A favourite ornamental of our gardens with highly variable flower colours, stature, indumentum and pricklness. A number of varieties, of indefinite consatancy in flower colour have been recognized by some authors; some of these, seen from the area, are as follows:
1. var. camara : flowers orange-yellow, turning red or scarlet.
1. var. flava (Medic.) Moldenke: flowers yellow.
2. var. rubella Moldenke: flowers pink.
3. var. sanguinea (Medic.) L.H. Bailey: Flowers opening saffron yellow but changing to bright red later.
4. var. aculeate (Linn.) Moldenke: Plants with conspicuous prickles.
5. var. alba Moldenke: Flowers white.
A hybrid, x Lantana callowiana Monrov., very similar to this species, has also been recorded from Karachi University campus nursery, by Saida Qureshi s.n. (KUH).
A very wide range of flower colors has been developed within cultivars.