Capsicum is a genus o flouerin plants in the nichtshade faimily Solanaceae. Its species are native tae the Americas, whaur thay hae been cultivatit for thoosands o years. In modren times, it is cultivatit warldwide, an haes acome a key element in mony regional cuisines. In addeetion tae uise as spices an fuid vegetables, capsicum haes an aa foond uise in medicines.
The fruit o Capsicum plants hae a variety o names dependin on place an type. The piquant (spicy) variety are commonly cried chili peppers, or simply "chilies". The lairge mild furm is cried reid pepper, green pepper or bell pepper in North Americae an Britain an typically juist "capsicum" in New Zealand,[3] Australie, an Indie. The fruit is cried paprika in some ither kintras (altho paprika can an aa refer tae the poudered spice made frae various capsicum fruit).
The generic name is derived frae the Greek wird κάπτω (kapto), meanin "tae bite" or "tae swallae."[4] The name "pepper" came intae uise acause o thair seemilar flavour tae the condiment black pepper, Piper nigrum, altho thare is na botanical relationship wi this plant, or wi Sichuan pepper. The oreeginal Mexican term, chilli (nou chile in Mexico) came frae the Nahuatl wird chilli or xilli, referrin tae a larger Capsicum variety cultivatit at least syne 3000 BC, as evidenced bi remains foond in pottery frae Puebla an Oaxaca.[5]
Capsicum is a genus o flouerin plants in the nichtshade faimily Solanaceae. Its species are native tae the Americas, whaur thay hae been cultivatit for thoosands o years. In modren times, it is cultivatit warldwide, an haes acome a key element in mony regional cuisines. In addeetion tae uise as spices an fuid vegetables, capsicum haes an aa foond uise in medicines.
The fruit o Capsicum plants hae a variety o names dependin on place an type. The piquant (spicy) variety are commonly cried chili peppers, or simply "chilies". The lairge mild furm is cried reid pepper, green pepper or bell pepper in North Americae an Britain an typically juist "capsicum" in New Zealand, Australie, an Indie. The fruit is cried paprika in some ither kintras (altho paprika can an aa refer tae the poudered spice made frae various capsicum fruit).
The generic name is derived frae the Greek wird κάπτω (kapto), meanin "tae bite" or "tae swallae." The name "pepper" came intae uise acause o thair seemilar flavour tae the condiment black pepper, Piper nigrum, altho thare is na botanical relationship wi this plant, or wi Sichuan pepper. The oreeginal Mexican term, chilli (nou chile in Mexico) came frae the Nahuatl wird chilli or xilli, referrin tae a larger Capsicum variety cultivatit at least syne 3000 BC, as evidenced bi remains foond in pottery frae Puebla an Oaxaca.