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Português do Brasil
names in breadcrumbs
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Português do Brasil
names in breadcrumbs
Mushrooms, Lichens, Molds, Yeasts And Relatives
Sac Fungi
Cellular Organisms
Mushrooms, Lichens, Molds, Yeasts And Relatives
Sac Fungi
Phoma herbarum Westend. 1852
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have host
Global Biotic Interactions
Fraxinus excelsior L. (European ash)
Global Biotic Interactions
Humulus lupulus L. (common hop)
Global Biotic Interactions
Humulus lupulus L. (common hop)
Global Biotic Interactions
Datura stramonium L. (Thorn-apple)
Global Biotic Interactions
Galium aparine L. (Goosegrass)
Global Biotic Interactions
Galium aparine L. (Goosegrass)
Global Biotic Interactions
Oxybasis glauca (L.) S. Fuentes, Uotila & Borsch (Oak-Leaf Goosefoot)
Global Biotic Interactions
Galium mollugo L. (White bedstraw)
Global Biotic Interactions
Rosa multiflora Thunb. (Baby Rose)
Global Biotic Interactions
Capsella bursa-pastoris (L.) Medik. (shepherd's purse)
Global Biotic Interactions
Taxus globosa Schltdl. (Mesoamerican Yew)
Global Biotic Interactions
Neslia paniculata (L.) Desv. (ball mustard)
Global Biotic Interactions
Pastinaca sativa L. (wild parsnip)
Global Biotic Interactions
Camellia sinensis (L.) Kuntze (Tea plant)
Global Biotic Interactions
Ambrosia monogyra (Torr. & A. Gray) Strother & B. G. Baldwin (Needle-Leaf Burrobush)
Global Biotic Interactions
Arachis hypogaea L. (peanut)
Global Biotic Interactions
Funaria hygrometrica Hedwig 1801 (Cord Moss)
Global Biotic Interactions
Pastinaca sativa L. (wild parsnip)
Global Biotic Interactions
Humulus lupulus L. (common hop)
Global Biotic Interactions
Setaria viridis (L.) P. Beauv. (green bristlegrass)
Global Biotic Interactions
Chenopodium album L. (Fat-hen)
Global Biotic Interactions
Hyoscyamus niger L. (black henbane)
Global Biotic Interactions
Hordeum vulgare L. (common barley)
Global Biotic Interactions
Datura stramonium L. (Thorn-apple)
Global Biotic Interactions
Lathyrus sylvestris L. (flat pea)
Global Biotic Interactions
Acacia mearnsii De Wild. (black wattle)
Global Biotic Interactions
Glycine max (L.) Merr. (soybean)
Global Biotic Interactions
Trifolium pratense L. (Red Clover)
Global Biotic Interactions
Galium mollugo L. (White bedstraw)
Global Biotic Interactions
Eupatorium purpureum
Global Biotic Interactions
Pastinaca sativa L. (wild parsnip)
Global Biotic Interactions
Honckenya peploides (L.) Ehrh. (sea sandwort)
Global Biotic Interactions
Medicago sativa L. (Lucerne)
Global Biotic Interactions
Rudbeckia laciniata L. (cutleaf coneflower)
Global Biotic Interactions
Nerium oleander L. (Oleander)
Global Biotic Interactions
Huperzia selago (L.) Bernh. (Fir Club Moss)
Global Biotic Interactions
Dioscorea villosa L. (wild yam)
Global Biotic Interactions
Aquilegia vulgaris L. (Common columbine)
Global Biotic Interactions
Castilleja pallida (L.) Sprengel (Port Clarence Indian-Paintbrush)
Global Biotic Interactions
Glycine max (L.) Merr. (soybean)
Global Biotic Interactions
Helianthus annuus L. (common sunflower)
Global Biotic Interactions
Medicago laciniata (L.) Mill. (cutleaf medick)
Global Biotic Interactions
Oxybasis glauca (L.) S. Fuentes, Uotila & Borsch (Oak-Leaf Goosefoot)
Global Biotic Interactions
Centaurea scabiosa L. (greater knapweed)
Global Biotic Interactions
Achillea millefolium L. (yarrow, milfoil)
Global Biotic Interactions
Dysoxylum gaudichaudianum (Juss.) Miq.
Global Biotic Interactions
Phytolacca icosandra L. (tropical pokeweed)
Global Biotic Interactions
Bituminaria bituminosa (L.) C. H. Stirt. (Arabian pea)
Global Biotic Interactions
Euphorbia cyparissias L. (Cypress Spurge)
Global Biotic Interactions
Urtica dioica L. (Common Nettle)
Global Biotic Interactions
Rosa multiflora Thunb. (Baby Rose)
Global Biotic Interactions
Pinus sylvestris L. (Scotch Pine)
Global Biotic Interactions
Malus sylvestris Mill. (Crab Apple)
Global Biotic Interactions
Alnus glutinosa (L.) Gaertn. (European alder)
Global Biotic Interactions
Salvia miltiorrhiza Bunge (red sage)
Global Biotic Interactions
Eremogone fendleri (A. Gray) S. Ikonnikov (Fendler's sandwort)
Global Biotic Interactions
Digitalis grandiflora Mill. (big-flowered foxglove)
Global Biotic Interactions
Dryas octopetala L. (eightpetal mountain-avens)
Global Biotic Interactions
Carya illinoiensis (Wangenh.) K. Koch (pecan)
Global Biotic Interactions
Bryonia alba L. (white bryony)
Global Biotic Interactions
Aquilegia vulgaris L. (Common columbine)
Global Biotic Interactions
Clematis vitalba L. (Traveller's-joy)
Global Biotic Interactions
Lathyrus sylvestris L. (flat pea)
Global Biotic Interactions
Chrysanthemum indicum L. (Indian Chrysanthemum)
Global Biotic Interactions
Stachys palustris L. (Hedge-nettle)
Global Biotic Interactions
Alchemilla vulgaris L.
Global Biotic Interactions
Amorpha fruticosa L. (desert false indigo)
Global Biotic Interactions
Centaurea solstitialis L. (yellow star-thistle)
Global Biotic Interactions
Calophyllum inophyllum L. (Alexandrian Laurel)
Global Biotic Interactions
Helianthus annuus L. (common sunflower)
Global Biotic Interactions
Bidens frondosa L. (devil's beggartick)
Global Biotic Interactions
Lagenaria siceraria (Molina) Standl. (bottle gourd)
Global Biotic Interactions
Leucanthemum vulgare Lam. (Oxeye Daisy)
Global Biotic Interactions
Galium mollugo L. (White bedstraw)
Global Biotic Interactions
Ipomoea hederacea (L.) Jacquin (Ivyleaf morning-glory)
Global Biotic Interactions
Fraxinus excelsior L. (European ash)
Global Biotic Interactions
Clematis vitalba L. (Traveller's-joy)
Global Biotic Interactions
Pinus kesiya Royle ex Gordon (Benguet Pine)
Global Biotic Interactions
Oenothera biennis L. (common evening primrose)
Global Biotic Interactions
Brassica oleracea L. (Wild Mustard)
Global Biotic Interactions
Helenium amarum (Rafin.) H. Rock (Yellowdicks)
Global Biotic Interactions
Neslia paniculata (L.) Desv. (ball mustard)
Global Biotic Interactions
Artemisia campestris L. (field sagewort)
Global Biotic Interactions
Rosa multiflora Thunb. (Baby Rose)
Global Biotic Interactions
Global Biotic Interactions
Picea mariana (Mill.) Britton (Black Spruce)
Global Biotic Interactions
Dysoxylum gaudichaudianum (Juss.) Miq.
Global Biotic Interactions
Dioscorea villosa L. (wild yam)
Global Biotic Interactions
Stachytarpheta dichotoma
Global Biotic Interactions
Murraya paniculata (L.) Jacq. (orange jasmine)
Global Biotic Interactions
Dittrichia viscosa (L.) W. Greuter (Strong-smelling Inula)
Global Biotic Interactions
Glycine max (L.) Merr. (soybean)
Global Biotic Interactions
Pastinaca sativa L. (wild parsnip)
Global Biotic Interactions
Cynoglossum officinale L. (gypsyflower)
Global Biotic Interactions
Rosa multiflora Thunb. (Baby Rose)
Global Biotic Interactions
Cerastium cerastoides (L.) Britton (mountain chickweed)
Global Biotic Interactions
Helianthus annuus L. (common sunflower)
Global Biotic Interactions
Galium uliginosum L. (Fen Bedstraw)
Global Biotic Interactions
Pinus tabuliformis Carrière (Chinese Red Pine)
Global Biotic Interactions
Rosa multiflora Thunb. (Baby Rose)
Global Biotic Interactions
Ricinus communis L. (Castor oil plant)
Global Biotic Interactions
Rumex crispus L. (Curled Dock)
Global Biotic Interactions
Rosa multiflora Thunb. (Baby Rose)
Global Biotic Interactions
Solidago canadensis L. (Canada goldenrod)
Global Biotic Interactions
Helianthus annuus L. (common sunflower)
Global Biotic Interactions
Pseudophoenix sargentii H. Wendl. ex Sarg. (Florida cherry palm)
Global Biotic Interactions
Tagetes erecta L. (French marigold)
Global Biotic Interactions
Glycine max (L.) Merr. (soybean)
Global Biotic Interactions
Urtica dioica L. (Common Nettle)
Global Biotic Interactions
Dipsacus fullonum
Global Biotic Interactions
Rheum rhaponticum L.
Global Biotic Interactions
Aquilegia vulgaris L. (Common columbine)
Global Biotic Interactions
Cerastium arvense L. (field chickweed)
Global Biotic Interactions
Polemonium boreale Adams (northern Jacob's-ladder)
Global Biotic Interactions
Rosa multiflora Thunb. (Baby Rose)
Global Biotic Interactions
Crotalaria juncea L. (sunn hemp)
Global Biotic Interactions
Hyoscyamus albus L. (white henbane)
Global Biotic Interactions
Ipomoea hederacea (L.) Jacquin (Ivyleaf morning-glory)
Global Biotic Interactions
Larrea tridentata (Sesse & Moc. ex DC.) Coult. (creosote bush)
Global Biotic Interactions
Cosmos sulphureus Cav. (sulphur cosmos)
Global Biotic Interactions
Solanum lycopersicum L. (tomato)
Global Biotic Interactions
Ocimum tenuiflorum L. (holy basil)
Global Biotic Interactions
Crossandra infundibuliformis (L.) Nees
Global Biotic Interactions
Arceuthobium americanum Nutt. ex A. Gray (American dwarf mistletoe)
Global Biotic Interactions
Glycine max (L.) Merr. (soybean)
Global Biotic Interactions
Sambucus nigra subsp. cerulea (Raf.) R. Bolli
Global Biotic Interactions
Ambrosia acanthicarpa Hook. (flatspine bur ragweed)
Global Biotic Interactions
Solanum lycopersicum L. (tomato)
Global Biotic Interactions
Pastinaca sativa L. (wild parsnip)
Global Biotic Interactions
Pinus sylvestris L. (Scotch Pine)
Global Biotic Interactions
Phaseolus lunatus L. (sieva bean)
Global Biotic Interactions
Trifolium aureum Pollich (golden clover)
Global Biotic Interactions
Pastinaca sativa L. (wild parsnip)
Global Biotic Interactions
Alcea rosea L. (hollyhock)
Global Biotic Interactions
Rosa multiflora Thunb. (Baby Rose)
Global Biotic Interactions
Rosa multiflora Thunb. (Baby Rose)
Global Biotic Interactions
Coptis trifolia (L.) Salisb. (threeleaf goldthread)
Global Biotic Interactions
Lepidium graminifolium L. (grassleaf pepperweed)
Global Biotic Interactions
Malus sylvestris Mill. (Crab Apple)
Global Biotic Interactions
Cupressus arizonica Greene (Arizona Cypress)
Global Biotic Interactions
Aquilegia vulgaris L. (Common columbine)
Global Biotic Interactions
Pastinaca sativa L. (wild parsnip)
Global Biotic Interactions
Cerastium glomeratum Thuill. (sticky chickweed)
Global Biotic Interactions
Pisum sativum L. (garden pea)
Global Biotic Interactions
Melilotus albus Medik. (White Melilot)
Global Biotic Interactions
Abies alba Mill. (Silver Fir)
Global Biotic Interactions
Rosa multiflora Thunb. (Baby Rose)
Global Biotic Interactions
Clematis vitalba L. (Traveller's-joy)
Global Biotic Interactions
Setaria helvola (L. fil.) Roem. & Schult. (Yellow Bristle Grass)
Global Biotic Interactions
Pinus sylvestris L. (Scotch Pine)
Global Biotic Interactions
Capsicum annuum L. (cayenne pepper)
Global Biotic Interactions
Arceuthobium americanum Nutt. ex A. Gray (American dwarf mistletoe)
Global Biotic Interactions
Elymus elymoides subsp. elymoides (squirreltail)
Global Biotic Interactions
Zea mays L. (corn,)
Global Biotic Interactions
Acanthus mollis L. (Bear's Breeches)
Global Biotic Interactions
Ipomoea carnea Jacq. (gloria de la manana)
Global Biotic Interactions
Lygeum spartum Loefl. ex L. (lygeum)
Global Biotic Interactions
Eupatorium purpureum
Global Biotic Interactions
Trifolium aureum Pollich (golden clover)
Global Biotic Interactions
Conium maculatum L. (hemlock)
Global Biotic Interactions
Agrimonia striata Michx. (roadside agrimony)
Global Biotic Interactions
Lagenaria siceraria (Molina) Standl. (bottle gourd)
Global Biotic Interactions
Tanacetum cinerariifolium (Trev.) Sch. Bip. (Dalmatia Pyrethrum)
Global Biotic Interactions
Pastinaca sativa L. (wild parsnip)
Global Biotic Interactions
Castilleja arachnoidea Greenm. (cobwebby Indian paintbrush)
Global Biotic Interactions
Cochlearia officinalis L. (Common Scurvygrass)
Global Biotic Interactions
Achillea millefolium L. (yarrow, milfoil)
Global Biotic Interactions
Convolvulus fruticosus Pall.
Global Biotic Interactions
Eclipta prostrata (L.) L. (false daisy)
Global Biotic Interactions
Melilotus albus Medik. (White Melilot)
Global Biotic Interactions
Rosa multiflora Thunb. (Baby Rose)
Global Biotic Interactions
Medicago sativa L. (Lucerne)
Global Biotic Interactions
Stachytarpheta jamaicensis (L.) Vahl (light-blue snakeweed)
Global Biotic Interactions
Pastinaca sativa L. (wild parsnip)
Global Biotic Interactions
Taxus globosa Schltdl. (Mesoamerican Yew)
Global Biotic Interactions
Pastinaca sativa L. (wild parsnip)
Global Biotic Interactions
Pastinaca sativa L. (wild parsnip)
Global Biotic Interactions
Nicotiana glauca R. C. Graham (tree tobacco)
Global Biotic Interactions
Malus pumila Mill. (paradise apple)
Global Biotic Interactions
Marrubium vulgare L. (horehound)
Global Biotic Interactions
Pedicularis canadensis subsp. fluviatilis (Heller) W. A. Weber (Marsh Lousewort)
Global Biotic Interactions
Oryza sativa L. (rice)
Global Biotic Interactions
Rosa multiflora Thunb. (Baby Rose)
Global Biotic Interactions
Avena sativa L. (Common Oat)
Global Biotic Interactions
Fraxinus excelsior L. (European ash)
Global Biotic Interactions
Mercurialis annua L. (annual mercury)
Global Biotic Interactions
Pseudotsuga menziesii (Mirb.) Franco (Douglas Fir)
Global Biotic Interactions
Lathyrus sylvestris L. (flat pea)
Global Biotic Interactions
Castilleja arachnoidea Greenm. (cobwebby Indian paintbrush)
Global Biotic Interactions
Pastinaca sativa L. (wild parsnip)
Global Biotic Interactions
Melilotus officinalis (L.) Pall. (Common Melilot)
Global Biotic Interactions
Cajanus cajan (L.) Millsp. (pigeonpea)
Global Biotic Interactions
Phalaris arundinacea L. (reed canarygrass)
Global Biotic Interactions
Cannabis sativa L. (marijuana)
Global Biotic Interactions
Bat coronavirus
Global Biotic Interactions
Artemisia campestris L. (field sagewort)
Global Biotic Interactions
Buxus balearica Lam. (Balearic boxwood)
Global Biotic Interactions
Manihot esculenta Crantz (cassava)
Global Biotic Interactions
Phaseolus vulgaris L. (kidney bean)
Global Biotic Interactions
Lygodesmia juncea (Pursh) D. Don ex Hook. (rush skeletonplant)
Global Biotic Interactions
Humulus lupulus L. (common hop)
Global Biotic Interactions
Cichorium intybus L. (chicory)
Global Biotic Interactions
Phytolacca icosandra L. (tropical pokeweed)
Global Biotic Interactions
Luehea divaricata Mart.
Global Biotic Interactions
Symphyotrichum novae-angliae (L.) G. L. Nesom (Michaelmas daisy)
Global Biotic Interactions
Ipomoea coccinea
Global Biotic Interactions
Halocnemum strobilaceum (Pall.) M. Bieb.
Global Biotic Interactions
Melilotus albus Medik. (White Melilot)
Global Biotic Interactions
Pisum sativum L. (garden pea)
Global Biotic Interactions
Zea mays L. (corn,)
Global Biotic Interactions
Juncus parryi Engelm. (Parry's rush)
Global Biotic Interactions
Trifolium incarnatum L. (crimson clover)
Global Biotic Interactions
Mentha piperita L. ()
Global Biotic Interactions
Rumex crispus L. (Curled Dock)
Global Biotic Interactions
Cerastium glomeratum Thuill. (sticky chickweed)
Global Biotic Interactions
Dioscorea villosa L. (wild yam)
Global Biotic Interactions
Stachytarpheta dichotoma
Global Biotic Interactions
Dactylis glomerata L. (Cock's-foot)
Global Biotic Interactions
Oenothera biennis L. (common evening primrose)
Global Biotic Interactions
Elymus elymoides subsp. elymoides (squirreltail)
Global Biotic Interactions
Lotus corniculatus L. (Common Bird's-foot-trefoil)
Global Biotic Interactions
Stachytarpheta dichotoma
Global Biotic Interactions
Castilleja arachnoidea Greenm. (cobwebby Indian paintbrush)
Global Biotic Interactions
Betonica officinalis L. (common hedgenettle)
Global Biotic Interactions
Medicago sativa L. (Lucerne)
Global Biotic Interactions
Scrophularia nodosa L. (common figwort)
Global Biotic Interactions
Salvia miltiorrhiza Bunge (red sage)
Global Biotic Interactions
Elaeis guineensis Jacq. (African oil palm)
Global Biotic Interactions
Secale cereale L. (Rye)
Global Biotic Interactions
Lilium canadense L. (Canada lily)
Global Biotic Interactions
Sinapis alba L. (white mustard)
Global Biotic Interactions
Agrimonia pubescens Wallr. (soft agrimony)
Global Biotic Interactions
Senna occidentalis (L.) Link (septicweed)
Global Biotic Interactions
Oxybasis glauca (L.) S. Fuentes, Uotila & Borsch (Oak-Leaf Goosefoot)
Global Biotic Interactions
Solanum tuberosum L. (Russian Potato)
Global Biotic Interactions
Cerastium alpinum L. (alpine chickweed)
Global Biotic Interactions
Phytolacca icosandra L. (tropical pokeweed)
Global Biotic Interactions
Castilleja arachnoidea Greenm. (cobwebby Indian paintbrush)
Global Biotic Interactions
Eremogone fendleri (A. Gray) S. Ikonnikov (Fendler's sandwort)
Global Biotic Interactions
Lagenaria siceraria (Molina) Standl. (bottle gourd)
Global Biotic Interactions
Juncus parryi Engelm. (Parry's rush)
Global Biotic Interactions
Senecio spartioides Torr. & A. Gray (broom-like ragwort)
Global Biotic Interactions
Lepidium graminifolium L. (grassleaf pepperweed)
Global Biotic Interactions
Rumex acetosella L. (Sheep's Sorrel)
Global Biotic Interactions
Polytrichum juniperinum Hedwig 1801 (juniper polytrichum moss)
Global Biotic Interactions
Artemisia maritima L. (sea wormwood)
Global Biotic Interactions
Echinacea purpurea (L.) Moench (eastern purple coneflower)
Global Biotic Interactions
Medicago sativa L. (Lucerne)
Global Biotic Interactions
Artemisia parviflora Buch.-Ham. ex Roxb.
Global Biotic Interactions
Jatropha curcas L. (Barbados nut)
Global Biotic Interactions
Pinus halepensis Mill. (Aleppo Pine)
Global Biotic Interactions
Clematis vitalba L. (Traveller's-joy)
Global Biotic Interactions
Oenothera biennis L. (common evening primrose)
Global Biotic Interactions
Helianthus annuus L. (common sunflower)
Global Biotic Interactions
Holcus lanatus L. (Yorkshire-fog)
Global Biotic Interactions
Pisum sativum subsp. sativum (Field pea)
Global Biotic Interactions
Senecio spartioides Torr. & A. Gray (broom-like ragwort)
Global Biotic Interactions
Dianthus armeria L. (Deptford Pink)
Global Biotic Interactions
Galium aparine L. (Goosegrass)
Global Biotic Interactions
Iliamna rivularis (Dougl. ex Hook.) Greene (streambank wild hollyhock)
Global Biotic Interactions
Juncus parryi Engelm. (Parry's rush)
Global Biotic Interactions
Zea mays L. (corn,)
Global Biotic Interactions
Salvia miltiorrhiza Bunge (red sage)
Global Biotic Interactions
Carica papaya L. (papaya)
Global Biotic Interactions
Triticum aestivum L. (common wh)
Global Biotic Interactions
Daucus carota L. (Queen Anne's lace)
Global Biotic Interactions
Valeriana officinalis L. (all heal)
Global Biotic Interactions
Cupressus sempervirens L. (Italian Cypress)
Global Biotic Interactions
Onobrychis viciifolia Scop. (Esparcet)
Global Biotic Interactions
Pastinaca sativa L. (wild parsnip)
Global Biotic Interactions
Linum usitatissimum L. (common flax)
Global Biotic Interactions
Actinidia chinensis Planch. (kiwi)
Global Biotic Interactions
Taraxacum tenejapense A. J. Richards
Global Biotic Interactions
Salvia nemorosa L. (Woodland sage)
Global Biotic Interactions
Pinus sylvestris L. (Scotch Pine)
Global Biotic Interactions
Lablab purpureus (L.) Sweet (Hyacinth bean)
Global Biotic Interactions
Tephroseris palustris (L.) Fourr. (Clustered Marsh Squaw-Weed)
Global Biotic Interactions
Piper hispidum Sw. (Jamaican pepper)
Global Biotic Interactions
Eragrostis unioloides (Retz.) Nees ex Steud. (Chinese Love Grass)
Global Biotic Interactions
Lotus creticus L. (creta trefoil)
Global Biotic Interactions
Melilotus officinalis (L.) Pall. (Common Melilot)
Global Biotic Interactions
Linum usitatissimum L. (common flax)
Global Biotic Interactions
Pinus sylvestris L. (Scotch Pine)
Global Biotic Interactions
Achillea millefolium L. (yarrow, milfoil)
Global Biotic Interactions
Trifolium pratense L. (Red Clover)
Global Biotic Interactions
Galium boreale L. (Northern bedstraw)
Global Biotic Interactions
Medicago sativa L. (Lucerne)
Global Biotic Interactions
Solanum dulcamara L. (bittersweet, woody nightshade)
Global Biotic Interactions
Sisymbrium officinale (L.) Scop. (English watercress)
Global Biotic Interactions
Dianthus caryophyllus L. (carnation)
Global Biotic Interactions
Dianthus caryophyllus L. (carnation)
Global Biotic Interactions
Medicago sativa L. (Lucerne)
Global Biotic Interactions
Grindelia squarrosa (Pursh) Dunal (Curly-cup gumweed)
Global Biotic Interactions
Galium aparine L. (Goosegrass)
Global Biotic Interactions
Trifolium repens L. (white clover)
Global Biotic Interactions
Anethum graveolens L. (dill)
Global Biotic Interactions
Trifolium hybridum L. (alsike clover)
Global Biotic Interactions
Galium aparine L. (Goosegrass)
Global Biotic Interactions
Medicago sativa L. (Lucerne)