Acrida cinereaOriental longheaded locust female scientific name: Acrida cinerea
日本語: ショウリョウバッタ(精霊蝗虫)のメスCamera location 35° 57′ 3.60″ N, 139° 40′ 50.10″ EFrom
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Sipho pygmaeus.
Figures 1–3.Nobloedischia rasnitsyni gen. et sp. n. 1. Holotype specimen, part, OSU826a. Forewing in dorsal aspect 2. Holotype specimen, counterpart, OSU826b. Forewing in ventral aspect 3. Venation reconstruction and notation following Béthoux and Nel 2002. Photographs and drawing to same scale; scale bar 5 mm.
Sam W. Heads, Steven J. Taylor
Figures 1–5.Holotype ♂ ofRipipteryx mopana Heads & Taylor, sp. n. 1 frontal view of head capsule with antennae omitted (scale bar 0.5 mm) 2 lateral habitus (scale bar 2.0 mm) 3 dorsal view of terminalia with setae omitted for clarity (scale bar 0.25 mm) 4 ventral view of subgenital plate with setae omitted for clarity (scale bar 0.25 mm) 5 dorsal view of phallic complex (scale bar 0.25 mm). Abbreviations: ap apodemes of cingulum; bp basal plate; br brachium; ce cercus; cg cingulum; dv dorsal valve; uc uncus; vr virga.
Mauro Rampini, Claudio Di Russo, Mehmet Sait Taylan, Arianna Gelosa, Marina Cobolli
Figures 1–5.Dolichopoda sutini sp. n. Holotype male, 1 X tergite, dorsal view 2 subgenital plate, ventral view 3 epiphallus: a- dorsal view, b- lateral view. Female 4 subgenital plate, ventral view 5 ovipositor, lateral view. Scale bars: 1 mm.
Sam W. Heads, David Penney, David I. Green
Figures 1–2.Proanaxipha madgesuttonae Heads & Penney, sp. n. Photomicrographs of holotype ♂. 1 dorsal view 2 ventral view.
Deniz Şirin, Mehmet Sait Taylan, Abbas Mol
Figure 2.Distribution map (A) and male calling song of Anterastes tolunayi (B one complete phrase C a group of syllables and D one complete syllable).
Sam W. Heads, M. Jared Thomas, Yinan Wang
Figures 1–2.Electrotettix attenboroughi Heads & Thomas, gen. et sp. n. 1 holotype in oblique right lateral view (scale bar 1.0 mm) 2 holotype in oblique left lateral view (scale bar 1.0 mm).
Wei-An Deng, Chao-Liang Lei, Zhe-Min Zheng
Figure 1.Teredorus parvipulvillus sp. n. A female, lateral view of body B female, dorsal view of body C male, dorsal view of body D male, lateral view of body. (scale bar = 1mm).
Sipho simpsoni.
Mauro Rampini, Claudio Di Russo, Mehmet Sait Taylan, Arianna Gelosa, Marina Cobolli
Figures 6–10.Dolichopoda giulianae sp. n. Holotype male 6 X tergite, dorsal view 7 subgenital plate, ventral view 8 epiphallus, a dorsal view b lateral view. Female 9 subgenital plate, ventral view 10 ovipositor, lateral view. Scale bars: 1 mm.
Sam W. Heads, David Penney, David I. Green
Figures 3–8.Proanaxipha madgesuttonae Heads & Penney, sp. n. Drawings of holotype ♂. 3 dorsal field of right tegmen 4 head capsule and pronotum in dorsal view 5 outer view of right metathoracic leg 6 inner view of right metatibia 7 outer view of right prothoracic leg 8 terminalia in oblique ventral view. Abbreviations: CuA anterior cubitus; ecpL left ectoparamere; ecpR right ectoparamere; eph epiphallus; M media; mbt metabasitarsus; sgp subgenital plate; tym tympanum. All scale bars 0.5 mm.
Deniz Şirin, Mehmet Sait Taylan, Abbas Mol
Figure 11.Distribution map (A) and male calling song of Pezodrymadusa subinermis (B sequences of phrases groups C three complete phrase and D a group of syllable couples).
Sam W. Heads, M. Jared Thomas, Yinan Wang
Figure 3.Electrotettix attenboroughi Heads & Thomas, gen. et sp. n., explanatory drawing of holotype in oblique left lateral view (scale bar 1.0 mm).
Wei-An Deng, Chao-Liang Lei, Zhe-Min Zheng
Figure 2.Teredorus parvipulvillus sp. n. A dorsal view of head B lateral view of head C frontal view of head D dorsal view of head and pronotum E lateral view of tegmina and mid femur F lateral view of fore femur G lateral view of mid femur H lateral view of hind femur I lateral view of hind tibia and tarsus J lateral view of hind tarsus K lateral view of ovipositor of female L ventral view of subgenital fig of female N lateral view of subgenital fig of male. (scale bar = 1mm).
Mauro Rampini, Claudio Di Russo, Mehmet Sait Taylan, Arianna Gelosa, Marina Cobolli
Figures 11–15.Dolichopoda kalithea sp. n. Holotype male, 11 X tergite, dorsal view 12 subgenital plate, ventral view 13 epiphallus a dorsal view b lateral view. Female 14 subgenital plate, ventral view 15 ovipositor, lateral view. Scale bars: 1 mm.
Deniz Şirin, Mehmet Sait Taylan, Abbas Mol
Figure 12.Distribution map (A) and male calling song of Psorodonotus davisi (B sequences of syllables C three complete syllables and D a complete syllable).
Sam W. Heads, M. Jared Thomas, Yinan Wang
Figure 4.Electrotettix attenboroughi Heads & Thomas, gen. et sp. n., frontal view of head capsule; the flower bud preserved alongside the head is visible to the left (scale bar 0.5 mm).
Wei-An Deng, Chao-Liang Lei, Zhe-Min Zheng
Figure 3.Teredorus hunanensis sp. n. A female, lateral view of body B female, dorsal view of body C male, dorsal view of body D male, lateral view of body. (scale bar = 1mm).
Mauro Rampini, Claudio Di Russo, Mehmet Sait Taylan, Arianna Gelosa, Marina Cobolli
Figures 16–20.Dolichopoda calidnae sp. n. Holotype male 16 X tergite, dorsal view 17 subgenital plate, ventral view 18 epiphallus a dorsal view b lateral view. Female 19 subgenital plate, ventral view 20 ovipositor, lateral view. Scale bars: 1 mm
Deniz Şirin, Mehmet Sait Taylan, Abbas Mol
Figure 13.Distribution map (A) and male calling song of Psorodonotus ebneri (B sequences of syllables C two complete syllables and D a complete syllable).
Sam W. Heads, M. Jared Thomas, Yinan Wang
Figure 5.Electrotettix attenboroughi Heads & Thomas, gen. et sp. n., explanatory drawing of head capsule in frontal view (scale bar 0.5 mm).
Wei-An Deng, Chao-Liang Lei, Zhe-Min Zheng
Figure 4.Teredorus hunanensis sp. n. A dorsal view of head B lateral view of head C frontal view of head D dorsal view of head and pronotum E lateral view of tegmina and mid femur F lateral view of fore femur G lateral view of mid femur H lateral view of hind femur I lateral view of hind tibia J lateral view of hind tarsus K lateral view of ovipositor of female L ventral view of subgenital fig of female N lateral view of subgenital fig of male. (scale bar = 1mm).