
Amfiúmid ( Catalan; Valencian )

provided by wikipedia CA

Els tritons-anguila (Amphiuma) formen una família d'amfibis urodels.


Totes les espècies provenen de la zona est dels Estats Units. Són animals llargs de color fosc, similars a les anguiles, però amb quatre potes molt menudes. Viuen amagats al fang i són actius durant la nit. Les larves duen brànquies externes.

En anglès es coneixen amb el nom de "conger eels" o "congo snakes", denominacions zoològicament incorrectes. Aquests urodels tenen les quantitats d'ADN més grans de tots els éssers vivents, aproximadament 25 vegades més que un ésser humà.[1]


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Amfiúmid: Brief Summary ( Catalan; Valencian )

provided by wikipedia CA

Els tritons-anguila (Amphiuma) formen una família d'amfibis urodels.

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Amphiuma ( Danish )

provided by wikipedia DA

Amphiuma er en halepaddeslægt. De kaldes også congoål eller congoslanger, som er zoologisk forkerte benævnelser. De skyldes, at man i slavetiden troede, at de kom fra Congo (Afrika) med slaverne. Og slaverne troede, at det var en giftslange fra Congo. De kan bide ret hårdt. De fløjter, når de bliver forstyrret.

Amphiuma og armpadder (Sirenidae) har samme udbredelse, selvom de ikke er tæt beslægtede. De lever i det sydøstlige USA.

Benene eksisterer, men er små; Amphiuma er op til 1 m lange, men deres ben er kun 2 cm. Derfor ligner de ål.

Om dagen gemmer Amphiuma sig på land i vegetation, og om natten bliver de aktive og "går" på jagt. Deres bytte er frøer, slanger, fisk, krebsdyr og insekter. De kan findes i grøfter og snoede floder over hele det sydøstlige USA. Faktisk ruller de sig om nogle af deres bytte.

Amphiuma i larvestadiet har udvendige gæller. Efter fire måneder forsvinder gællerne, og lungerne begynder at virke. Et par gællespalter bliver tilbage og forsvinder aldrig, så metamorfosen er ufuldstændig.

I jordens fortid var amphiuma mere udbredt. Fossiler fra den pleistocæne epoke viser, at de var udbredt i Europa.

Der er tre amphiumaarter, som skelnes på antallet af tæer:

  • 3-tået Amphiuma (Amphiuma tridactylum)
  • 2-tået Amphiuma (Amphiuma means)
  • 1-tået Amphiuma (Amphiuma pholeter)


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Amphiuma: Brief Summary ( Danish )

provided by wikipedia DA

Amphiuma er en halepaddeslægt. De kaldes også congoål eller congoslanger, som er zoologisk forkerte benævnelser. De skyldes, at man i slavetiden troede, at de kom fra Congo (Afrika) med slaverne. Og slaverne troede, at det var en giftslange fra Congo. De kan bide ret hårdt. De fløjter, når de bliver forstyrret.

Amphiuma og armpadder (Sirenidae) har samme udbredelse, selvom de ikke er tæt beslægtede. De lever i det sydøstlige USA.

Benene eksisterer, men er små; Amphiuma er op til 1 m lange, men deres ben er kun 2 cm. Derfor ligner de ål.

Om dagen gemmer Amphiuma sig på land i vegetation, og om natten bliver de aktive og "går" på jagt. Deres bytte er frøer, slanger, fisk, krebsdyr og insekter. De kan findes i grøfter og snoede floder over hele det sydøstlige USA. Faktisk ruller de sig om nogle af deres bytte.

Amphiuma i larvestadiet har udvendige gæller. Efter fire måneder forsvinder gællerne, og lungerne begynder at virke. Et par gællespalter bliver tilbage og forsvinder aldrig, så metamorfosen er ufuldstændig.

I jordens fortid var amphiuma mere udbredt. Fossiler fra den pleistocæne epoke viser, at de var udbredt i Europa.

Der er tre amphiumaarter, som skelnes på antallet af tæer:

3-tået Amphiuma (Amphiuma tridactylum) 2-tået Amphiuma (Amphiuma means) 1-tået Amphiuma (Amphiuma pholeter)
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Aalmolche ( German )

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Die Aalmolche (Amphiuma), auch Fischmolche genannt, bilden die einzige Gattung der Familie Amphiumidae. Sie sind ausschließlich im Wasser lebende, teilweise bis über einen Meter lange, urtümliche Schwanzlurche küstennaher Sümpfe und Tümpel im Süden und Südosten der USA.


Aalmolche haben einen gestreckten, walzenförmigen (aalartigen) Körper, einen spitzen Kopf mit lidlosen, kleinen Augen und reduzierte, nur wenige Millimeter lange Gliedmaßen mit ein bis drei Zehen und teilweise nur einem Finger. Diese können bei großen Exemplaren von 1 m Länge ca. 2–3 cm groß sein. Nach deren Anzahl werden drei Arten beschrieben, deren Lebensweisen völlig gleich sind. Die Färbung ist gleichmäßig graubraun oder auf der Oberseite schiefergrau und auf der Bauchseite hellgrau. Die Wirbelsäule besteht aus 63 amphicoelen Wirbeln, d. h. mit an beiden Enden eingewölbten Wirbelkörpern, von denen nur die vorderen Rippen aufweisen. Sie besitzen Lungen mit einer sehr langen Luftröhre, aber auch vier Kiemenbögen mit je einem Kiemenloch an beiden Seiten des Kopfes. Aalmolche weisen die größten roten Blutkörperchen innerhalb der Wirbeltiere auf.

Je nach Art wird eine Gesamtlänge von 30 bis zu 115 Zentimetern erreicht. Die größten Exemplare können bis zu 1,25 Kilogramm schwer werden.


Aalmolche findet man in wärmeren, ruhigen und verkrauteten Gewässern der südöstlichen, in der Nähe des Golfes von Mexiko gelegenen Küstenebenen der USA sowie in der Mississippi-Niederung nördlich bis zum Missouri River. Ihr Verbreitungsgebiet überschneidet sich mit dem der Armmolche.


Die Tiere sind nachtaktiv; tagsüber halten sie sich zwischen Wasserpflanzen und anderen Unterschlüpfen im Gewässer versteckt, die sie immer wieder aufsuchen. Nachts kommen sie hervor und suchen am Grund nach Wasserinsekten, Würmern, kleinen Fischen, Schlangen, Fröschen, Weichtieren und Krebstieren. Selbst kleinere Artgenossen werden gejagt. Nach der Art der Aale schwimmen sie gewandt im Wasser und wühlen sich auch gern im Schlamm ein. Bei Regenwetter und Hochwasser verlassen sie gelegentlich das Wohngewässer und bewegen sich kriechenderweise auf nassen Wiesen umher. Sie sind sehr bissig und werden von der Bevölkerung oft fälschlicherweise für giftig gehalten.

Aalmolche werden teilweise gegessen und man fängt sie im flachen Wasser mit Streichnetzen oder einfach mit der Hand und rauen, harten und hohen Handschuhen. Wenn die Tiere gefangen gehalten werden, passen sie sich schnell dieser Lebensweise an und gewöhnen sich auch daran, am Tag Nahrung aus der Hand des Pflegers zu sich zu nehmen. Dennoch werden sie selten als Haustiere gehalten. Zu ihren natürlichen, im gleichen Lebensraum auftretenden Feinden gehören zwei Schlangenarten, die Regenbogen-Schlammnatter und die Schlammnatter.[1]


Zur Paarungszeit zwischen Januar und Mai werben mehrere Weibchen um die Gunst eines Männchens. Schließlich umschlingen sich die Partner, und das Männchen überträgt – anders als bei den übrigen Schwanzlurchen – die Spermatophore direkt in die Kloake des Weibchens. Das Weibchen rollt sich später an Land, um mehrere hundert Eier in zwei Schnüren an feuchten Stellen abzulegen und dieses „Nest“ etwa 5 Monate zu „bebrüten“ beziehungsweise zu bewachen. Die mit Kiemen und Gliedmaßen schlüpfenden, vier bis sechs Zentimeter langen Larven werden schließlich durch Regenfälle oder steigende Wasserstände ins Gewässer gespült. 4 Monate später im Vorfrühling setzt die Umwandlung der Larve ein, bei der die äußeren Kiemen verschwinden und die Lunge ihre Funktion aufnimmt. Allerdings bleiben vier Kiemenbögen und ein Kiemenloch erhalten. Dieses liegt zwischen dem 3. und 4. Kiemenbogen. Ihre Entwicklung beinhaltet also eine unvollständige Metamorphose (partielle Neotenie) im Gegensatz zum Axolotl oder anderen Wassermolchlarven.



  • Das moderne Tierlexikon. Band 1, Bertelsmann Lexikon Institut, S. 9–10.


  1. Aalmolche, in: Großes Lexikon der Tiere, Sonderausgabe, Lingen Verlag, Köln 1989, Bd. 1, S. 15.
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Aalmolche: Brief Summary ( German )

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Die Aalmolche (Amphiuma), auch Fischmolche genannt, bilden die einzige Gattung der Familie Amphiumidae. Sie sind ausschließlich im Wasser lebende, teilweise bis über einen Meter lange, urtümliche Schwanzlurche küstennaher Sümpfe und Tümpel im Süden und Südosten der USA.

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provided by wikipedia EN

Amphiuma is a genus of aquatic salamanders from the United States,[2] the only extant genus within the family Amphiumidae /æmfɪˈjuːmɪd/.[3] They are colloquially known as amphiumas.[2] They are also known to fishermen as "conger eels" or "Congo snakes", which are zoologically incorrect designations or misnomers, since amphiumas are actually salamanders (and thus amphibians), and not fish, nor reptiles and are not from Congo. Amphiuma exhibits one of the largest complements of DNA in the living world, around 25 times more than a human.[4]


Numerous phylogenetic studies have indicated that amphiumas form a clade with the families Rhyacotritonidae (torrent salamanders) and Plethodontidae (lungless salamanders), with an especially close relationship to Plethodontidae. Despite this possible relationship, the two families must have still diverged very early on. The genus Proamphiuma from the Cretaceous is the earliest known member of the family, and closely resembles the modern species aside from less elaborate vertebral structures.[5][6]


Amphiumas have an elongated body, generally grey-black in color. They do have legs, but they are merely vestigial and very small. While amphiumas can be up to 116 cm (46 in) long, their legs measure only up to about 2 cm (0.79 in). It is because of this that they are often mistaken for eels or snakes. They also lack eyelids and a tongue.[7] Amphiumas also have a lateral line visible on the sides of their bodies, which is capable of detecting movement and is used in aid of hunting.

Female amphiumas lay their eggs in wet mud, and then remain coiled around them for about five months, until they hatch. The larvae have external gills, but after about four months these external gills disappear and the lungs begin to work. One pair of gill slits, with fully functioning internal gills, is retained and never disappears, so the metamorphosis remains incomplete.[7]


There are three extant amphiuma species,[2] distinguished by the number of toes:[8]




Amphiumas inhabit the southeastern part of the United States.[2] They share much of the same distribution with the sirens, although they are not closely related.

In the past, amphiumas had a wider geographic range throughout North America, ranging all the way north to Wyoming.[9]


During the day, amphiumas hide in vegetation, and at night they become active hunters. Their prey includes frogs, snakes, fish, crustaceans, insects and even other amphiumas. Hunting and eating habits have been observed to be very similar to that of the axolotl, including the sucking in of food by their stomachs with vacuum force. If provoked, they can become aggressive. They can be found in most wetlands in the coastal plain of the southeastern U.S., even ones which periodically dry out, as they are able to estivate in the moist mud below drained marshland and other ephemeral wetlands. Amphiumas are rarely encountered on land.

It is the female that court the male before mating. When a pair is formed they wrap their bodies around each other, and the male will transfer a spermatophore directly into the female cloaca (cloacal apposition).[10]

Food habits

The amphiuma's predatory behaviors and food selection are very calculated and variable depending on abundance of food. In addition to eating frogs, snakes, fish, crustaceans, insects, and other amphiuma, amphiuma have been found to eat annelids, vegetables, arachnids, mollusca, and larvae.[11] Amphiuma seem to have a preference for eating crawfish. It has been documented that amphiuma will pass on smaller crawfish in order to consume larger ones.[12] It is suggested that this limits wasting energy in pursuing prey with less caloric density. In captivity, the predatory behavior amphiuma display depends on the presence or lack of food. Amphiuma will remain inactive when food is absent, and will become more active once food has been introduced into their habitat.[11] This shows that the amphiuma, although ancestral to many amphibia, has developed a deductive approach to its predation.


Jaw muscles

Musculature of upper and lower Jaw in Amphiuma. Specimen from the Pacific Lutheran University Natural History collection, dissection and photos by Misty Lang and Nina Thach

Amphiuma are primarily carnivorous amphibians that consume crayfish, insects, and other small invertebrates. Similar to many salamanders, the amphiuma has two distinct forms of suction feeding procedures: stationary and strike.[13] Stationary suction feeding involve little to no movement where it opens the mouth with buccal expansion but no forward movement of the body.[13] strike suction is rapid motion where the mouth opens and buccal expansion occurs synchronously leading to a quick attack.[13] These two feeding habits give the amphiuma the ability to have a larger variety of food (live or dead). amphiuma's ability to displace its jaw to feed means they can consume a large variety of organisms as well. But amphiuma's narrow jaw makes it harder for them to fully consume large prey such as crayfish or mice. In these cases, they will use one of the forms of suction feeding and then rip the prey into pieces until fully consumed.[13] Small prey will be pulled completely into the mouth before being eaten. Structure of the teeth within the jaw tend to be arched caudal on the head.[14] The muscles of the jaw give them the ability to grab and hold on to prey as well as create a negative pressure to suck in the prey and displace the jaw. Muscles of note in the amphiuma include: the levator mandibulae anterior and levator mandibulae externus, which elevate the lower jaw of the amphiuma while the depressor mandibulae depresses the lower jaw.[15] The intermandubularis works by tensing the mouth floor. The branchiohyoideus and geniohyoideus draws the hyoid arch which causes the suction and displacement.[15]


Amphiuma possess relatively ancestral forms of lungs compared to some of the other groups of salamanders that live terrestrially today.[16][17] Their lungs are long organs, extending over half of the body length, with dense capillary networks and large surface area that suggest the utilization of the entire lung for respiration while the animal is in water or on land.[17] Although it is common for amphibia to respire out of their skin, also known as cutaneous respiration, it was found that amphiuma primarily respire through their lungs, despite their aquatic lifestyle.[18] This is suggested by the high lung to respiratory capillary density compared to the relatively low skin to respiratory capillary density.[17][18]

Amphiuma lung with a magnified portion of the lung to show the amphiuma vascular tissue.


Pressure gradients for respiration occur in two different locations, the buccal cavity/nares (mouth and nostril) region, and in the lungs of the amphiuma. The first system for respiration occurs in the buccal cavity/nares through a two-cycle pressure-induced buccal cavity/nares process.[16][19][17] In the first system, the amphiuma performs one full cycle of body expansion and compression in order to inhale and another full cycle to exhale, a unique process that utilizes both the buccal cavity and the nares (openings of nostrils).[16][19] The buccal cavity creates pressure that aids in driving the cycles of expansion and compression required for respiration, although it was found that the buccal pressure gradient alone was not enough to drive respiration in the Amphiuma tridactylum.[16] Rather, the buccal cavity allows for small pressure changes that are thought to have an olfactory purpose.[16] This buccal cavity/nares component to the amphiuma respiratory process supplements the contribution performed by the lung. It is the pressure control performed in the lungs that drive the inhalation and exhalation forces through the flexing of smooth muscle in the lung.[17] In order to exhale, amphiuma push air from their lungs into their buccal cavity, distending the cavity, before releasing the air. Without inhaling, amphiuma repeat the process, exhaling a second volume of air that allows them to completely empty their lungs.[17] Only after both exhales can they then inhale, using a negative pressure gradient made by the smooth muscles in their lungs to take in air.[17]

Amphiuma digestive tract. Specimen from the Pacific Lutheran University Natural History collection, dissection and photos by Misty Lang and Nina Thach.

Sexual dimorphism

Amphiuma demonstrate sexual dimorphism in relation to the size of their bodies and the size of their heads.[20] Generally, males have been found to possess larger bodies and longer heads compared to the female sex, which normally is indicative of male-male combat observed within the population.[20][21] There has been, however, no other physical indicating factors for male-male combat as in other species of amphibians, such as horns or spines.[21] Some populations do not show these sexual dimorphic traits, and in certain locations female and male bodies do not exhibit any traits with significant differences.[22]

Amphiumas may be sexed as male or female based on the pigmentation of the cloacal opening.[23] Males exhibit white or pink coloration while females exhibit dark pigmentation. Occasionally, males may demonstrate partial pigmentation, but never have full dark coloration like that of females.


  1. ^ J. Alan Holman (2006). Fossil Salamanders of North America. Life of the past. Indiana University Press. p. 107. ISBN 978-0-253-34732-9.
  2. ^ a b c d Frost, Darrel R. (2018). "Amphiuma Garden, 1821". Amphibian Species of the World: an Online Reference. Version 6.0. American Museum of Natural History. Retrieved 11 September 2018.
  3. ^ Frost, Darrel R. (2018). "Amphiumidae Gray, 1825". Amphibian Species of the World: an Online Reference. Version 6.0. American Museum of Natural History. Retrieved 11 September 2018.
  4. ^ "Junk DNA and the Onion Test" Archived 2012-09-14 at archive.today 1 June 2008.
  5. ^ "Amphiumidae". www.tolweb.org. Retrieved 2018-12-24.
  6. ^ Bonett, Ronald M.; Chippindale, Paul T.; Moler, Paul E.; Van Devender, R. Wayne; Wake, David B. (2009-05-20). "Evolution of Gigantism in Amphiumid Salamanders". PLOS ONE. 4 (5): e5615. Bibcode:2009PLoSO...4.5615B. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0005615. ISSN 1932-6203. PMC 2680017. PMID 19461997.
  7. ^ a b Lanza, B.; Vanni, S. & Nistri A. (1998). Cogger, H.G. & Zweifel, R.G. (eds.). Encyclopedia of Reptiles and Amphibians. San Diego: Academic Press. p. 72. ISBN 978-0-12-178560-4.
  8. ^ Vitt, Laurie J. & Caldwell, Janalee P. (2014). Herpetology: An Introductory Biology of Amphibians and Reptiles (4th ed.). Academic Press. p. 466.
  9. ^ "Amphiuma Garden 1821". Paleobiology Database. Fossilworks. Retrieved 17 December 2021.
  10. ^ Amphiuma, or Congo Eel
  11. ^ a b Taylor, Harrison; Ludlam, John P. (2013). "The role of size preference in prey selection of Amphiuma means". BIOS. 84 (1): 8–13. doi:10.1893/0005-3155-84.1.8. JSTOR 23595338. S2CID 97908296.
  12. ^ Chaney, Allan H. (1951). "The food habits of the salamander Amphiuma tridactylum". Copeia. 1951 (1): 45–49. doi:10.2307/1438050. JSTOR 1438050.
  13. ^ a b c d Erdman, Susan E. (1983). Form and function of the feeding apparatus of Amphiuma tridactylum (MSc thesis). Lehigh University.
  14. ^ Hilton, William (1951). "Teeth of salamanders". Herpetologica. 7 (3): 133–136. JSTOR 27669689.
  15. ^ a b Chiasson, Robert (1973). Laboratory Anatomy of Necturus. Arizona: University of Arizona. pp. 14–19. ISBN 978-0-697-04605-5.
  16. ^ a b c d e Toews, Daniel P.; McRae, Ann (1974). "Respiratory mechanisms in the aquatic salamander, Amphiuma tridactylum". Copeia. 1974 (4): 917–920. doi:10.2307/1442591. JSTOR 1442591.
  17. ^ a b c d e f g Martin, Karen M.; Hutchison, Victor H. (1979). "Ventilatory activity in Amphiuma tridactylum and Siren lacertina (Amphibia, Caudata)". Journal of Herpetology. 13 (4): 427–434. doi:10.2307/1563477. JSTOR 1563477.
  18. ^ a b Szarski, Henryk (1964). "The structure of respiratory organs in relation to body size in Amphibia". Evolution. 18 (1): 118–126. doi:10.2307/2406426. JSTOR 2406426.
  19. ^ a b Brainerd, Elizabeth; Ditelberg, Jeremy (1993). "Lung ventilation in salamanders and the evolution of vertebrate air-breathing mechanisms". Biological Journal of the Linnean Society. 49 (2): 163–183. doi:10.1006/bijl.1993.1028.
  20. ^ a b Fontenot, Clifford L.; Seigel, Richard A. (2008). "Sexual dimorphism in the three-toed amphiuma, Amphiuma tridactylum: sexual selection or ecological causes". Copeia. 2008 (1): 39–42. doi:10.1643/cg-06-060. S2CID 30731154.
  21. ^ a b Shine, Richard (1979). "Sexual selection and sexual dimorphism in the Amphibia". Copeia. 1979 (2): 297–306. doi:10.2307/1443418. JSTOR 1443418.
  22. ^ Cagle, Fred R. (1948). "Observations on a population of the salamander, Amphiuma tridactylum Cuvier". Ecology. 29 (4): 479–491. doi:10.2307/1932640. JSTOR 1932640.
  23. ^ Fontenot, Clifford L. (1999). "Reproductive Biology of the Aquatic Salamander Amphiuma Tridactylum in Louisiana". Journal of Herpetology. 33 (1): 100–105. doi:10.2307/1565548. JSTOR 1565548.

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Amphiuma: Brief Summary

provided by wikipedia EN

Amphiuma is a genus of aquatic salamanders from the United States, the only extant genus within the family Amphiumidae /æmfɪˈjuːmɪdiː/. They are colloquially known as amphiumas. They are also known to fishermen as "conger eels" or "Congo snakes", which are zoologically incorrect designations or misnomers, since amphiumas are actually salamanders (and thus amphibians), and not fish, nor reptiles and are not from Congo. Amphiuma exhibits one of the largest complements of DNA in the living world, around 25 times more than a human.

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Amphiuma ( Spanish; Castilian )

provided by wikipedia ES

Las anfiumas (Amphiuma) son un clado compuesto por 3 especies de anfibios caudados endémicos del sudeste de los Estados Unidos. Es el único género de la familia Amphiumidae. Exhiben un estilo de vida completamente acuático, un cuerpo alargado (que puede exceder el metro de largo), extremidades muy reducidas, la presencia de una de las tres hendiduras branquiales del estado larval y la ausencia de párpados.[1]​ A pesar de poseer hendiduras branquiales, los adultos carecen de agallas, presentando una respiración pulmonar. Las especies se diferencian por el número de dígitos que poseen en las extremidades, variando desde uno (A. pholeter), a dos (A. means) o tres (A. tridactylum).[2]​ Exhiben, además, hábitos nocturnos, siendo depredadores generalistas.


Según ASW:[3]



Amphiuma tridactylum


Amphiuma means


Amphiuma pholeter


Cladograma basado en Karlin & Means (1994).[4]


  1. Duellman, W. E. & Trueb, L. (1994) Biology of Amphibians. Johns Hopkins University Press. ISBN 978-0-8018-4780-6.
  2. Bonett, R. M. et al. (2009) Evolution of Gigantism in Amphiumid Salamanders. PLoS ONE 4(5): e5615.
  3. Frost, D.R. « Amphiuma ». Amphibian Species of the World: an Online Reference. Version 6.1. (en inglés). Nueva York, EEUU: Museo Americano de Historia Natural.
  4. Karlin, A. A. & Means, D. B. (1994) Genetic variation in the aquatic salamander genus Amphiuma. American Midland Naturalist 132:1-9.


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Amphiuma: Brief Summary ( Spanish; Castilian )

provided by wikipedia ES

Las anfiumas (Amphiuma) son un clado compuesto por 3 especies de anfibios caudados endémicos del sudeste de los Estados Unidos. Es el único género de la familia Amphiumidae. Exhiben un estilo de vida completamente acuático, un cuerpo alargado (que puede exceder el metro de largo), extremidades muy reducidas, la presencia de una de las tres hendiduras branquiales del estado larval y la ausencia de párpados.​ A pesar de poseer hendiduras branquiales, los adultos carecen de agallas, presentando una respiración pulmonar. Las especies se diferencian por el número de dígitos que poseen en las extremidades, variando desde uno (A. pholeter), a dos (A. means) o tres (A. tridactylum).​ Exhiben, además, hábitos nocturnos, siendo depredadores generalistas.

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Amphiuma ( Basque )

provided by wikipedia EU

Amphiuma anfibio genero bat da, Caudata ordenaren barruko Amphiumidae familian sailkatua.


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Amphiuma: Brief Summary ( Basque )

provided by wikipedia EU

Amphiuma anfibio genero bat da, Caudata ordenaren barruko Amphiumidae familian sailkatua.

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Amphiuma ( French )

provided by wikipedia FR

Amphiuma est un genre d'urodèles, le seul de la famille des Amphiumidae[1].


Les trois espèces de ce genre sont endémiques du Sud-Est des États-Unis[1].

Liste des espèces

Selon Amphibian Species of the World (20 février 2014)[2] :

Publications originales

  • Smith, 1821 : A Selection of the Correspondence of Linnaeus and Other Naturalists from the Original Manuscripts. vol. 1, London: Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme and Brown (texte intégral)
  • Gray, 1825 : A synopsis of the genera of reptiles and Amphibia, with a description of some new species. Annals of Philosophy, sér. 2, vol. 10, p. 193-217 (texte intégral).

Notes et références

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Amphiuma: Brief Summary ( French )

provided by wikipedia FR

Amphiuma est un genre d'urodèles, le seul de la famille des Amphiumidae.

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Amphiuma ( Italian )

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Amphiuma Garden, 1821 è un genere di anfibi caudati, unico genere della famiglia Amphiumidae.[1]


Il genere comprende le seguenti specie[1]:


  1. ^ a b (EN) Frost D.R. et al., Amphiuma, in Amphibian Species of the World: an Online Reference. Version 6.0, New York, American Museum of Natural History, 2014. URL consultato il 15 dicembre 2014.


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Amphiuma: Brief Summary ( Italian )

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Amphiuma Garden, 1821 è un genere di anfibi caudati, unico genere della famiglia Amphiumidae.

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Ålepadder ( Norwegian )

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Ålepadder (vitenskapelig navn Amphiuma, eneste undergruppe av Amphiumidae) er betegnelsen på en gruppe salamandere som omfatter tre arter i Amerika. De kjennetegnes særlig på sine veldig små ben.


De har indre befruktning. Eggene legges på steder like ved vann, og yngelen kommer frem på høsttiden.

De har en meget bevegelig kropp og svømmer meget godt. På engelsk kalles de noen ganger conger eels.


De tre artene har henholdsvis en, to og tre tær på hvert ben. Den totåede er den største, ellers er de i stor grad like.

Det er liten tvil om at den entåede ålepadden kan regnes som en egen art. Det er imidlertid usikkert om den totåede og den tretåede ormepadden bør regnes som underarter av samme art, eller om man bør regne dem som to forskjellige arter. De morfologiske og genetiske forskjellene er små.

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Ålepadder: Brief Summary ( Norwegian )

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Ålepadder (vitenskapelig navn Amphiuma, eneste undergruppe av Amphiumidae) er betegnelsen på en gruppe salamandere som omfatter tre arter i Amerika. De kjennetegnes særlig på sine veldig små ben.

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Amphiuma ( Polish )

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Amphiumarodzaj płaza ogoniastego z rodziny amfiumowatych (Amphiumidae).

Zasięg występowania

Rodzaj obejmuje gatunki występujące w południowo-wschodnich Stanach Zjednoczonych[6].



  • Amphiuma: gr. αμφι amphi „po obu stronach, dookoła”; πνευμα pneuma „oddech”[7][8].
  • Chrysodonta: gr. χρυσος khrusos „złoty”; οδους odous, οδοντος odontos „ząb”[5]. Gatunek typowy: Chrysodonta larvaeformis Mitchill, 1822 (= Amphiuma means Garden, 1821).
  • Sirenoidis: gr. σειρηδών seiredōn „syrena”; -οιδης -oidēs „przypominający”[8]. Gatunek typowy: Amphiuma didactylum Cuvier, 1827 (= Amphiuma means Garden, 1821).
  • Muraenopsis (Myraenopsis[a]): gr. μυραινα muraina „murena”; οψις opsis „wygląd”[5]. Gatunek typowy: Amphiuma tridactylum Cuvier, 1827.

Podział systematyczny

Do rodzaju należą następujące gatunki[6]:


  1. Nieuzasadniona poprawka.


  1. Amphiuma, w: Integrated Taxonomic Information System (ang.).
  2. J.E. Smith: A Selection of the Correspondence of Linnaeus and Other Naturalists from the Original Manuscripts. Cz. 1. London: Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme and Brown, 1821, s. 333, 599. (ang.)
  3. S.L. Mitchill. Description of a batracian animal from Georgia, different from the reptiles of that order hitherto known. „American Medical Recorder”. 5, s. 503, 1822 (ang.).
  4. a b L.J.F.J. Fitzinger: Systema Reptilium. Fasciculus Primus. Amblyglossae. Vindobonae: Braumüller et Seidel, 1821, s. 34. (łac.)
  5. a b c L. Agassiz: Nomenclator zoologicus: continens nomina systematica generum animalium tam viventium quam fossilium, secundum ordinem alphabeticum disposita, adjectis auctoribus, libris, in quibus reperiuntur, anno editionis, etymologia et familiis, ad quas pertinent, in singulis classibus. Soloduri: Jent et Gassmann, 1846, s. 245. (łac.)
  6. a b D. Frost: Amphiuma Garden, 1821 (ang.). W: Amphibian Species of the World 6.0, an Online Reference [on-line]. American Museum of Natural History. [dostęp 2018-04-19].
  7. Two-toed Amphiuma Amphiuma means (ang.). Virginia Herpetological Society. [dostęp 2018-04-19].
  8. a b E.C. Jaeger: Source-book of biological names and terms. Springfield: Charles C. Thomas, 1944, s. 1-256. (ang.)
  9. a b W. Juszczyk: Gady i płazy. Wyd. I. Warszawa: Wiedza Powszechna, 1978, s. 22, seria: Mały Słownik Zoologiczny.
  10. Praca zbiorowa: Zwierzęta: encyklopedia ilustrowana. Warszawa: Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN, 2005, s. 521. ISBN 83-01-14344-4.
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Amphiuma: Brief Summary ( Polish )

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Amphiuma – rodzaj płaza ogoniastego z rodziny amfiumowatych (Amphiumidae).

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Амфіума ( Ukrainian )

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Проект Віківиди має дані за темою:
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Amphiuma ( Vietnamese )

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Amphiuma là một chi động vật lưỡng cư trong họ Amphiumidae, thuộc bộ Caudata. Chi này có 3 loài và không bị đe dọa tuyệt chủng,[1] và là chi duy nhất trong họ Amphiumidae.[2]

Các chi

Chi này gồm 3 loài:

Hình ảnh

Tham khảo

  1. ^ “Danh sách lưỡng cư trong sách Đỏ”. IUCN. Truy cập ngày 3 tháng 7 năm 2012.
  2. ^ “Amphiumidae”. AmphibiaWeb: Information on amphibian biology and conservation. 2013. Berkeley, California: AmphibiaWeb. Truy cập ngày 13 tháng 6 năm 2013.

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Amphiuma: Brief Summary ( Vietnamese )

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Amphiuma là một chi động vật lưỡng cư trong họ Amphiumidae, thuộc bộ Caudata. Chi này có 3 loài và không bị đe dọa tuyệt chủng, và là chi duy nhất trong họ Amphiumidae.

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アンフューマ属 ( Japanese )

provided by wikipedia 日本語
アンフューマ科 フタユビアンフューマ
フタユビアンフューマ Amphiuma means
分類 : 動物界 Animalia : 脊索動物門 Chordata 亜門 : 脊椎動物亜門 Vertebrata : 両生綱 Amphibia : 有尾目 Urodela 上科 : イモリ上科 Salamandroidea : アンフューマ科 Amphiumidae
Gray, 1825 : アンフューマ属 Amphiuma

アンフューマ科(アンフューマか、Amphiumidae)は、両生綱有尾目に属する科。現地では conger eel または congo snake と呼ばれている。congerとはアナゴのことである。


















 src= ウィキメディア・コモンズには、アンフューマ科に関連するカテゴリがあります。  src= ウィキスピーシーズにアンフューマ科に関する情報があります。


  • 千石正一監修 長坂拓也編著 『爬虫類・両生類800種図鑑 第3版』、ピーシーズ、2002年、232頁。
  • 『小学館の図鑑NEO 両生類・はちゅう類』、小学館2004年、21頁。
  • 山崎利貞 『爬虫・両生類ビジュアルガイド イモリ・サンショウウオの仲間 有尾類・無足類』、誠文堂新光社2005年、30-31頁。
  1. ^ Lanza, B., Vanni, S., & Nistri A. (1998). Cogger, H.G. & Zweifel, R.G.. ed. Encyclopedia of Reptiles and Amphibians. San Diego: Academic Press. pp. 72. ISBN 0-12-178560-2.
  2. ^ "Junk DNA and the Onion Test" 1 June 2008.
執筆の途中です この項目は、動物に関連した書きかけの項目です。この項目を加筆・訂正などしてくださる協力者を求めていますPortal:生き物と自然プロジェクト:生物)。
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アンフューマ属: Brief Summary ( Japanese )

provided by wikipedia 日本語

アンフューマ科(アンフューマか、Amphiumidae)は、両生綱有尾目に属する科。現地では conger eel または congo snake と呼ばれている。congerとはアナゴのことである。

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암피우마도롱뇽속 ( Korean )

provided by wikipedia 한국어 위키백과

암피우마도롱뇽속(Amphiuma)은 수생 도롱뇽류 분류군의 하나로 암피우마도롱뇽과(Amphiumidae)의 유일속이다.

하위 종

앰피우마속은 3종을 포함하고 있으며, 발가락 개수에 따라서 구별한다.

  • Amphiuma tridactylum
  • 암피우마 메안스 (Amphiuma means)
  • Amphiuma pholeter

계통 분류

2012년 현재, 도룡뇽목의 계통 분류는 다음과 같다.[2]



    도롱뇽목 도롱뇽아목
























  1. J. Alan Holman (2006). 《Fossil Salamanders of North America》. Life of the past. Indiana University Press. 107쪽. ISBN 978-0-253-34732-9.
  2. 2012. UC Regents, Berkeley, CA. “Phylogenetic view of Amphibia”. 《AmphibiaWeb》.
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