Vitis acerifolia (lat. Vitis acerifolia) - üzümkimilər fəsiləsinin üzüm cinsinə aid bitki növü.
Vitis acerifolia is a species of grape native to the south-central part of the Great Plains of the United States (Kansas, Oklahoma, northern Texas, eastern Colorado, and northeastern New Mexico).[1][2] Its leaf shape is the origin of its name, which is Latin for maple-leaf grape, but it is widely referenced in literature by the synonym, Vitis longii.
Vitis acerifolia provides many potential benefits for the breeding of hybrid grapes. Vitis acerifolia is second in cold-hardiness among grapes only to Vitis riparia. Unlike other cold hardy grapes, it will grow long into fall if weather is clement, but can harden off remarkably fast in a cold snap. This makes it ideally suited for North American winter weather which often include sudden fluctuations in temperature, and is superior in this regard to its rival for second place in cold hardiness among grapes, Vitis amurensis, which is notorious for coming out of hibernation during a warm spell only to be damaged by a sudden frost. Aside from cold hardiness, it strongly resists drought, is resistant to phylloxera, is easy to root, has seeds that germinate all at once and it has good to excellent general resistance to other common grape diseases.
Vitis acerifolia yields strongly colored juice. While berries and clusters are generally small and seedy, it lacks the 'off flavors' of many other North American Vitis species, having neither the harsh labrusca aftertaste nor the characteristic herbaceous flavor of Vitis riparia, nor the blackcurrant-like flavor common to post oak grapes or the harsh peppery taste of many other native Texas grapes. Low acidity and very early ripening are also important characteristics for potential grape breeders.
One varietal that owes its parentage to Vitis acerifolia is the Canadian variety 'Vincent'. This varietal seems to have more anthocyanin than other grape cultivars. Since red wines are fermented on the skins and this is the source of 'off' flavors in hybrid wines, it is notoriously difficult to produce cold hardy, quality red wine grape varieties. There are even fewer capable of adding strong coloration to weaker-colored juice varieties. Vitis acerifolia hybrids show much promise in this area.
Although it has no inherent resistance to Pierce's disease, it seldom suffers from this disease due to being almost totally unpalatable to the common insect vector of the disease, the glassy-winged sharpshooter (Homalodisca vitripennis). This is apparently due to the pubescence of the leaves repelling the insect.
Vitis acerifolia is a species of grape native to the south-central part of the Great Plains of the United States (Kansas, Oklahoma, northern Texas, eastern Colorado, and northeastern New Mexico). Its leaf shape is the origin of its name, which is Latin for maple-leaf grape, but it is widely referenced in literature by the synonym, Vitis longii.
Vitis acerifolia est une espèce de plante de la famille des Vitaceae.
C'est une espèce de raisins indigène du Texas, provenant d'une région de Panhandle.
La forme de sa feuille est à l'origine de son nom, qui signifie en latin de raisin feuille d'érable, mais il conserve souvent dans la littérature son ancien nom Vitis longii (du nom de son découvreur, le colonel Long).
Vitis acerifolia est la seconde vigne en termes de résistance au froid, après Vitis riparia.
Contrairement à d'autres espèces rustiques et résistantes au froid, il continue à croître en automne, longtemps si le temps est clément, et peut résister à une vague de froid.
Cette espèce semble parfaitement adaptée aux conditions météorologiques nord-américaines, qui connaissent de fréquentes et brusques fluctuations de température. Il résiste mieux que Vitis amurensis, connu pour sortir de son hibernation au cours d'une période chaude et pour n'être endommagés par un gel soudain.
Outre sa résistance au froid, Vitis acerifolia offre de nombreux avantages potentiels pour produire des cépages hybrides ;
Vitis acerifolia é uma espécie de uva nativa da região centro-sul das Grandes Planícies dos Estados Unidos (Kansas, Oklahoma, norte do Texas, leste do Colorado e nordeste do Novo México)[2][3]. Vitis é vinho em latim, e acerifolia se refere às folhas, que muitas vezes se assemelham às folhas do bordo (Família Acer).
Cresce em arbustos com galhos curtos, cobrindo frequentemente arbustos ou rochas, raramente subindo em árvores. Os galhos são tomentosos quando jovens, mas tornam-se lisos com a maturidade. As gavinhas são geralmente curtas, e as folhas possuem espessura semelhante a de couro, suborbicular amplamente a triangular-ovalada, 6–10 cm de comprimento, irregular e inferiormente dentadas, às vezes superficialmente modificadas. Os tecidos hirsutos acima quando jovens tornam-se lisos e geralmente os tecidos hirsutos abaixo são persistentes. Uma panícula composta densa de 3–6 cm de comprimento só floresce no final da Primavera. Frutos pretos, glaucos, 8-12 milímetros de diâmetro, amadurecem no fim do verão.
Vitis acerifolia é uma espécie de uva nativa da região centro-sul das Grandes Planícies dos Estados Unidos (Kansas, Oklahoma, norte do Texas, leste do Colorado e nordeste do Novo México). Vitis é vinho em latim, e acerifolia se refere às folhas, que muitas vezes se assemelham às folhas do bordo (Família Acer).