Pungitius pungitius és un peix de la família dels gasterosteids i de l'ordre dels gasterosteïformes.[1]
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Pungitius pungitius
- Haglund, T. R., D. G. Buth i R. Lawson, 1992: Allozyme variation and phylogenetic relationships of Asian, North American, and European populations of the ninespine stickleback, Pungitius pungitius. pp. 438–452. A R. L. Mayden (ed), Systematics, historical ecology, & North American freshwater fishes.
- Keivany, Y. i J. S. Nelson, 2000: Taxonomic review of the genus Pungitius, ninespine sticklebacks (Gasterosteidae). Cybium v. 24 (núm. 2): 107-122.
- Takata, K., A. Goto i K. Hamada, 1984: Geographic distribution and variation of three species of ninespine sticklebacks (Pungitius tymensis, Pungitius pungitius and Pungitius sinensis) in Hokkaido. Japanese Journal of Ichthyology v. 31 (núm. 3): 312-326.