elasmobranchii) o Selaci[1] sono una sottoclasse dei Condroitti che comprende due ordini di squali del Paleozoico (Cladoselaci, Pleuracanthodii), un ordine di squali moderni (Squaliformi) e il superordine Batoidea (che comprende razze, torpedini e pesci sega), inoltre comprendono anche l'ordine dei Orectolobiformes di cui fa parte ad esempio lo Squalo Balena.


I membri della sottoclasse Elasmobranchi sono sprovvisti di vescica natatoria, presentano 5-7 paia di fessure branchiali in serie (comunicanti con l'esterno in modo individuale), pinna dorsale rigida e piccole scaglie placoidi (onde il nome: elasmós o élasma in greco significa 'placca'). I denti sono posizionati in diverse serie; la mascella superiore non è fusa al cranio e la mascella inferiore è articolata a quella superiore.

Solitamente i pesci mantengono l'assetto nell'acqua con la vescica natatoria: tuttavia gli Elasmobranchi ne sono sprovvisti e mantengono l'assetto mediante grandi fegati che contengono grandi quantità di olio.[2] Questo olio può anche fungere da riserva nutriente in mancanza di cibo.[3]
Gli squali che vivono in acque profonde sono oggetto di pesca industriale per il loro olio, perché il fegato di queste specie può arrivare a pesare fino al 20% del peso totale di un individuo.[4]


Ci sono prove scientifiche dell'esistenza di elasmobranchi che risalgono a circa 450-420 milioni di anni fa, cioè al periodo Ordoviciano. Questo significa che gli squali esistevano prima dei vertebrati terrestri e prima che molte piante avessero colonizzato le terre emerse[5]. I resti fossili dei primi squali consistono essenzialmente di dentelli dermici. I più antichi resti di denti, invece, risalgono a 400 milioni di anni fa. Si suppone inoltre che i primi squali fossero assai diversi da quelli odierni[6], che, per la maggior parte, hanno lasciato fossili risalenti al massimo a 100 milioni di anni fa[7].

Spesso sono soltanto i denti e dentelli degli squali a essere ritrovati sotto forma di fossili, anche se spesso questi resti vengono rinvenuti in grandi quantità. Solo in alcuni casi sono state ritrovate parti dello scheletro interno e, in casi ancor più rari, fossili quasi completi di squalo[8]. L'abbondanza di denti fossili è spiegata dal fatto che in alcune specie di squalo vengono prodotte decine di migliaia di denti in pochi anni. Inoltre, essendo i denti formati da fosfato di calcio e apatite, il processo di fossilizzazione è piuttosto rapido e semplice su di essi. Al contrario, gli squali hanno uno scheletro cartilagineo, e non osseo, che è formato da migliaia di prismi in apatite divisi uno dall'altro. Quando uno squalo muore, la decomposizione causa la disgregazione di questi prismi, e quindi uno scheletro completo si conserva solo se il corpo morto dell'animale viene rapidamente sepolto dai sedimenti del fondale marino.

Una delle forme di elasmobranchi più antiche è Cladoselache, vissuto circa 370 milioni di anni fa[6], che è stato ritrovato negli strati geologici del Paleozoico (in particolare del tardo Devoniano[9]) in Ohio, Kentucky e Tennessee. A quell'epoca queste rocce formavano i morbidi sedimenti del fondale del vasto e poco profondo oceano che ricopriva la maggior parte dell'America settentrionale. Cladoselache era lungo più o meno due metri ed era dotato di mascelle sottili e snelle[6]. La sua dentatura era formata da numerose cuspidi appuntite, che perdeva con l'uso ripetuto. Dalla quantità di denti rinvenuti in ogni singolo ritrovamento si evince che Cladoselache non rimpiazzava i denti persi velocemente quanto gli squali odierni. La scoperta di intere code di pesci nei loro stomaci suggerisce che i Cladoselache fossero veloci nuotatori dotati di una grande agilità. In ogni caso, a causa di alcune sue caratteristiche Cladoselache non può essere considerato un vero squalo, ma costituisce un rappresentante di una linea già specializzata (benché antichissima).

Gli elasmobranchi fossili databili tra 360 e 150 milioni di anni fa si possono assegnare a varie categorie, alcune delle quali di incerta collocazione sistematica. Molti di questi gruppi primitivi si svilupparono tra il Devoniano e il Carbonifero, e produssero una serie di animali di forme e dimensioni molto variabili, in realtà non strettamente imparentati con gli odierni squali. Molte di queste forme, infatti, sembrerebbero più strettamente imparentati con gli olocefali, attualmente rappresentati dalla chimera. Tra i vari gruppi di "falsi squali" si ricordano:

Elasmobranchi simili agli squali odierni, in ogni caso, apparvero nel corso del Carbonifero. Tra questi si ricordano:


Classificazione tassonomica: Secondo ITIS, FishBase[12] & ADW :

Per altri autori[23]:

Secondo WRMS :


  1. ^ Selaci, in Treccani.it – Enciclopedie on line, Istituto dell'Enciclopedia Italiana.
  2. ^ Oguri, M. (1990) "Una revisione della selezione fisiologica caratteristiche uniche di elasmobranchi " Archiviato il 18 febbraio 2017 in Internet Archive. in: elasmobranchi come risorse viventi: progressi nella biologia, ecologia, sistematica e lo stato della pesca, eds. JHL Pratt, SH Gruber e T. Taniuchi, Dipartimento del Commercio statunitense, NOAA relazione tecnica NMFS 90, pp.49-54.
  3. ^ Hoenig, JM e Gruber, SH (1990) "modelli di vita-storia nei Elasmobranchi: implicazioni per la gestione della pesca" Archiviato il 18 febbraio 2017 in Internet Archive. In: Elasmobranchi come risorse viventi: progressi nella biologia, l'ecologia, sistematica e lo stato della pesca, eds. JHL Pratt, SH Gruber e T. Taniuchi, Dipartimento del Commercio statunitense, NOAA relazione tecnica NMFS 90, pp.1-16.
  4. ^ Vannuccini, Stefania (2002) prodotti di olio di fegato di squalo docrep/005/x3690e/x3690e0r.htm In: Shark utilizzazione, commercializzazione e scambi, pesca carta tecnica 389, FAO, Roma. ISBN 92-5-104361-2.
  5. ^ (EN) Martin, R. Aidan., Geologic Time, su elasmo-research.org, ReefQuest. URL consultato il 20 maggio 2009.
  6. ^ a b c (EN) Martin, R. Aidan., Ancient Sharks, su elasmo-research.org, ReefQuest. URL consultato il 20 maggio 2009.
  7. ^ (EN) Martin, R. Aidan., The Origin of Modern Sharks, su elasmo-research.org, ReefQuest. URL consultato il 20 maggio 2009.
  8. ^ (EN) Shark picture: Most Complete Great White Fossil Yet, in National Geographic news. URL consultato il 6 aprile 2009.
  9. ^ (EN) The evolution of sharks, su jrscience.wcp.muohio.edu. URL consultato il 31 maggio 2009.
  10. ^ (EN) Xenacanth, su hoopermuseum.earthsci.carleton.ca. URL consultato il 20-05-2009.
  11. ^ (EN) Biology of Sharks and Rays: 'The Earliest Sharks', su elasmo-research.org. URL consultato il 20-05-2009.
  12. ^ Elasmobranchi, elenco ordini, famiglie, generi e specie su FishBase
  13. ^ (EN) Carcharhiniformes su FishBase, su fishbase.org. URL consultato il 24 maggio 2009.
  14. ^ (EN) Heterodontiformes su FishBase, su fishbase.org. URL consultato il 24 maggio 2009.
  15. ^ Exanchiformi - Hexanchiformes COMPAGNO, 1973 (sito Galleria Selachoidei) , su squali.biz. URL consultato il 24 maggio 2009.
  16. ^ (EN) Hexanchiformes su FishBase, su fishbase.org. URL consultato il 24 maggio 2009.
  17. ^ (EN) Lamniformes su FishBase, su fishbase.org. URL consultato il 24 maggio 2009.
  18. ^ (EN) Orectolobiformes su FishBase, su fishbase.org. URL consultato il 24 maggio 2009.
  19. ^ Femina, Agro
  20. ^ (EN) Pristiophoriformes su FishBase, su fishbase.org. URL consultato il 24 maggio 2009.
  21. ^ (EN) Squaliformes su FishBase, su fishbase.org. URL consultato il 24 maggio 2009.
  22. ^ (EN) Squatiniformes su FishBase, su fishbase.org. URL consultato il 24 maggio 2009.
  23. ^ Fish: W.T. Eschmeyer IUCN Redlist NCBI Taxonomy GBIF Hierarchy of Higer Taxa PreUnion uBiota

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Elasmobranchii: Brief Summary ( italien )

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Gli Elasmobranchi (Elasmobranchii) o Selaci sono una sottoclasse dei Condroitti che comprende due ordini di squali del Paleozoico (Cladoselaci, Pleuracanthodii), un ordine di squali moderni (Squaliformi) e il superordine Batoidea (che comprende razze, torpedini e pesci sega), inoltre comprendono anche l'ordine dei Orectolobiformes di cui fa parte ad esempio lo Squalo Balena.

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Elasmobranchii ( latin )

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Elasmobranchii (Bonaparte, 1838) sive subclassis pisces cartilaginei sunt.

Systema taxinomicum Piscis

stipula Haec stipula ad biologiam spectat. Amplifica, si potes!
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Elasmobranchii: Brief Summary ( latin )

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Elasmobranchii (Bonaparte, 1838) sive subclassis pisces cartilaginei sunt.

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Plātņžauņi ( letton )

fourni par wikipedia LV

Plātņžauņi, plātžauņi, arī plātņžaunzivis (Elasmobranchii) ir skrimšļzivju klases (Chondrichthyes) apakšklase, kas apvieno 2 mūdienās dzīvojošu sugu virskārtas - haizivis un rajas. Tās ir plaši izplatītas tropu un mērenās joslas jūrās.[1]


Platņžauņiem zarnās ir spirāliskais vārstulis ar 12 - 13 vītnēm

Senākās haizivju fosilijas ir apmēram 400 miljonus gadu vecas devona perioda fosilijas. Karbona perioda laikā haizivīm attīstījās daudzas, jaunas formas, no kurām lielākā daļa izmira perma perioda laikā. Izdzīvojušās sugas juras periodā piedzīvoja jaunu pārveidošānās un attīstības fāzi. Šajā laikā radās pirmās mūsdienu haizivis un rajas. Daudzas mūsdienās dzīvojošās sugas izveidojās krīta periodā vai agrāk.[2]


Plātņžauņi ir labi peldētāji un manevrētspējīgi. Tiem ir heterocerkālu astes spura.[3] Iekšējais skelets veidots no škrimšļa, ir galvaskausa skelets. Mugurkaula skriemeļi nodalīti. Plātņžauņiem nav peldpūšļa. Tiem atkarībā no sugas ir 5—7 žaunu loki, pāris krūšu un vēdera spuru, divas stingras muguras spuras un ādu sedz nelielas, plakoīdas zvīņas. Tēviņiem vēdera spura ir pārveidojusies par kopulācijas orgānu. Mute ventrāla, tas nozīmē, ka vienmēr atrodas vēdera pusē. Augšžoklis nav savienots ar galvaskausu, bet abi žokļi ir savienoti un darbojas kopā. Mūsdienu plātņžauņiem ir vairāki žokļu savienojuma veidi, kas nodrošina žokļiem spēju ļoti plati atvērties, pat aiz galvaskausa;[4] Dažos veidos kustīgi ir abi žokļi, citos apakšējais vai augšējais. Plātņžauņiem acīs ir gaismas membrāna (tapetum lucidum), kas nodrošina gaismas atstarošanos, uzlabojot redzi tumsā. Gremošanas sistēma ar kuņģi, turklāt zarnās ir spirāliskais vārstulis (12—13 vītnes).[3]



  1. Bigelow, Henry B.; Schroeder, William C. (1948). Fishes of the Western North Atlantic. Sears Foundation for Marine Research, Yale University. pp. 64–65. ISBN B000J0D9X6.
  2. Palmer, D., ed. (1999). The Marshall Illustrated Encyclopedia of Dinosaurs and Prehistoric Animals. London: Marshall Editions. p. 26. ISBN 1-84028-152-9
  3. 3,0 3,1 Zivju ekoloģija un ihtioloģija
  4. Amphistyly

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Plātņžauņi: Brief Summary ( letton )

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Plātņžauņi, plātžauņi, arī plātņžaunzivis (Elasmobranchii) ir skrimšļzivju klases (Chondrichthyes) apakšklase, kas apvieno 2 mūdienās dzīvojošu sugu virskārtas - haizivis un rajas. Tās ir plaši izplatītas tropu un mērenās joslas jūrās.

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Haaien en roggen ( néerlandais ; flamand )

fourni par wikipedia NL

Haaien en roggen (Elasmobranchii) vormen een subklasse van de klasse van kraakbeenvissen (Chondrichthyes). Tot deze subklasse behoren zowel de haaien als de roggen.


Volgens sommige studies vormen de roggen samen met de orden van de grauwe haaien, doornhaaiachtigen, zee-engelen en zaaghaaien de clade Squalea, terwijl vier andere orden (varkenshaaien, bakerhaaien, makreelhaaien en grondhaaien) een andere gemeenschappelijke afstamming delen en behoren tot de clade Galeomorphii.[1] De superorde haaien (Selachimorpha) vormt dan geen monofyletische groep, een deel heeft een gezamenlijke voorouder met de roggen en ander deel heeft dat niet.

Volgens andere studies echter hebben de Batoidea zich al in het Trias afgesplitst en zijn zij de zustergroep van de Selachimorpha die de Galeomorphii en de Squalomorphii omvatten.

Roggen en haaien uit het Nederlandse kustwater[2]

Clade Squalea
Superorde Batoidea (roggen)


Clade Galeomorphii (haaien)

Bronnen, noten en/of referenties
  1. Kriwet et al. (2009) Diversification trajectories and evolutionary life-history traits in early sharks and batoids
  2. H.Nijssen & S.J. de Groot, 1987. De vissen van Nederland. KNNV uitgeverij Utrecht
Wikispecies Wikispecies heeft een pagina over Elasmobranchii.
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Haaien en roggen: Brief Summary ( néerlandais ; flamand )

fourni par wikipedia NL

Haaien en roggen (Elasmobranchii) vormen een subklasse van de klasse van kraakbeenvissen (Chondrichthyes). Tot deze subklasse behoren zowel de haaien als de roggen.

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Haier og skater ( norvégien )

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Haier og skater (Elasmobranchii) (av gresk: elasmos – «plate» og branchia – «gjelle») utgjør den største delgruppen av bruskfiskene.

Til forskjell fra andre fisker mangler de gjellelokkene, man ser altså de fem gjelleåpningene utenfra (eller seks til sju hos kamtannhaier). Dette skyldes sannsynligvis et sekundært tap av gjellelokkene i stamarten til haier og skater, fordi både helhodefisker og strålefinnede fisker har gjellelokk. Hos mange haier og skater er også sprøytehullet godt synlig som en liten åpning bak øyet. Men sprøytehullet fins også hos noen strålefinnede fisker, er altså ikke noe særtrekk ved haier og skater.

I norske farvann kan man støte på 32 av de totalt ca. 900 artene.


Slektskapsforholdene innen haier og skater er fremdeles noe usikre. I den tradisjonelle systematikken hadde man delt de i haier (Selachimorpha) og skater eller rokker (Rajiformes eller Batoidea). Når man begynte å bruke evolusjonære (fylogenetiske) metoder, fant man en rekke overbevisende tegn på at haier måtte være en ukomplett gruppe, siden saghaier, havengler og håer så ut til å være nærmere beslektet med skater og rokker enn med både hverandre og andre haier. Analyser fra de siste par årene har derimot igjen gitt støtte til at både haier og skater er naturlig gruppe. Det har så langt ikke lyktes å forklare hvorfor slektskapsanalysene har gitt sprikende resultater. Derfor må spørsmålet om den evolusjonære inndelingen inntil videre ses på som ubesvart.

Under er det vist to av de konkurrerende slektskapshypotesene, gjengitt i hierarkisk skrivemåte. Den første er basert på morfologi og forkaster klart haiene som naturlig gruppe:

Den andre oversikten, som er basert på enkelte genanalyser, støtter derimot haier som en naturlig gruppe. Legg merke til at bl.a. gruppene Galeomorphii og Squalomorphii forekommer i begge slektskapshypotesene (selv om sistnevnte gruppe inkluderer skater og rokker i den førstnevnte hypotesen):

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Haier og skater: Brief Summary ( norvégien )

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Haier og skater (Elasmobranchii) (av gresk: elasmos – «plate» og branchia – «gjelle») utgjør den største delgruppen av bruskfiskene.

Til forskjell fra andre fisker mangler de gjellelokkene, man ser altså de fem gjelleåpningene utenfra (eller seks til sju hos kamtannhaier). Dette skyldes sannsynligvis et sekundært tap av gjellelokkene i stamarten til haier og skater, fordi både helhodefisker og strålefinnede fisker har gjellelokk. Hos mange haier og skater er også sprøytehullet godt synlig som en liten åpning bak øyet. Men sprøytehullet fins også hos noen strålefinnede fisker, er altså ikke noe særtrekk ved haier og skater.

I norske farvann kan man støte på 32 av de totalt ca. 900 artene.

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Spodouste ( polonais )

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Spodouste[2], blaszkoskrzelne[2] (Elasmobranchii, z gr. elasma – blaszka, branchia – skrzela) – podgromada drapieżnych ryb chrzęstnoszkieletowych (Chondrichthyes), obejmująca około 950 gatunków, w większości morskich.

Cechy charakterystyczne

Otwór gębowy i nozdrza umiejscowione w spodniej części głowy. Od 5–7 par szczelin skrzelowych. Brak wieczka skrzelowego. Szczeliny skrzelowe otwierają się każda z osobna. Pierwsza szczelina skrzelowa może tworzyć tryskawkę lub zarasta. U większości gatunków występują ostre zęby ułożone w szeregi. Skórę większości gatunków pokrywają drobne łuski plakoidalne lub ząbki skórne, które budową zbliżone są do budowy zębów. Nie nachodzą one na siebie, jak u ryb kostnoszkieletowych. Ich zewnętrzna warstwa jest homologiczna do szkliwa zębów. Płetwa lub płetwy grzbietowe oraz zawarte w nich kolce (jeśli występują) są sztywne i nieruchome. W tkankach spodoustych utrzymywane jest wysokie stężenie mocznika, który także jest wydalanym metabolitem białek. Ryby te mają stek[2].

Samce mają zmodyfikowaną płetwę brzuszną (pterygopodium), w celu wprowadzania plemników do dróg rodnych samicy. Spodouste są przeważnie jajorodne. Prowadzą drapieżniczy tryb życia, kierując się węchem i wzrokiem[3].

Spodouste dzielą się na dwie zasadnicze grupy różniące się kształtem ciała. Do pierwszej grupy zaliczane są rekiny – ryby o kształcie wrzecionowatym, typowym dla znakomitych pływaków. Drugą grupę tworzą płaszczki – ryby o ciele silnie spłaszczonym grzbietobrzusznie. Są to ryby pływające stosunkowo wolno, prowadzące przydenny tryb życia.

Shortfin mako.jpg Dasyatis brevicaudata (Short-tail stingray).gif Kształt ciała rekina
(wrzecionowate ciało, szczeliny skrzelowe po bokach, płetwy piersiowe nie sięgają głowy) Kształt ciała płaszczki (ciało spłaszczone grzbietobrzusznie, szczeliny skrzelowe po stronie brzusznej, płetwy piersiowe zachodzą na boki głowy)


We wcześniejszych klasyfikacjach podgromada była dzielona na[4]:

Współczesne klasyfikacje obejmują więcej taksonów wymarłych. Joseph S. Nelson[3] wyróżnił w obrębie spodoustych kilka słabo poznanych taksonów o niepewnej pozycji (†Plesioselachus, †Squatinactiformes i †Protacrodontiformes) oraz 3 infragromady:

Filogeneza chrzęstnoszkieletowych według M. J. Bentona (2005) Vertebrate Palaeontology

Współcześnie żyjące Euselachii grupowane są w taksonie Neoselachii, obejmującym rekiny i płaszczki:


L. Compagno wyróżniał jeszcze rząd Rhiniformes[7].

Żarłacz tygrysi (Galeocerdo cuvier)

Zobacz też


  1. Elasmobranchii, w: Integrated Taxonomic Information System (ang.).
  2. a b c G. Nikolski: Ichtiologia szczegółowa. Tłum. Franciszek Staff. Warszawa: Państwowe Wydawnictwo Rolnicze i Leśne, 1970, s. 62.
  3. a b Nelson 2006 ↓, s. 47–82
  4. Ryby. Warszawa: Wiedza Powszechna, 1973 (wyd. II 1976), seria: Mały słownik zoologiczny.
  5. Ryby kopalne. red. Michał Ginter. Warszawa: Wydawnictwa Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego, 2012, s. 128. ISBN 978-83-235-0973-8.
  6. Rutkowicz 1982 ↓, s. 43.
  7. Compagno, Leonard J. V. / Hamlett, William C., ed. 1999. Checklist of Living Elasmobranchs. Sharks, Skates, and Rays: The Biology of Elasmobranch Fishes. 471-498.


p d e
Systematyka ryb chrzęstnoszkieletowych Królestwo: zwierzęta • Typ: strunowce • Podtyp: kręgowce
Ryby (Pisces): śluzice (Myxini) • minogi (Petromyzontida) • ryby pancerne (†Placodermi) • chrzęstnoszkieletowe (Chondrichthyes) • fałdopłetwe (†Acanthodii) • kostnoszkieletowe (Osteichthyes)

ryby chrzęstnoszkieletowe (Chondrichthyes)zrosłogłowe
chimerokształtne (Chimaeriformes)

Galeomorphi: rogatkokształtne (Heterodontiformes) • dywanokształtne (Orectolobiformes) • lamnokształtne (Lamniformes) • żarłaczokształtne (Carcharhiniformes)

Squalomorphi: sześcioszparokształtne (Hexanchiformes) • Echinorhiniformeskoleniokształtne (Squaliformes) • raszplokształtne (Squatiniformes) • piłonosokształtne (Pristiophoriformes)
orleniokształtne (Myliobatiformes) • piłokształtne (Pristiformes) • rajokształtne (Rajiformes) • Rhiniformesrochokształtne (Rhinobatiformes) • drętwokształtne (Torpediniformes)
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Spodouste: Brief Summary ( polonais )

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Spodouste, blaszkoskrzelne (Elasmobranchii, z gr. elasma – blaszka, branchia – skrzela) – podgromada drapieżnych ryb chrzęstnoszkieletowych (Chondrichthyes), obejmująca około 950 gatunków, w większości morskich.

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Elasmobranchii ( portugais )

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Elasmobranchii (do grego elasmo, placa + branch, brânquia) é uma subclasse de peixes cartilagíneos, com mais de mil espécies já identificadas,[1] e que inclui os tubarões e as raias. Em português, chamam-se de elasmobrânquios.[1] Duas superordens são reconhecidas:


  1. a b Cardigos, Frederico. «Elasmobrânquios». Departamento de Oceanografia e Pescas da Universidade dos Açores. Consultado em 7 de janeiro de 2009. Arquivado do original em 4 de março de 2016

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Elasmobranchii: Brief Summary ( portugais )

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Elasmobranchii (do grego elasmo, placa + branch, brânquia) é uma subclasse de peixes cartilagíneos, com mais de mil espécies já identificadas, e que inclui os tubarões e as raias. Em português, chamam-se de elasmobrânquios. Duas superordens são reconhecidas:

Selachimorpha - os tubarões Bathoidea - as raias
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Pásožiabrovce ( slovaque )

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Pásožiabrovce, staršie priečnoúste, (lat. Elasmobranchii) sú podtrieda drsnokožcov. Patria sem najmä žraloky a raje.


Pozri aj vlastnosti pod drsnokožce.

Charakterisické telesné znaky:

  • Stavce sú kalcifikované chrupavkovité.
  • Zuby sú nahradzované priebežne v priebehu života a nie sú pevne pripevnené k čeľustiam.
  • Horná čeľusť nie je pevne spojená s lebkou.
  • Plutové lúče sú z trvdého ceratotrichia.
  • Majú päť žiabrových štrbín.

Dlhé sú vyše 1 m, najväčší žijúci druh – žralok veľrybí – až 12-14 m. Niektoré hlbokomorské žraloky, žijúce v hĺbkach 4 km, nedosahujú v dospelosti ani 20 cm.

Sú dravé. Rastú pomaly, majú pomalú látkovú výmenu, a preto často dlho žijú. Niektoré žraloky lovia len raz za 6 týždňov. Hoci dobre vidia, spoliehajú sa na nevizuálne zmysly. V porovnaní s kostnatými rybami majú relatívne veľký mozog. Niektoré druhy kladú vajcia, iné rodia živé mláďatá. Rodičovská starostlivosť nie je známa. Počet mláďat je nízky.

Pohyb je efektívny, plakoidné šupiny minimalizujú odpor vody. Najväčšie žraloky a rod manta sú planktofágne, ostatné žraloky trhajú svoju korisť zubmi, ktoré sú nahradzované po niekoľkých dňoch. Veľa rají má zuby uspôsobneé na drtenie schránok mäkkýšov. Elektrické raje (torpéda) majú svaly transformované na výrobu elektrickej energie na omráčenie koristi.


Systematika je prevažne podľa Nelson 2006, slovenské názvy odhora až po čeľaď Mcmurdodontidae prevažne podľa Matoušek-Trnka 1997 (bez úpravy koncovky -vidné).

  • pásožiabrovce (Elasmobranchii):
    • ?†Plesioselachus
    • ?†“Symmorium” glabrum Ginter, 1999
    • ?†“Ctenacanthus” costellatus Traquair, 1884
    • ?†“Cladodus” striatus Agassiz, 1843
    • ?†Cladodus Agassiz
    • ?rod †Doliodus
    • ?rod †Gladbachus
    • ?rod †Elegestolepis
    • ?čeľaď †Kannathalepididae
    • ?čeľaď †Pseudodalatiidae
    • ?čeľaď †Ptychodontidae
    • ?čeľaď† Steinbachodontidae – zaraďované aj pod Hybodontiformes
    • rad †Squatinactida (Squatinactiformes) – zaraďované aj pod Cladodontiformes
      • čeľaď † Squatinactidae
    • rad †Protacrodontiformes – zaraďované aj pod Ctenacanthiformes
      • čeľaď Tamiobatidae
    • infratrieda †pražralokovidné (Cladoselachimorpha)
      • rad †pražralokotvaré (Cladoselachida, Cladoselachiformes)
        • čeľaď †Cladoselachidae
      • ?rad †Symmoriida (Symorida, Symoriiformes)
        • ?rod †Gutturensis
        • čeľaď †Symmoriidae
        • čeľaď †Falcatidae
        • čeľaď †Stethacanthidae
      • ?rad †Coronodontia (Coronodontiformes, Coronodontida)
        • rod †Siamodus
        • rod †Coronodus
        • rod †Diademodus
    • infratrieda †pražralokovcovidné (Xenacanthimorpha, Pleuracanthodii) – zaraďovaná aj pod Euselachii
      • rad † pražralokovcotvaré (Xenacanthida, Xenacanthiformes)
        • čeľaď † Diploselachidae
        • čeľaď †Xenacanthidae
    • infratrieda †žralokovidné [v širšom zmysle] (Euselachii)
      • rad †hrebeňotŕňovcotvaré (Ctenacanthiformes)
        • ?rod †Acronemus
        • ?rod †Carinacanthus
        • ?rod †Glikmanius Ginter, Ivanov & Lebedev, 2005
        • ?rod †Heslerodus
        • ?rod †Heteropetalus
        • rod †Tristychius
        • rod †Hopleacanthus
        • rod †Onychoselache
        • čeľaď †Bandringidae
        • čeľaď †Phoebodontidae
        • čeľaď †Ctenacanthidae
      • divisio †Hybodonta
        • rad hrbatozubcotvaré (Hybodontiformes)
          • ?rod †Arctacanthus (Ancistriodus, Dolophonodus, Hamatus, Homacanthus)
          • ?rod †Dabasacanthus
          • ?rod †Moyacanthus
          • ?rod †Tristychius
          • ?rod †Hopleacanthus
          • ?rod †Onychoselache
          • (-)Hybodontoidei
              • čeľaď †Lonchidiidae
              • čeľaď †Acrodontidae
              • čeľaď †Hybodontidae
              • čeľaď †Polyacrodontidae
      • divisio Neoselachii
        • ?rod †Anachronistes
        • ?rod †Araloselachus
        • ?rod †Grozonodon
        • ?†“Hypodus” minor
        • ?rod †Hueneichthys
        • ?rod †Jurabatos
        • ?rod †Odontorhytis
        • ?rod †Parasquatina
        • ?rod †Reifia
        • ?rod †Rhomphaiodon
        • ?rod †Vallisia
        • ?čeľaď †Mcmurdodontidae
        • subdivisio žralokovidné v užšom zmysle (žraloky, Selachii, Selachimorpha, Pleurotremata)
        • subdivisio rajovidné (Batoidea, Badidoidimorpha, Rajimorpha, Hypotremata, Rajiformes I, Batomorphii) – do začiatku 21. storočia sa myslelo, že patria pod žralokovidné – Hypnosqualea

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Pásožiabrovce: Brief Summary ( slovaque )

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Pásožiabrovce, staršie priečnoúste, (lat. Elasmobranchii) sú podtrieda drsnokožcov. Patria sem najmä žraloky a raje.

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Hajar och rockor ( suédois )

fourni par wikipedia SV

Hajar och rockor (Elasmobranchii) är en underklass till Broskfiskar som omfattar arter av hajar (Selachii) och rockor (Batoidea), och omfattar omkring 900-1150 arter.[1] I Sverige har noterats inte mindre än 15 hajarter och dessutom ett tiotal olika rockor.[2] De flesta av dessa arter fås ofta som bifångst vid gemenskapsfiske efter andra, mer värdefulla arter. Nuvarande vetenskaplig kunskap, som i allmänhet baserar sig på undersökningar av fångster, tyder på att många hajbestånd är allvarligt hotade.[3]


En allmänt utbredd missuppfattning är att hajar och rockor bara hör hemma i tropikerna, men detta är helt felaktigt.[2] I takt med den globala uppvärmningen förändras fiskarnas utbredning över vår jord. Hajar och rockor har för närvarande i princip världsvid utbredning.

Hajar och rockor i Sverige


Den klart vanligaste svenska hajen är pigghajen. Förr fanns denna i enorma stim längs västkusten, men bestånden har minskat drastiskt som en följd av ett allt för intensivt fiske. Våra hajar och rockor är tråkigt nog extra hårt utsatta för överfiske. De lever länge och får få ungar sent i livet, vilket får till följd att de blir upptrålade långt innan de hinner fortplanta sig. Småfläckig rödhaj är den näst vanligaste hajen i svenska vatten. Den är en liten art som inte blir mer än en knapp meter. Utöver den småfläckiga rödhajen har ytterligare två rödhajsarter noterats i svenska vatten, nämligen storfläckig rödhaj och hågäl. Till skillnad från andra hajar lägger rödhajarna ägg som utvecklas inne i kapslar utanför moderns kropp. Betydligt större än rödhajarna blir brugden. Den är jordens näst största fisk och kan bli mer än 10 meter lång. Denna havets jätte gästar emellanåt svenska vatten. Enstaka individer har förirrat sig in i Östersjön och den sågs vid Bohuskusten så sent som i augusti 2007. Trots att brugden är gigantisk har vi ingenting att frukta, den är totalt ofarlig och livnär sig på små planktonorganismer. I slutet av september 2004 observerades en vitspetsad oceanhaj vid Skredsvik inne i Gullmarsfjorden. Detta är en tropisk, rovlevande haj som aldrig förr varit noterad norr om Portugal. Faktum är att det hade varit mer sannolikt med en vithaj på västkusten än att denna art skulle dyka upp i svenska vatten.[2]


Danmarks vidsträckta sandstränder har man vid upprepade tillfällen fångat marmorerad darrocka. Vidrör man denna fisk kan den med hjälp av ombildade muskelceller avge kraftiga elektriska stötar. Darrockan är även noterad i södra Norge och förmodligen är det därför bara en tidsfråga innan det första fyndet sker i Sverige.

Den svenska faunan har berikats med en ny art av rocka. Det är rundrocka (Rajella fyllae), en nordatlantisk djupvattenart, som för första gången belagts från svenskt vatten.[4]


Enligt boken Fishes of the World av Nelson (2006) utgörs djurgruppen av följander infraklasser och ordningar:


Den här artikeln är helt eller delvis baserad på material från engelskspråkiga Wikipedia, Elasmobranchii, 25 juli 2012.


  1. ^ Elasmobranchii(engelska)
  2. ^ [a b c] Bland hajar, rockor och havsmöss Arkiverad 6 mars 2016 hämtat från the Wayback Machine.
  3. ^ Eur lexikon
  4. ^ ”Rundrocka funnen i Sverige”. FishBase Sverige. 11 november 2009. http://artedi.nrm.se/fishbase/?p=73.
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Hajar och rockor: Brief Summary ( suédois )

fourni par wikipedia SV

Hajar och rockor (Elasmobranchii) är en underklass till Broskfiskar som omfattar arter av hajar (Selachii) och rockor (Batoidea), och omfattar omkring 900-1150 arter. I Sverige har noterats inte mindre än 15 hajarter och dessutom ett tiotal olika rockor. De flesta av dessa arter fås ofta som bifångst vid gemenskapsfiske efter andra, mer värdefulla arter. Nuvarande vetenskaplig kunskap, som i allmänhet baserar sig på undersökningar av fångster, tyder på att många hajbestånd är allvarligt hotade.

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Пластинозяброві ( ukrainien )

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  1. Маркевич О. П., Татарко К. І. Російсько-український-латинський словник зоологічної термінології і номенклатури. – Київ: Наукова думка, 1983. — 412 с.
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Пластинозяброві: Brief Summary ( ukrainien )

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Маркевич О. П., Татарко К. І. Російсько-український-латинський словник зоологічної термінології і номенклатури. – Київ: Наукова думка, 1983. — 412 с.
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Phân lớp Cá mang tấm ( vietnamien )

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Phân lớp Cá mang tấm (danh pháp khoa học: Elasmobranchii) là một phân lớp của cá sụn (Chondrichthyes) bao gồm nhiều loại cá có tên gọi chung là cá đuối, cá đaocá mập.

Tiến hóa

Răng cá mập hóa thạch được biết đến từ thời kỳ Tiền Devon, khoảng 400 triệu năm trước. Trong kỷ Than đá tiếp theo, cá mập đã trải qua một thời kỳ đa dạng hóa, với nhiều dạng khác đã tiến hóa. Nhiều loài trong số này đã bị tuyệt chủng trong kỷ Permi, nhưng các dạng cá mập còn sống sót đã lại trải qua một giai đoạn bùng nổ thứ hai trong sự phân tỏa thích nghi trong kỷ Jura, và trong khoảng thời gian này thì các loài cá đuối đã lần đầu tiên xuất hiện. Nhiều bộ còn sinh tồn của Elasmobranchii có niên đại tới tận kỷ Creta hoặc sớm hơn[1]

Miêu tả

Elasmobranchii là một trong hai phân lớp chứa các loài cá sụn thuộc lớp Chondrichthyes, phân lớp còn lại là Holocephali (cá toàn đầu hay cá mập ma). Để có các điểm phân biệt giữa Elasmobranchii và Holocephali, xem các bài này. Phân loại này bao gồm cả cá mập trắng lớn và loài đã tuyệt chủng là cá mập răng lớn (Carcharodon megalodon).

Các thành viên của phân lớp Elasmobranchii không có bong bóng, với từ 5 tới 7 cặp mang mở độc lập ra phía ngoài, các vây lưng cứng và vảy nhỏ. Răng mọc thành nhiều hàng; hàm trên không hợp nhất với hộp sọ, còn hàm dưới có khớp với hàm trên. Mắt có tapetum lucidum. Rìa bên trong của mỗi vây chậu ở cá đực có đường xoi để tạo thành mấu bám nhằm vận chuyển tinh trùng khi giao cấu. Chúng phân bố rộng khắp các vùng nước nhiệt đớiôn đới[2].

Phân loại

Fishes of the World năm 2006 của Nelson phân chia phân lớp này như sau:

Các nghiên cứu phân tử gần đây gợi ý rằng Batoidea khong phải là các loài selachii phái sinh như suy nghĩ trước đây. Thay vì thế, các dạng cá đuối là một liên bộ đơn ngành trong phạm vi Elasmobranchii chia sẻ cùng một tổ tiên chung với Selachii.[3][4]

Tham khảo

  1. ^ a ă Palmer D. biên tập (1999). The Marshall Illustrated Encyclopedia of Dinosaurs and Prehistoric Animals. London: Marshall Editions. tr. 26. ISBN 1-84028-152-9.
  2. ^ Bigelow, Henry B.; Schroeder William C. (1948). Fishes of the Western North Atlantic. Quỹ Nghiên cứu biển Sears, Đại học Yale. tr. 64–65. ISBN B000J0D9X6 Kiểm tra giá trị |isbn= (trợ giúp). Chú thích sử dụng tham số |coauthors= bị phản đối (trợ giúp)
  3. ^ Winchell, C. J., Martin, A. P. & Mallatt, J. 2004. Phylogeny of elasmobranchs based on LSU and SSU ribosomal RNA genes. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, 31, 214-224.
  4. ^ Douady, C. J., Dosay, M., Shivji, M. S. & Stanhope, M. J. 2003. Molecular phylogenetic evidence refuting the hypothesis of Batoidea (rays and skates) as derived sharks. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, 26, 215-221.
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Phân lớp Cá mang tấm: Brief Summary ( vietnamien )

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Phân lớp Cá mang tấm (danh pháp khoa học: Elasmobranchii) là một phân lớp của cá sụn (Chondrichthyes) bao gồm nhiều loại cá có tên gọi chung là cá đuối, cá đaocá mập.

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Elasmobranchii ( russe )

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Эволюционное дерево хрящевых рыб[7]


  1. Согласно Nelson, Grande, Wilson, 2016 таксон Neoselachii синонимизирован с Elasmobranchii.


  1. 1 2 3 4 Nelson J. S., Grande T. C., Wilson M. V. H. Fishes of the World. — 5th ed. — Hoboken: John Wiley & Sons, 2016. — P. 56—57. — 752 p. — ISBN 978-1-118-34233-6. — DOI:10.1002/9781119174844.
  2. Нельсон Д. С. Рыбы мировой фауны / Пер. 4-го перераб. англ. изд. Н. Г. Богуцкой, науч. ред-ры А. М. Насека, А. С. Герд. — М.: Книжный дом «ЛИБРОКОМ», 2009. — С. 107. — ISBN 978-5-397-00675-0.
  3. Романов В. И. Ихтиофауна России в системе рыб мировой фауны: учебное пособие. — Томск: Издательский Дом ТГУ, 2014. — С. 20. — 410 с. — ISBN 978-5-94621-386-8.
  4. Neoselachii: last common ancestor of living sharks & all descendants. (неопр.). Проверено 18 декабря 2013.
  5. Winchell C. J., Martin A. P., Mallatt J. Phylogeny of elasmobranchs based on LSU and SSU ribosomal RNA genes. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, Volume 31, Issue 1, April 2004, Pages 214—224, Abstract.
  6. Underwood C. J. 2006. Diversification of the Neoselachii (Chondrichthyes) during the Jurassic and Cretaceous. Paleobiology 32(2): 215—235. PDF.
  7. Benton M. J. (2005) Vertebrate Palaeontology, Blackwell, 3rd edition, Fig 7.13 on page 185.
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Elasmobranchii: Brief Summary ( russe )

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Авторы и редакторы Википедии

板鳃亚纲 ( chinois )

fourni par wikipedia 中文维基百科

板鳃亞綱學名Elasmobranchii)屬於软骨鱼纲,包括鯊魚。鱼是板状,鳃裂 5-7 对,鳃间隔宽大。体外是盾或光滑,雄性腹鳍转化为鰭足,沒有魚鰾,仰賴富含油脂的魚肝維持浮力。



板鰓亞綱為軟骨魚綱下的兩個亞綱之一,另一個為全頭亞綱銀鮫)。鳃裂 5-7 对,体外是盾,沒有魚鰾,眼睛具有脈絡膜層英语tapetum lucidum,雄性腹鰭特化為鰭足。板鰓亞綱遍佈於熱帶溫帶的水域中[2]

許多魚類仰賴魚鰾維持浮力,但沒有魚鰾的板鰓亞綱物種則透過富含油脂的魚肝來維持浮力[3]。這些油脂在食物短少時也能作為暫時的營養來源[4][5]。其中深海鯊魚的肝重量可達體重 20%[6],常被視為是漁業捕獲的目標。


在約 4 億年前的泥盆紀早期就已經有發現鯊魚的牙齒化石,泥盆紀晚期時發現了幾乎完整的鯊魚(裂口鯊)化石。在石炭紀時,鯊魚開始演化出各種外型樣貌,不過多半於二疊紀絕種。其他鯊魚在侏儸紀時產生第二次的輻射適應,鰩和魟也約在這個時期出現。現存大部分的多在白堊紀或之前就已出現[7]




  1. ^ Karatajūte, V. Elegestolepis grossi ge. et sp. nov., ein neues typ der placoidschuppe aus dem oberen Silur der Tuwa.. Palaeontographica Abteilung A. 1973, 143: 35–50.
  2. ^ Bigelow, Henry B.; Schroeder, William C. Fishes of the Western North Atlantic. Sears Foundation for Marine Research, Yale University. 1948: 64–65. ASIN B000J0D9X6.
  3. ^ Oguri, M (1990) "A review of selected physiological characteristics unique to elasmobranchs" In: Elasmobranchs as living resources: advances in the biology, ecology, systematics and the status of the fisheries, eds. J. H. L. Pratt, S. H. Gruber and T. Taniuchi, US Department of Commerce, NOAA technical report NMFS 90, pp.49–54.
  4. ^ Hoenig, J.M. and Gruber, S.H. (1990) "Life-history patterns in the elasmobranchs: implications for fisheries management" In: Elasmobranchs as living resources: advances in the biology, ecology, systematics and the status of the fisheries, eds. J. H. L. Pratt, S. H. Gruber and T. Taniuchi, US Department of Commerce, NOAA technical report NMFS 90, pp.1–16.
  5. ^ Bone, Q.; Roberts, B. L. The density of elasmobranchs. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom. 2009, 49 (4): 913. doi:10.1017/S0025315400038017.
  6. ^ Vannuccini, Stefania (2002) Shark liver oil products In: Shark Utilization, Marketing and Trade, Fisheries Technical paper 389, FAO, Rome. ISBN 92-5-104361-2.
  7. ^ Palmer, D. (编). The Marshall Illustrated Encyclopedia of Dinosaurs and Prehistoric Animals. London: Marshall Editions. 1999: 26. ISBN 1-84028-152-9.


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板鳃亚纲: Brief Summary ( chinois )

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板鳃亞綱(學名:Elasmobranchii)屬於软骨鱼纲,包括鯊魚。鱼是板状,鳃裂 5-7 对,鳃间隔宽大。体外是盾或光滑,雄性腹鳍转化为鰭足,沒有魚鰾,仰賴富含油脂的魚肝維持浮力。


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板鰓亜綱 ( japonais )

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板鰓亜綱 Rhincodon typus.jpg
ジンベエザメ Rhincodon typus
分類 : 動物界 Animalia : 脊索動物門 Chordata 亜門 : 脊椎動物亜門 Vertebrata : 軟骨魚綱 Chondrichthyes 亜綱 : 板鰓亜綱 Elasmobranchii 下位分類群 本文参照

板鰓亜綱(ばんさいあこう)Elasmobranchii とは、サメエイ類で構成される、軟骨魚綱Chondrichthyes の下位分類群。


全世界に900 種以上が存在し、分布域は海洋のほぼ全域、および一部の淡水にまで広がる。いずれも軟骨の骨格をもち、5 - 7 対の鰓裂(さいれつ)を備える。近縁の分類群にギンザメ類を含む全頭亜綱(ぜんとうあこう)Holocephali があるが、こちらは鰓裂(外鰓孔、がいさいこう)を1 対しかもたない。



執筆の途中です この項目は、魚類に関連した書きかけの項目です。この項目を加筆・訂正などしてくださる協力者を求めていますPortal:生き物と自然/プロジェクト:生物)。
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板鰓亜綱: Brief Summary ( japonais )

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板鰓亜綱(ばんさいあこう)Elasmobranchii とは、サメエイ類で構成される、軟骨魚綱Chondrichthyes の下位分類群。

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판새류 ( coréen )

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판새류(板鰓類)는 연골어류의 일종이다. 연골어강에 속하는 판새아강(板鰓亞綱, Elasmobranchii)으로 분류하거나, 독립된 판새강으로 분류한다. 방패비늘을 가지며 5~7개의 아가미 구멍이 있고, 아가미 뚜껑이 없다. 꼬리는 보통 부정형꼬리이다. 한국 근해에 60여종이 알려져 있다.


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