In a sample from the Tara expedition (Station 68) there were 30 large cells for about 1000 'normal-size' cells.
Genetic material is shared between two individuals by the formation of a cytoplasmic bridge
A pair of tintinnid ciliates caught in the act of exchanging genetic material.
Specimen from the Scripps Canyon area in July 2009
Lugol's-fixed specimen from the Bay of Villefranche in October 2010.
This specimen is shown as viewed with transmitted light (left) and epifluoresence (visible light emitted when subjected to ultraviolet light) showing the algae it ate (right panel).
The species now known as Rhabdonella spiralis was described by Hermann Fol based on specimens from the Bay of Villefranche. Drawing on the left is from his 1881 publication (available from the Aquaparadox website: Classic Taxonomic Monographs). Arrow on the inset of Villefranche from the late 1800's shows the Lazaret where Fol had his laboratory.
Specimen from the BOUM cruise
A small species common in the Med
Specimen from the Bay of Villefranche in Feb 2003. This species is found both with and without a pointed projection at the bottom of the lorica.
From the Bay of Villefranche in June 2010
From an Indian mangrove wetland
Rhabdonella elegans from Station 76 of the Tara Oceans Expedition
Rhabdonella elegans (Jörgensen 1924) from station 58 (Mozambique Channel) of the Tara Oceans Expedition. Formalin-preserved specimen.
Another Rhabdonella elegans (Jörgensen 1924) from station 58 (Mozambique Channel) of the Tara Oceans Expedition. Formalin-preserved specimen.
Specimen from the Rade de Villefranche in November 2009
Tintinnopsis rapa from the Canada Basin in the Arctic