The Giraffidae are ruminant artiodactyl mammals that share a common ancestor wi deer an bovids. This biological faimily, ance a diverse group spreid ootthrou Eurasie an Africae, conteens anly twa leevin members, the giraffe an the okapi. Baith are confined tae sub-Saharan Africae: the giraffe tae the appen savannas, an the okapi tae the dense rainforest o the Congo. The twa species leuk verra different on first sicht, but share a nummer o common featurs, includin lang, daurk-coloured tongues, lobed canine teeth, an horns kivered in skin, cried "ossicones".
The Giraffidae are ruminant artiodactyl mammals that share a common ancestor wi deer an bovids. This biological faimily, ance a diverse group spreid ootthrou Eurasie an Africae, conteens anly twa leevin members, the giraffe an the okapi. Baith are confined tae sub-Saharan Africae: the giraffe tae the appen savannas, an the okapi tae the dense rainforest o the Congo. The twa species leuk verra different on first sicht, but share a nummer o common featurs, includin lang, daurk-coloured tongues, lobed canine teeth, an horns kivered in skin, cried "ossicones".