Life Stages And Gender: Adult/Sexually Mature | Subject: Live Animal | Type: Photo | Anatomy: Body Parts :: Wings | Anatomy: Coloration/Patterning :: Cryptic
Figure 1.Nipponosemia terminalis (Matsumura, 1913),male. A habitus, dorsal view B habitus, ventral view C head and thorax, dorsal view D face E abdomen and posterior part of thorax, ventral view F timbal and timbal cover, dorsal view G left fore leg, showing the spines on fore femur.
Figure 2.Final instar nymphs. A Cryptotympana atrata, lateral view of body B Cryptotympana atrata, dorsal view of body C Meimuna mongolica, lateral view of body D Meimuna mongolica, dorsal view of body E Platypleura kaempferi, lateral view of body F Platypleura kaempferi, dorsal view of body. Scale bars = 5.0 mm.
Figure 3.Key morphological features separating Tibicen neomexicensis sp. n. (a) and Tibicen chiricahua (b): 1) the color of the cubitus anterior vein (CuA) and its second branch (CuA2) in the hind wing, and 2) the color of the anterior margin of the subcostal vein (Sc) of the fore wing.